A Family's Past and Present

By sjuniper

255 8 5

When you think of family you think its great and cheerful, well not for all family's like the Yamikawa family... More

Welcome to the world of the Yamikawa's
Things start to get better, but also worse
Family always stick together
Small recap of the warning chapter
Information to give is better then nothing
New Characters are so much fun
The world is clear
Life is a powerful thing
The Past is a Wicked Thing
UA Entrance Exam
UA Drama
Everyone has there Part to Play
No pain, No game
Relationships are great!
Meeting the one
Hanta's other life
The Assignment
Silly Crazy Teenagers
The things we don't want people to know
Times up
The thoughts of the past
Thoughts of Freedom
Find him!
Are we really Safe?
Mind Games!
Friends in higher places
Problems Arise
Where am I?
Battle of life or Death
Safe at long last
Don't ever go it alone
Time Really Does Fly
Reflections on Conflict
Are Things Getting Any Better?
Maybe Today will be Normal
Information Party
Sports Festival
Challenges Are Better Faced With Friends

USJ Attack

7 0 0
By sjuniper

This chapter will be small and sweet as I don't plan to go into to much detail. So enjoy well this chapter goes on.


(Dorms) (Before class and the USJ training)

Hanta and Denki were with the others in the common room as everyone was talking about the training that was going to be happening today. Kirishima smiled at Bakugo as he put his hand on his shoulder. "Hey bud you ready for today?" Bakugo huffed as he pushed Kirishima's hand off his shoulder.

Kirishima looked at Bakugo as he stepped away. Micheal (AKA Mic) had come to get the students from their dorm and get them to the bus that would take them to the USJ. The group slowing followed as they were in there hero outfits or their gym uniforms.


Ida got everyone on, but not how he planned, but he knew everyone was on board and ready to go. For one student who really was wearing their gym unifrom that being Izuku Midoriya as he played with his green hair as he sat down beside Sato and Tysu.

Tsyu and Midoriya ended up sitting beside each other as they both started talking about stuff as it turned into a talk about how Bakugo and Midoriya used to be friends. Then Tsu made a comment about Bakugo that he did not like at all. As he jumped out of his seat scaring Jirou who was sitting right beside him. "Bakugo sit down." She muttered.

Aizawa looked at his students as he just gave up on stopping them. Tsyu looked at her other classmate Denki as he spoke up as well. "Bakguo you have a very mean way of talking to people." Midoriya watched this fight break out as he held his face as he felt like he was burning up on the inside.

The fighting stopped after Ida stepped in pushing Bakugo back to his seat well Kirishima started talking about his own quirk to get everyone's minds off of the fight that had just happened. Kirishima actvated his quirk as his arm and hand turned to rock hard sharp ends. "Yeah my quirk lets me harden and unharden my body.

Aoymoya looked over. "So you have control over every part of your body and can use it freely?" He looked at Kirishima his eyes big and glittering a lot. Kirishima titled his head thinking what the other boy was thinking in his head when he said that.

Ochaco looked up to the front of the bus from where she sat with Momo. "I wonder what's going on up there?" Momo sighed as she looked up from the book she was reading. "Ochaco I don't think we want to even know." She looked over at the next closest person. "How about you talk to Sero, he seems to be in his own world over there."

Ochaco turned her head very slowly looking at her black haired classmate who had the tape elbows as she wasn't sure what would say, but she didn't not want to talk to him now. Ochaco took a breath as she gently tapped Sero on the shoulder.

Ochaco watched as Sero looked up and around as he had been on his phone listening to music. He slowly turned off his music as he smiled at Ochaco. "Hey...." He said as he took his headphones out of his ears to be able to hear his classmate.

Ochaco took another breath. "Hi Sero!" She said fast and loud as she was afraid still a bit to talk to a boy. Sero could see that his classmate was worrying as he slowly nodded. "It's alright Ochaco, I'm not going to bite you or do anything, I'm just saying hello because that's what you just said to me Ochaco." He watched as his classmate calmed down a bit. Ochaco smiled as she was calm now as she was just really worried she was going to get yelled at for touching someone without asking first.

Sero just waited now for Ochaco to say something else as he kinda wanted to talk to someone, but he hadn't known who at the started of the bus drive, so he had plugged his headphones and started to jam out to his favourite songs.

