Somewhere in the Gray- A Star...

By highlandelf29

2.9K 61 1

The gray Jedi were few and far between but there is one family who keep its ideals alive. The council allows... More

The Phantom Menace Cast
Mood Boards
The Beginning
The Arrival
The Jedi, The Boy, and the Sith
The Cast of: Attack of the Clones
A Father Lost and Another Found
Ghosts, Children, Jedi's, And Mandaloriens!
Let the War Begin
Cast of: Clone Wars
The Clone Wars: Escape from Kadavo
Clone Wars: The Wrong Jedi
The Clone Wars: A Distant Echo
Clone Wars: Unfinished Business
Revenge of the Sith: Cast
Turn of Tides
The Fall
The Cast of: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Two Goodbye's and Two Hello's

138 7 0
By highlandelf29

Ember landed on Naboo in the middle of a war,  she managed to land her ship with minimal damage. Exiting she grimaced slightly when she saw several scratches down the side of the ship Damian was going to have her hide.

She allowed the force to lead her where she needed to go, and wound up in a hanger where she found Obi-Wan and Qui Gon fighting with the Sith from Tatooine.

She drew her saber and ran forward joining in the fight surprising both the Sith and the Jedi

"What are you doing here?" Qui Gon asked "You were forbidden to come."

Ember was attacking the Sith fiercely she was fresh where as the others were all tired.

"I'm helping accept it and move on."

She fell back a bit as Obi-Wan moved in for the attack, she quickly removed her robe and rejoined the battle.

They moved onto a narrow catwalk which forced Ember to back away from the fight as she watched her two companions. She let loose a gasp as Obi-Wan was knocked down falling through the air, she looked over and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw he had hit a catwalk farther down.

Ember seperated her lightsaber into two and jumped bringing them down hard toward the Zabraks head. He barely managed to block her blows, but it caused him to be off guard allowing Qui Gon to knock him from the bridge.

Ember and Qui Gon looked at each other before glancing down

"Check on Obi-Wan."

"Yes Master."

They both jumped down landing on separate platforms, Ember knelt next to Obi-Wan who still looked a little out of it

"Obi-Wan, are you bleeding and is anything broken?"

It was terse but they were in battle, if you werent about to die you had to get up and move on.

He shook his head and Ember stood reaching her hand out for his, he took it and she pulled him to his feet. They took off after Qui Gon and the Sith entering a hallway filled with death rays that shot out in sequence.

Ember and Obi-Wan were forced to come to a stop far behind Qui Gon. Obi-Wan groaned but didnt speak, he was so tired and frustrated, he needed to get to his master.

Through his bond with Ember he felt a wave of calm and acceptance, he looked towards her. She was knelt on the ground in meditation, and a realization came to him. She shouldnt be here the council had forbidden it, which meant they would punish her after this.

Ember looked up and smiled "We will cross that bridge when we get there Ben, but right now concentrate."

Obi-Wan nodded at his lover before the rays turned off and they both rushed forward. Ahead of them Qui Gon and the Sith were rejoined in combat, but the two younger Jedi were forced to come to a stop one ray away from the dueling force wielders.

They both began pacing back and forth like two wild cats who have been caged. Ember had a bad feeling about this as she watched the two fight and suddenly it was fulfilled. In a moment the Zabrak caught Qui Gon off guard, disarming him.

She raised her hand as though she could stop what would happen next, and pain coursed through her as she watched Qui Gon be stabbed in the chest by a lightsaber as red as blood.

"Qui Gon!!"

Ember felt her husbands anguish, it was mixed with her own, but it was quickly covered by anger as the rays opened and the two rushed forward.

Ember dropped into her favored fighting style Form VII instead of Form IV which she typically used because her master hated the other so. This form was far more aggressive drawing on the dark side of the force, which she knew the Sith was not expecting.

Between her and Obi-Wan the creature fought hard, but the two young jedi were tired they had been on the run and barely slept for days. Finally the creature knocked Obi-Wan into one of the nearby melting pits making Ember lose her concentration so the Sith could knock her back into a wall. She was knocked out for a moment and when she woke, it was to find Obi-Wan flying out of the pit and cutting the Zabrak in two.

She smiled it was done, her smile dropped and she quickly turned to Qui Gon dragging herself forward on her hands and knees to his side. Obi-Wan quickly joined her



Qui Gon smiled through his pain at his two younglings, Ember so ready to fix all the wrongs in the universe. And Obi-Wan ready to follow her anywhere with a smile on his face, and a word of caution on his lips.

