Twisted Wonderland Prologue:...

By PinkiePieSweets

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A teenage girl, named Briar wakes up in a coffin to finds herself in an all boy's academy with little memorie... More

Chapter 1: The Strange Waking
Chapter 2: Ceremony Breaking
Chapter 3: A Dismissive Ranking
Chapter 4: Recollection Blanking
Chapter 5: A Perplexing Puzzle
Chapter 7: The Principal's Rule
Chapter 8: First Day at School
Chapter 9: Meeting a Freshman
Chapter 10: Mutual Aggression
Chapter 11: Window Scrubbing
Chapter 12: Punishment Ducking
Chapter 13: An Urgent Deadline
Chapter 14: To the Dwarf's Mine
Chapter 15: Frantic Dashing
Chapter 16: Egos Clashing
Chapter 17: A United Front
Chapter 18: The Endless Hunt
Chapter 19: A Lesson Learned
Chapter 20: The Prologue Adjourned

Chapter 6: A Move-In Struggle

154 3 0
By PinkiePieSweets

Not long ago, Briar has moved into a dorm that is rundown and is running with ghosts. Grim, who has tried to snuck into the school, finds his way to the dorm and meets Briar once more. And end up meeting a small doll named Sereia, who reveals to use water type magic. When the ghost attacks, the three work together to defeat them.

Grim shouts, "Myaah!"

And unleashes his fire powers at the ghosts.

"Take that!" Sereia cries out and fires her bubbles at the ghosts.

The ghosts begin to panic.

One calls out, "We gotta get out here! Before we disappear for good!"

With that, the ghosts retreat from the fight.

Grim is surprised, "h-huh? Did we... win?"

"I think we did," Briar says.

Sereia cheers, "Yay!"

"You both were incredible," Briar happily says.

Just then, Grim feels out of breath, and looks like he's gonna collapse.

"Are you alright, Grim?" Briar asks.

"Aw, geeze, I was scared outta my..." Grim says, frightened and out of breath.

But he changed his attitude, "I mean, they didn't faze me one bit! Just a walk in the park for a mage of my caliber! Whaddaya got to say now, ghosts? That's right!"

Briar and Sereia giggle in reply.

"Well, what matters now is that we got the ghosts off our backs," Briar says.

"What do we do now?" Sereia asks.

"It's best we start cleaning up the place a bit, so we can..." Briar says.

Suddenly, they all hear footsteps. They all turn their heads to see Dire Crowley, the headmage of the school, walking over with a bag that has a small box and a container. Sereia becomes frightened and quickly hides behind Briar's legs, and clutches on the robe with her small hand.

Crowley happily says, "Good evening. In another gesture of my immense kindness, I brought you dinner."

But soon notices Grim and is not pleased, "Wait. That's the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!"

"Takin' care of yer ghost problem, that's what. You're welcome, by the way!" Grim says with his arms crossed and sounds confident.

Dire Crowley turns to Briar and demands, "What is the meaning of this, Briar?"

But then, notices the little doll clutching Briar from behind, "And who is this small doll?"

"Well... it's like this..." Briar says.

With that, Briar explains to her how Grim is able to sneak back here and find his way to the dorm. Then explains how she meets little Sereia, who is actually a doll that has unique water magic abilities. Including that they run into the ghost, and they all have to work together to get rid of them.

And then Briar concludes, "That's it."

Crowley says, "But you know, on that topic, I do seem to recall that this dorm had a mischievous ghost problem."

Then ays, "Ah, yes... that's why it was abandoned, in fact. The ghost scared away all the students."

"Huh? " Briar replies, dumbfounded.

She can't believe that the hadmage of the school is either never mentioned or has forgotten to mention that there are ghosts in this dorm, and they're the reason why this place is abandoned.

Then Crowley says, "And you're saying that you two along with this magical doll joined forces to drive them?

"'Join forces' ain't exactly how I'd describe it. More like I drove 'em away, and the human watched. And I only did it 'cause I wanted some tuna," Grim says.

He then realizes and turns to Briar, "Hey... wait a minute! I never got those cans of tuna ya promised!"

Sereia turns to Grim and despite her shyness, she scolds Grim, "Grim! Don't be so mean to Briar! And um... I helped defeat the ghost too! Briar was very helpful and was able to tell us where the ghosts were! We might not be able to beat them without her help! I... I think you should be more grateful...!"

"Grateful?!" Grim says, shocked.

Just then, Crowley asks, "Would you three be so kind as to demonstrate your ghost-eradication methods for me?"

"Demonstrate?" Sereia says confused.

"You want to see how we're able to handle these ghosts?" Briar asks, a little surprised.

Crowley nods his head in reply.

"One, no, 'cause the little doll and I already wiped 'em all out," Grim says.

Then angrily says, "And two, no 'cause where's my tuna?!"

Briar sighs, "Well, Grim is right about one thing, the ghosts aren't here anymore."

"They ran away," Sereia adds.

But then, Crowley has come up with a solution, "I will play the part of the ghosts? As for the tuna, you'll receive it when you defeat me. Oh, what generosity, Crowley..."

Sereia nervously asks, "Um, Mr. Crowley, sir. How are you going to play part of the ghost?"

