
By florence-shade

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**Third and Final Book in the Powerful But Broken Trilogy** Ash is just like you and me, a completely ordinar... More

I Drink Black Coffee, John
Cress Is Swooning
Put Some Damn Clothes On
Two...No Four Heads
You're A Stanger and A Dog
That's My Food, Man
I Just Fell Out of Bed
Chilling In the Woods Like a Maniac
Oh But It Is Jaxy Boy
For a Human, You Can Be Scary
Why Couldn't It Have Just Been a Wolf
Shshshshshshsh, Calm Down
Secret, Magical, Antisocial Abode
That is None of Your Business
I Love My Food, But Man
World Famous Lasagna
A Vampire...Having A Panic Attack
As You Wish, Saviour
No More Than Five Minutes
You Knew All Along?
I Just Wanted This To Be Perfect
That is Unheard Of
Eating For Two
I Love You
Thank You

Overprotective Dogs

362 27 1
By florence-shade


Cress looks panicked like she doesn't know what to do. I am still standing there in shock, unable to move. Cress is a werewolf? Was she always a werewolf? I have heard of humans being turned into werewolves on rare occasions but it only works if they have the mutated Jean that hasn't been activated yet. Normally, a bite from a werewolf would kill a human, slow and painfully. Did Cress recently get turned? That would explain the strange behaviour I guess...

I am pulled from my thoughts when Cress speaks, "How do you know?"

"That doesn't matter right now! Was this a recent thing? What happened?"

She looks down and I see a few tears drop from her eyes at the memory. I make my way towards her but she looks up at me in fear, pleading with me silently to stay back. I stop walking for a moment so she can get her words together to tell me her story.

"A.." her voice sounds weak and she clears her throat, "About a month ago, I was headed to an interview for a local job at Penguin Publisher's."

I nod, she has been wanting to get a job at that publishing company for a while now. The fact that she got an interview is amazing.

"I never made it to the interview," she states sadly. "I was attacked in the woods by..." she trails off. Probably thinking she sounds crazy.

"By a werewolf." I finish her sentence, telling her that I believe her.

She looks up at me and nods, "It grabbed my leg in his mouth and dragged me into the forest, away from the sidewalk. I managed to grab a stick and jab it in its eye really good. It growled in pain and ran off, leaving me on the forest floor. I managed to grab out my phone and call the ambulance who took me to the hospital. I was discharged not long after."

She then goes on to explain how she got home and felt a burning from her wound. She unwrapped it to see it was healing rapidly before her eyes. That was the night of a full moon when a turned werewolf would be forced to shift for the first time. That is where the common misconception comes from I think. She explains the great pain she was in and how when she woke up, she was a wolf. She thought she was crazy and then when she came to accept what happened, she stayed out at an old rundown factory at night incase it happened again.

"The next full moon is tonight and I am terrified. I will be forced to turn into that...thing again."

"Cress, calm down," I tell her when I notice her getting nervous and her eyes glow a bright blue colour. "You won't be forced to shift ever again, okay. Unless you let your emotions get the best of you, you will be able shift when you want," I try my best to explain.

"How do you know that? Are you a werewolf too?" I see hope in her eyes.

"No," the hope dissipates, "But I have been travelling around to packs of werewolves for the past year and a half helping out so I have picked up a few things. Do you have your wolf talking to you? Why hasn't she told you this?" I wonder aloud.

"Who? I don't know what you mean."

She is blocking her wolf without knowing it, "I want you to close your eyes and open yourself to your wolf side. It is a part of you now and you need to accept it. Your wolf will help you through this all."

I can see her hesitate before doing as I asked. A few second pass before her eyes open wide and she looks around the room wildly.

"What was that?" She asks.

"That would be your wolf. Let her introduce herself to you."

Cress gets this dazed look that all werewolves get while mind-linking or in this case, speaking to their inner wolf. A smile breaks out in Cress' face and she looks at me.

"Thank you Ash!" She squeals and jumps up, embracing me in a bone-crushing hug which I return.

"Can Gwen talk to you?" She wonders and I nod.

I can see Cress concentrating as she closes her eyes. When her eyes open, they are glowing a brighter shade of blue signalling her wolf, Gwen, is in control.

"Hello Gwen," I greet.

"Hi Ash, thank you for getting me unblocked. I was running out of ideas. Cress was just so worried that she blocked me out."

"It was my pleasure Gwen. You take care of Cress okay?"

"I will. Can you take us with you?" She asks.

"I-I mean yes, I can. I just have to run it by my partner in crime," I chuckle at myself.

