Survivor(Last of us x Male Re...

By LoneWriting2021

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In a world ravaged by a devastating pandemic, 16-year-old Y/N has learned to rely only on himself, convinced... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

471 10 13
By LoneWriting2021

"What the fuck? i can't believe we did that." Ellie said I put another zip tie on the handles so it could buy us time "No use dwelling on it we need to move" i put my hand on Joel's shoulder he was taking this harder than anyone. I understood why "We just left her to die"

"For the love of god Ellie shut the fuck up just stay close and move" Ellie kept quiet after that we heard multiple gun shots going up some stairs and grunts of men "Just keep pushing forward" Joel said and we did as told.

"Target neutralised she took out two of my men. Copy that" we could see Tess lying dead i wanted to shed a tear but now wasn't the time for that "You, take out the door. You with me the man in charge ordered "Oh my god Tess".

Ellie kept her pace with mine since it was obvious she was scared i made sure to watch our backs Joel picked up a rifle from a dead body "They're escaping into the hall!. Go around" Someone yelled "Joel" Ellie called out i readied my weapons "Stay close to me" I told Ellie.

(Y/N weapons)

"I have a idea" Joel shot me a look "Better be a good one" i pulled out a air horn "I have enough string on me to hook this up to something should buy you guys enough time to get out of here" i started heading my own direction "We aren't leaving you behind like Tess" Ellie called out i just turned walking backwards "You won't there is a subway entrance nearby I'll meet you there"

I continued on jumping to another room below me i could hear the men talking i began to rig up the air horn "This should work" i thought to myself it was my Sister who showed me this trick only thing is i decided to hook a special surprise to go with it "Time for action" i closed the door behind me hearing the Air horn go off.

"What the hell is that" i heard a man say "Sounds like an air horn we need to shut it down before the noise attracts" i moved down the hall waiting for them to come "Sir it's coming from in there" one of them pointed out "Well what are you waiting for get in there" i saw the grunt run headed for the door "Stupid idiot" i thought.


A popped out from my hiding spot firing rounds into the other grunt who survived before turning to run finding the exit to this place making sure to block it to keep anyone from following me i saw Joel and Ellie at the subway entrance. "You made it" Ellie said "You didn't doubt me did you?" i laughed she punched me in the arm Joel patted me on the back "Let's go" "They're going in the subway! Stop 'em!".

"Shit. They're following us" Ellie ran forward as Joel and I took shots at them we had to put on our masks when we came across spores "Get down" Ellie pulled us both down to hide "There's a guard over there" she breathed heavily from the running "I can take him" i had my bat out "It's not worth it" Ellie muttered.

"How the hell are you breathin in this stuff" Joel asked looking at Ellie who didn't have a mask on. "I wasn't lying to you" She said. We believed her now "Be careful" i said sneaking past the guards and came across water "Hey uh i can't swim" Ellie mentioned when Joel jumped in the water.

"Come i'll take you this way" i said while Joel looked for something to carry her across with i didn't chose to stay behind personally for her i just wasn't in the mood to get wet i helped her up on top and jumped to where Joel was seems he found some wood for Ellie "Get on" Joel said

At first she was sceptical of his idea "Really" She had no other choice but to do it I jumped into the water Ellie found a ladder and pushed it into the water for us to climb up on. We pulled our masks off once we exited the station Joel sat down on a rock while i went through what was in my Backpack the pain in my side felt ten times worse i applied another icepack on it hoping it would die down soon.

"Hey, look um... about Tess... I don't even know what to-" Ellie was cut off by Joel "Here's how this thing's gonna play out. You don't bring up Tess - ever. Matter of fact, we can just keep our histories to ourselves. Secondly, don't tell anyone about your condition. They'll either think your crazy or they'll try to kill you. And lastly, you do what I say, when I say it. We clear?" Joel Looked her dead in the eye after he said Ellie simply looked down at her feet.

"Sure" she said "repeat" i just stopped paying attention to them "What you says goes" was the last thing i heard out of Ellie with Joel satisfied with that answer he stood up "Now, there's a town a few miles north of here. There's a fella that owes me some favours... Good chance he could get us a car".

"Well let's get a move on then we wait here any longer they will find us again" I motioned for for Joel to lead the way "Agreed, Let's get a move on".

(2013 Flashback Third Person Pov)

Y/N's twin sister S/N was out with her friends at the park enjoying themselves with a game of dares "Martha kiss Miles" S/N said for her friends dare and she just that kissing miles for a passionate makeover session.

