A single Promise (Wegberg tri...

By Rain12bow

19.2K 823 157

Abigail Moreno had a relatively normal life, living in a trailer park with her mother and having a shitty job... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's note

Chapter 16

762 43 1
By Rain12bow

"Abigail?" the familiar voice made her look up with her puffy eyes, taking in Valeria's hurrying from. She looked like a queen with her long white coat flapping after her with every step, showing off her elegant white blouse and light brown trousers, matching with her sand brown heels.

Strangely, she carried a huge plastic bag with a concerned face, making the illusion shatter.

Seeing that the woman came, made Abigail cry even more.

The sound of heels stopped in front of her, and someone placed a hand on her knees, making her peek out between her fingers, only to see Valeria squatting in front of her.

"What happened?" Valeria asked gently, scanning the girl for any injuries.

"They are operating my mom." the girl sniffed. "She was in pain for a week, and I couldn't see it..." She is a horrible daughter for not caring about her mother.

"Tell me the whole story." And Abigail did, starting with how her father and brother died in a car accident, leaving only her mother alive.


"Here, I brought you some chicken soup." the woman rattled with the plastic bag while holding the girl in her arms. It was a rather comfortable position for Abigail as her head was laying on the woman's chest with warm arms hugging her waist.

The chairs were horrible, but Valeria didn't care. She just wanted to cheer up the girl, and if holding her was helping, then why not?

It took her by surprise when Abigail threw herself in her arms, hugging her body tightly. For Valeria, who only touched women when she wanted sex, this was a bit strange, but in a good kind of strange. Inhaling the familiar shampoo the girl got from her, she smiled a bit.

Abigail as an answer, only dug herself deeper in the woman's embrace, not wanting to let go.

"Come on. You need to eat. I also brought some spaghetti and cookies." Now, the cookie word caught the young girl's attention. Lifting her head, she looked at the plastic containers with red eyes.

Reaching out for the cookies, Valeria smacked her hand away. "No, first soup." she scolded Abigail, like she would a kid. "And besides I think you had enough chocolate already..." Valeria motioned toward the papers the girl left on the table next to them.

"You are right." Abigail sighed, making the woman look at her in shock. "Did you just agree with me?" this made the girl smile faintly. "Yes, but I won't make a habit of it." she grabbed the soup container and Valeria handled her a spoon. "It should be still warm."

"Why did you bring me this?" the girl took a spoonful, slurping a bit as it was still hot.

"As I had already told you in the phone, I went to visit you, and since you wouldn't tell me what your problem was, I decided to bring you food."

"So, you just wanted to see me." Abigail said in conclusion. The woman only rolled her eyes in answer.

"Thank you." the girl nudged the woman with her shoulder. "You're welcome." Valeria glanced at her watch. "It's already 9pm, shouldn't they already finish up?"

"I have no idea, they won't tell me anything." the girl kept on eating, while Valeria stood up. "I am going to ask someone. Stay here." but as she turned around Stephanie Reed appeared, walking towards them with a few papers.

Seeing the blonde woman standing, Miss Read stopped in her tracks. "Valeria?"

"Oh, Stephanie, is that you? What a surprise!" they met in the middle giving each other a friendly handshake and a few pats on the shoulder.

Abigail kept staring between the two with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here?" they let go off each other.

"I am just here as a visitor." Valeria motioned towards Abigail, who kept on eating from her almost empty bowl. Now she was curious about their relationship.

"Oh, Miss Moreno..." Abigail only nodded towards the rude woman who cornered her a couple of hours ago in her office. "Here are your copies about our contract." she handled the girl the papers under Valeria's watchful eyes.

"Thanks." the girl snatched them from the blood red fingernails, not caring to look at the woman more than needed.

"I just received the information, that your mother will be finished in two hours. So far everything went perfect with barely any complications."

"Okay, thanks." Abigail repeated herself. Maybe she should bring Valeria everywhere from now on... It seems everyone becomes friendlier when she is around.

