Highschool Singular Point

Od dragonNecroKing132

75.7K 1.2K 955

Issei Hyoudou, a perverted teenage boy who wished on becoming the Harem King. However, after being killed by... Více

Issei's Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Cover
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapet 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: SERA O FIM DA TERRA!!
Chapter: [REDACTED]
Singular-verse Rules & Info

Chapter 6

3.6K 61 64
Od dragonNecroKing132

Third Person POV

Issei continued to stare at Rias Gremory as he had a small toothy grin on his face. It was like the two were staring into each others soul's cause neither of them moved for a solid three minutes.

However, before long the crimson-haired girl walked away, leaving Issei staring at the empty window frame.

A small chuckle escaped the black-haired boy's mouth.

Issei: "Well now, things are getting interesting..."

Rias sat on a sofa staring at a chessboard in front of her, with her Queen and best friend Akeno standing next to her.

Rias: "Akeno...how is he back?"

Akeno looked at the crimson-haired girl with a confused expression on her face.

Akeno: "What do you mean Rias? Who is back?"

Akeno noticed that Rias had a serious expression on her face, so she can tell that this was important.

Rias: "Issei Hyoudou...He is somehow back after a whole week of disappearing"

This left Akeno shocked.

Akeno: "T-that's impossible, he was killed by the fallen angels. You even saw his blood at the park, right?"

Rias nodded her head.

Rias: "I did, but I also saw that Red Dust that Sona told me about...I also think I notice some on that creature we-"

Akeno: "Rodan"

This got Rias's attention as she looked at the black-haired girl.

Rias: "Excuse me?"

Akeno: "I got word from your brother that the creature we encountered will be known as 'Rodan' I'm not sure why, but that's what he said"

Rias sighed slightly, not at the name of the monster but at the fact that her brother decided it. He had always wanted to name a new species of creature in the world, looks like this was his chance.

Rias: "Anyways, I saw some Red Dust on Rodan's body. So the Red Dust must have a connection to Issei"

Akeno: "Well, what shall we do then? Should we leave him be? or shall we question him?"

Rias went silent as she began to think to herself if she questions Issei then this could end up in a fight that would not be good. But if they leave him alone then Rias won't find out more about the Red Dust or how he's alive.

After thinking about it for a moment she let out a small sigh.

Rias: "I'm not sure, I'll think about it. But for now, I need a shower"

Rias stood up as she began to take her clothes off, she then placed them on the sofa so she can put them back on when she was done. She then walked into a room that had a shower in it, she turned it on as the water began to envelop her body she began to think about Issei and what she saw in his yellow eyes.

Rias: "Those eyes...Those weren't the eyes of a pervert...Those were the eyes of an Apex predator...Issei Hyoudou...Who or what are you?"

After his little stare-off with Rias, Issei somehow found his two perverted friends who were looking at some hentai books and DVDs. As they were, there were some girls looking at the trio with looks of disgust as they began to say some harsh but truthful comments.

Girl 1: "Those three are the worst"

Girl 2: "Filthy perverts"

Girl 3: "I knew that Hyoudou was always the same pervert as usual"

However, Issei wasn't looking at the hentai books and DVDs cause he was too busy thinking about stuff, but he did hear the harsh comments.

Issei: 'I forgot how annoying this place can be...I'm so glad that none of these idiots are a part of the Ritual. Speaking of which I'm gonna have to send more flyers to expand the range of the barrier'

As Issei was thinking to himself, both Matsuda and Motohama were trying to get the black-haired boy's attention which was proving to be difficult.

Matsuda: "Issei! Issei! Issei! Issei! Issei!"

Motohama: "Issei! Wake the fuck up you son of a bi-"

Getting annoyed by his two friends' Pickering, Issei delivered a strong punch into both Matsuda and Motohama's faces. This attack caused the two to fall back and fall to the ground, Issei looked down at his two friends and glared at them as his yellow eyes seemed to shine in the light.

Issei: "Will you two shut the fuck up! You're giving me a splitting headache!"

Recovering from the punch they had just received, the two boys glared at Issei.

Matsuda: "Well you weren't re-"

Issei: "I don't give a shit about your fucking books or DVDs! You two are nothing to me! I could easily end both your pathetic lives!"

