Hungry eyes ยป vhope [FF]

By wangzico

6.5K 783 848

โ ๐๐จ๐ฐ ๐ˆ'๐ฏ๐ž ๐ ๐จ๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ข๐ง ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฌ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ฌ ๐–๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ก๐ฎ๐ง๐ ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ž๐ฒ๐ž๐ฌ ๐๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ข๐ ๐ˆ... More

special chapter - yoonmin.
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.


118 19 14
By wangzico

A/N: a long chapter today! Feel free to listen to the song above, it really fits while they are practicing! Have fun & don't forget to show some love! <3

It got quite late as the two males continued their practice. Hoseok thought of the choreography, showing every step one by one to Little.

It was exhausting, for the younger of course. At one point he messed up so many times, he just couldn't do the right order of the steps.

A loud sigh leaves his lips as he slowly lowers his hands, making Hoseok raise a brow. The older then realizes that it's maybe too much for the light haired boy, since he has never really danced with a choreography before.

Hoseok flashes him a soft smile also lowering his hands.

„We should end it for today." The older says, making Little look up to him with widen eyes.

„N-no we can continue-!"

The older shakes his head still smiling at the boy in front of him. One of his hand is still on Little's waist, the other hand is now also placed there.
Taehyung suddenly felt shy under Hoseok's dark eyes and his touches.

„It's okay Little. We will continue tomorrow. For today it's enough." The dancer responds softly squeezing Taehyung's waist, making the younger nervous without knowing.

„I'm sorry- I did bad." Little says lowering his head now looking at his feet and not Hoseok's black eyes.

„No no, you did fine." The dancer says pulling Taehyung slightly closer to himself. The younger gulps, Hoseok is so close to him once again and it's driving him crazy. How can he be so casual while doing something like that? Is it normal for him? Is it normal where he comes from?

„I should drive you home." Hoseok interrupts his thoughts and Little nods, as he looks outside and notices the sun almost going down.

„I can go on my own." Little responds making the older shake his head before letting go of him.

„No I'm driving you. It's the least I could do."

The ride home was quiet but comfortable. The sun is almost gone, now coloring the sky in warm tones of red and orange with small hints of pink. It's lovely, Little thought. As he looks to his left he notices the warm colors of the sky, reflecting on Hoseok's face, coloring his face in colors of red and orange. It looks just as beautiful as the sky itself, or even more beautiful. In Little's eyes, it seemed like the most beautiful thing he has seen in a long time.

They soon arrive in front of Little's house. Through the windows he can already see his parents sitting at the dining table, probably waiting for Little to return home. So he looks back to the male next to him, smiling at him softly.

„Come by tomorrow. There's still a lot to learn for you." Hoseok says with a soft voice, his hand suddenly finding its way to Little's. The younger widens his eyes slightly as he feels Hoseok's warm hand grabbing his, squeezing it softly.

„Thank you for helping me out, I really appreciate it, Taehyung-ah." Hoseok adds and the way he says Little's name makes the younger melt right away. His heart is beating fast and even faster when Hoseok pulls his hand closer to his lips and places a soft kiss on Little's hand - once again.

And once again for God sakes, Little can't breathe properly and his heart is going crazy.

Little just nods, like a shy girl that lost her voice, he suddenly can't talk.

„See you tomorrow." Hoseok says, „I will be waiting for you."

They said their goodbyes and not long after Little entered the house and joined his parents at the dining table.

„What are you up to lately?" Little's father asks him, to his surprise.

„Nothing much." The light haired boy responds, playing with his food rather than eating it. The sudden question of his father made him slightly nervous.

„You are out every day aren't you?" His father continues asking and Little nods slowly while gulping.

„Yes it's- it's nice weather recently to just stay at home." His father nods in response and gladly doesn't ask any more questions.

„Is Yoongi not coming for dinner?" Little asks rather towards his mother than his father.

„He called earlier and told he won't make it on time. He will come home late today." His mother says and now it's Little's turn to nod.
They continue eating in silence and once they finished, Little heads to his room. He got himself fresh clothes and went to take a quick shower before changing into his Pyjama.

With his book he lies down on his bed, reading the first few pages quite concentrated, but soon his mind trails off. Once again he has to think about the dancer, the amazing Jung Hoseok. His heart feels warm at the thought of him, his whole body is actually feeling strange but also good.

Little closes his book and hugs it tightly, his cheeks turning red and hot at some specific thoughts he had today. And moments, close and intimate moments, he had shared earlier with the older male.

