Alpha Xavier ✔️

By xXxWhitelipsxXx

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(Book 1) Highest Tag Rankings: Self identity #1, July 11 2018. Werewolf Romance #7, September 26 2018 Female... More

Welcome Readers: Dedication
Authors Note: A New Story
All Rights Reserved
Concepts of Werewolf Genre
Part One: The beginning
Chapter I: Oblivious
Chapter II: Similar to me?
Chapter III: Curiosity kills
Chapter IV: Cold Eyes
Chapter V: Another one?
Chapter VI: Darkness
Chapter VII: Lifeless fire
Chapter VIII: Breaking Bones
Chapter IX: Memories
Part Two: Self Identity
Chapter XI: Family Heritage
Chapter XII: Full Moon
Chapter XIII: A Ceremony?
Chapter XIV: Like Mother, Like Daughter
Chapter XV: Hello, Mate.
Authors Note: creating a book series and shoutouts
Chapter XVI: Cards Down
Chapter XVII: The Twelfth Night
Chapter XVIII: Number 25
Part Three: Strength
Chapter XIX: The Hunt
Chapter XX: Earthquake
Chapter XXI: Autumn Leaves
Chapter XXII: Past Trauma
Chapter XXIII: The Silvermoon Pack
Chapter XXIV: Fever
Chapter XXV: Gone
Chapter XXVI: Shadows
Chapter XXVII: Past Encounters
Chapter XXVIII: Revelations
Chapter XXIX: A Young Boy
Chapter XXX: Reunion; Part I
Chapter XXXI: Reunion Part II
AUTHORS NOTE: Editing & Bonus Chapters

Chapter X: Blood Ties

8.9K 326 4
By xXxWhitelipsxXx

Her eyes fluttered open, to the sight of a white roof, which was dull from the lack of sunlight. The walls were a dark grey, and the silk covers that she felt through her hands indicated that she was not in a hospital room.

A small headache formed in her temples but was dimmed down in comparison to what she was feeling earlier. Her mind was foggy like the morning dew of a cold autumn day. It wasn't until the scent of her mate started permeating through her nostrils that the fog started to clear slowly. She sat up quickly but regretted it. The room spun and she lurched forward, trying to regain her balance.

"You're awake?" A deep throaty voice filled the air. She looked over to see Xavier standing against the wall in which the window was covered with dark grey walls. His clothes blending in with the shadows which gave her no indication that he was in here. He looked outside, which she could see that there was a pink and purple hue, coming from the crack of the moved curtain.

She still couldn't reoccur the recent events that caused her to end up here.

"I believe you still have a couple of questions to ask. I'll give you an additional question if you answer mine first."

She recalled that she went to the bathroom before she asked more questions.

"Alright." She replied back.

"You can ask your two questions first or last."

"I'll ask one question first," She paused waiting for him to nod his head, "how old are you?"

"24." He answered straight away, following with the same question.

"How old are you Isla?" He taunted her name as he approached the bed, like he was stalking his prey.

"20 in a few months."

"What are you doing on my pack land?"

"I'm your mate."

"Maybe, or are you just here to spy on me, attack my pack members?"

"N-no. Why would you ask that?", She got up slowly, as he began to get closer to her. She was beginning to feel the warmth that radiated off him that was mixed with power that felt like it was suffocating her in his room.

"Why was your fathers name on the corner of that paper? Are you apart of this pack that's killing other alphas members? It's odd that you've suddenly shown up, that you know everything about the coding. Are you here to try and kill me, even when you claim I'm your mate?"

And then it hit her. The guy that she bumped into when she finished using the bathroom. The paper cut on her ring finger and her blood spread its over the corner of the letter. Her blood moving along the corner until it spelt her fathers name.

"My father should be dead, because I felt the pain of our blood ties disconnecting. I felt the pain of losing everyone in my pack. For all I know someone could be claiming to be him, so don't you dare accuse me of such things. I've been alone for more than half of my life". She pushed out her alpha power to clash along with his like maddening waves hands smashing against each other, trying to damage everything around it. Suffocating and drowning.