Hearing these words caused both Matsuda and Mothama to freeze as they stared at the black-haired boy in shock and fear. Not just them, but many stupids who were watching were also scared of Issei's words.

They had known Issei for a long time, he was a fellow student even though he was a pervert that peeped on girls. But they had never seen him angry before, well nothing like this.

Issei was gonna say something else, but before he could he was stopped by the sound of the ringing bell.

Issei snorted as he glared at Matsuda and Mothama.

Issei: "You're lucky...:

He then turned and made his way back inside the school building, he walked down the hallway passing some other students as he was deep in thought.

Issei: 'stupid Humans...Annoying the shit out of me, I don't know why I became their friend in the first place! Like if I had to listen to their annoying voices one more time, I would have ripped their throats out with my jaw'

Issei soon snapped back to reality when he heard males and females screaming, not out of fear but out of excitement. He turned to see what the commotion was but he soon saw what was going on.

It was Rias, Rias Gremory. She was a first-class beauty. She was the most beautiful girl in the entire school, she was basically the top model of the place.

As the crimson-haired girl walked down the hallways, Issei couldn't help but snort in annoyance at the fact that everyone else is just gushing over her beauty.

Issei didn't see a reason to gush over Rias's beauty, sure he would of when he was his old self but he's not his old self anymore.

(Time Skip Brought to you by Zalgo meeting The Scarlet King)

Issei was making his way to wherever he wants to cause there is no way he is going back to his regular house. Cause if he does then his parents will most likely want to know where he has been.

And Issei wasn't in the mood to deal with crying, hugging, and whatever else his parents might do.

The black-haired boy sighed slightly as he shook his head.

Issei: 'I'm really not in the mood'

Suddenly, Issei stopped walking as he felt some sort of killing intent. He noticed the sky changing color from an orangy color to a dark purple.

The black-haired boy raised an eyebrow at this.

Issei: "ok, unless I'm tripping balls. This should not be happening, and last time I checked I'm not tripping balls.

Suddenly, Issei heard footsteps as he turned and saw someone. The person was a man with a pale gray trench coat over a white dress shirt with a matching ascot, black pants, and shoes, he also wore a pair of black gloves and a black fedora.

???: "How unfortunate, actually bumping into someone like yourself in a place like this"

Issei raised an eyebrow as he soon sniffed the air, once he got the man's scent he narrowed his eyes.

Issei: "You smell just like hat bitch who quote on quote 'killed me' a week ago"

The man looked at Issei with wide eyes, he soon grew an evil smirk as he chuckled.

???: "Well, well. To think I'm meeting the brat who Raynare Killed, or should I say failed to kill since you still alive"

Issei growled slightly, sounding like a vicious animal.

Issei: "Yeah, I'm alive. Go any problem with that? Are you Yuu-no Ryanare's acquaintance or something?"

The man chuckled as two large black feathered wings sprouted from his back.

Issei stared at the man's wings as memories of Yuuma or rather Raynare flashed through his mind, he remembered those wings all too well.

Seeing those wings, those black feathers... Enraged Issei. His blood began to boil up as Red Dust began to flow off his body into the air.

The man notice the Red Dust and was confused, he had never seen anything like the Red Dust before.

Man: 'What is that stuff? Is it a part of his sacred gear? Is he a devil? he doesn't feel like one? What is this brat?'

Suddenly, the man's eyes widen as the Red Dust on Issei grew more and more. But that wasn't the reason for the man's eyes to widen, the reason was of an image of something flashed through his mind...something terrifying.

The image showed some sort of huge monster, with grey scales and yellow eyes. But those eyes were completely soulless, those were the eyes of a creature that wanted only death, chaos, and destruction.

The man took a step back in fear as sweat began to run down his face.

Man: "W-What the hell was that!? What the hell are you brat!? Are you some 'Stray'? or something? Where is your master?"

Issei growled at the man as his eyes glowed yellow with a hint of red.

Issei: "No one is my master and no one will be, Nothing will stop me from completing the ritual"

Man: "Ritual? What the hell are you talking about?! What ritual!? Answer me brat!"

Issei didn't reply as he glared at the man, having enough of his Pickering. So the black-haired boy decided that he shall deal with him.

However, Issei soon dodged something as he turned and saw a spear similar to the one that Raynare stabbed him with a week ago.

