A Family's Past and Present

By sjuniper

221 8 5

When you think of family you think its great and cheerful, well not for all family's like the Yamikawa family... More

Welcome to the world of the Yamikawa's
Things start to get better, but also worse
Family always stick together
Small recap of the warning chapter
Information to give is better then nothing
New Characters are so much fun
The world is clear
Life is a powerful thing
The Past is a Wicked Thing
UA Entrance Exam
UA Drama
Everyone has there Part to Play
No pain, No game
Relationships are great!
Meeting the one
Hanta's other life
The Assignment
USJ Attack
The things we don't want people to know
Times up
The thoughts of the past
Thoughts of Freedom
Find him!
Are we really Safe?
Mind Games!
Friends in higher places
Problems Arise
Where am I?
Battle of life or Death
Safe at long last
Don't ever go it alone
Time Really Does Fly
Reflections on Conflict
Are Things Getting Any Better?
Maybe Today will be Normal
Information Party
Sports Festival

Silly Crazy Teenagers

7 1 1
By sjuniper

Alright this chapter is going to be what happens after the time that everyone goes to the USJ and the Sports Festival. I will try and wirte a chapter with the USJ attack soon, but for now I'm going with what happens after. Well really this will be how everyone gets to know each other and also what some do when not in class or busy. Enjoy!


Everyone was hanging out talking about the tests and what they all went through the day before. The class had made it to their first weekend on campus as a lot just joked and talked some thought about games the class could play or just getting the class to do their homework. 

Denki was asleep on the couch as Hanta was taking pictures of his sleeping boyfriend. Iida was talking to everyone about school and how even if it was the weekend they should train there quirks and do school work. 

Kirishima laughed as bakugo tried to fight Iida to stop talking. But Iida stopped him before anything got to bad. Izuku looked over from where he sat with Tsu and Ochcao. The two girls were doing Izuku's nails as he had been pushed into doing it as he sighed. "Okay how much longer is this going to take?" As he was blushing a bit. "Just a bit more Deku?" Ochaco smiled at Izuku. Izuku watched as the girls held his hands putting nail polish that was a nice light green color. 

Oijro and shoij were talking about quirks and how their's were a bit like each others. Bakugo sighed walking away as Izuku watched cause he knew bakugo well when they were younger and all and now going to the same school together. 

The students kept up the talk and doing things with each other. The people who were really enjoying the weekend at the moment and pulling bakugo upstairs with them was mina, Denki, Hanta and kirishima. They all had become good friends through the week and Jirou was slowly becoming part of their squad as well as she followed the group to Kirishima's dorm. 

The group called themselves the Bakusquad after being friends for so long. The friends set up the game Mirio kart on Kirishima's play station as the group loved the game, but they did have to take turns or team up as there was only four remotes and there were 6 of them in the group. 

So the first to play was kirishima, Mina, Bakugo and Denki. Jirou teamed up with Mina well Hanta teamed up with Denki. The group played and which up teams when they needed to as the girls were way to good at playing the game. 

After playing for awhile bakugo ended up being the winner as everyone gave him hugs and compliments. The group was so happy. Jirou had been pushed onto the floor after as Kirishima got a little to jumpy. Denki was just happy the group got to spend time together for most of the day as tonight Hanta and himself had to leave late at night to go back to the lab. It was something they hated, but they were only allowed off grounds on weekends now as the campus was where all students stayed until the end of the year or even until school was over and they graduated from UA. 

After having the party in kirishima's dorm for bakugo everyone left going to there own dorms for the evening as they had played games all day long. Kirishima was cleaning up in his room after everyone left. 

(Kirishima's dorm)

Kirishima cleaned up the rest of the pop cans and bottles of juice in his room as well as some chip bags left on his couch. He smiled as he found one of Jirou's earrings on the couch still. He picked it up placing it on his nightstand to return in the morning unless she came back looking for it. 

Kirishima smiled at himself in his phone camera as he was tried as he came in second in the game. He was also just trying to get his head straight as he was happy to be in UA. The guy was here to become a hero like the hero he grew up loving. 

He moved to finish cleaning and then headed for the bathroom closing the door as each student in the dorms had their own bathroom in case they didn't want to bathe with each other in the bathroom downstairs or just needed somewhere else to be alone.

Kirishima showed and brushed his teeth before heading down to the common rooms kitchen to get something to eat before bed. He found Momo and some of the other girls as they were all watching Bakugo and Shoij have and arm wrestling on the dinning room table. 

Kirishima watched for a bit before taking his bag of chips up to his dorm to eat and sit on his bed. He thought to himself about his friends and what he liked about them. 

He liked Bakugo because he was both cute and had great manlyest. He liked mina because she was fun to be around. He liked Hanta because of how much he was like a dad to the bakusquad and kept them out of trouble a lot of the time. Jirou was either all to herself or had good story's and tips for using their quirks. Denki had become his friend very fast as the two had things in common, but kirishima just liked him for who he was. For himself, he made friends so he wasn't alone and he had half known Mina before UA, so there was that factor. 