"Its too late."

Ember shook her head "No master we can get you to a healer."

He reached a hand out touching her face "Ember, your parents would be cough, so proud of the woman you have become." Ember stared at him with tears in her eyes as he continued "I am so proud of both of you, never let this world tear you apart" He dropped his hand and looked toward Obi-Wan "Obi-Wan promise...promise me you'll train the boy.."

Obi-Wan nodded his head tears streaming down his cheeks "Yes, Master."

"He is the chosen one...he will...bring balance...train him!"

In that moment Qui Gon breathed his last, leaving the two young jedi alone weeping and grieving in each others arms.


It wasnt until the Jedi's council landed on Naboo that Obi-Wan and Ember made their way out of the hanger. They approached the masters bowing respectfully, Yoda moved forward looking at his former padawan, his anger at her vanished in a moment as he spied the tears streaming down her cheeks.

"My Ember? Cry you do?" He had called her My Ember when she was a child but had dropped it when she was 15

Ember dropped to her knees so she could cry on her masters shoulder, he almost pulled back but stopped himself, as he remembered the young padawan he had found in the halls of the temple so many years ago.

He wrapped his small arms around her as best he could while he looked to Obi-Wan who also looked saddened, the young padawan spoke

"Master Qui Gon... He, he fell in battle." All of the masters gasped in horror as Embers body racked with more sobs, and Yoda stroked her hair comfortingly.

Suddenly a very familiar ship landed behind them and Yoda smiled knowing this was what his padawan needed "Look."

Ember raised her tear stained face and turned to look at the ship, the ramp came down and two familiar figures made their way down. She stood and ran forward immediately she was wrapped in the arms of her uncle and aunt.

Later all of the Jedi Gray and light alike were gathered in a room and Yoda was speaking as Ember and Obi-Wan knelt in the center of the room.

"Confer on you Obi-Wan Kenobi, the level of Jedi Knight the Coucil does. But agree on you taking this boy as your Padawan learner, I do not."

"Qui-Gon believed in him. I believe in Qui-Gon."

"The Chosen One the boy may be; nevertheless, grave danger I fear inhis training."

Obi-Wan felt his wifes strength rushing through him "Master Yoda, I gave Qui-Gon my word. I will train Anakin. Without the approval of the Council if I must."

"Qui-Gon's defiance I sense in you. Need that, you do not. Agree, the council does. Your apprentice, young Skywalker will be..." He looked towards Ember "Defied the councils rules you did young Ember."

Ember nodded "I did what I felt the force wished me to do master... But if the council wishes to punish me so be it."

Kylos Starr stood his presence causing the room to fall silent for he had as much say as any of the council

"What wrong has my niece done? She was given a mission to protect the Queen, then she was given a mission to discover who the assassin was. The only wrong she did was going to the planet you forbade her from, and even then she did not truly do wrong since she is not of your order nor code. She chooses to follow your commands, she is not required to."

Kylos looked in the eyes of each member of the council daring them to say something, and Yoda sighed seeing Kylos former master Sifo Dyas in the man.

"Peace, Uncle." Ember said quietly but Kylos moved forward

"She deserves praise not censor." Kylos looked to his wife who nodded "Ember I bestow on you the level of Master."

Embers eyes widened as she looked from her uncle to her master.. If she wasnt mistaken her master had a small look of pride on his face but all he said was

"Accept this the council does."


Later everyone was gathered around a pyre where Qui Gons body was set on fire according to Jedi tradition. Ember stood surrounded by her sect of Jedi, Kylos, Glade, Galaxy, and Cosmos, they each watches the sadness surrounding them, and Ember watched Obi-Wan.

Yoda had asked Kylos to speak as Qui Gons best friend so he stepped forward

"Qui Gon was my best friend, another brother, as younglings he, my brother, and I drove the masters at the temple insane. As Padawans we did the same, we chose different roads and now I am the last one left behind, go with the force my friend join our brother we will meet again soon."

Kylos turned to his niece and daughter who stepped forward adding a part of their own tradition that Qui Gon has once said he loved, to the funeral.

