She Didn't Have Time

By MaryKatieFazio

25.4K 483 54

**warning- Mentions of emotional and mental abuse, SMUT** The reader is a single mother who has a chance enco... More

Flat Tires and Monday Blues
First Base
Shit Show
Coming to a Head
Lean on Me
Why Don't You Stay
What Do You Say?

Even The Tiniest Hearts Break

2.9K 61 2
By MaryKatieFazio

Author's note: First of all I want to thank you ALL for following this story. It's been a hell of a ride so far. Normal warnings apply *smut* This one might tug your heartstrings a little.

(Y/N) sighs as she fights with (y/d/n) for the third time that week to get ready to leave the house. It had been a few days since John had walked out after her fight with Beth. Since that day her little girl had been absolutely uncontrollable. Usually the little girl was a perfect angel and didn't talk back, didn't cause any trouble. Every day the girl asked if Mr. John had called, if he was still taking her to the ranch that Saturday. Now it was Saturday and (Y/N) hadn't heard from John. She'd come up with as many excuses as she could, not wanting to see the heart break in her daughter's eyes or the anger that she knew would be pointed at her. The little girl didn't understand why her newfound best friend wasn't around anymore. She was far too young to understand the complications between adults, and she wanted to keep it that way. This was the whole reason she hadn't dated since Matt left. She didn't want to put her little girl through this, but she'd done it anyway. She feels tears prick her eyes as she finally gets her daughter's coat on and grabs her purse. "Come on, sweetheart. Mama's gonna be late for work. Lu is going to watch you. She said if you're good she'll take you to the park and ice cream shop, okay?" She smiles, trying to hide the pain as her daughter screams at her. "Mama, no! You can't work today! What if Mr. John calls? What if he comes to pick me up?" The little girl stomps her feet, her eyes filled with tears as her mother doesn't answer her and instead just walks her over to Lu's. She doesn't say a word to her mama, not a wave or kiss goodbye, nothing. She didn't understand why her mama wouldn't just call John. She watches as her mama drives to the diner, a plan forming in her little head. 

(Y/d/n) looks up at Lu with a smile on her little face. "Miss Lu. Did mama remind you that I'm supposed to go see Mr. John today? We're supposed to go riding today." She says with a smile, playing it up big time for the older woman. "I was good all week so that I could go. Please?" Lu raises an eyebrow and chuckles softly. "You're sure that Mr. John knows you're coming and that your mama knows too?" The little girl nods and grabs her coat. "I promise, Miss Lu. Can we go?" She claps and giggles happily as Lu leads her to the car and starts the drive out to the ranch. She was excited. She knew Mr. John would be so happy that she remembered. As soon as Lu stops the car at the ranch, (y/d/n) sees John and jumps out of the car, smiling brightly and calling out for him. "Mr. John! I was good all week just like you said." 

John had been enjoying a quiet breakfast with Beth for once and was just kissing her cheek before she rode off with Rip when he heard the little girl's voice. He closes his eyes and curses softly as Beth pushes him aside slightly and looks over at the girl. He tried to keep his surprise off his face as he turned to greet the little girl. "Hey darlin'. What are you doing here?" He says softly, his voice slightly stiff and apparently wasn't missed by the sweet little girl in front of him as her face fell. "Your mama know you're here, honey?" He asks softly, kneeling down in front of her. The little girl looks up at him with tears in her eyes. "You don't look happy to see me, Mr. John? You forgot didn't you? Mama said you've been busy with the ranch and stuff, but I thought..." She sniffles and hangs her little head. "I'm sorry if I did something to make you mad, Mr. John. I'm real sorry." John was just about to wrap his arms around the girl when he feels a hand on his shoulder and looks up to see Beth hold out a hand to the little girl. "I've got this one, Daddy. Go get a horse saddled." 