However, while Raynare's spear was a pink to crimson red in color this spear was more of a blue to aqua in color.

Issei: 'Great, another spear. Do all these Crows have the ability to throw spears? Why not swords or better yet something better'

Issei turned back and looked at the man who had an evil grin on his face.

The man grew angry at the fact that Issei didn't answer him, so he decided to punish the black-haired boy by trying to kill him.

Man: "Since I don't sense a trace of your 'Master' it seems like you are a 'stray' which means...I can kill you"

After hearing his words, Issei growled at the man once again. How dare this man think that Issei would serve someone, no one controlled Issei! he's been through hell and back, there's no way he's giving his life up to serve some sort of 'Master'.

Issei's glare hardened as he gritted his teeth, while doing this the man was about to attack again but stopped when he noticed something.

There was a small blue glow coming from Issei's mouth, this caused the man to take a step back cause he didn't know what the black-haired boy would do.

The man watched as Issei opened his mouth wide as a blue ring of some sort formed in front of him.

The man watched in fear, he wanted to move but his body wouldn't budge.

Man: 'W-whats happening to me!? Why won't I move!? Is it cause of this brat!? What did he do to me!? And what is that ring for!?'

Issei remained where he was as the ring held its position, but what happened next shocked the man.

Issei quickly looked up as a long blue beam of energy fired from his mouth, this caused a powerful shockwave that sent the man flying into a tree and injuring one of his wings.

The man gritted his teeth from the pain, but he stared in shock and horror as he watched the blue beam pierce through the clouds and filled the night sky with blue light.

Before long Issei maneuvered the beam and used it to slicer the upper half of the tree that the man was under, the man looked up, and before he could move the three hell down, pinning him to the ground.

After doing that Issei quickly closed his mouth as the blue glow stopped. He snorted as smoke started to appear from his nose, he then started to make his way towards the man.

Eventually, Issei stood over the man and looked down at him with a sinister grin on his face.

The sight of the grin caused the man to get scared, cause he was now facing not a boy but an actual monster.

Issei: "Well then, you weren't that tough. That was my first time using that attack and I barely had to do anything"

The man gritted his teeth as he glared at the black-haired boy, how dare he make a fool out of him like this.

Man: "Damn you brat! When I get out of this, I'm gon-"

Issei: "Gonna what? Kill me?"

Issei then let out a small laugh as his eyes shined yellow.

Issei: "I've already died, I have been through hell and back. And now...I declare the end will be upon you all!"

The man's eyes widen as he saw a familiar glow slowly start to appear in the black-haired boy's mouth.

Issei: "Such a shame, you weren't a part of the Ritual. So you weren't really important'

That word again, what Ritual was the black-haired boy talking about? What is the Ritual?

Man: "W-What ritual!?"

Issei grinned.

Issei: "Well, since this is your about to die...I'll tell you about the Ritual...."

The man waited silently for the answer, there was no way he was gonna die. He will break free and escape with new information.

Issei: "Sera o fim da Terra!"

The man was about to say something, but before he could Issei unleashed another blue beam that turned the man's body into a charred corpse.

It not only did that, but the beam also burned the tree and the ground. Issei continued this even though the man was dead, but he didn't care whatsoever.

But before long he quickly closed his mouth as the glow faded away. With the death of the man, Issei stood alone as nighttime had envelope the sky of Kuoh.

The black-haired boy looked up at the night sky and snorted slightly.

Issei: "Well, better heard off"

Issei was about to head off to find somewhere to sleep, but...

???: "Well, Well, Well. It seems like you had a fun time Singular Point"

Issei froze as he turned his head and saw someone, the person was a man with a slim man with beige-colored skin, and abroad, a permanently affixed smile full of sharp, yellow teeth. 

He sported a red-cropped, angled bob-cut with dark reddish-grey tips at the ends and two large, dark reddish-grey-tipped tufts of hair extending from the top of his head, evoking the ears of a deer. 

His eyes had dark-red sclerae, bright-red irises, and black pupils. He also wore a dark-red oval-shaped monocle, rimmed with black, over his right eye.

Issei stared at the man, his yellow eyes meeting the man's eyes as he only had three words to say, that's right three words.

Issei: "Who are you?"





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