Payback (Hiatus)

By Sephtis_Soul

209K 6.6K 1.3K

(Vilgilate Deku) In the aftermath of the hard-fought victory against the formidable League of Villains, the y... More

Chapter 1 (EDITED)
Chapter 2 (EDITED)
Chapter 3 (EDITED)
Chapter 4 (EDITED)
Chapter 5 (EDITED)
Chapter 6 (EDITED)
Chapter 7 (EDITED)
Chapter 8 (EDITED)
Chapter 9 (EDITED)
Chapter 10 (EDITED)
Chapter 11 (EDITED)
Chapter 12 (EDITED)
Chapter 13 (EDITED)
Chapter 14 (EDITED)
Chapter 15 (EDITED)
Chapter 16 (EDITED)
Chapter 17(EDITED)
Chapter 18 (EDITED)
Chapter 19 (EDITED)
Chapter 20 (EDITED)
Side Story 1 (EDITED)
Chapter 21 (EDITED)
Chapter 22 (EDITED)
Chapter 23 (EDITED)
Chapter 24 (EDITED)
Chapter 25 (EDITED)
Character P2
Chapter 26 (EDITED)
Special 2.0
Chapter 28 (EDITED)
Special 3

Chapter 27 (EDITED)

3.1K 128 17
By Sephtis_Soul

Edited: 27 October 2023

"Well, I wanted to know if I can possibly meet your mother," Takeshi asked in a serious tone.

"For what?" Izuku asked suspiciously.

"I don't know if she told you, but she was my mentor despite being close in age," Takeshi sheepishly admitted. "And I want to spar with her again."

"Let me text her first to see if it's okay," Izuku said, taking out his phone.

While waiting for a response, they decided to go to a restaurant and awkwardly ate their food in silence. Shortly after, Izuku's phone buzzed. He read the message his mom sent.

"She said she could meet you tonight at our house," Izuku said. As he relayed the message, he couldn't help but wonder if Kai was aware of this.

"Really? Thank you," Takeshi expressed his gratitude as he grabbed Izuku's hand and shook it. "By the way, I've been wondering, how did you know I was there?"

"My mom showed me your biography, so I know you can transform into different animals and things, and I can feel your aura. You just have this majestic aura around you," Izuku explained.

"Well, I'm flattered," Takeshi said with a gleeful smile. "You, too. You have a rather interesting aura. It has a sinister vibe at the same time there is a holy light as well."

"That does sound interesting," Izuku replied. "Ah, there is something I've been meaning to ask you."

"What is it? I'll answer anything," Takeshi replied eagerly.

"Do you know the whereabouts of the other members?" Izuku inquired.

Takeshi fell silent for a moment.

"I know," he finally admitted.

"Do you still communicate with them?" Izuku asked.

"Ever since your mother disappeared, we've kept in contact in case we found any traces of her," Takeshi confirmed.

"Why are you guys so desperate to find my mother?" Izuku asked. "Last I checked, my mom doesn't have many friends."

"I'm sure you're interested in understanding your mother's real relationship with us," Takeshi said.

"Real relationship?" Izuku inquired.

"I'm sure you've heard that your mother never took part in the JHA group," Takeshi continued.

"That's what the rumors say," Izuku acknowledged as he took a sip of his drink.

"That's only half accurate," Takeshi clarified.

"So, she was involved with the JHA?" Izuku gasped.

"Well, not really," Takeshi explained. "She was more involved with the five of us."

"Um... what made you guys start the association?" Izuku wondered.

"That's another story to tell," Takeshi replied with a bitter smile.

"Are the others going to join later?" Izuku asked.

"100%, especially Ryuusui and Leia. Those two were particularly close to your mother," Takeshi said.

"Oh, the dragon guy! He looks strong. I'd like to meet him," Izuku said.

"I don't think he even wants to know about your existence" Takeshi thought with a wry smile.


Takeshi approached a grand mansion, headed to meet a cunning woman. Despite their constant clashes, they shared a deep mutual respect.

As he neared the mansion, the security guard halted his car, but upon recognizing him, he granted him entry. Takeshi visited the fox once a month to gather updates on the whereabouts of the Jade Hunter, who had resurfaced after 15 years in hiding.

Stepping out of his car, he was warmly greeted by the head butler and the other maids.

"Mr. Ojiro," the butler respectfully bowed, "the madam is expecting you."

"Where's the master?" Takeshi inquired.

"She's with the madam," the butler replied.

"Very well, lead the way," Takeshi said with a smile.


As he had suspected, the cunning woman was being pampered by her husband, who took pleasure in grooming her tail, keeping it clean and fluffy. Their affection for each other was evident, with her husband deeply in love with his wife. However, this was not the case for the fox, who was merely using him to maintain her luxurious lifestyle.

Yet, it would be unfair to label her as entirely heartless. She did harbor genuine care for her husband, recognizing him as the provider of her comfortable life. Her concern extended to those around her, especially her daughter. Having lost her entire family in her youth, she was determined to protect her current family at all costs.

