Sleeping With The Enemy

By shxywatt

47.8K 764 207

Daughter of the most powerful mafia boss in the entire world . Amaya is known as 'Daddy's Killer ' . From the... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2 - Meeting
Chapter 3 - Goodbye Eren
Chapter 4 - First day of school
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Halloween party
Chapter 14 - That's not a friend
Chapter 15
Chapter 16 - I'm going back
Chapter 17 - Room 01
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 - My friend
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 - Bandage
Chapter 30 - The Orphanage
Chapter 31 - Jefriá
Chapter 32 - Mariá
Chapter 33 - J.A
Chapter 34 - Lies
Chapter 35 - Lo siento Má .
Chapter 36 - Gío ?
Chapter 37 - What are you hiding ?
Chapter 38 - Bad Llyn
Chapter 39 - You slept with the Enemy
*End * Chapter 40 - Mantenerte Fuerte
B O O K T W O ?

Chapter 21

1.1K 16 11
By shxywatt

~  ♡  ~

I suddenly woke up with sweat coming down my face .
The pallet ... that's where I got it from the Italian's when we used to be allies .
I was only 3 but why am I remembering this dream all of a sudden ...
And my mum apologising for no reason when I cried about my old friend that was strange . She said they might've had a reason as if she was defending them .
This whole thing was actually stressing me out so I decided not to to school just yet , and since I was still healing from the stab I really didn't want to go back .
There was an apartment not to far from school so I brought a room and stayed there for the night .

I woke up around 12:30pm when I saw my phone ringing .
Facetime request from ' Evelyn ❤  '

"Hey Ev " I said putting the phone on speaker while I made my breakfast .

"Hi babess how are you " She said waving .

"I'm okay i guess "

"So what are you doing? Are you going to come back to school ? "

"Just making breakfast . Umm not sure just yet probably tommorow or later on , I'll let you know "

"Alright -
"Hi Amaya " Matteo said snatching the phone off Evelyn .

"Hi Matteo , now give the phone back to your girlfriend " I laughed .

"Thank you " Evelyn said snatching the phone back .
"Anyways , school's boring over here , I'm thinking of skipping - I could give you some company "

"Umm sure if Luca and Matteo are okay with it "

"What are they my mom " She laughed before she took a moment of what she said and stayed quiet .
"Anyways, yeah I'll probably have to ask them , but I'm coming , see you in abit bestie "

"Can't wait byee " I said cutting the call .

I made my some some eggs and went to go take a shower .
I put on a grey top and black leggings since today I was just going to stay inside .

Evelyn : What's the address ?
Me : Apartment D , door 15 .
Evelyn : Okayy

I started watching tv , and after like 10 minutes the door bell rang .

"Heyyy" Evelyn said hugging me .

"Hii" I said before slightly wincing in pain because she pressed so hard making my bruises hurt more .

"Oh sorry ... you okay ? " She asked letting go .

"Yeah just - yeah I'm okay " I smiled .

"Alright well , to get your mood up let's go somewhere "

"Ugh do we really have to go out right now " I moaned throwing myself at the couch .

"Yesss let's go shopping girl you need it " She said pulling my arm .

"Fine , but I'm only doing it for you " I said pointing my finger .

"Yeah yeah , get something cute on " She said sitting down on the sofa .
"Nice apartment by the way "

"Thanks "

I wore a plaid skirt and a v - neck black top . I matched the outfit with my iconic knee high black boots and I also wore small gold hoops and accessories . Finishing off the look I wore a black handbag with gold designs .
I left my curls wet and defined for that natural 'clean' look .

"Wow I really love your outfit , and your hair . Your like a fashion pro you need to teach me one day " Evelyn said standing up mesmerising my outfit .

"Thanks I like your outfit aswell "

Evelyn was wearing a cropped red hoodie and a satin bodycon skirt . She paired the outfit with heels and a purse and hosnetly our styles are so similar we both looked hot .

Evelyn :

"Thankss let's go " She said putting her purse on and we both headed out .


"Where do you want to go first ? " I asked Evelyn as we both circled around the mall .

