She's MINE [MHAx Diabolik Lov...

By Gothgirl1994

208 3 24

Those from MHA and DL are sent to a different timeline on a mission, their mission is completely different fr... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twelve

10 0 6
By Gothgirl1994

Chapter Twelve

The next day Keigo and Kou weren't surprised that Ivy wouldn't leave her room, she had kept up a good stoic expression the entire time she had been around the public-but the moment she wasn't the real her came out. They knew it'd be a while before she was able to do anything. Kou had personally went to the recording studio to talk to her manager and her team mates.

When he had, he got a glare from Ruki, but ignored it. He soon found the trio in a recording studio. He waited until the girls were done recording to say anything to her manager.

"Hey uh.Manager Cheney...Can I talk with you Maria and Tara please?"

The demonic male nodded his head. "Yeah sure thing. Let me call the girls in here."

Once the two girls were in the room Kou was leaning against a wall with his arms crossed.

"Hey Kou, hows Ivy?" Tara asked

"Oh don't give me that shit, you can't lie to me. I know you're faking how you feel about her." Kou said coldly

Tara was stunned but said nothing.

"I wanted to let the three of you know that due to Ivy having to execute her two elder siblings plus an ex guard of her sister she will not be here until she feels like herself again. She is too depressed to even get out of her room right now." Kou said seriously

"Wait what?! Why the hell did she do that? She's not even queen!"Maria said shocked

"She's the last royal blood that is alive, she may do as she pleases even if she isn't queen. There are those who will feel like all is lost because of the death of the king." Mr. Cheney stated

Kou was then messaged by Keigo at that time.

Keigo: Her father is making an appearance now. Look online

Kou did just that and he showed his screen to Maria, Tara and Mr. Cheney.

"Greetings to all of the kingdom. I know it has been stated that my late son Simon Jr had killed not only me but my guards and the guards of my wife and his own. But he did not and could not kill me. I have been resting this entire time to come back, the kingdom is still under my rule and will be till my death. My daughter Ivy Soto will not be carrying out any other royal duty until she is married and I am on my deathbed. I am very aware of what my daughter had done yesterday-she had my blessing to do as she had. Those who know of her, she will not be able to be seen for a week, maybe more due to what the sword of justice does to the mind of those who wield it. Had she been twenty one when she wielded it, she wouldn't have been in such a state of mind. But since my daughter is a mere nineteen years old, she has yet to fight off all of her inner demons and find a resolve. And I would like to state that the king of Demons is no longer welcomed within any of the inner parts of the kingdom until he has shown himself and made a proper apology to my daughter who he had no right to force my wife's hand to kick her out without proper proof of guilt or innocence. Especially at the age she was kicked out of the manor on the day she was kicked out. She shouldn't have spent the day of her birthday alone and on a rainy night. To those who work with my daughter, I have been told that you have yet to make plans to live with her. You have a week to change your tune on your own before I force my hand. Thank you for your time and please enjoy your day."

Kou couldn't help but chuckle, he had a bit of an idea of why Maria and Tara were mentioned. He placed his phone in his pocket and grinned a bit. "So...What will you do Tara...Maria?"

"How the hell did the king know that she works with anyone?!" Maria hissed out annoyed

"Keigo is rather friendly with the king. No doubt he told him, especially since Ivy is rather upset that she doesn't live with the two of you even though you three are teammates."

"We don't live with her because she's annoying and we hate her." Tara stated

"Anyways she isn't even that popular." Mara huffed out

Mr. Cheney didn't like how the girls were talking about Ivy and he got up. "Get out."

Tara and Maria looked at him shocked


"You are not talking about that sweet little woman that way. She is your future queen and the brightest star I've ever produced out of this company. I will find other people who will fill your shoes. Get out and never return." Mr. Cheney stated seriously

The two girls scoffed and left out pissed, once it was just Kou and Mr. Cheney. Mr. Cheney looked at Kou. "I never knew that those two were being so rude to Ivy. Mind helping me find people to replace them that would be nicer to her?"

Kou grinned. "Sure I'd love that."

Kou made sure to message Keigo letting him know what happened before he helped Mr. Cheney out with finding better people to be around Ivy. While Kou was Busy, after chatting with the king a bit, Keigo checked up on the guards only to see that Shiro and Rose were rather close with one another. He raised an eyebrow and listened to their conversation for a bit only to smile as he heard the two of them talking about a possible relationship between the two of them.

He soon flew home and he checked up on Ivy only to see that she was still cocooned into her blanket sobbing out. He sat beside her and hugged her tightly. "Hey sweetheart, are you gonna be alright?"

"N-No...I...I can't believe I killed my brother and sister. T-They...They never loved or cared for me since day one. How could they be so cruel. Especially big sis. I...I looked up to her and for what?! To be backstabbed and thrown out by her. I..I feel like my life is nothing without them Keigo."

"Shh, they got what they deserved. I know things aren't always going to be rainbows and sunshine, but know that Kou and I will always be at your side always. You'll never have to kill either one of us. You know neither one of us likes people who are shady and we wouldn't be hypocrites either."

She soon popped her head up from her blanket. "P-Promise?" She asked as she looked up at him

He chuckled a bit. "That's a life vow babe, now c'mon you haven't eaten all day. At least let me feed you something so you aren't starving yourself."

She nodded her head in agreement and he pulled her out of her blanket cocoon before he sat her down at the island in the kitchen before he heated up her breakfast that he saved for her. Once it was heated he gave it to her and leaned against the counter as he stared at her. "So...Kou managed to get your manager to fire Maria and Tara after they split how they truly felt about you and why you never moved in with them."

Ivy stopped eating a bit as she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What are you two boys doing?"

"Making sure you're loved and happy, you shouldn't be dealing with the bull shit you're dealing with now babe. So we're doing something about it now that you can see us and others can too. We love you too damn much to see you suffer."

She gave him a weak smile before she got up and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much Keigo, I'll have to thank Kou too when I see him."

Keigo hugged her back only for her to move her arms from around his waist to around his neck as she went onto her toes to kiss him on the lips. He happily kissed her back only to stiffen a bit as he felt her touching his wings. He let out a small groan as he picked her up and placed her on the counter. "Don't make me take you before you're twenty one babe."

"I'm legally an adult, just legally I can't be in charge of the kingdom until I'm twenty one. So if you want me, you can take me. Since you are one of two lovers I have."

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