Fiery Scales

By Shadow22739

9.3K 332 206

A hand stuck out from under the debris, Marco was working fast but efficient to free the person, but where he... More

Ch5.-Back to the Ocean?
Ch7.-Ideas (Part 1)
Ch.8-Ideas (Part 2)
Ch9.-Work buddies

Ch.4-Leaving the infirmary

928 47 33
By Shadow22739

Ace was finally healthy enough to leave the infirmary, so with Ace's permission Marco decided to go to the mess hall for lunch. Ace could eat his fill and he could see some more members of the crew. If he went straight to the commanders table, the amount of people shouldn't be too overwhelming, plus he had already seen most of the commanders at least once.

"You ready to go-yoi?"
The merman stretched his arms towards Marco as answer. Picking him up with easy, he carried the merman bridal style through the ship. Ace would look around in wonder at everything around them, not having been in all the parts of the ship yet, but every time they would pass someone he would bury his face in Marco's chest. He didn't mind it at all, it was adorable.

All the crewmembers had been notified of the merman's presence and asked to remain calm in his presence because the merman seemed to not be too familiar or comfortable with new people. And that they were with over 600, didn't help.
Marco had been a bit afraid that even with the warnings some brothers wouldn't be able to contain their excitement. By some miracle it seemed that there was no need for worry, upon entering the mess hall the crewmembers remained seated and were relatively calm. Yes, there were whispers of "it's the merman" - "ooh look over there!" - "is that him?", ... but they weren't overly loud so it was okay.

Heading over to the commanders table he greeted everyone. Everyone gave Marco the usual greetings back and also welcomed the mer in a softer voice. Ace, who went into hiding again, very shyly turned his head before clicking at them. By now the commanders knew the sound kind of changed meaning on when used, but it often meant well and expressed happiness. This time it seemed to be used as a form of greeting, or this is what they thought, so they all gave a smile in return. Ace however immediately turned back to hide in Marco's chest.

Even though he went into hiding, Marco ruffled the boy's hair and gave a praise for saying hello back. He knew the merman was scared in the presence of so many, so all efforts counted.

To eat Marco sat down at the end of the bench, this way he could position Ace so he was sitting sideways in his lap, and his tail could lay down on the bench beside him without it bothering others or risking anyone leaning or sitting on it. -We should figure out a way for Ace to sit on his own too.-

The sight was adorable to say the least, a cute merman in Marco's lap, a hand appearing every now and then to snatch some food before it disappeared, hiding between the merman's body and Marco's chest. Yes, Ace was still trying to hide away while eating, but thanks to some happy-clicks and a tail swishing up and down, patting the bench, it was very clear that he liked the food. And of course the chef noticed this.

"Yooo Ace, glad you like the food! I made it with you in mind since I knew you were coming." Said a voice behind them. Turning around it was Thatch walking towards them, with what seemed to be some kind of dessert for their table and his own lunch.

"Finally able to do your silly hairstyle again?"

"It's not silly" was instantly remarked, "your pineapple is silly, mine is called style Marco, the ladies love it."

"Hmmm, whatever you say Thatch."

"Ah!" Ace suddenly yelled out, making the other look at him. He was now sitting up straight in Marco's lap and extending his hands towards... Thatch!?

Getting a huge smile on his Thatch asked with excitement if Ace wanted him to hold him.

He got a very enthusiastic nod from the merman in return and Thatch proceeded to put his plates down and stepped forward to pick him up. With Marco's help Thatch was easily able to scoop the merman up and hoist him higher to have a good grip. The moment he was in his arms, the chef looked like the proudest man on the seas.

"Hahhaa, look at me! I told you all he likes me the most!"

He laughed at the grumbles and comments from the table "it's just cause you have food...". Everyone had secretly been wanting to carry Ace too, but besides a specific few, the merman hadn't seemed ready yet to allow others to pick him up... or not ......

The commanders at the table all saw Ace starting to try and sit up straighter, looking straight at Thatch's pompadour with ... a very hungry expression. The collective thoughts of the table could be described as –oh boy, this is going to be fun-. The jealous thoughts of Thatch carrying the merman instantly forgotten.

Thatch himself of course wasn't aware of any foul play, still talking about how great he is and that everyone naturally loves him,... Until he was suddenly interrupted by the mermen shooting up, scrambling to hold onto him as not to drop him. Lifting his head to ask what's wrong, he noticed he couldn't... There was ... a pull on his hair. Specifically, the front of his hair. Ace wasn't... He couldn't be... NOOOOOOO!

"A-A-Ace, what are you doing?"

"Hhmmmmmm" - was the muffled sound of Ace's voice.

Not a moment later did something wet drip on his forehead, he was going to cry, Ace was definitely eating his fabulous pompadour! He knows it looks perfect, but this is just too much!

"I... Ace, let go, please" Thatch asked in a desperate tone, trying to pull Ace down a bit but he wouldn't budge, and he couldn't use his hand either because he would drop Ace and if he dropped Ace, his pompadour would get pulled off too!

"Ehm guys, can anyone please help me?"

