Insomnia- Accidental Love

By CaptainPluffer

68.2K 2.5K 751

There are two sides in the Multiverse. There are the Star Sanses, known to be the heroes and saviors of the M... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Insomnia In a Nutshell
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note

Chapter 13

2K 71 10
By CaptainPluffer

Sci's P.O.V

I gave out a sigh of stress and relief as I finally finished all of the paperwork that Gaster gave me. "I'm done." I said in relief as I leand against my chair and stretched my sore bones.

'What should I do now that I'm done.' I pondered as I started putting my stuff away. 'I could always visit Fell in his AU or invite him over to hangout.' I thought and slightly blushed at the mention of the edgy skeleton. 'He wouldn't mind right?' I thought and gave a small glance at my phone as it laid calmly at my desk.

'Get a hold of yourself Sci! Your asking him on a friendly hangout, not on a date.' I mentally scolded myself, but my mind couldn't help but make scenarios of me and Fell doing couple stuff together. Increasing the blush on my already burning skull.

"Sci! We need your help!" Ink yelled as he literally popped out of nowhere along with Blue. Causing me to yelp in surprise and trip over a pencil that fell on the floor landing straight on my tailbone. "Oww..." I hissed and lightly rubbed my backside in pain "OMG SCI! ARE YOU OKAY?!" Blue yelled as he immediately got to my side and helped me up from the floor.

"Yeah I'm fine, just make sure to warn me next time, before you guys scare me like that." I said and slightly winced in pain "Oops, sorry Sci, I didn't mean to startle you. I was just wondering if you'll do me a favor. A big one actually." Ink said in a motone voice. "And what will that be?" I question, slightly curious on what caused Ink to act all serious all of a sudden.

"Well you see, for some reason something is blocking my ability to travel into Errors Anti-Void and I was wondering if you could make a machine that could help transport me and Blue there." Ink said. I look at him in shock, not believing what he just requested from me.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Ink, but I can't do that." I told him regretfully "What! Why?" Ink questions in shock.

"Because Ink," I started, taking a deep breath before continuing "The Anti-Void is a blank space that is left behind when something or someone completely erases the AU from existence. Nothing or no one is left because when the AU is being erased, everything that has ever existed gets automatically deleted or discarded. Sure people who knew them outside the AU still remembers them unlike the void, but when they tried to find even the slightest bit of the AU. It would be like it never existed in the first place." I finished as Ink only gave me a face of confusion.

"And that's a problem because..." "Because Ink, what you're asking me is to find the destination of something that no longer exists." I told him with a frown "If you have asked me to built a machine that goes to UnderFell or SteamTale, then I would've been able to do it with no problem because not only do the AU's exist, but I would be able to track down the magic they give out and bring you there no problem. However I can't do that with the Anti-Void because there's nothing to track down." I said

Ink gave out a frown but slowly nodded in understanding "I-I see, I'm sorry for disturbing you then Sci. Me and Blue will be going now." He said before creating an Ink portal and jumped through "I'm really sorry, I wished I could've help." I said sadly as Blue gave me a small smile.

"IT'S OKAY SCI, YOU DID WHAT YOU COULD AND I'M GRATEFUL FOR THAT. I.....I just hope Ink would be okay." Blue said, lowering his voice at the last part as he looks at the Ink portal worriedly. "I'm sure that Ink would feel better eventually, especially when he has a friend like you Blue." I told him with a small smile "I do hope so." He said with a sigh.

"ANYWAYS, I SHOULD GET GOING NOW BEFORE INK STARTS TO WONDER WHERE I AM." Blue said with a smile "You probably should." I responded with a small smile of my own "GOODBYE SCI." Blue said before jumping into the Ink portal "C'ya Blue." I said with a small wave before he disappeared into the portal. I gave out a sigh as I stared at the fading Ink portal with a small frown 'I wish I could've been more helpful.' I thought as I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for not being able to help.

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