What have I done...?

By TeresaSullivan427

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While at the ski lodge Rose has an attack of the darkness during which she confronts Dimitri about the way th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 15

976 28 7
By TeresaSullivan427

And he was right because he most certainly does kneel to me, quite often as a matter of a fact. Just not the way that we were talking about. He loved being on his knees in front of me, with one of my legs thrown over one of his shoulders, just as I loved being on my knees in front of him. Both for very sexy reasons. He also loved to lay me back over the edge of the bed, or countertop in the bathroom, both also for very sexy reasons.

We all laughed for a few moments.

"So, I can make anyone, who is not of equal or greater rank, bow to me right now?"

"Once you are crowned and people find out who you truly are. Yes indeed, that is the truth of the matter. Those of equal or greater rank to you will not have to bow or kneel until you are the queen. Because by then there will be no one, except for Dimka, who is or ever will be of equal or greater rank to you."

I smiled again.

"So just to clarify, as a princess I cannot make Lissa bow or kneel. But I can make Christian bow. Right this moment I can have that suka Natasha on her yeblya knees at my feet? Right where the man stealing home wrecking shlyukha deserves to be. Slithering on her belly like the yeblya reptile that she is." (bitch, fucking, whore, fucking)

They both laughed at my description of that shlyukha Natasha. "Yes." (whore)

At that affirmative response my smile grew even wider and happier.


I saw her smile as it grew across her amazingly beautiful face, and I begin to get worried for the rest of the world.

"Who else do you have in mind exactly lyubov' moya?" (my love)

"Jesse, Ralf, Janine, Christian a few times but just to mess with him, and as I said that shlyukha Natasha." (whore)

I couldn't help myself I roared with laughter. When she said Tasha's name, I saw her lip curl into a sneer, which I absolutely do not cannot and will not ever be able to blame her for.

"I can't say as I blame you mladenets. But was Tasha mean to you?" I wanted to know because just the thought of that shlyukha being mean to lyubov' moya pissed me the ad off immeasurably. (babe, whore, my love, hell)

She sighed. "Not overtly, at least not to my face, but she tried to take you away from me."

"But I think, or at least I hope, that that is only because she didn't know that I am head over heels crazy in love with you lyubov' moya." I really and truly hoped that I was telling her the truth. Otherwise, Tasha is going to be regretting most of her life choices very soon. Roza moya would make for chert sure of that, that I had absolutely no doubts about at all. Especially considering who her father is. And given the things that I myself have heard directly from that suka Tasha's mouth. I secretly hope that I get to see firsthand as angel moya puts that suka Tasha in her proper and very well-deserved place. (my love, my, damn, bitch, my, bitch)


'I don't really think that she would care even if she did know, she is just that yeblya obsessed with him. In my honest opinion she would still do everything in her power to get him to be with her and to leave me. She is just that much of a suka and a home wreaking slut and shlyukha. And I wouldn't put it past her to even try to compel him into yeblya her. The shlyukha.' I thought to myself, but I didn't actually say that out loud, but by the look that I gave him I could tell that he knew exactly what I meant. (fucking, bitch, whore, fucking, whore)

"Fine, only Tasha a few times then. Just for putting me through all of that der'mo." (shit)

'Yeah right, I would not be excusing her. Ever!!! And if anyone says anything about it, I will just proclaim that I keep forgetting. For just as long as I can possibly get away with it that is. Which will hopefully be until the suka shows her true colors to the world.' I thought to myself once again. (bitch)


Adrian and I both busted up with laughter that time.

"I think that that is more than fair angel moya." I answered when I was able to speak again. Adrian and I were both wiping away tears of mirth as I spoke. (my)

Although I knew chert well that she did not have any intentions of ever excusing Tasha from addressing her as a princess. And I didn't blame her in the least for that either because I don't plan to excuse her from calling me Prince Ivashkov either. She would actually be one of the very few people who I would not excuse in all honesty. Tasha, Randall, Jesse yeblya Zeklos, Ralf asshat Sarcozy and Janine grebanaya suka Hathaway. As of this moment are the only ones that I can think of, right of the top of my head, that would not ever be excused by me. (damn, fucking, fucking bitch)

A thought occurred to me. "You said that she hadn't been mean to you 'to your face.' What did you mean by that exactly?"