"It's quite simple," Crowley says.

Then brings out a bottle full of strange liquid, "Now to chug this transmutation potion!"

He uncorks the bottle and drinks the liquid inside. And with a flash of light and change in his body, Crowley has transformed into a ghost. Briar and Sereia are surprised to see it.

"Oh my. That potion has changed you into a ghost," Briar says.

"That's amazing," Sereia says, impressed.

Grim groans, "Ah, you gotta be kiddin' me. I gotta work together with the human and the doll again?"

"Come on Grim, I'm sure it won't be that bad," Briar says.

"Yeah. Remember, Crowley said he'll give you some tuna when you're done," Sereia says.

Then Briar whispers to Grim, "And who knows, maybe Crowley will reconsider about you going to school here."

Grim simply says, "Hmph. All right, but this is the last time. And I better be up to my jowls in tuna afterwards!"

"Don't worry guys, we just do the same thing as before. We work together," Briar says.

Then asks, "You all remember what we need to do?"

"Right. You instruct and Grim and me attack," Sereia says.

"Right. You tell us where we need to fire," Grim says.

"That's right," Briar says.

Grim turns to Sereia, "Let's go doll girl."

"Um okay," Sereia replies.

Grim and Sereia head forward and search around for the headmage that has turned himself into a ghost.

Just then, the headmage appears behind them, "Now, then! Let us see you expel ME as a ghost."

Grim and Sereia become surprised and turn around to see the Crowley ghost is gone.

Then appears behind them on the right, "Go on! Don't be shy about striking me. I'm much too kind to be riled over that."

The two become surprised and turn around to see them.

"Okay, but you asked for it! There's better be some tuna waitin' for me after this!" Grim says.

Then turns to Sereia and Briar, "Let's go catch us a ghost."

The girls nod their heads in reply.

Then Crowley says, "Now, let us commence!"

"Okay, human! You tell the doll and me if he so much as blinks, got it?" Grim says.

"Right?" Briar says.

Briar, Grim and Sereia wait in position for Crowley to appear.

Just then, Crowley begins to appear to the left of Grim.

Briar calls out, "Grim quick, to your left!"

"To the left? Got it!" Grim says.

Then calls out, "Taste my flames!"

Grim quickly turns around and fires his blue firepower at the ghost Headmage.

Crowley responds, "My, does that ever smarts!" and disappears.

Just then, he appears on the right of Sereia.

"Seriea, to your right!" Briar calls out.

"Okay!" Seriea says, and fires her water power at the ghost, right on target.

"My, the water sure is cold," Crowley says.

Briar calls out, "Grim, to your upper right!"

Grim then fires his fire power.

"Sereia, your lower left!" Briar calls out.

Sereia then fires her bubbles at the ghost.

Briar continues to call out to Grim and Sereia, and the two continue to fire their attacks at the ghost when they appear.

Just then, Crowley appears in front of them and says, "You've impressed me. I may have to up the difficulty a smidge."

Just then, Crowley ghost begins to disappear and begins to fly around like crazy, catching the two by surprise.

"Myah?! Why'd he get so fast all of the sudden?!" Grim says in surprise.

"Oh my!" Sereia says, surprised.

Then reappears close to Grim, "Can you keep up with me NOW?"

The ghost Crowley continues to fly around fast.

"Hmph, I can and I will! This is child's play for the Great Grim!" Grim says with confidence.

Briar says, "Try to not get too over confident. We need to work together to beat him."

"I think she's right," Sereia says.

Just then, Crowley appears close to Grim.

Briar calls out, "Grim, lower right!"

Grim hears Briar and is able to strike at the Headmage ghost. Then it appears close to Sereia.

"Sereia, upper right!" Briar calls out.

Sereia then blows her magic bubbles at the ghost once more. Then Crowley appears again close to SEria.

"Your lower left, Sereia!" Briar calls out.

"Okay!" Sereia replies, and fires her water magic at the ghost.

Then Crowley appears close to Grim.

"Grim, directly to your left!" Briar calls out.

"Got it!" Grim says, and breaths fire at Crowley.

Briar continues to instruct Grim and Sereia to aim their attacks. Then Grim and Sereia fire their attacks at Crowley due to Briar's instruction.

Finally, Crowley appears, "I wonder just how many you can elude at once?"

Just then, five more ghosts appear around the group.

"Quick guys, the ghosts are all around you. Use your attacks all around," Briar calls out.

Grim and Sereia turn to each other and nod their heads. With that, they both are able to fire their attacks around them and are able to blast at the ghosts.

Grim takes deep breaths, "Hah... hah... we got every last one."

"That was very tiring," Sereia says.

Grim calls out angrily, "Hey, human! You're killn' me here! You don't gotta be so rough, ya know."

"Sorry, but we had to think fast when there's multiple ghosts around you guys," Briar says.

"Still, I think we're able to beat all of them," Sereia says.

"She's right," Briar says.

Then holds her hands out to them, "Great work team."

"Yeah," Sereia happily and places her hand on Briar's.

Grim sighs and places his paw on Briar's hand, "Yeah. Good work and whatever."

Briar smiles in reply.

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