Beth didn't like the fact her dad was dating again, and she certainly didn't like the little girl in the picture at first, but then she'd actually sat and talked to her father, learned about the hardships that (Y/N) and her little girl. She didn't feel bad for the mother at all, but the little girl, that tugged at the strings her of hardened heart. Seeing the little girl tear up when she realized her father had no intention of riding with her was all Beth could take. She leads the girl into the house and picks her up, setting her on the counter. "Ever had ice cream for breakfast?" She grins and tickles the little girls side before turning to Lu. "You can go back home to your husband, Lu. I'll make sure she gets home before her mother gets off, alright?" She watches the older woman turn and leave reluctantly. She turns and gives the little girl a knowing look. "Your mama doesn't know you're here does she?" She scoops them each some ice cream and hands the girl hers as she waits for an answer. " ma'am. She..she wouldn't let me call Mr. John. She said he was busy. I think I made him go away." She says softly, tears in  her little eyes. Beth sighs and shakes her head. "No, you stop that now, little miss. That outlook won't get you anywhere in life. Other people's actions are not your fault. And this especially wasn't. This was a grown up matter that little girls shouldn't get involved in." She ruffles the girl's hair and leans against the counter. "You're smart and you're sneaky and you go after what you want. I like that. Tell you what, you go out there and tell him the truth, that your mama doesn't know you're here, and then I'll make sure things get worked out. How's that?" She watches the little girl think about it and finally agree just as John comes in, stilling looking as sour as can be. 

John walked into the house, not sure what he'd find. Beth hadn't hidden the fact that he didn't like the little girl or her mother. He was surprised to find the two getting along just fine. He holds his hand out to (y/d/n) and looks at Beth as the little girl takes his hand. "Thank you, Beth." He gives her a smile and kisses her head before leading the girl outside where he had Blaze waiting. He picks her up and sets her in the saddle then climbs up behind her and kicks the horse gently into a slow walk. "You were good all week, huh? At school and home?" He asks, tickling the little girl's side softly. She turns her head and looks at him, remorse in her eyes. "I wasn't so good for mama. I was mad. She wouldn't call you so I could see you." She says honestly. Something in that statement threw up a red flag in John's mind and he stops the horse, looking at the the little girl. "Darlin', your mama doesn't know you're here, does she?" Her silence told him everything he needed to know. He curses and nods, patting the girl's side. "I promised you a ride, and I keep my promises, but afterwards, I'm taking you right to your mama, honey. I doubt she's real happy with me and she certainly wouldn't be if I didn't tell her you were here." The little girl pouts but nods, turning back forward and enjoying the ride. She knew she was going to be in so much trouble when he took her home. 

They spent a few hours riding and he even showed the girl where to find some old arrowheads, sliding them in her little pocket so she could take them home. Now they were in his truck on the way to the diner. He glanced over at the girl and chuckles. She looked as nervous as he felt. He knew he had a good hard slap coming to him. He should have called her. Hell, he wanted to call her, but after the way things went down with Beth, he wasn't sure what to say. He had to stick up for his daughter. He always would, but he knew (Y/N) had a right to do the same thing. He sighs as he parks the truck and helps (y/d/n) out and walks into the diner, smiling softly as he sees (Y/N) with her back to them, waiting on a table. "Miss (Y/N). I think I've got something that belongs to you, darlin'." He says with a smile, his eyes softening as she turns to look at him. He had to admit, he'd missed the woman. He pushes the little girl toward the bar top gently and picks her up, putting her on one of the stools and then sits next to her. He could see the anger all over the beautiful woman's face. He sighs and looks up at her. "Why don't you take a break and have a cup of coffee with me while my best gal here has a burger? Beth fed her ice cream for breakfast." He suggests, surprised when she agrees.