"Thank you!" Gwen squeals and then let's Cress back in control.

"Thank you Ash," Cress says with tears in her eyes. I can tell they are happy tears.

After Cress packs and tells her parents that she is going to go travelling with me, we head out and begin walking towards my home. Cress' parents were so glad that Cress looked happy and relieved that she was finally getting out of the house to do something she wants to do.

We arrive at John's and I notice Cress acting weird and looking confused. I go to ask her what is wrong but the loud sound of the front door opening cuts me off. I look over to see Jax looking in our direction with a bewildered look in his eye. He slowly walks towards Cress who is looking conflicted. As the space closes between them, I realize what is happening. Jax has finally found his mate. Guess I won't have to ask him if he is okay if Cress joins us.

Jax pulls Cress into a tight hug and he breathes in her scent. Cress slowly wraps her arms around Jax and returns the hug. When they pull apart I step forward and clap Jax on the shoulder.

"Congratulations Jaxy, you finally found your mate. I'm so happy for you," I smile warmly at him and both Cress and Jax smile widely at me. I guess Gwen filled her in on what a mate is.

"I think you two should head back to the White Stone Pack. Make sure Hayden is doing alright. I am going to head to the Blood Paw Pack to speak with Noctis to get permission to enter the Royal Pack territory. I will meet you guys at Hayden's once I'm done."

"Okay, good luck out there," Jax nods and we do our secret handshake.

"Do you have to leave," Cress pouts.

"Yes, but I will be back in a couple days. Get to know Jax and see how we help packs. While you are there, you can learn to fight."

Jax nods in agreement when Cress looks to him for his opinion. "She will be fine Cress, she is one of the best fighters in the world," Jax reassures.

"I'm going to go say goodbye to John," I wave them off and head inside, closing the door Jax left open behind me. Inconsiderate asshole. Do you know how many bugs probably flew into the house. I roll my eyes.

"Leaving so soon?" John asks.

"Yes, I need to go see some friends. It's kind of time sensitive. I will talk with you though, don't worry. I won't let us loose contact again, I promise."

John grins and gives me a loving hug, "One day, I want an explanation of what's going on. Okay?"

Of course, he does deserve an explanation. After all of this is over and it is safe, I will tell him everything. I nod and he kisses my forehead before letting me go. I tell him goodbye and walk into the forest. I let Cress and Jax take the Jeep and I will just walk to the Blood Paw Pack. Maybe I will try flying again. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of it. I can't get more than two inches off the ground.

I don't know what I was thinking going to Qalton first. I have to back track to get to the Blood Paw Pack. I have been walking for a few hours now and I decide to try to fly. I am nowhere near any pack boarders right now and I cannot sense anyone near. I let my wings out and try to take off from the ground. I get to the point where I am just hovering over the ground I try to flap my wings to get me higher but it feels like something is weighing me down. Not physically but mentally. I feel like there is something inside of me that is holding me back and maybe finding some answers will help with that.

I just decide to continue walking to the Blood Paw Pack since this whole flying thing isn't working out. What's the point of having wings that can't fly. I let out a frustrated huff. I walk for what feels like an eternity, kicking a rock, keeping it ahead of me for a few hours. New personal best. I am about to kick the rock again when I stop walking, something is wrong. I'm not alone. I take in my surroundings and take a subtle whiff of the air. I smell the very faint scent of a vampire. Someone is trying to cover their scent. They can't fool me though, my senses are superb.

"Stop hiding, what do you want?" I demand as I turn toward the tree the vampire is hiding in. I haven't come across any vampires before but I have heard about them from Jax. The ones who are nice keep good company, but there are very evil vampires out there that give the species a bad reputation. The vampire hops down from the tree. I take in his six foot two frame, he has pale skin. Not white but like someone who lived far up north. He has dark brown eyes, a button nose and shaggy black hair. He is pretty cute to be honest.

"I'm sorry for spying on you, I just didn't know how you would react. You hanging out with wolves usually means that by default you hate vampires."

"I don't hate vampires. I just hate those who give you a bad name. You don't seem too bad," I admit. He gives off friendly vibes. The vampire seems shocked by my comment.

"Your mate is a werewolf and you don't hate vampires? You are one strange human."

I laugh at his statement, "I do not have a werewolf mate, at least not one I know about. I just have some supernatural friends, that's all. If you don't give me reason to hate you, I don't see why I should. Do you need something? Why were you watching me?"

