The Project

由 sleepdeprived1997

3.4K 97 517

One small town, two high schools. One long time feud.. But when the teachers of the school come up with a gen... 更多



70 3 18
由 sleepdeprived1997


It was the next morning, James and Hayden went to school but I gave it a miss. I told them I would meet them at Dance but School? it's the least of my worries at the moment
I was flooded with texts from Dad last night, I guess Hayden filled him in, if only he has cared enough to you know.. come home? When his daughter needs him most?
But I get it, I'm not Emily

I sighed walking downstairs only to see a letter propped against the picture frames in the hallway
Taking it into my hands, I would remember that handwriting anywhere. After all that scruff is what started this all 

'Dear Riley, 

Now you'll have to bare with me, these letters are going to be a mess, I'm writing this while your asleep on my lap so sorry for using your shoulder as a table. But hey, it's the thought that counts right?

When this all started, I kid you not.. I thought I was going to get paired with some book nerd from your school. A quiet boy who sits in the back of the classroom avoiding everyone in his path

But instead I got you and I couldn't be more thankful
You're more then you give yourself credit for that much I do know. You shot yourself down all the time and I hope you realise I'll always be here to push you back up where you deserve to be 

You're the sweetest girl I've ever met and that isn't just me being biased. I mean it
Before you, I thought the best that I would ever get would be the likes of Beth but you took all my expectations and threw them out of the window 

I know that right now, you feel like your life is falling apart, that the whole world is against you but I promise you in a crowd full of doubters, you'll always have me 
And Hayden
And the rest of the gang if you let them 

Truth be told Riley, you'll get through this. Not because you need to or because we all want you to. You'll do it because you're a fighter, you're stronger then give yourself credit for 
This is just another battle in the war that is life

But, I'll always be fighting by your side

 Love James x'

I smiled once again before holding the letter close to me. It meant a lot to me seeing this 
Maybe letters will be our thing now? I mean I wouldn't complain at all

I walked through the corridor only to come to another letter in the kitchen. Chuckling, I picked it up to see James' handwriting all over again

'Hey again,

I know two letters? Crazy huh! I promise this is the last one for today
Only because you've almost woken up like 5 times already 

Growing up, Mum told both Piper and I that we'll have three loves in our lives
The childhood one. The cute first grade kiss in the playground kind of love, the one that's perfect at the time but you know it's only the innocence in us keeping it doing 

The Maturity one. The one that you get in thinking that this is what you want when it reality it shows you that isn't the case. It opens your eyes to the full potential you could have with someone but nevertheless. It's a love you use to learn from 

And Finally
The Fight..
This love comes to us unexpectedly but when it does, it smothers you. It takes control and no matter what is thrown your way, no matter what happens. It's a fight you know you can never give up 
Because the moment you do - you'll lose your soulmate 

Now, I'm not trying to scared you and I'm not about to confess an undying love to you. All I'm saying is that I've had the first two and I would love more then anything for you to be my fight 

Because god Riley, I would do anything for you, cross any ocean, climb any mountain just to be with you
And I hope you never forget that 

If you can take anything from this letter, let it be that you aren't as alone as you think you are. I promise you that I'm here
I know it'll take some time to let me in and I understand that but I'm here waiting the moment you decided to jump
I'll be here waiting to catch you 

I promise 

Love James x'

This boy..
I've never felt so soft inside, it's obvious he cares about me more then I thought possible. Maybe all I needed in my life was James?
Maybe we were meant to meet

Maybe this was just one big twist of fate?


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