(Y/N) wasn't sure what to think when she saw John walk into the diner with her daughter. She didn't like men using her daughter to get to her and that's exactly what it looked like. She nods and pours them each a cup of coffee before handing her daughter a plate with a burger and fries on it. She kisses her head and smiles. "You stay right here, honey. And you and I are going to have a talk when I get home." She walks over to the booth she'd sat in that first day with John, looking up at him, waiting for him to talk. John sighs and sits, reaching out and taking her hand in his only to have her pull away. "(Y/N), listen to me. This isn't a conversation to have here in a diner. Come to dinner tonight at the ranch. There won't be any drama like last time. I can promise that." He says softly as he looks into her eyes. "And don't be mad at the little darlin'. This is on me. If I'd kept my promise she wouldn't have roped Lu into bringing her to the ranch." He takes a long drink of his coffee and sets the mug down. "I'm sorry, darlin'. I should have called." (Y/N) tenses when he takes her hand and shakes her head. "She knew better. I will talk to her, but I'll keep what you said in mind when I do. As far as dinner...I'll come to dinner, but that's only because I want the chance to yell at you in private." She tries to keep the smirk off of her face but failed. What was it about this man that made it impossible for her to stay mad at him. "You knew my biggest fear was her getting attached and getting heartbroken. She's been devastated all week, John. I'm a big girl. We're two adults having fun, no hard feelings, but (y/d/n), she's just a little girl. Even the tiniest hearts break." She sighs as she sees the pain and remorse in his eyes. That look broke down her resolve. She slowly reaches over and covers her hand with his. She turns and calls out for her daughter. "Come here, sweetpea." She watches as her little girl comes over and sits right next to John, smiling happily. "Mama are you going to spank me? I just wanted to see my friend. Can't have Mr. John missing his best gal can you?" She gives an innocent little smile, smiling even wider as John tries not to laugh. (Y/N) shakes her head and looks at John and (y/d/n). "No, I supposed we can't. Now, what do you say about dinner with Mr. John tonight?" She asks, not surprised that the little girl agreed instantly. "Can Miss Beth come too. She was nice to me this time. She said she still doesn't like you though." The mother rolled her eyes and nods. "It's Mr. John's house, honey. That's up to him." 

After all the plans for dinner were made, (Y/N) went back to work, setting her daughter in a corner booth with a coloring book. She blushed as John kissed her cheek before leaving the diner and heading back to the ranch. The hours went by slowly, but finally it was quitting time. She gathers her purse and picks up her now sleeping daughter and goes home, getting ready while the girl sleeps on the couch. She knew it was just dinner, but she had missed the man and wanted to look at least a little nice for him. The long days of work and sleepless nights left her looking tired and worn down most of the time. She hated that he'd seen her that way most of the time. Finishing her makeup, she checks her appearance, smoothing down her dark green, thigh length dress and slips on a pair of flats before heading out of her bedroom, finding her daughter awake and dressed in a little pink dress. "Are we ready for our date, mommy?" (Y/N) Laughs softly and nods, holding out her hand. "Yeah, honey. We're ready." 

They pull up at the ranch, finding John waiting on the porch for them. He walks up to the car and opens her door for her, kissing her cheek softly before helping the little one out of the car, smiling as she hugs him and then runs to Beth. (Y/N) takes John's hand and watches her daughter run to Beth, cautiously watching them. "When did that happen? Thought my girl was the spawn of a devil whore?" She asks with a worried look. She knew Beth doesn't like her and didn't want that rolling over toward her daughter. She watched in shock as Beth laughs with the girl and leads her into the house. John looks down at the beautiful woman next to him and smiles. "She's got a soft spot for kids. She won't admit it, but she does. Now, quit worrying about Beth and (y/d/n). Let's go enjoy dinner and let me apologize for being an ass." He winks and leans down, placing a soft kiss to her lips. It was meant to be just the briefest of touches, but the minute their lips touched, they both were lost too it. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him in closer as she melted into him, opening herself to him, soft moans escaping her as his tongue explores her mouth. The sound of someone clearing their throat pulls them out of their daze, and she looks up with a bright blush on her cheeks to see Rip standing a few feet away. "Beth sent me to come get y'all. Said dinner's gettin' cold and she's tired of waiting." He chuckles and turns around, heading back into the house to his wife. John scratches the back of his neck and takes her hand again, leading her into the house. 

