Library Boy |✓

By -selcouth

95.9K 5.5K 1.6K

In which a boy tries to catch the attention of a girl he likes, by sending her notes. • • • • highest ra... More



21.2K 850 478
By -selcouth

He was completely and utterly, amazed by her. He sat at an uncomfortable, wooden chair that continued to dig into his spine as he leaned farther into it, but he felt no pain. Someone like him would normally never be caught in a library; let alone be seen taking an interest in a girl such as the brown haired, blue eyed beauty that was sat a few tables over from him, so absorbed in a book of her own she hadn't even noticed someone was admiring her.

Ryker continued to steal glances at her as he peeked over the pages of a book that he couldn't tell you the name of, as the girl, whose name he had yet to gain the knowledge of, ran her finger over the pages and her innocent, blue orbs that would shine with joy as she became more engrossed in the book that lay before her. Ryker couldn't help but marvel at the way her curly, brown hair framed her heart-shaped face and her doe-eyes scanned over the pages of the book as the pinky finger on her right hand followed closely behind. Her pale, blue orbs slightly glanced up; over at him. His heart raced faster in his chest as her teeth pulled at her bottom lip, to keep from little giggles escaping and a dark shade of red covered her pale, snowy cheeks. His bushy eyebrows had woven together in confusion as she shook her head in a way of showing amusement. He feared the worst as he carefully flipped his book over to the cover page, What To Expect When You're Expecting, it read across the top as it showed a mother smiling down at her enlarged belly. He felt blood rush to the tip of his ears as his dark brown [almost black], eyes quickly darted around as they landed on an employee scanning a near-by book shelf and making sure everything was in order; a few wandering people were aimlessly walking towards the nearest bookshelf to look for anything eye-catching.

He pushed his chair back and it made a soft, screechy sound as it scraped against the carpeted flooring, of dark blue that held specks of bright pink and orange, it looked like it belonged in an elementary school. He quickly tucked the book [cover-down], against where his arm met the top of his leg and stood at his full height of 6'5. Ryker knew he was a scary-looking guy, so why was he scared some girl might catch him unknowingly flipping through the pages of a book on pregnancy as he admired her beauty from afar? He could have anyone scurrying off with their tail between their legs with a simple look and this petite, brunette had him weak in the knees with a simple bite of her lip.

She crossed her legs in a criss-cross applesauce, in the same seat she would sit everyday after she had browsed the bookshelves for a a few moments and pulling some books out; if she didn't finish them all in one visit she would secure them back into the original place she found them and come back the next day to continue where she left off. She glanced up once again, itching to lock eyes with the mysterious boy who was sat a few tables over from the one she was occupying, but was met with an empty seat. She sighed, wanting to have the same feeling of her heart beating wildly against her rib-cage; to a point where she was afraid she had broken a few bones and her palms become sweaty as the world around them stops for a millisecond. She never thought anyone would have such an impact on her, this was the kind of thing she read about in romance novels; not something that was supposed to happen in real life! Brandy quickly stood up collecting a few of the untouched books in her pile and walked down an aisle putting two of the books back into their designated place. Some days, she felt like a Disney princess, Belle to be exact, always with her nose stuck in a book and not to mention how she had always dreamed of having a library to herself and then she would be reminded that she wasn't nearly beautiful enough. According to the rumors at her school and the looks she would get thrown her way she knew she didn't belong stuck in a small town that would just hold her back from life's greatest opportunities.

She gasped as she walked down another aisle and saw the boy from earlier, looking at a few of the titles she came to the conclusion that these shelves contained werewolf-romance novels and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from bursting into little bits of laughter as the intimidating figure in front of her scrunched his nose in distaste, quickly shutting the book and shoving it back onto the shelf. This caused Brandy to frown as she noticed he hadn't even had the courtesy to place it in it's original place. Placing the last book in her hands next to the two other books she had found in squished against earlier she carefully made her way towards him before noticing he was still standing in the same spot and she would have to go in front of him to reach the book. Muttering a quick, 'excuse me' she squeezed in between him and the shelf she was afraid he would be able to hear her heart as it pounded into her own ears. She heard his sharp intake of breath as she continued to reach up onto the book shelf to reach where he had placed it with his large frame enclosing her into her spot she had to stand on her tip-toes to reach it with her petite frame of 5'2. As the dainty fingers of her right hand skimmed the spine of the book she made a small grunting noise out of frustrating before reaching up again only for another much larger hand to easily reach up and taking the book from it's place.

"Looking for this?" A soft, yet masculine voice asked; she couldn't help but let out an involuntary gasp at the sound of his voice. It wasn't anything she had imagined and now with his hot breath tickling the base of her neck and the few hairs that had escaped her messy bun, she knew he was invading her personal space.

"Y-yes, you ha-had placed it in, in the wrong place." She had managed to stutter out after turning and coming nose-to-nose with the handsome stranger. He most definitely didn't look like the kind of person you would find in a library, but Brandy never judged a book by it's cover.

"Well, here it is." Ryker could slap himself, he was practically letting her get away while she was still in front of him, all he had to do was lean forward and their lips would collide. He heard her angelic voice mumble out a soft 'thank you' before she quickly slipped out of his shadow and slowly, yet surely placed the book that he had held in his hands moments ago back in the spot he had found it. He smiled faintly as he watched her continue her way out of the aisle, and with a burst of confidence called out after her, "What's your name?" Quietly enough for him to not be shushed by the librarian and loud enough for the mystery girl to hear him.

"Brandy." She replied, not looking back and not asking for his name in return but continuing to walk out of the aisle mentally scolding herself for not gathering the courage to ask him such a simple three word question.

I know the photo didn't happen in the book, but isn't it absolutely adorable?

not all of the chapter will be as long as this one, they will actually all be short chapters, it'll be a short chapter including her reaction, and where she finds the note and what the note reads; it's meant for you all to know who is writing the notes and who is receiving [ryker to brandy] and brandy is meant to be clueless as to who would be interested in her, [sigh]. I may throw in a few longer chapters here and there if I feel it is needed. let me know if you enjoyed this chapter, please comment and vote!

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