Glancing up as she heard the arrogant woman saying goodbyes, she tossed the papers carelessly in her bag.

"What was that?" Valeria demanded, reaching for the papers. "Nothing." Abigail didn't want to tell her how much this surgery would cost her.

"Abigail, let me see it! You don't know who this woman was."

"Oh, believe me, I fucking know. She is some stuck-up bitch who can barely do her job..."

"She is the head of this hospital, Abigail..." Valeria muttered, looking around if someone had heard them.

"What? You mean the boss?"

"Kind of-"

"Well, I don't care! Everything I said was true! And by the way how do you know her?"

The silence was heavier than Abigail would have liked. "You fucked her?"

"God, no."


How could Valeria say that they've been going to the same sex club for three years now?

"I don't think you want to hear it." came the diplomatic answer from the blonde woman. "No, no tell me, I am curious now." Abigail urged her.


"Please!" Abigail looked at her with her best puppy expression, even as her eyes had bloody veins popping in them and her eyelids were swollen, Valeria couldn't resist.

"Fine." she sat next to the annoying girl. "I met her 3 years ago in a sex club called Sappho's Shaft."

"That sounds so nasty..." Abigail tried to hold back her laughter, but a smile started to appear as she listened to the woman.

"I know, but it was a pretty good club." Valeria admitted. "That's where I met her. It was my fourth or fifth time there, and I immediately noticed the new face." Valeria inhaled and quickly said: "She was fist deep in a 19-year-old prostitute."

"WHAT?!" Abigail shrieked, not believing Valeria.

"You wanted to know... She is a cougar, likes younger lovers, even though she is married and has three kids. I don't know what makes her horny about them, but from young boys to girls, she fucks them all... She is not a pedophile though, they were all over 18-19, and everyone gave her the consent." Valeria quickly added, seeing the girl's face,

"How old is she?"

"46" Abigail stayed still looking at the woman in disbelief. "That's disgusting."

"Everyone has a kink I guess..." she thought about her own breast addiction.

"And what were you doing there?"

"Having sex...?" the woman chuckled.

"You go there still?" Abigail asked, afraid of the answer. It will hurt her if Valeria says yes, even though they had an agreement.

Which reminded her, that their affair would expire in less than two weeks.

"No. Not anymore." and Valeria meant it. This made Abigail's heart flutter with joy and making her incredibly horny.

"You now, we still have 2 hours..." the girl pushed her body into Valeria's, who got the hint immediately. "Only, if you give the contract to me."

"Fine, but you can't pay for it."

"Okay." the woman's tone didn't convinced the girl at all.

"Promise me, Valeria!" Abigail held her pinky finger out for the woman.

"I promise, Abigail." they hooked their little fingers together, while staring at each other's eyes. Then Valeria broke the magic with her next sentence.

"And now, let's go fucking." she grabbed the surprised girl by the arm.


"You sure no one will come in?" Abigail moaned while eyeing the closed door. Valeria was currently kissing down on her neck, sucking a ticklish spot here and there. "It's a disabled friendly bathroom, Abigail." the woman muttered, biting the girl's collar bone slightly.

"And? We are in a fucking hospitaa-l!" Abigail's voice hitched as Valeria roughly pushed her knee between the girl's thighs. "I locked the door."

She pushed the girl's T-shirt up, revealing her favorite pair of twins. "I missed you girls." Valeria sighed, bringing down her face to lick two mounds she's been missing so much lately.

"Don't bite!" Abigail warned her, while she unbuttoning the woman's blouse. Finally, feeling Valeria's bare skin under her hands, she let out a quiet moan.

Fiddling with the girl's jeans, the woman worked one of her hands in the front of Abigail's underwear, teasing the moist lips with her fingertips.

A strong squeeze on her shoulders urged her to take action already, which she obeyed by pushing two fingers in the girl at the same time.

Feeling each other so closely made both women groan in pleasure.

"Fuck." Abigail hissed as the woman started to pump her fingers, hitting the same lovely spot over and over. The girl's nail founded Valeria's back, scratching ten little lines over the woman's shoulders. "Don't stop, please don't stop!" Abigail begged as the woman's thumb founded her clit.