"Um let's go to forever 21 , I want to find a new skirt " She said .

"Sure "

We started walking around , I picked up a few random things like a hair claw , a necklace and I chose some sweatshirt .

"Ohmygooddd" Evelyn said running to the baby section .

"Why are we here ? Are you pregnant or something " I laughed .

"No , but I just love looking at baby stuff , all the little cute things are super cute " She said holding up a little onesie and giving it to me .

"Awwh yeah I can't lie they are cute " I said looking at the tiny piece of clothing.

"I know right ... ugh now I really want a baby "

"Ask Matteo " I laughed .

"Shut up " She laughed throwing a baby shoe at me .
"Let's go somewhere to eat , I'm hungry"

"Sure "

We chose a small cafe and we both got ourselves sausage rolls and smoothies .

"Do you ever think you would get a baby Amaya " Evelyn asked biting into her sausage roll .

"Um not really , I haven't really thought of it like that "

"Oh , cause you know ... Luca and you would make cute babies " She laughed .

"Oh shush . Me and Luca are just friends and I doubt anything like that will happen . EVER "

"But you do like him don't you ? "

Ofcourse I do who wouldn't??


"Oh alright "

"Are you thinking of having kids ? "

"Yeah definitely , just the idea of raising a mini you and a mini you running around the house would be so adorable . I just love the idea of becoming a mother "

"You would be a great mom "

"Yeah and you would be a great aunt "

"When do you want to get a kid ? "

"Well not right now obviously ,I'm only 20 and your 19 right ? "

"Yeah I'm 19 "

"Yeah so it's abit to early for me . I'm still in school and everything so nah not right now . "

"Would you want Matteo as the father of your kids ? "

"DUH ! Ofcourse , we've talked about it before and honestly he gets so happy when I bring up the topic but were not doing anything yet so don't worry "

"Ahh okay "I laughed slurping my smoothie .

"Heyy" Some random man greeted us , pulling a chair and came to sit at our tables .

"Um can we help you ? " Evelyn said , clearly annoyed as this man interrupted our conversation .

"I'm Jacoub nice to meet you beautiful ladies "

"What do you want ? " I asked .

"Well um - is it okay if I could get your number ? " He asked .

"Who ? " Evelyn said .

"The both of you ,I don't mind "

"Well I'm already taken , but ... Amaya isn't and your not crushing on anyone right now "

"Oh um - "I said .

"Can I get your number ... please "

I looked at Evelyn for help but she just shrugged and nodded .
If I rejected this guy Evelyn would ask why and probably find out I like her brother and she would get mad or something I don't know . And if the rumours spread round and Luca finds out he's going to think I'm a complete weirdo and I'm going to have to move planets .

"Sure okay " I said pulling out my phone and typing in my number into his phone .

"Great! How about I call you tommorow and we go out tommorow . You know a date "He said smiling and stood up .

"Uh sure " I said giving a tight smile .

"Alright bye "He said walking off .

"Omg you just got your first date " Evelyn squealed .

"Yeah "I muttered .

"I really thought you liked Luca but nevermind here you are accepting some guys date "

"Yeah "

"We're going back to school ? " I asked starting the car .

"Yeah , I didn't bring clothes to sleep over soo ... or I can wear yours "

"No it's fine we'll go back to school "


"Today was fun " I said unlocking my dorm room .

"Yeah , I might stay with you for a little while more and then go to Matteo " She said as we both walked into the room .

"What happened " I slowly said as I looked on the other side of the room . It was all empty . Maria moved out of our dorm ? Was she that mad of me or something .

"Didn't your friend Maria stay here ? " Evelyn asked .

"Yeah , I don't know why she moved out, she was mad at me the other week but I never knew she was this mad . "

"Oh ... it could be to do with now I see her and Maddison are great friends "

"WHAT ? "

"Yeah , i see them . Maddison , Ana and Mariá all hanging out at lunch and there always laughing together . Every now and then Marià is always sending me dirty looks and I noticed it was always when I was alone . When I'm with Matteo she doesn't do anything or she'll give that fake sweet smile "

"Wow alot has happened in 2 weeks "

"Yeah , I think she's jealous that me and Matteo are now dating ,I'm not sure though "

"Wow , okay thanks Evelyn "

"Yeah I'm sorry about your friend . Goodnight " She waved opening the door .