Ochaco smiled and then spoke up as she was about to laugh. "What does a cow say?" Sero looked at her for a second not getting the question as he started to laugh when Ochaco jumped in to get the joke done. "Mooooooooo!" She said as she saw her classmate start to laugh, but it wasn't just Sero laughing at the joke as she looked around to see some of her other classmates laughing as even Midoriya at the front of the bus heard her.

Ochaco kept up the jokes for the whole rest of the ride to the USJ building as she was having way too much fun making her classmates laugh.

(At the USJ)

Once the bus was parked everyone got off the bus still laughing at Ochaco's jokes. Sero and Denki shared a look when they got off the bus and not just because they were dating, they knew more then the rest of their classmates about what was about to happen because they were told about it by Vex's himself and Sero was forced to wear a suit at the meeting with the first and top most wanted villain AFO.

At the moment Denki was walking towards Sero as he nodded to him seeing the rest of the class getting off of the bus. Ochaco was still joking around as Midoriya was shaking his hands around in front of his face his face red.

Midoriya looked at Ochaco and Ida as he sighed. "Okay stop with the jokes Ochaco." Sero saw Midoriya trying to get Ochaco to stop as he slowly flicked his hand as Ochaco stopped talking. Ida looked at her. "Are you okay Ochaco?" Ochaco just smiled nodding as she was happy and done with her jokes.

Denki saw what Sero had done smacking him in the side. "Sero dude! NO!" Sero jumped at the touch. "What did I do to upset you Denki?" Denki looked at Sero as he growled before being looked at by Aizawa and the others. "Hi everybody." He said slowly as he looked down at his hands.

Sero rolled his eyes as he walked over to the rush of the class. They were told to be normal until the problems started. Denki moved with Sero staying close him as the Pro hero 13 came over to the class telling them about the USJ once that was done everyone went inside the building looking around from the platform they were on.

13 looked at the students of 1A as she talked about the different zones in the USJ. 13 smiled as Aizawa pointed around the big room. "I will put you into groups with each other to try and....." A crash came from the far end of the building as a lightning blot had hit a power box. Aizawa and 13 got into a fighting stance ready for a battle as they saw a portal at the far end open as well.

Villains started to come out of the portals as Sero and Denki saw them. "Mr. Aizawa!" 13 watched as Aizawa jumped into the battle yelling back at her. "Take care of the kids 13!!!" Midoriya watched their teacher as he started to panic.

The rest of the students were already scared. Jirou started screaming a bit at Toru who was floating around with just her shoes and gloves able to be seen. Tsyu was holding onto Ida's hand as she was shaking a bit.

Bakugo looked at his classmates as he watched the purple mist appear in front of them. Kirishima saw it as he jumped in front of Denki and Momo trying to keep them safe. 13 started using her quirk to try and get the mist villain into her black hole.

The mist villain started speaking. "I am Kurogiri of the league of villains." He spoke low as Bakugo and Kirishima jumped at him grabbing the only part of his body that wasn't mist, but that only caused the villain to use his quirk to make everyone go to different parts of the building.

(Landslide zone)
Denki looked up at Momo and Jirou as he had been put there together. Denki started looking around as Momo made swords for herself and Jirou as they two girls started to fight the villains or at least try to.

Momo was starting to get tired as she looked at the others. "I can't make to many things, so use what you have guys." She yelled at the other two she was with as she moved her sword knocking out one of the villains close to her. Jioru was shaking as she held her sword looking at the villains.

Denki was freaking out as he knew he couldn't use his quirks to the full power they were as he was still learning even if he had been stuck in a lab all of his life with Sero. Denki looked at the girls. "I need some help here ladies I can't use my quirk or I may hurt you well I' using it." He was shaking as he told the girls this.

Momo looked at him as she started to think about things and what was happening around them. Jirou kept up her guard seeing that Momo wasn't paying attention to the people around her. Denki looked at the girls as he backed up going in between them as she knew that he was shaking and he also didn't know if he was going to be attacked or not because of being with the girls and got worried about it.