A soft smile that he fails to suppress, appears on his lips. He can't wait to see Hoseok tomorrow. And hopefully the day after tomorrow. Little can feel the excitement spreading through his body, spending time with Hoseok, dancing with him, laughing with him, being close to him, everything about it, is so exciting. And Little can't wait for the next day to finally start so that he can be with Hoseok as soon as possible. With that he closes his eyes, finally letting his sleep catch him.


Little didn't expect Hoseok's ‚I'll be waiting for you' to mean that he will be literally waiting for him, outside - in front of his house. Once again throwing rocks at his window, but this time at the right one.

Opening the window and carefully looking down to not be hit by a rock, Little notices the older male standing outside, waving at him.

"Good Morning handsome!" Hoseok shouts with a laugh, his face is shining brightly as if he is representing the sun himself. For a short moment Little is mesmerized, first because of the name he called him and second because of Hoseok's looks, his whole appearance is breath taking.

"Can I take you out to have breakfast with me?" The older interrupts his trance and Little blinks a few times, slightly overwhelmed because he just woke up.

"Is it a yes or no?" Hoseok asks chuckling and finally Taehyung can get his mind together to answer the question.

"It's- it's a yes." He answers before rubbing his eyes, still slightly tired. The older laughs and points at his car.

"I will be waiting at my car, take your time."

Once Little was ready, put on some comfortable clothes, brushed his teeth and washed his face, he heads outside to meet the older who has been waiting for him.

"Are you ready?" Hoseok asks while opening the door of the passenger seat for Little.

"Uhm- yeah I guess." Little mumbles, his voice is still sleepy and so is his face. Little did he know, that Hoseok truly enjoyed this side of him. They both get into the car and as soon as Hoseok starts the engine, they drive off to the center of the town. After finding a place to have breakfast, they enter the small and rather quiet restaurant.

Both of them order something to eat and are now waiting for their order.

"Tell me something about you Little." Hoseok suddenly says, making Little look at him with a confused face.

The younger chuckles nervously, "W-what- what do you wanna know?"

The dancer shrugs, playing with the menu card that is still on their table, "Just anything. We've known each other for a while but I have the feeling I barely know you."

Little frowns slightly but Hoseok is right. He barely knows anything about Little but somehow it still feels like they've known each other for a long time. It's because they get along pretty well. The vibe Hoseok has is making Little feeling so good whenever he is with him. Hoseok is joyful, wild, playful and so kind. A truly amazing person in Little's eyes. Spending time with him just feels so right to him, never did he feel uncomfortable around Hobi.

"Uhm- I.. I'm studying medicine." Little says but his sentence sounded more like a question since he still isn't sure what to tell about himself. There's not much to tell, his life is simple and boring.

"Medicine? Wow, that's amazing. Was that your dream or-"

The light haired male shakes his head with a small smile on his lips, "No my parents wanted me to study it. Since they are doctors themselves."

Hoseok nods in acknowledgment, "What would you love to do?"

Taehyung shrugs in response, himself not sure what he would do instead. "Maybe become an author. I loved writing stories when I was younger."

"That sounds interesting. You could still do it." Hoseok responds and before they could continue talking, their food arrived. They then talked about Little's siblings, that Hoseok loves children and would love to meet the two someday. He also told Hobi how his parents are, that they are strict but still good people. They talked the whole time, but this Time just about Little and his life. At some point Little really got comfortable talking about himself. He never liked being the main topic or the focus, but with Hobi everything felt good and right.

"Now please tell me how you got that nickname of yours?" Hoseok asks with a chuckle, before taking a sip of his coffee, excited to listen to Little's story how he got that nickname.

"Well it's actually a stupid story." Little begins, a soft giggle leaving his lips, before he continues, "When I was younger, like 4 years or so, my father always used to call me 'my little boy'. I knew what boy meant but I didn't know what little means so at some point the stupid me thought that is one of my names. Even though I knew that my actual name is Taehyung, but still I was silly back then." He laughs shortly, remembering how it became his nickname back then.

"We moved to our new house soon, and then when I first met Namjoon he asked me what my name is and I told him it's 'Little'. He probably thought I was joking or stupid but he still believed me and so he started calling me Little. Ever since then, everyone started calling me that. Even my parents. My father loves giving nicknames or calling people by their nicknames so he was totally into that. Everyone thought it suits me well because I used to be the shortest or youngest one. And that's how I got the nickname."

Hoseok was smiling the whole time while Little was explaining how he got his nickname and he started laughing when he heard the story behind this name. Little laughed along with the older, he felt really good talking to the dancer about himself.