She sighed. "Since you introduced the two of us, she has made snide, cruel, hateful, and vicious remarks, comments, and lies about me to and in front of both Lissa and Christian. Lissa doesn't want to correct her or take up for me because she is, in part, afraid that calling Tasha a liar would upset Christian. Even though Christian has in fact corrected Tasha himself, repeatedly. And Lissa is afraid that if she does correct Tasha herself that Christian will break up with her. And her other excuse for not correcting Tasha, is because she agrees with most of what Tasha is saying. So, she just let's that brodyaga say whatever in the ad that she wants to about me without saying anything back. When Tasha said that I give out sexual favors to moroi, especially the royals, for their bite. Lissa thinks that it is possible because of what I had to do while we were away from the academy. She hasn't said it out loud to anyone, but she secretly agrees. She even believes what Jesse and Ralf have said about me." She shrugged. (tramp, hell)

"How long has this been going on exactly?"

"As I said, since the very day that you introduced me to that brodyaga. After you and I left the cabin, she started telling Lissa and Christian about how she heard what a slut, tramp, bitch, and blood whore that I supposedly am. Christian told her that it was all a bunch of lies, false rumors, and bullshit gossip. Tasha said she wasn't so sure about that because she could tell that I obviously didn't know my place. That she could tell that I was entirely to attached to you and that she knew that you hated being associated with someone like me. And because of that both Christian and Lissa need to stay away from me. Because being around 'someone like me' could ruin their reputations and futures among the other royals." (tramp)

I was in shock. "I can't believe that that suka had the yeblya gall to talk about you that way!!" (bitch, fucking)

"I wouldn't lie to you about something like that Comrade." Before she even got halfway through with her denial I was already shaking my head vehemently.

"I know that you wouldn't lyubov' moya, I know that you wouldn't ever lie to me about that or anything else detka. I promise you that I know that." I insisted. (my love, baby)

She nodded.

"Just try your best to stay away from that suka Roza moya and so will I. Hopefully, we won't see her very often after she leaves the academy after we return. Or at least that is my hope anyway. But I am concerned that every time that the suka visits Christian we will unfortunately have some kind of interaction with or around her." (bitch, my, bitch)

We discussed the whole Tasha der'mo for a little longer until Adrian spoke up again. "All right. Now Little Princess Dhampir, go eat because you won't get the chance to again for a few days after you have been captured. So, no matter how much it takes, you eat enough tonight to make sure that you are well and truly full. And make sure that you do the same before you and Christian let yourselves get captured. That will hopefully give you the strength and energy that you will need to fight, even after a few days without food. After you go eat tonight then you go with Dimka back to his room and sleep. I will call you when it is time to collect Christian and leave. When you eat tonight make sure to collect lots of snacks that you can eat on your way to Spokane. Because you are going to need all the fuel that your body can take in for what is to come." (shit)

Apparently, Adrian had no idea that Dimitri and I have spent every night, since we became official, in each other's room. We took turns whose room we slept in each night.

"Oh, and just in case I didn't already tell you this, or you've forgotten. Once you are on the road to Spokane you can explain what is about to happen to Christian. You just have to keep both yours and Dimka's true identities a secret. As well as your magic and everything else that we have decided needs to stay under wraps for now." (shit)

"All right, thank you Adrian, that was going to be my next question."

"You're welcome. But you be sure to be careful cousin, because Dimka needs you. Just as our entire world unknowingly does as well. And when the time comes you be careful too cuz." He said as he looked at both me and Dimitri in turn.

"I will Adrian and thank you so much for all that you have taught me over the last few days. And I would really appreciate it if you would look after Mitya while I am away. When will I get to meet my father?"

"You are very welcome; and I promise you that I will do my absolute best to keep him just as sane and calm as possible while you are away. I promise cousin. And you will meet your father after you get to the hotel, get cleaned up, eat and get a little rest and time to recover."

"Thanks for everything Adrian, we both really appreciate all of your help." Roza moya and I said together. (my)

"You are both very welcome. And just like I said before, never forget that Uncle Addie is always available for babysitting."

"Do you know when yet Adrian?" I asked.

He smiled, "yep."

"And?!" Lyubov' moya and I both asked excitedly. (my love)

"Nope, sorry. That is something that the two of you not only need but will want to find out for yourselves. But I will say that it happens between Spokane and graduation."

"Yes!!" Lyubov' moya and I exclaimed together. Just as she jumped into my arms, I spun her around in circles, the both of us celebrating, totally and completely extatically joyous. (my love)

"Will we know it before my trials?"

"You won't be taking your trials lyubov' moya." (my love) 

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