"Night " I responded and then she closed the door behind her .

Why was Mariá hanging out with Maddison . She was the one to hate her the most and all of a sudden there bestfriends just because me and Evelyn became friends . This whole thing is so messy .

The next day ,

It was around dinner time and I HAD to get ready for this 'date' .
I really didn't want to go but I don't want to end up falling in love with Luca . I mean he was my friend . My tutor . Also , I just - he doesn't like me like that so I don't want to make it awkward for myself .
I just needed to distract myself and this Jacoub guy doesn't even seem that bad . He's sweet , he sends good morning and goodnight texts and he compliments me ALOT .

I decided to bring myself out more with my outfit since this was indeed my first date . I was wear a black crop top and a black skirt which really complimented my body . I was wearing the new heels I got yesterday and I straightened my hair and did a cute pony with a side part in front .

Her hair ♡♡♡ :

Since Jacoub hadn't arrived yet I decided to meet Evelyn downstairs in the canteen and she was with Luca and Matteo .

"OMG AMAYA YOU LOOK AMAZING " Evelyn said clapping .

I blushed and laughed .
"Thanks Ev " I said sitting next to her .

For a split second Luca looked up from his phone and we made eye contact for a few seconds and I got nervous and I immediately looked away but I could still feel him looking at me .

"Where are you going ? " Matteo asked .

"She's going on her first dateeee " Evelyn squealed .

"OHMG WITH LUCA ?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME MAN " Matteo screamed shaking Luca .

"What no , not with Luca " Evelyn said

"Who ? " Luca said looking at me .

"Oh um - some guy I met at the mall yesterday , he asked me out " I answered .

"Where are you guys going? " Evelyn asked .

"Well he planned to go to some restaurant for dinner and then a dessert place and we get to know eachother more "

"I could do so much better " Luca said rolling his eyes .
"Not like I would take out you , just in general "

"Oh okay , well he's texted me , he's outside " I said standing up .

"Alright have fun " Evelyn and Matteo said and walked off together .

"Want me to drop you off ? " Luca said standing up .

"Sure "

We both were walking through the corridor when I saw Mariá walking past talking on the phone .
She looked so different . Her hair was back to brown and now she was wearing a pastel pink shirt and skirt .
I was about to say hi before she frowned , sent some nasty look and walked off .

"What was that about ? " Luca asked .

"Don't know , I think she took this thing the wrong way " I said gestering my finger between us to .

The rest of the walk was silent and we finnaly reached outside and I saw Jacoub standing outside leaning against his car .

"Amayaaa , you came , I was thinking you bailed "
"Wait why are you with ... Luca " He asked .

"Uh he just dropped me off here " I said .

"Ok , let's go now " he said getting in the car .

Luca stood beside me and he whispered into my ear .
"You be careful yeah . I don't trust him " He said before standing up to his full height and looked down on me .

Woah . I don't know what I was feeling but I felt weird . My stomach felt all bubbly and my legs felt like jelly . I could feel my heart racing and my face turn hot red .

"Oh - uh ... o-okay " I quickly nodded .

He studied me for abit and nodded and then eventually he walked off .
When he went , I let out a heavy breath I never knew I was holding and I got into the car beside Jacoub .

"What took you so long ? " He said starting the car .

"He just said bye " I said putting on my seatbelt .

"Yeah well, I'm your boyfriend you shouldn't be talking to anyone else . Especially Luca "

"Oh alright " I nodded and he started driving .


I didn't have the most wonderful time . At the restaurant he made me pay for everything since he 'forgot his wallet ' . He ordered MY food for me and he practically controlled me the whole time like I was his little pet .

"Well that was fun "Jacoub said while driving .

"Yeah" I muttered looking out of the window . I just wanted to get home and away from this man .

"I don't really want to go back . Maybe let's head to my place "He said .

"Uh I'm not sure Evelyn exp- "

"It'll be fine , it's not like she's your mum or something " He laughed. 