"I saw the light fade from the sky
On the wind I heard a sigh
As the snowflakes cover
My fallen brother
I will say this last goodbye

Night is now falling
So ends this day
The road is now calling
And I must away

Over hill and under tree
Through lands where never light has shone
By silver streams that run down to the sea

Under cloud, beneath the stars
Over snow on winter's morn
I turn at last to paths that lead home

And though where the road then takes me
I cannot tell
We came all this way
But now comes the day
To bid you farewell

Many places I have been
Many sorrows I have seen
But I don't regret
Nor will I forget
All who took that road with me

Night is now falling
So ends this day
The road is now calling
And I must away

Over hill and under tree
Through lands where never light has shone
By silver streams that run down to the sea

To these memories I will hold
With your blessing I will go
To turn at last to paths that lead home

And though where the road then takes me
I cannot tell
We came all this way
But now comes the day
To bid you farewell

I bid you all a very fond farewell"


Once the song was over the gray Jedi knelt showing respect to the man they had considered a brother and uncle. As doves were released above them Ember went to John Obi-Wan and Anakin, while Kylos joined Mace and Yoda. He actually did get along with the two despite their many disagreements

Obi-Wan smiled sadly at Ember as she sat down, Anakin spoke beside them

"What will happen to me now?"

Obi-Wan looked at the boy "I am your Master now. You will become a Jedi, I promise."

Meanwhile Mace Windu was speaking to his two fellow masters "There is no doubt. The mysterious warrior was a Sith."

His companions agreed and Yoda said "Always two there less. A master and an apprentice."

Kylos frowned "But which one was destroyed, the master or the apprentice?"

The three looked between each other trepidation on their faces. And Kylos looked to his niece who was staring at Obi-Wan as she always seemed to be.

His brother had feared the uprising of the Sith and it seemed he had been right too. Now his daughter would be one of the ones who had to face this evil.

The next day Kylos was speaking to Obi-Wan "Your master was a good man, he'll be missed by all who he touched."

Obi-Wan bowed his head "Thank you Master Starr, he always spoke well of you."

Kylos nodded "I tried to get him to join the gray you know? But he believed in the council, me I think their blind as bats, no disrespect meant its not their fault." He stared off into the distance

Hell, I cant fight the council, I have to abide by the agreement between them and my family. Doesnt mean I'm going to stand by while they brainwash my kids to be as blind as they are."

He looked towards Obi-Wan who looked slightly confused "I hope they havent brainwashed you young Kenobi."

With that the weary man turned and walked away, he felt for a moment like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

Later Ember saw off the ships that were leaving Naboo she would be staying behind for the time being to make sure everything remained stable.

She smiled at Obi-Wan sending him love through the bond and he replied with the same, both knowing they would be reunited soon.

As Obi-Wan watched her figure get smaller and smaller beneath him he remembered her last words to him

"If they kick us out of the order so be it, in this vast place they call a universe you are all I need. No matter what our love will find a way."


2 Years later

Ember was back on Naboo, she was once again protecting Padme who was still Queen of Naboo. Well she should have been protecting Padme but she was currently hanging over a vac-tube puking her brains out.

Padme was standing behind her with her Sabe both women patting her on the back and holding her hair. Ugh she hated this it was the fourth time in the last week, Padme watched her friend with a suspicious look.

Ember had left Naboo to meet up with Obi-Wan about three months ago, they had gone on a mission together and Ember had returned practically glowing.

Now three months later she was showing all of the signs of pregnancy, she was more irritable then usual, so emotional she had started crying because she saw a baby.

After Ember had stopped throwing up Padme turned to Sabe

"Leave us." The handmaiden bowed before turning to leave with a worried glance at the jedi she considered a friend

Ember was leaning her head against the side of the vactube groaning

"Ember,  is there a possibility that your pregnant?"

Ember jerked her head up staring at her friend in horror, as she thought quickly calculating her last cycle to now. She realized she had missed the last.... Three months..

"Oh Kriff."

10 minutes later she lay on a couch reaching through the force and realizing that there was a little life form inside of her. She was in so much trouble Yoda was arriving today to check on her and she knew he would realize.

Padme sat next to her friend holding her hand, "It'll be okay Ember, you should be happy, you love kids."

Ember smiled a little before it dropped, she did love kids but she was worried about Obi-Wan's reaction. He had never really liked kids, how would he react to having one of his own.

Suddenly the doors came opened and she jumped up as she realized her master had just entered the room. He stared at her for a moment leaning on his cane in a tired fashion.

"Leave us please do your Majesty."

Padme looked to Ember who nodded and she turned leaving the room, but not before squeezing her hand. Yoda walked farther into the room, he reached out towards his former padawans stomach with the force.

He had felt it the second he entered the room, she was pregnant, the child was strong in the force.