He blushes, "I wanted to make sure you got back to the pack safely. At least I assumed that's where you were going. I was wondering why your mate would let you go out on your own."

I roll my eyes, "Overprotective dogs."

This causes the vampire to chuckle, "Yes, they are."

I raise an eyebrow as if to suggest he would be the same with his mate to which he shrugs. "The name's Ash," I hold out my hand to the guy.


I laugh, "Your name is Frost and mine is Ash, that's hilarious!"

Frost starts laughing as well to the point of wheezing. We eventually calm down and I wave off Frost, starting the last stretch of my trek to the Blood Paw Pack. Frost easily catches up to me.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I could ask you the same thing," I retaliate.

"Well my answer is whatever your answer is."

I roll my eyes, "I don't need a travel companion, I am just fine on my own."

"Awh, come on! I haven't found someone else who would talk with me, at least having a civil conversation, in a very long time."

"What about your clan?" A clan is like a pack of vampires.

"I left 'em a while ago."

"How long is a while ago?"

He thinks for a moment, "One hundred eighty-seven years, give or take."

"You haven't had anyone to talk with in over a hundred and eighty years?"

"No, not really."

I groan, my conscience getting the best of me, "Fine. Come on," I tell him to follow me.

"So, where are we headed?"

"Blood Paw Pack."

I expect him to stop walking because everyone freaks out when I mention that pack. Instead, he continues to walk beside me.

"Cool, it's about time I see Noctis again."

I look at him confused, "How do you know her?"

"I actually ran into her son, Braden, when he was just a young pup. He snuck out of the pack house and made it out of the territory without anyone seeing him. He was running and looking like he was having a blast until he ran right into my leg. He looked up at me with a terrified expression because he knew what I was. I told him that it's alright and I will take him back to his mom. To my unpleasant surprise he told me she was Noctis Kilo, Alpha of the Blood Paw Pack. I had to swallow my fear and take this six year old back to his pack. When I got to the boarder, there was five guards that seized me and another one took Braden away. They brought me to the pack house to see Noctis. I was scared shitless but she ended up thanking for for bringing Braden back and let me go."

"That sounds like something Noctis would do," I grin. I am glad to see her again, she is so wise.

We make some conversation for the last hour walk towards the territory. Once there, we wait outside the boarder until a guard comes up. He recognizes Frost.

"Hey Frost, how's it hanging?"

"Not doing too bad, how are you Felix?"

"Can't complain, who's this? I don't think she's your mate if she smells of werewolves," Felix chuckles.

"No, no. She isn't my mate. This is Ash..."

Felix buts in, "Ah, Ash, where is your partner, Fire?"

"He went back to the White Stone Pack with his mate. I am here to talk with Noctis and I happened to run into this doofus on the way."

"Wait, wait," Frost stops us, "You are THE Ash, as in Fire and Ash?"

"Yes, that's why I smell like a werewolf," I explain.

Frost opens his mouth to say something, but cannot seem to find the words. I just turn to Felix who brings us to the Pack house. Frost catches up quickly but decides to stay silent. Waiting outside the pack house is Noctis, she walks over to meet us in the clearing and gives us all a big smile.

"Thank you Felix, you may go back to patrol now." Felix gives her a bow of his head and heads back into the forest. "Ash, it's good to see you again. May I ask the reason for your visit?"

"I need to go to the Royal Pack in order to look for a book in their library. I was wondering if you could ask them if I could have permission to go into their territory. I heard that you know the family pretty well."

Noctis chuckles a bit, "You are very wise for your age. When I was your age, I did things differently and it didn't end very well."

Really? I never took Noctis for the kind of person to make poor decisions. She seems so wise and smart. She has everything together. How did she make a stupid decision.

"I know what you are thinking and I was hiding a secret that I didn't want to share with anyone in order to enter the territory properly. If I could go back and do it again, I would do it differently. I will call Amara and tell her about you. Frost, are you planning on accompanying Ash?" Noctis asks.

Frost looks at me and I shrug my shoulders. He can come if he wants. "Yes, I will be going with her," Frost replies.

Noctis nods and walks into the pack house. I decide to stay outside and enjoy the nice weather. I sit in the stairs leading up to the front door of the pack house. Frost comes and sits next to me on the steps and we remain silent for a moment.

"Tell me, how did you become one of the strongest beings on earth and you are a human?" Frost wonders.

"Training hard," I answer with.

"Come on, that can't be it. No matter how hard one trains, you can't just become a better fighter than a supernatural being."

"Well Frost, that is for me to know and you to find out," I wink at him.

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