"Woah it was only meant to be a quick kiss not this" S/N broke up the session they all burst into laughter giggling at todays events when a guy much older walked in to the park beer bottle in hand "Hey we may want to leave i don't like the look of that guy " Miles pointed out "I agree" said S/N unfortunately they didn't count on the fact that Martha would go up to the "Excuse me sir do you need help" she asked kindly "Martha get away from him" Miles dragged her back just for the drunk guy to attack Miles biting him on the neck "Run" he shouted trying to keep the man at bay.

S/N grabbed Martha's hand leading hr away from the scene Miles hectic screams of pain could be heard until they got quiet S/N climbed on a dumpster to hop over a fence "Come on Martha" she said to a motionless Martha they had to leave her boyfriend to a crazed lunatic "We shouldn't have left him" she answered back out of nowhere the drunk guy grabbed Martha from behind ripping a chunk of flesh out her neck "S/N Run leave me" she croaked before falling to the ground Miles appeared out the shadows looking completely different with the same look as the drunk guy did "Oh no" she thought before taking off in a sprint.

Y/N sat on his bed reading a book listening to Let it go by Passenger wondering when the babysitter would fall asleep so he could roam around the house phone started ringing in the hall and after a couple seconds he picked it up.

Y/N: Hello this is Y/N speaking

Chloe: Hey Y/N it's Chloe

Y/N: Hey you how's it going

Chloe: Is it just you at home?

Y/N: Yeah just the usual parents are away and my sister is at the park

Chloe: Babysitter asleep?

Y/N: Yeah regular as clock work

Chloe: you wanting company I'm only a minutes from the house

Y/N: Yeah why not just promise not to eat me

Chloe: Tempting but alright i won't be long

Y/N: Remember don't chap the door it's already unlocked

Chloe: Gotcha

Y/N didn't have to wait long when Chloe walked in his room with crisps and drinks "Thought you might be hungry" she stated he smiled and took a bag from her "Want to play a game on the PS3" Y/N asked her.

"I'd rather do something else" Chloe put her arms round him pressing her lips with his collapsing on the bed in a makeover session Y/N wrapped his arms round her waist turning her over they parted from each other when Y/N heard what sounded like his sister entering the house.

Y/N exited his room to see her in a panicked state blood and mud all over her clothes "What's going on?" he asked her she just ran giving Y/N a hug crying into his shoulder "It's okay now your safe now tell me what's wrong" Y/N rubbed her back to calm her down Chloe emerged from his room with the look of concern plastered on her face "Chloe there is a blue aluminium bat in my room grab it for me" Chloe nodded her head at him.

(Y/N Pov)

My sister sat down drinking a cup of water i looked for our babysitter to see a note "Have to leave family trouble" i ignored it taking my baseball bat from Chloe i thanked her with a kiss to the cheek "Sis what happened out there?" i said kneeling in front of of her "Miles and Martha were attacked by a drunk man then all three of them chased me through the woods" i felt sympathetic for her she just lost her closest friends "I will call dad and see if him and mum are on the way home" i grabbed the house phone dialling my dads number from the cheque book.

D/N: Hello is this the babysitter calling?

Y/N: No dad it's me Y/N

D/N: Is something the matter Son?

Y/N: S/N was attacked by a drunken man and he killed her two best friends can you come home she is in a state

D/N: Where is your babysitter?

Y/N: She ditched apparently family problems

D/N: Damn it I'll try Son i am on the freeway this thing is backed up for miles

Y/N: Is mum still working?

D/N: She won't be home for awhile the hospital is packed full of injured patients

Y/N: Is your gun still in the desk drawer?

D/N: Yes Why?

Y/N: I don't like the thought of that drunk man being out there need my sister to know she is protected

D/N: Good boy your making me proud just take care of S/N and if the man shows back up you know what to do

Y/N: Yes Dad I'll protect her with my life

D/N: Good I'll be home soon

Y/N: Okay bye

Chloe looked out the window "They're is something happening in the city" i peeked through the curtains to see the city on fire with sounds of police sirens echoing in the distance "I'm Going to watch my face be right back while I'm doing that Chloe there is a gun in my dads desk get it" i entered the toilet washing my face trying to come to term with what was happening outside.

That's when i noticed a blood trail leading to the bath where a could see the shadow of someone making moaning sounds "Who's there" i asked just for the person to jump out at me on instinct i sparked whoever it was the bat clattering off there temple practically killing he or she.