"Yeah " I muttered again .

This man was seriously starting to get on my nerves now ...


"Nice house " I said walking into his apartment .

"Yeah thanks . Do you want water or something ? "

"No , I'm good "

"Okay ... are you tired ? You look tired ? Do you want to sleep "

"Uhm yeah , I am tired " I lied

"Alright , you can go shower , I'll get you something to wear " He said walking to his room and he showed me the bathroom .

I was taking a shower when I saw the door knob rattle violently .

"Jacoub ? Is that you " I said getting out of the shower .

I put on my towel just in time just when I heard the lock click and Jacoub walked inside .

"Oh i never knew you were in here "

"Yeah you did . Didn't you hear the water running . You could've just knocked , and what if I wasn't changed in time "

"It doesn't matter we're dating now " He said .

"No , you took me out . That doesn't mean we're dating " I said crossing my arms .

"So you don't like me ? "

"No - it's not like that it's just were not serious yet Jacoub we just met "

"Oh alright, well I've got your clothes ready "

"Didn't you need to go to the bathroom "

"No . Why  ? " He said walking out .

I frowned . He was trying to open the door while I was showering? Like if he was desperate for the bathroom he could've knocked that's just disrespectful . And plus he didn't even apologise . 'Because were dating' who does he think he is . It's giving 'Eren' .

"What's this ? " I asked walking out of the bathroom looking at the peice of 'clothing' he gave me .

"Your clothes " He answered smiling. 

It was a hot red bikini top and bottom . This would barely cover me , and would keep me cold and shivering all night .
I took the top and bottom , went back into the bathroom and tried it on .
I looked in the mirror and these 'clothes' barely covered me . Everything was literally out . I was definitely not wearing this .

Just when I was about to change back into my old clothes the door clicked open .

"Wow " He said looking at me almost about to drool .

"Um Jacoub I'm not wearing this " I frowned feeling uncomfortable so I crossed my arms to cover my chest .

"Why you look great "

"Ok but it's so revealing and like I said we've only just met . And plus this thing will keep me shivering all night "

"Well if you get cold we can snuggle up close "


"I'm not comfortable with this " I said putting my towel back on .

"WHY"He yelled and pulled off my towel .
He grabbed me by the neck and pinned me on the wall .

"We're dating Amaya , so you have to wear it , for me " He smiled innocently .

"What's wrong with you "I said pushing him off .

I pushed him out of the bathroom and locked myself in .
I don't care I'm going back home I'm not dealing with this psychopath .

I saw an oversized top in the cupboards so I put that on and some shorts .

"Where are you going? " He said blocking the front door .

"Home" I blankly said .

"No your not , you promised to stay the night with me " He said .

"Move out of my way "I said .

"You don't want to do that Amaya . The minute you move your little mouth to anyone Mariá has everything about you . I can easily call her and tell her to leak everything .
Do you really want everyone to know about your poor poor mother ? "He said pouting .

"You bitch " I sneered .

"Try anything , and I swear I'll have Evelyn fucked up you hear me ? " He said .

I had to listen to him . I couldn't risk Evelyn getting hurt . 

The morning ,

" I'm going back " I said putting my bag on .

"Fine by me , I'll drop you off "
"And again not a word okay " He said kissing my cheeck .

Fucking bitch . You didn't know how badly I wanted to rip his head off his stupid body .


My hair was a mess , i was wearing a grey oversized top and navy blue joggers .
I walked into Physics like 30 minutes late and I noticed how everyone was in groups so I joined Evelyn .

"Omg Amaya , you didn't come back yesterday what happened " She said walking towards me .

"Nothing much " I yawned .

"You look very tired " Matteo said .

"Mhm" I lazily responded and I could feel Lucas's stare on me and it made me feel all tensed . I don't know why .

"Wanna talk ? " Evelyn asked obviously worried .

"No" I answered and I walked out of class .

Who likes Amaya's new 'boyfriend' 😬
Where's this going to lead ?
Mariá . Switched like a lil 😻b1tch

Btw whoever reads my chapter whenever I update I love you so much <3
Reccomend this book!!


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