"Oh, Ojiro-san, you're here!" the husband greeted with enthusiasm.

"It's good to see you again, Yaoyorozu-san," Takeshi replied.

"Come, have a seat," Yaoyorozu invited. He turned to a maid and said, "Bring us some tea."

"How are you doing, Inari?" Takeshi inquired.

"Same as always," Inari replied, a hint of playfulness in her tone. "Being beautiful is tiring."

Takeshi couldn't help but roll his eyes at that comment.

"What school did your daughter get into?" Takeshi asked.

"U.A," Inari replied nonchalantly. "She got in through a recommendation."

"Hmm... she's not particularly physically strong, though," Takeshi commented. Inari shot him a sharp glare.

"Not everything is about strength, you muscle-bound oaf," Inari retorted. "Besides, she aced the written exam and secured first place, unlike your son."

"Hey, my son is not that bad! He did make it into 1-A," Takeshi retorted.

"Well, it's a good thing he didn't turn out like you, you fighting maniac," Inari huffed. "I don't even want them to find out we know each other."

"I was thinking the same thing," Takeshi agreed, his arms crossed in irritation.

"Anyway, do you have any leads on where the master might be?" Inari inquired. "Even with our special forces, we still can't find her."

"I'm sorry, honey," Yaoyorozu interjected. "I'll ask the U.S. private forces to search for Lady Jade."

"It's not your fault, darling; the master is just exceptionally good at hiding," Inari said as she stroked her tail.

"Well, you don't need to look for her anymore," Takeshi announced, raising Inari's left eyebrow inquisitively. "I bring excellent news."

It took her a moment to grasp his meaning, but when she did, her eyes widened in astonishment.

"You don't mean..." Inari gasped. "Where is the master right now?" She stood up, excitement coursing through her.

"Contact the others; we're meeting her tonight," Takeshi declared.

Each member had a unique notification on their phones that would alert the rest of the group when Inko was found. They could only trigger it when her location was confirmed..


On a remote island, nestled among towering mountains, far removed from the mainland and devoid of human presence, a dragon resided within a cavern. For a decade, he had lived here, waiting patiently. Occasionally, groups of people would visit, keeping track of his health and well-being.

As the dragon peacefully slumbered, he was roused by a distinct popping sound. Confusion washed over him as he gazed at the small device that had made the noise. What was this thing, he wondered?

Transforming into his human form, he examined the device more closely and realized it was a cell phone. It took him a moment to comprehend the meaning of the alert.

Swiftly, he reverted to his dragon form and soared toward the mainland. His speed was so remarkable that people could hardly identify what had caused the sky to split. Torrential rain poured across every region, causing widespread flooding. As he flew, there was only one thought occupying his mind



In a secluded village, a unique family resided, each member a blend of human and wolf blood. Among them was a striking silver-haired woman who was tending to a wounded, white female wolf. The wolf had fallen victim to hunters, who had met their own grim fate at the hands of the silver-haired woman and had become a macabre meal for her younger sibling.

One of the younger siblings was employing her extraordinary quirk to heal the wolf's wounds, a wolf who also happened to be their mother. It wasn't long before the wounds vanished, leaving the wolf noticeably healthier.

After gently placing her mother on the bed, the silver-haired woman heard a faint sound. She followed the source of the noise and nearly stumbled in astonishment. She swiftly prepared herself, informing her siblings that she would be away for a while and instructing them to care for their mother in her absence.

In her hybrid form, she dashed as swiftly as her legs could carry her, unceremoniously knocking aside any obstacles in her path.

"Finally, I can see you again," she whispered, a mix of longing and anticipation filling her heart.


A professor at a certain university, known for his captivating history lessons that delved into the pre-Quirk era, was indeed quite the catch. Most of his students were female, drawn to his reputation for kindness, soft-spokenness, and an underlying air of something vaguely terrifying. He held a unique balance of respect and fear among his students.

Most of the time, he was a laid-back individual who placed a high value on knowledge, had no interest in relationships, and preferred solitary work. He was all about the pursuit of learning.

Just as he was on the brink of transitioning to the next topic, his phone abruptly buzzed. He was certain he had set it to silent mode, but the notification he received was something different. Hastily packing his belongings, he informed his students that they were free to leave early, a shocking departure from the usual practice of classes ending at the scheduled time.

He practically dashed out of the room, leaving his students in a state of bewilderment. He promptly hailed a cab to the train station and procured a ticket to an undisclosed destination.

"After all these years..." he muttered to himself, the weight of the notification hanging heavily in the air.

I seriously didn't know what to write and came up with these characters. They weren't even in my plan and new ideas just keep popping into my head and that's a problem. Cuz it won't end.

With new chapter mean new backstory.

I need to stop but i can't help it.

The story line is getting really bad. I'm sorry. It's getting out of topic. I might even have a plot hole.

I just hoped you guys understand the story so far.

That's all for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it

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