I lifted the shower curtain to find out it was the babysitter blood ran out her nose and her eyes were bloodshot red puss splurged out when i touched her face the sight of this made me sick leaving the toilet total shock across my face "What happened" Chloe asked leading me over to my sister "The babysitter attacked me in the bathroom and i killed her" i mustered as much information as i could leaning against my dad desk.

"Ring, Ring, Ring" i answered the phone.

D/N: Son it's me is everything still okay

Y/N: No Dad it's terrible right now

D/N: What's wrong?

Y/N: The city is in flames and i was attacked by the babysitter she acted like a zombie i had no choice

D/N: Did you kill her?

Y/N: Yes, Dad what's going on?

D/N: I wish i could tell you son but i know nothing same as you

Y/N: How long till you're home?

D/N: Don't know son the freeway is still backed up

Y/N: Damn it

Noise from outside gathered my attention.

D/N: What was that?

Y/N: I have to go dad I'll call you back

D/N: Y/N!

My Sister screamed at her loudest pointing outside "They're here" i looked outside the patio door to see nothing but bushes rustling "I can't see anything out there" i turned back to her "I'll get the gun out the drawer" Chloe moved opening the drawer pulling out my dad gun case "Watch it packs a punch" i informed her.

"I'm scared we ain't safe here" my sister wrapped her arms round her knees trying to contain her emotions i went to kneel when the patio doors glass broke feeling two hands grab my waist "Y/N!! Chloe screamed as i was pulled out the house "NOOO!" i heard my sister shout while i was thrown to the ground by the drunk man she mentioned he snarled at me turning his attention back to my sister and Chloe last thing i saw before my vision went blurry was him charging in the house.

"I can't let him hurt them both" i picked myself back up running back to the house when i was cut off by Martha i held my bat tightly looking at her i couldn't believe it Martha's clothes were ripped apart blood rained down from the wound in her neck the most thing that made me uneasy was her eyes completely drained of colour this wasn't Martha anymore.

I swung my bat connecting with her stomach followed with a boot to the face getting her off my patio entering the house the infected adult was banging on the toilet door trying to get to Chloe and my sister "Hey you idiot!" i shouted getting it's attention focused on me "Try and beat up a guy rather two girls you lassie beater" i readied my bat prepared for it to come at me.

The infected man growled rushing at me i ducked down tripping him up his head clattered with the house phone "Crap" I finished it off with a foot stomp turning back to see Chloe unload a bullet into infected Martha's head.

Chloe handed me my dad's revolver her hands were shaking she couldn't believe what she had to do "It's ok" i rubbed her arm telling them to head into my room once they closed the door i sat down on a chair in the corner keeping watch for anybody i couldn't call my dad back the infected man broke the house phone.

Infected Miles walked onto the patio sniffing around standing i ran at it smacking my bat over it's head beating the brain out of literally i shut the patio door deciding to board up the house till my dad arrived.

A good couple horrors went by till a heard a knock at the door i looked through the shutters to see my Dad and Mum standing trying to keep it quiet moving the furniture out the way i let them in the house, My sister burst out her room running straight to my parents i handed my dad's revolver to him to go see Chloe and pack a few things for the road.

"Hey how you keeping" i said rubbing Chloe's back "I'm doing my best not sure if I'll ever feel better again" she took a sip of her fizzy drink "Want me to help me pack and see if that distracts you for the time being" i brought out my suitcase "Yeah you need someone with taste to help with this" i scoffed at her trying to hold back a smile.

(Flashback Over)

That day was the last time everything seemed normal for my family me and dad drifted apart and my mother was trying her best to be the camp leader while my sister distanced herself from everyone, Only Chloe stuck by my side always keeping me in check she is my best friend i hope i get to meet her and my sister again.

Ellie seemed really fascinated to be walking through the woods "First time in the woods" i jokingly asked "It's just... I've never seen anything like this, that's all" she responded "I'm guessing this means you've never been outside the quarantine zone, That's a  very sad life".

"How many times you been out of the quarantine zone" she asked "Since a was 14 used to actually live at a base in the woods with my family, Absolutely loved it" Ellie raised her eyebrow at me "Why'd you leave then" i paused for a second thinking back to what happened to my dad and always knew that my mum turned into a infected "It wasn't a choice" i put on a pace after that Ellie noticed how fast i was walking".

"This guy better have a car"  

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