Dinner was surprisingly peaceful, everyone getting along even though few words were spoken between (Y/N) and Beth. Other than that, it was almost a perfectly normal family dinner from any outsider view. Once dinner was finished and dessert had been eaten, (Y/N) noticed her daughter's eyes drooping and smiles softly, looking over at John. She was enjoying her time with him, but she didn't want to keep her little girl out longer than she had to. "I think it's time for us to leave for the night. She's exhausted." She says softly, standing and moving to walk around the table to where her daughter was. She felt a hand around her wrist and turns to see John's large, work weathered hand around her wrist. She meets his gaze, his eyes holding a soft flame of desire, but also the simple longing to not be alone. "Stay here tonight, darlin'. We've got the room." She looks back down at his wrist, biting her lip as the sight makes her think of that same hold but in an entirely not so innocent context. "Alright. But this doesn't mean I'm not mad still." She says with a soft smile and picks her little girl up, smiling as she asks if John can tuck her in. John stands up and places a hand on (Y/N)'s back and kisses her shoulder before winking at the little girl. "Of course I'll tuck my best girl in. How about a bed time story too?" He chuckles and takes her from her mother, bouncing her a few times before heading upstairs to the guest bedroom across the hall from his. He takes her shoes off and gets her tucked into bed then stretches out on the bed next to her, reading to her until she fell asleep. He heard his bedroom door open and the shower running and grins as he looks down, seeing the girl fast asleep. He quietly steps out of the room and shuts the door, being sure to leave a lamp on for her. He walks into his bedroom and shuts it, turning the lock as he undresses, placing his clothes in the hamper and walking to the bathroom, simply watching through the glass shower door while the water runs over her body. "You've got a nice ass. You know that?"

(Y/N) jumps slightly, not having realized he had come in. She opens the door and laughs, shaking her head. "You make a habit of sneaking in on your guests in the shower?" She asks as she steps back, letting him step into the shower with her. Her hands immediately go to his chest as the water runs over them. "Only the gorgeous ones, darlin'." He answers with a chuckle and leans in, capturing her lips with a his, kissing her with a hunger he'd held back since he walked out of her house. She tangles her fingers in his hair and holds him close, kissing him back with just as much passion, her body pressed tightly against his. She could feel him hot and hard against her and it sends a thrill through her. She runs her fingertips up and down his chest and stomach, pulling back from the kiss when she feels him tense. He was self conscious over his stomach and the extra weight he'd put on in his older years, but the look of desire on her face made the insecurities fade and her words soothed an ache inside of him he didn't know was there. "John, you're gorgeous. Now, quit pouting and get to work, handsome. You've got some making up to do. I'm still mad at you after all." She grins as he picks her up, pinning her between him and the shower wall, her legs around his waits and his hands gripping her hips tightly as he slides into her. "Mm I can see that. You're real mad, darlin'." He laughs and leans down, sucking at her collar bone as he moves inside of her, growling against her skin. Her nails rakes over his head and he knew then and there that she was his. He wasn't letting her go. He bites her chest enough to sting, leaving his mark then soothing the mark with his tongue, glancing up to  meet her eyes while he continues to move inside of her. "You're mine, (Y/N). And I'm yours. Not denying it anymore." His hands tighten on her hips as he feels her suddenly coming around him. His eyes close, relishing the feeling while the hot water rains down on them. Seems she liked that. He looks back down at the mark he left and then looks at the other side of her chest. He angles his hips just right to his that sensitive spot inside of her as he latches onto the unmarked side of her chest, biting down and growling as he feels her come again for him. That was something he could get used to, her coming instantly for him just from a little bite or two. He growls and pulls back, looking into her eyes, keeping their gazes locked as he slides one hand between them, thrumming her clit as he speeds up, her back slamming against the shower wall with the force of his thrusts until they both reach their release with soft cries of the other's name. He slowly pulls out and lowers her legs, holding her up as her legs shake softly. He leans down and places a tender kiss to her lips as he washes her up and then himself. "Still mad?" He asks with that slight grin of his. 

(Y/N)'s legs were shaking softly as she shakes her head, laughing at his question. She pats his chest and leans up, kissing him tenderly before reaching around him and turning off the water. "No, honey, I'm not mad. In fact, my mind is blissfully blank, thanks to you." She watches as he grabs a towel and wraps it around her and then grabs himself one. She steps out of the shower and to the bedroom, drying off and draping the towel over a chair in the corner while she watches him dig in his dresser. He tosses her one of his shirts and a pair of boxers, smiling as he watches her putting them on. He pulls on a shirt and boxers himself then walks over, pulling her to him and running his fingers over the hem of her shirt. "You look damn good in my shirt, darlin'. Think I'd like to see that more often. " He smiles and leads her to the bed, pulling back the covers and climbing in beside her, turning out the lamp before pulling her to him, wrapping his arms around her from behind, placing a kiss to her shoulder. "You're my second best gal." He chuckles softly, kissing her shoulder again as they both enjoy the afterglow, slowly drifting to sleep in each other's arms.

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