"That's funny." Hobi says with a big smile, but the smile turns into a soft one, his eyes looking at him with the same kindness and softness, "But I really like your real name. It's truly beautiful."

The words leaving Hobi's lips make Little blush immediately. Suddenly he feels nervous under Hoseok's dark eyes and his soft smile.

"T-thank you." He mumbles while looking down on his now empty milkshake. His heart is beating fast and it gets quiet between the two of them, before Hoseok decides to break the silence by standing up to pay and finally leave the place. It's time for them to continue where they stopped yesterday.


It's already midday and the two males are still practicing for the performance. Today they focus on Little's posture and his movements. It's important for the performance that he gets used to how to move his body properly and how his posture should be in general.

Hoseok is an amazing teacher, he truly is and Little is so thankful for his patience since he isn't quite confident in what he's doing or how to move his body in general. But Hoseok is patience with him, explaining and showing it to him over and over again. They spend the last few hours on fixing Little's posture and practicing the individual steps one by one.

At one point of the practice it got so hot, that Hoseok decides to take off his shirt. By doing so, he didn't know how it would affect Little and his ability to focus on their practice.

"Let's do the first part of the choreography." Hoseok says after they focused on Little only for the last few hours. Little nods in response and after taking a sip of his water he joins Hoseok in the middle of the dancing room.

The older places his hand on Little's waist, pulling his body closer to his own. Little gulps as he puts his hand on Hobi's naked shoulder, the touch makes a shiver run down his spine. He is so close to the dancer, once again and his whole body is acting strange from the inside due to the closeness the two male's share while dancing.

They look each other deep into their eyes and somehow the whole world stopped moving around them. They are lost in each other's eyes, nothing matters anymore, it's just the two of them. And it's not only Little who feels the heat and tension between them, Hoseok can feel it too. It's just a short moment of silence between them, but it felt like hours. Little's whole body is burning and his heart is beating fast in his chest once again caused by one certain male.

They continue looking into each other's eyes, dark ones getting lost in hazel colored ones. At one point Hoseok forgot how to breathe, the handsome boy in front of him is giving him a hard time. They can feel the magic and chemistry between them.

Hoseok is the first one to break the trance both of them had fallen into, by slowly moving their bodies, making the first steps of the choreography. Even though it's part of the dance to look each other into the eyes, it seems like they can't look away even if they wanted to.

As Taehyung got the first steps right, Hoseok feels proud and flashes him a soft and charming smile. The younger can't help himself but smile back at the older male as they finish the first part of the choreography successfully. Even though they are done with the first part, they don't think about parting.

They are still standing in the same position in the same spot, but now Hoseok puts both of his hands on Little's waist while the younger rests his own hands on the older male's shoulder. It's quiet, even though the song is still playing in the background everything around them seemed unimportant. What matters are them, just the two of them.

With Hoseok pulling him even closer, till their hips are pressed against each other, Little can feel his whole body getting weak. A strange feeling spreads through him, his head feels light and his chest warm. There was not such a thing as dance space, Hoseok broke his own rule with that. But he doesn't seem to mind, being close to Little is what matters at the moment and what feels right to him.

Their moment suddenly gets interrupted by someone opening the door and causing the bell to ring.

The two male that were standing extremely close just a second ago, immediately part looking anywhere but at each other.

"Sorry for interrupting." A certain purple haired male says, making both of them look at him, "But I wanted to ask you guys if you want to join us tomorrow? We want to clean Yoongi's cars together."

Little feels his head and face heat up, his cheeks are turning red because JK for sure saw the two male standing really close to each other, touching each other while one of them is not wearing a shirt. It must have looked really strange to the purple haired boy.

The light haired male looks shyly to his dance partner, as if he's asking for his permission. Well they have to practice for the performance so taking a break to wash the cars with the others, could take a lot of time. But Hoseok didn't seem to mind.

"Yes of course, why not." The dancer answers with a smile, making JK nod in response and smile back at him.

"Nice. Tomorrow morning at Yoongi's shop." JK adds before turning around to leave, "See you then!" With that he turns around one more time, winking at Little and then leaves the place right after. Little knows that from now on, JK will tease him about this.

After Jungkook left, the dancer turns back to his partner, flashing a charming smile at him, before grabbing his hand and pulling him back to their dance position.

"Let's continue, shall we?"


A/N: Hello!! How are you??
I miss updating twice a week but I have barely time to write and update ;(

How did you like the chapter? It's quite long, but I enjoyed writing it!

Now you finally know how Taehyung got his nickname „Little"! What do you think about it?

Next chapter will be published on Friday next week! Let's see how the car wash will turn out~

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