Momo looked at Denki. "I have an idea, be ready when I tell you Denki." She looked at Jirou as she moved closer to her and watched as her classmate as she was making something with her quirk. Denki was trying to talk to the one guy that had come closer to him. He had the same quirk as himself and was worried that he wouldn't be able to get away until Jirou kicked his back sending him fronts right into the villain as his quirk went off.

Momo saw this and knew her plan would work hopefully as a large blanket formed covering herself and Jirou as she yelled at Denki. "It's safe now let them have it Denki!" Denki was still feeling wierd after the first shock, but knew what his classmate wanted from him. So he put his arms up yelling. "Shock 1000%!!!!!" As his quirk let loose on all of the villains around him.

The villains were half knocked out now as only one stood looking at Denki still. "You little bitch!!!" He yelled grabbing the now half numb Denki in one hand and held a gun in the other. "Now which one of you ladies wants to get shot first?" Momo ans Jirou looked at the villain as they both got scared shaking. They could both see that Denki wasn't going to be much help now.

The villain looked at Denki throwing him onto the ground and kicking him as he smirked. "Well well, well look at what I found." Denki's eyes opened as he looked back up at the villain. The girls were still shaking with fear until they were even more afaird of what was happening. Denki grabbed the guys leg and bit it hard. The villain screamed as he pulled his away from Denki. "What the hell kid!" He yelled shaking Denki with his leg as he still had a hold on it. Denki kept hold as he spoke up. "You can't hurt my friends!!!" He yelled as he let go of the man's leg.

The villain looked at Denki as he backed off. "Fine, but I will be back for you kid. I know where you live." He ran off limping. The girls ran over to Denki as there classmate looked at them before knocking out. Momo quickly caught him. "Denki? Wha...wha..what the heck was that?" Jirou looked at Momo. "He's got a lot of explaining to do later."

(Other Zone in USJ)

(Same time)

Sero was breathing heavily as he stood back to back with Shoto Todoroki. Shoto was fighting the villains as he used his ice to freeze them in ice blocks. Sero watched his classmate as he could hear Toru fighting with somebody, but couldn't see her just the villain who was trying to hit her unseen body. 

Sero looked back to Shoto who was talking to one of the villlains about why they were here. Toru screamed as the villain she was fighting landed a hit which caused Sero to run over and help her. "Toru I'm coming!" He yelled as he used his tape to get to her faster. 

Toru was grabbed by the villain as she screamed, but it wasn't for long as Sero taped the villains arm pulling him away from Toru. "It's okay, I'm here Toru." As he pulled on the villain who was trying to get away until he saw Shoto's quirk come at him and let go of the tape as the villain was put into a block of ice. 

Sero looked to his classmates as they both moved to stand beside him looking at the villain that was in the ice as Shoto got closer.  Shoto growled as a little as he grabbed the villains face in his hand. "You! Why are you attacking students?! Who do you work for!?" He was shaking even if he was trying to be the main leader of their small group and speak to the villain right in front of them. 

Sero started thinking. "God Shoto would be good to bring back to the lab with me at some point, but not now, I can't be the one to do it." He signed watching as Toru was now gone and had run off to try to get back to the rest of the class leaving Sero and Shoto alone together with the villain in front of them. 

Sero looked at the villain giving him a look only the villain would know. The dude looked away from both the young hero's scared a bit. Shoto grabbed the guys face. "WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" He yelled in the guys face.   

Shoto held the guy as he looked back his face red before he smirked biting down on something as his head made a sound and then his breathing stopped. Sero growled. "You little fucker!" He grabbed the villain's head from Shoto as he shook it. "He's fucking dead Shoto, we're not going to get any info from him anytime soon unless someone with a mind quirk can go inside and get the info out." Shoto looked at Sero as he tiled his head. "Huh? How do you know he's dead and no one has a mind quirk like that in this world, well earth, but for real whats wrong with you cause you just turned into like a different person." 

Sero looked down at the ground as he let go of the villain as he watched it fall limp in front of him. Shoto stayed where he was for a moment as he wasn't sure about his classmate now. Sero slowly turned to face his mixed hair classmate. "Shoto we don't speak of this to anyone." He said low as his hands were shaking. Shoto just gave a nod as he walked with his classmate slowly holding his arm leading him hopefully back towards where their other classmates were. 

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