The only reactions he got were some (badly muffled) laughs and remarks like "hmmm Didn't you say he loved you and were proudly proclaiming it, wouldn't want to steal your shine!" - "why? I think it's a neat accessory you know, very trendy"

-Stupid brothers, and they are supposed to be my family!?-

"Do you really want Ace to eat my hair, I don't think hairspray and gel are very healthy." He didn't want to admit to this, he used quality products alright! But even he knew that eating it couldn't be too healthy. And the confession did work because the mood at the table immediately changed.

"AH THATCH, how dare you try to poison Ace!"

"ME?! He is eating my hair, I didn't ask for this!? How about you guys get him off instead of yelling at me!"

This whole exchange was going on while Ace was still drooling all over his hair and oh, he could feel his biting and tugging, his poor pompadour! He was so going to cry in his room after this.

Izou was the first to be at Ace's side, being the closest to Ace after Marco and Thatch. "Ace dear, I know that thing is hideous and we all want it gone" - "HEY" - "and we appreciate your help, but you should let go, it's not good for you."

"Noooohh" Ace somehow managed to say without releasing the hair.

Ah of course, a word the merman picked up very quickly.

"Cmon ace, it can't be that tasty, can it? There's probably even more chemicals than there it hair."

But Ace wouldn't let go, not even when Izou physically tried to pull Ace away, he only seemed to hold on tighter.

After a minute of having enjoyed the show of tug of war, Marco stood up with a laugh, "Ace-yoi, look what I got."

"Hmm?" -of course the sh*t reacts to Marco immediately, and yes I am calling the merman a sh*t, he's eating my hair! It's very much deserved!-

"Aaaaaah!" Ace almost let go of the hair, but quickly clammed his mouth shut again when he noticed Thatch trying to pull away.

Marco had to hold in his laughter at Thatch's curses, this was beautiful, beautiful payback for all the times the chef gave him extra paperwork with pranks.

"Ace-yoi, you can have this if you come back to me." The blond said while holding a fish-shaped biscuit at eye level, it was one of Ace's favourite snacks. The perfect bribing material not only because it's his favourite, but also because he isn't allowed to have them too much while still in recovery, making them extra special.

Ace his eyes darted between the pompadour still in his mouth and the snack in Marco's hand. You could see the deliberation in his eyes, the absolute want for the snack, but also not wanting to give away his new finding.
After what seemed like forever, it was only about 30 seconds, did the merman slowly release Thatch his hair and extended his hands towards Marco.

Giving a sight of relieve Thatch carefully handed the merman back to the snack-holding first Commander. Once his hands were free, he gently touched his pompadour, grimacing at the feel of softened jelly like hairspray-residue and the wetness of spit.

"How bad is it?"

"On a scale of 1 to 10 drowned cats? 20" Haruta remarked seriously.

"... Thanks"

"No problem!"

"Aaaaaahhhhh, I hope it isn't too damaged, what am I going to do if it's too damaged, AGAIN!"

"You could always let me do something with it."

"No thank you Izou."

"Whatever you wish, if you ever want to be stylish for reals, let me know."

"What do yo- aah never mind, I don't care anymore." Turning to the merman, who was now happily munching away on his fish-snacks, not a care in the world. "Ace, why, for Pop's sake, why did you eat my hair." Thatch had wanted to be angry at Ace, yell at him, he had almost yelled on reflex when he noticed the merman pull on his pompadour the first time, but he was able to stop himself. It would be useless to yell at the merman, he would only grow scared and then maybe they would never be able to become friends! So he held it in and decided the take the more child-friendly course to handle these things.

Stopping with eating Ace tilted his head to the side "-ood?"


"-ood." the merman repeated while first pointing towards his hair and then the bread slices on the table.

-This... This merman thought his hair was...-

Full blown laughter interrupted his thoughts
"Bahahahhahahahahha he thought, he thought your hair was real bread" Haruta wheezed out, "Is this how you attract all the ladies? They come for the promise of fresh bread hahahhahah"

"Don't be so mean Haruta, it's not his fault he was born with no class" Izou seemed to say in a serious pitying voice, hiding behind his fan you could still see his shoulders shake, obviously holding in laughter –damn u izou-
Jozu and vista in the meantime seemed to be having a 'serious' conversation of "I didn't know bread could be harvested, good to know" - "Yea, me neither, it is very interesting to see though. I wonder when the best season is to pick it."

"AAAAH YOU GUYS ARE SUCH ASSHOLES" Thatch yelled and turned around to go to his room, grumbling while he went –let's have him bite your hair, let's see how they react then- -I'ma make him bite your kimonos Izou, just wait-


"Ace bad?" The merman suddenly asked with an almost teary look.
Holding in a coo, Izou replied, fan still hiding his face, "You did great dear, you did great."

The merman was looking confused at the wheezing commanders, still talking about bread bringing all the girls to the yard and the best ways of harvest.

Taking pity on the merman Marco laid his hand on the merman's head, "Don't worry about it-yoi, it's okay. Just don't bite it again, okay?"

Ace simply nodded before going back to his food, without hiding in Marco's chest this time. The events somehow making Ace forget he was still surrounded by people.

Ace would be able to get used to them, it would just take some times, and maybe a few sacrificial pompadours along the way, but that wasn't Marco's problem.

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