Ember stood tall looking her master in the eyes "Does it matter?"

Her master sighed "Know already I do.. Felt the bond since you were young I did.. Will of the force it was, bringing the two of you together."

Ember tilted her head and spoke slowly "Does that mean we arent in trouble?"

Yoda shook his head "Know not will anyone except for me and you."

"And Obi-Wan."

"No." Another voice spoke from behind her she froze at the voice before turning to find Qui Gons force ghost "My padawan must not know yet... He will know one day but not now."

Ember scowled "He is the father he deserves to know!"

Yoda spoke gently "If know now he does, leave the path of the Jedi forever he will.. For you and the child he will go."

Ember growled staring into space as she considered the words. It was two months later that she made her descision, she prepared her ship loading up R-7 and taking off towards Coruscant.

She heard Qui Gons voice "You will not receive the welcome you hope for my friend, turn back now and save yourself much heartache."

She ignored him and continued flying, she arrived in Coruscant in the middle of the night. She snuck through the temple to Obi-Wan's room, a frown crossed her face because as she got closer instead of the joy she normally felt there was trepidation.

She entered the room to find Obi-Wan sitting with his head in hands as though begging for strength.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Obi-Wan shook his head and stood trying to avoid looking at the woman in front of him. He had been trying to get the strength to do this, two months ago while training his padawan he had felt fear from Ember. It had distracted him, and he had injured Anakin, he had realized then that he needed to end this.

"We cannot keep doing this."

Ember frowned at the words remembering her vision that she had on Tattooine. 

"I do not understand." She approached Obi-Wan reaching for him as she always did, but he jerked away making her pull back in shock.

"This has to end.. Ember we were children when we were wed, and it was fun but we're adults now and we have responsibilities. This relationship, this marriage, this bond... has to end."

Ember had tears in her eyes and she shook her head in disbelief "You don't mean that."

Obi-Wan sighed and turned toward Ember concentrating for a moment. Then in an instant they both felt it, the bond closed completely in a way it had never been closed before. It was painful for both of them, causing both of them to reach up and grab their heads in pain.

Ember looked up on expression of betrayal on her face and Obi-Wan looked away knowing he would break under her big brown eyes

"Leave Ember, and don't visit me again."

She backed away before she turned running out the doors, Obi-Wan watched out the window until he saw her ship take off. The second she was gone he hit his knees, crying in pain and loss, he wanted so badly to go after her but he couldn't.

In the following months many would notice a change in Obi-Wan Kenobi, he grew sadder and often stared into the distance as though he was searching for something. Only once did he feel anything from the bond like a tapping at the doors begging him to open... He ignored it.


On Naboo lying on a bed surrounded by Padme and her handmaidens who were sworn to secrecy was Ember. She had reached through the bond begging Obi-Wan to respond and when he didnt her heart broke for the second time.

She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, Padme smiled

"What will you name him?"

Ember looked down into the child's blue eyes "Qui Gon... His name will be Qui Gon Starr-Kenobi."

Suddenly another pain wracked her body and she screamed, Padme's eyes widened and she looked to her handmaidens.

"Another child is coming your majesty!"

Ember gasped, that was impossible there was only one force signature was the child... No

Sometime later another child arrived a girl screaming her displeasure at being so abruptly welcomed to the world. Ember took the girl in her arms in awe, she had barely any force signature, Ember laughed

"Oh you were hiding werent you little one? Very wise, you will be strong, jedi or not, I can tell, yes I can."

Padme watched her friend as she spoke to her daughter while her son slept in Padmes arms

"And what will you name her?"

Ember considered looking down at the child in her arms before she smiled

"Echo..." She reached out for Qui Gon "Echo and Qui Gon Starr-Kenobi."

The children would heal Embers heart over the coming years, when they grew older she began training them in the arts of the Jedi. But Echo could not keep up with her brother, so Ember sent for her aunt and uncle entrusting them with the secret of her children.

Her aunt who had been raised as a warrior who should not have had powers took over Echos training. Even Yoda became fond of the children, often stopping by to see them and witness their growth. Qui Gons ghost watched over them often giving them lessons of wisdom.

Ember knew the day would come when she would have to face her husband again. But for now she was content with her life, raising the children who had stars in their eyes.


Authors Note: And that is the end of the Phantom Menance, I plan on continuing with Attack of the Clones soon.

And check out my sister story This Is Our Way:a Mandalorien fanfiction

Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC's

The song "The Last Goodbye" belongs to Billy Boyd

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