Kirishima sighed as he finshed off his chip bag throwing it out in his small trash bin beside his desk. He got back into bed sitting there for a moment still thinking about the day as he really didn't know what to do once everyone was gone. 

He looked at his phone about the newer hero killer Stain and hoped to not cross paths with the guy if possible. The guy had killed a lot of people before showing up in the news reports. Kirishima kept reading about as the reports came out cause he knew the USJ attack had only happened a few days ago. Everyone was fine expect for Izuku. Kirishima laid down as he started to watch YouTube.    

(Jirou dorm)

(Same time)

Jirou walked into her dorm after leaving Denki and Hanta in the elevator. She went to her dorm room closing the door once inside. She looked around her room as she smiled to herself knowing her and mina got third well gaming with the boys. 

Jirou put her phone on it's charger before going to get changed. She went into her bathroom as she turned on the hot water for the shower only thinking about having once she gave herself a sniff. She took off her outfit that she was wearing before stepping into the cool hot water from the shower with a sigh. 

Jirou moved her hand through her hand as she sighed. "That was one hell of a game." She moved grabbing her shampoo. She squeezed the bottle as shampoo came out onto her head. She giggled at the feeling as she rubbed it in. She thought about the day and how she was sure that she had a bit of a crush on Denki. She moved washing her hair out in the water slowly closing her eyes as she rubbed her hands through her hair.

Jirou took her time as she washed her body and did the rest of the shampoos she had for her hair. She smiled as she looked at her earphone Jacks. "I love this quirk, but am I really going to be able to become a hero with it. I just have to do my best well here. I got this." She grabbed a towel as she wrapped it around herself getting out of the shower turning off the water as well. 

She went over to the mirror as she smiled. "Okay time to get ready for dinner as that's coming up soon and I'm supposed to help yamomo cook." She smiled walking into her dorm grabbing some clothes to put on. 

 Jirou sighed as she dropped her towel getting into an outfit as she was quick about after the last time someone walked in on her. She slowly looked at her phone for texts from anyone of even her parents as the USJ attack had gotten them scared for their little girl. But still not many text as she had most from the group chat she was in with both the class and bakusquad. But nothing from her parents yet. 


Jirou walked into the kitchen to find not only momo, but bakugo and Izuku helping with the dinner for the class. "Oh hi guys, I didn't mean to be late Yamomo." Momo looked over as she was moving a spoon around in a pot. "Oh don't worry Jirou the boys wanted to help anyways."

Jirou smiled as she waved at the guys. Bakugo didn't look over as he was cutting food up, but Izuku looked over waving as he wasn't doing much as Bakugo took over his job.  

(Bakugo's dorm)

Bakugo got to his dorm after playing games with his friends all day pretty much and yawned as he opened his phone looking at the time. He sighed when he saw it was close to the planned out dinner for the whole class and kirishima and the rest of the group had gotten him to behave and come down for food when it was ready. 

Bakugo sighed as he set down his phone. "Okay I for sure smell like ass, so going to get clean and then head downstairs to get the nerd away from cooking with ponytail girl." He sighed walking towards his dorms bathroom sighing when he got inside with the door closed. He walked over to the shower turning on the hot water all the way with no cold water at all as the heat was good for his quirk and he liked the heat.

Bakugo looked at his messing hair as he smirked at himself. He pulled off his shirt as he looked at himself in the mirror. 

Bakugo posed a few times as he knew he looked dam hot without a shirt on. "Dammit, I got to workout more to be the strongest hero out there and beat all might's sorry ass." He smirked as he pulled off his pants and shoes as well as his hat that he had on. 

He walked over to the shower as he pulled back the curtains to the shower stepping in. He looked at his hands as they were sweating a lot already. He turned a bit of the cold water on just to be safe as he ran his hand through his hair. He touched his legs as they hurt after sitting for so long. He closed his eyes feeling the water on his face. He rubbed his hands across his face as the water was cooler now. 

Katsuki sighed as he grabbed a bottle of shampoo as he got some out of it. He sighed as he rubbed it into his hair and had his eyes closed liking the feeling a little to much. He smiled as he kept rubbing his head until he put his arms down feeling the pain from his elbows and shoulders as his quirk hurt him sometimes when he was either wearing his hero costume or not.

He put down the bottle after as he washed out his hair. He looked at his hands as he rubbed them together setting off some small blasts in the water making it move around all funny like. He finished off the shower a few seconds later, but he had started singing into the shower head as he liked both singing and drumming as something to do on his own time without anyone knowing. 

Bakugo got out getting changed as he smirked at his outfit. 

He got downstairs pushed Izuku away from whatever he was trying to cut up and got to work helping momo as Jirou walked into the room waving. He didn't wave back knowing the safty of knifes. But Izuku did wave back however. 

The class had dinner that night and then either went to do homework, train or sleep. 


Well hello everyone and mahahahahaaha I turned this chapter into a simp/Kinning chapter hehehehe, Hope you all enjoyed and more like this will come and yes the next chapter will hopefully either be the class in the classroom or the USJ attack. 

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