"I've been through so much, that a child shouldn't be. I felt the pain so greatly that I ended up prematurely shifting into my wolf, that splurged on the thrill of fresh blood." Their chests met and Xavier moved back slightly.

"You should know the pain of losing your loved ones, mate." By now she could feel her tears starting to fall.

"Do not mention my parents like you knew them." He shoved her against the wall, his hands wrapping around her throat, but not suffocatingly. His hands merely holding her in her place, but not to damage. Something inside of him deep down was starting to feel this bond. His eyes flashing obsidian black and his normal eye colour.

"My last question for you, mate; why are you so against the idea of mates? Why are you denying me and not trusting me?"

Xavier faltered whilst she continued,

"How can you leave me, your mate in isolation for a week and not feel anything? Even now you hold my throat like you want to suffocate me to death."

Xavier mumbled trying to find the right words, but decided to stay quiet.

"Would you be happy if I left? I can leave your pack land if you want, but just so you know, I was staying for my one and only pack member Kelly who found her mate. And I'm staying for my wolf. I feel your wolf calling out to mine alpha Xavier, so I know you feel the mate bond too. So why are you so against me?" Her voice cracked, becoming quieter.

A tear betraying her as she tried to keep it all in. The small drop trailing down her cheek whilst he watched the tear fall.

His hands loosened altogether and his hands fell to his side, one of them twitching, trying to urge him. His eyes widening. She pushed him away from her, weakly.

"I-I can't answer those questions right now." He stumbled.

"You're just a weak wolf, if you can't handle me. I know my place is to be a female alpha, but if you can't handle that, nor answer my questions - then what kind of alpha are you?"

She went to slam the door behind her, until  She felt an excruciating pain coarse through her body. She groaned out as her bones shifted in her body, moving her skin like snakes were under her stretching flesh. She hadn't shifted in a long time. A wolf can go a month or two without shifting, but any longer was torturous.

Xavier went to help her, but she snapped at his hands.

"Don't touch me." She seethed through gritted teeth. "I've been alone majority of my life, so don't expect me to need your help."

"Isla, just let me help you."

"Go away, Xavier." That was the first time she said his name in a broken tone.

But his beast didn't hate when she said only his name, but he was disappointed that this tone was directed to him, because of his own trust issues.

Kelly and Damien came around the corner to see what the commotion was and Kelly ran to her alpha. She felt a foreboding feeling that concerned her, making her think of her female alpha.

"Isla, when was the last time you shifted?" Damien questioned, when he felt her forehead with the back of his hand, he cussed out. Her body was feverishly out of control. Her body producing heat well above a werewolves normal optimum body temperature.

"I don't remember, multiple years now maybe." She panted out.

Kelly gasped, even though she knew it would be above a year, she had not expected for it to be more than 2, and thought that she would have shifted as soon as they got out of the rogues hideout. Damien scolded Isla, whilst Xavier; he just stared, mouth slightly parted.

His eyes showing an array of emotions that she couldn't decipher as they flicked through quickly. The emotions were pages of a magazine being flicked rapidly with a finger moving down the edges. You see a little of what was inside with the colours, but you didn't know the content.

"Isla, we need to take you outside to shift." Damien demanded. She growled at him.

"I have a medical degree, Isla. When it comes to your health you need to put that stubbornness away, along with your pride."

"I am not shifting in front of anyone."

"Shift, Isla." Xavier grumbled out with his arms folded over his chest. His face stern and his hands twitching. Damien's lips thinned at the alphas restlessness. This was a clarification to him, but Xavier was too high and mighty to deal with his own emotions properly.

"Too late sweetheart. You're going to shift right here and right now." Damien moved Isla who was screaming out from the pain into a guest bedroom that was next to Xavier's room. Normally in this instance, he wouldn't touch a shifting wolf especially a forced one from not following nature's rules. But the confined space of the passage way was going to cause a lot of harm to Isla and possibly everyone around her.

Isla screamed out cuss words before she shifted in front of everyone.

Her fur was an array of majestic white with grey dusting along her fur in patches. Her wolfs eyes held slight red tinges in them which meant one thing. Her eyes had confirmed Xavier's superstitions.

Coarsening through her blood, was a small trace of witch blood.

© 2018 Emily Rose All Rights Reserved

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