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His face fell to the other side. Jimin kicked him in his balls, punching him ruthlessly. You placed your gun on his temple. “Whose sent you here?” He laughed. “All I said was I’ve come here for my wife, and you're acting like this? I don’t need your permission to take my wife.” His words enraged Jimin, beating him up mercilessly. He groaned out of pain lying on the wooden floor.

“These papers are proof of our marriage.” With his bloody fingers he flaunted them to Jimin. Jimin couldn’t believe what he was reading. “This is fake, I don’t remember signing on any such papers. I’m already married to Jimin.” He held his collar, lifting him up. “You’re divorced from him. Look through those documents correctly.” Jimin felt his heart stop. There were divorce papers with your signatures in it.

“If you don’t send her with me. I’ll have to call the police and report that ‘P’ is secretly hiding here with fake identities.” By now you knew this man was dangerous. Jimin’s hands were shivering. Holding onto you tightly. He was about to tear off those divorce papers.

“Nuh uh uh! That’s not a wise move Jimin. I have many more copies of those documents. This is a photocopy of the original one. Lessen your worries and send my wife with me.” Jimin snatched the gun from you, twisting the revolver. The former whistled. A group of men surrounded you both with machine guns in their hands.

“You think I won’t be prepared? Sad to break your fantasy.” Wiping his bloody mouth with a handkerchief, he seized your arm, pulling you away from Jimin. He stood there helpless. Watching his wife get taken away in front of his eyes.

“Don’t try contacting her. Or I have a better alternative for you. Move in with us and watch us be a happy couple.” Jimin was numb. His legs were shaking. “Jimin do something.” You yelled out for him pleadingly. Thrashing in those men’s hold. Their guns were targeting him. “I’m your husband, you aren’t allowed to speak with strangers.” Gripping your jaw roughly, he licked his lips. “My wife is so pretty.” Jimin’s orbs broadened. Lunging at him ferociously. “She’s my wife, my Y/N.”

Those men held him in their clutches stopping from doing any further ruckus. Bashing him mindlessly. “Goodbye Y/N'S ex husband.”

You were shoved into a car. “I’m Mike sweetie.” He tried touching your thighs, you twist his arm. “Don’t touch me.” Mike scoffed, freeing himself. “You’ll learn to obey me in a few days.” From his tone he sounded intimidating. He was a man in his mid 40’s.

“I want my bloodline to continue and nurture my own children, you'll bear them.” Thwacking him in his nose you bump his head to the car’s window. He yelped out in agony. Blood painted on the glass. Mike pushed you down on the seat, choking you. “Stupid bitch wait until we reach home.”


Entering his house, he marched through a creepy hallway. Opening a dark room. Shoving you inside it. Bolting the door, soon after. “Rot in there until you learn some manners.” Resting your head on the wall, you were chortling at yourself. How did your life take a 360 degree turn in an hour? “I know he’s fine, he has to be for me.”


Jimin woke up with cuts on his face and a contused spine. He grunts, sitting up straight. Stumbling on his steps running out of the house. “Y/N WHERE ARE YOU? I’M HERE! GIVE ME BACK MY WIFE!” His eyes stung with tears. “I lost you yet once again. Why won’t this world permit us to live peacefully?” Peace is never attained easily. His marital life was the same. “If I have to murder the entire city to find you so be it. I’ll save you from him. Wait for me Y/N.”

Walking inside his house, the silence haunted him. He had felt this reticence when you were arrested. Today you divorced him. Never did you think to separate from each other. Not even in his ugliest of dreams. Years of love and sufferings came to an end by a divorce he wasn’t even aware of? When did this actually happen?


Alcohol had corrupted your system to an extent you couldn’t differentiate between right or wrong. “Jimin, I wanna drink this.” Poking at his empty glass of soju you demanded. “Waiter a bottle of soju for my wifey.” He stood on the top of the chair, yelling to the bartender who was right in front of him. The man shook his head, giving him the bottle. “Here’s your drink.” Opening the cap he poured it in his glass. Some got wasted away. Due to his carelessness.

“Thank you” pecking his cheeks you gulped it down. He was cheering wildly. Drinking the remaining liquor from the bottle. “Are you Park Y/N?” He poked your shoulder. Oii, don’t touch me. My husband would shoot you.” Mike grit his teeth. “I’m sorry madam. I’m your landlord. These documents require your signature on them.”

Jimin was fiddling with your fingers. “Hurry up and give us those papers you old man. I’ll sign it. Get lost and don’t you dare speak to my wife.” Mike handed him those papers.

Jimin giggled while scribbling on it. “And you should sign here.” Holding your wrist he assisted you in signing. “Thank you Mr Park.” Satisfied with his deed he sneakily leaves the bar. Tipping the bartender to shut his mouth. “They are finally divorced. ‘P’ was strong together as a couple. Now there’s no ‘P’ you’ll act as I desire Y/N. My brother’s soul shall attest  justice.”

Mike was the younger brother of the old man you had shot in the club. He had gone insane after receiving the news of his brother’s death. He searched on what ‘P’ meant? Successfully tracing your location. After all, he had illegal sources with him. Which led him to smoothly accomplish the first step of his plan.


Jimin wore his hoodie covering his face, his scars hadn’t healed. Instead deepened, adding up to the torment his heart was enduring. He couldn’t contact Yoongi or anyone else. Mike must have bugged his house. He wasn't a fool to not catch onto his tricks. Jimin scanned the bar, searching for the bartender from the last time he had visited.

“Where’s the bearded guy who serves drinks?” He enquired with a waiter. Passing next to him. “Are you perhaps searching for Roussel? He’s a bartender.Jimin bobbed his head. “Yes it’s him haha.”

“Roussel is in the kitchen, he’ll be here in a few minutes. You could sit there.” Jimin sits on the stool. “This was the same chair I had sat in when I came here with you last night.” Roussel was laughing with a female employee standing in the bar. He hadn’t noticed Jimin’s presence. “Roussel, what happened that day?” Lifting his head up, he sharply interrogates him. He was scared to see Jimin’s features. All those fresh bruises left him petrified.

“Who are you? I don’t know what you're talking about.” He quietly tried slipping out. Jimin jumped inside the bar. “That man has my wife. Either you speak up the truth or be prepared to die.” Exposing his rifle hidden in his hoodie he threatened him. “Don’t kill me, I'll reveal everything.” Jimin didn’t grant him space. He had a hunch Roussel might escape.

“An old man had made you sign papers claiming to be your landlord. He was smirking all along while doing that. Later he tipped me heavily and warned me to keep my mouth shut.” Jimin showed him a sketch, which he had managed to get drawn by a local artist. “Was it him?” Roussel immediately shakes his head. “Yes it’s him. Forgive me, I didn’t know he was planning to abduct your wife.”

Jimin scowled at him. “If you would have informed this to us. She would have been safe with me. Don’t try shifting cities or eluding from here. I have my eyes fixated on you.” He pressed the gun on his stomach. “You’ll do as I say. If you don’t want your lifespan to decrease.” Roussel was trembling. “Ok.”

Jimin innocently grinned at him. “It was nice conversing with you bro.” He exits the bar. “You played dirty Mike, Watch me play bloody now.”

Psycho Couple✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin