He's My Monster || OUAT Peter...

By HumanBillfreak

58.7K 1.1K 611

•~•~•~• Pan puts a new game in motion. All he really needs is something to cure his boredom. Or in this case... More

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3.6K 86 30
By HumanBillfreak

I need to see her again.

I close my eyes as I let the reality of my situation sink in.

I love her.

I wanted her to tell me that she loved me, but, in truth, I didn't understand the feeling of love. Since I found out she was my soulmate, I was desperate to try and find love's meaning...with her.

At first, I would've never gone near anything like love. But for some reason, her presence makes me want it. I feel something with her that I want to feel forever.

I didn't think it was love at first, considering I've never felt it before. But now, there's not a doubt in my twisted mind that makes me think it isn't love. And I really missed out on how amazing yet terrible it makes me feel. It's addicting. And I need it.

I start running in the direction of the treehouse I put her in. But then I realize, I left guards outside the door. That normally wouldn't be a problem since I'm the boss, but I really don't feel like explaining myself to someone about something that's none of their business.

So I use magic to poof myself in the room where she slept.

Just by looking at her beautiful face, I knew... I knew my heart pulled me closer to her, more now than it ever has. The feeling makes my chest feel heavy, like my heart has trouble doing its job. It hurts. And it makes me reach out to her immediately, without thinking.

I lean over the side of the bed and place my hand on her cheek. Doing so triggers more tears, and this time I don't dare hold them back.

After everything I did to hurt her, she still wanted to be with me. I don't mean only the romantic way either. She also wanted to just be next to me. Like she enjoyed my presence.

The reason I let the tears flow is because I'm thinking about this after I've finally realized my true feelings for her. But how can I guarantee that she'll forgive me after I wake her from her perfect dream?

I can't worry about that now. I need to try and make things right. That's what Tink would say.

So I place my palm on her forehead and close my eyes. I pull the magic out slowly. Doing so quickly could be dangerous. As in she could lose her memories or I could do harm.

It was a long process but eventually there was a 'poof' around my hand. The deep blue mist glittering, until it fades. Before she woke up, I lean down and kiss her with every amount of love that I feel for her. Through her sleepiness, I feel her kiss back.

Trying to put my feelings into actions, I don't stop. I put my arms around her waist and pull her up into a sitting position, as I sit on the side of the bed. Not once did I pull our lips apart.

She finally pulls away to get a good look at who was kissing her. When she saw that it was me, she began tearing up. I knew I was the last person she wanted to see after waking up from a perfect dream.

"Peter," she said through her sobs, "I've been looking for a way to see you again for ages." She hugs me tightly, asking, "How am I here?"

My heart flutters then stops beating for a couple seconds, and my eyes widen. She was looking for me in her perfect dream? She should've forgotten me.

"I'm so happy to see you again," she whispered. I feel like my heart is breaking in two. I'm happy she's happy to see me, but does she know that she was dreaming and that it was my doing? Then I remind myself that I'm trying to make this right.

"(Y/N)," I say flatly, and she stops hugging me to look me in the eyes, "You never went back home. That was all a dream. A dream I put you in. You can never go home, remember? You drank the spring water. You'll die if you go home."

She looked surprised. I continue, "I thought you'd be happier without me. But I selfishly woke you from the dream that was supposed to be perfect because I can't be without you. But you say you're happy to see me?" I don't want to cry in front of her...but I am.

I see her smile softly as she places her hands on both my cheeks. I cry a little harder from her gentle gesture and put my hands on her wrists, keeping her hands where they are. Everything feels so different in a moment like this. She says, "I'm happy to see you because I can't be without you either."

After hearing her words, it feels like something hit me straight in the heart. And it makes me go from crying to bawling my eyes out. The feeling made happiness spread all throughout my body. That's when I realized that this is what falling in love is supposed to feel like.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me close. As if what she said wasn't enough, she added, "I forgive you." I don't hesitate to wrap my arms around her waist and hug her back, still crying as hard as I ever have.

No one is taking this away from me, nor am I ever letting it go again.

"I'll stay with you," she said. I pull away and say, "I'll make it known that you are mine. To everyone on this island. I'll let you decide what to do with the ones that disapprove. You're better at savagery than I am." I smile at her and that earns me a giggle out of her. "I'll even let Felix and Tink go," I add, "And then it's only about us."

Looking at her smiling up at me makes my chest feel warm and my heart thump in a funny way. I scoop her up and stand, spinning her around as she lets her arms rest on my shoulders. She laughs.

I'm never going to get enough of that laugh.

"By the way," I say as I place her back on her feet, "How come you're so forgiving?" She stays silent before saying with a sad smile, "I can read you so well. Everything you did to me, you had a selfish reason. But I could never be mad at any of them. Because I knew that we both knew that we were desperate for each other's presence. And my love for you only grew deeper the more I understood you. So I was desperate to make you feel what I felt. And after you woke me up, I could see you had finally began to feel it. I couldn't stay mad at what you did. I see that in doing what you did, you finally figured out what love is."

I bite my lip, trying to keep it from quivering as more tears welled up. I cover my eyes with one hand and try to hold back sobs, saying, "You're so amazing." As a response she hugs me again, and says, "Just...next time, tell me you want to be alone instead of making me think you were just a dream." I chuckle through my tears at that, and I hug her back with all my might.

"I love you," I say, realizing that it feels much better to say when I finally understand it. "I love you too, Peter," she says back, "My Peter Pan."

The End

(Please let me know what you thought of this book in the comments. I would like to hear anything. Like, tell me if this story was cliche or not. Also I'd love it if you checked my profile and looked at my other works! ;3 Thanks so much for the support! Love you guys!❤️)

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