Blood was dripping from the girl's lips as she bit too hard to keep quiet, catching the woman's attention. Lifting her free hand she pushed two fingers in the girl's mouth, forcing her to let go of her own lips.

Valeria, the little devil she was, couldn't leave an opportunity like this, starting to gag the helpless girl while fucking her mercilessly.

When she felt the strong walls contracting around her fingers she sped up, covering Abigail's mouth with her bloody hand.

"Ohmygod" Abigail's eyes rolled back as her spine arched in an unhealthy way, pushing her body into Valeria's.

Wetness gushed out of her as Valeria roughly pulled out her fingers, smearing its substance on the girl's red face.

"How was that?"

Abigail couldn't breathe normally, so she just wheezed out a simple 'fantastic' before collapsing into the woman's towering figure. Valeria was patiently rubbing circles on the girl's back, waiting for her to gather some strength.

As they were standing in the middle of the disabled friendly toilet, Abigail gained back some consciousness, slowly sliding down on the woman's long body, until her knees reached the cold tiles under her.

Looking up, she shyly asked the woman. "Are you ready for round two?" not waiting for the answer, she yanked the dress-pants down with one motion, and not bothering to push the white lacy panties aside, she buried her face between the woman's legs, licking her slit through the silk material.

"Still don't know where you learnt this, but I am grateful for whoever taught you..." Valeria murmured so quietly that the girl hadn't hear anything from it, and the blonde woman leaned back against the sink enjoying the enthusiastic tongue working on her.


"Mom! How are you? Does it still hurt?" Abigail kept on asking her half-awake mother, who seemed way smaller than before, laying on the white hospital bed unaware of her surroundings.

"Miss! I need you to be quiet, she is still in a sedative state." the nurse looked at her angrily.

"Oh, of course." she whispered, holding her mother's cold hand in hers. Valeria was currently outside reading through the papers she got from Stephanie, leaving some space for the two.

She could not thank the woman enough, who stayed for the whole day, cheering her on whenever she needed. At 2 am Erica finally woke up, saying that she felt way better than before, making the nurses and doctors glad.

Her wheelchair was waiting in the corner of her room all along. She was glad to see her daughter again, hugging her with her weak arms closely. It was time to go home.

The nurses helped Erica back in her wheelchair carefully, which Abigail was grateful for. They got a strict daily routine printed out, which needed to be followed for a whole month, before going back for a check-up.

"I will call a taxi." Abigail told her mother and Valeria, already grabbing her mobile, but Valeria only rolled her eyes and snatched the phone out of the girl's grasp. "Don't be silly, I will give you a lift."

"Hey, I know you!" Abigail's mom pointed a finger into Valeria's direction. "The tall blonde with the fancy notebook. What are you doing here?"

"Oh my God, mom don't be so rude." Abigail glared at her mother in shame.

"I am doing my daily good deed." she winked at the older woman, making Abigail uncomfortable. "Well, we don't need your 'good deed'..." the girl said hurt, trying to reach for her phone.

"Abigail, I didn't meant it that way." Valeria tried correcting herself, making the girl let out a frustrated sigh. "Whatever... Lead the way." She stood behind her mother and started to wheel her to Valeria's rose-gold Bentley.

Opening one of the back doors she helped Abigail lifting Erica on the back seat. "Are you comfortable, mom?" Abigail asked while strapping her in, in case of a sharp turn.

"It's not like I can feel it, Abby..." the girl only rolled her eyes and closed the door. Walking to the trunk, she carefully folded the wheelchair, when a man came running. "Miss Moreno, you forget sign the check-out paper."

"Go. I will handle this." Valeria grabbed the chair, ready to place it in the trunk and the girl looked at her gratefully. "Thank you."

Valeria softly closed the trunk, looking after the girl like a love-struck puppy... Which obviously didn't go unnoticed by Erica.

The blonde woman decided to sit inside the car while waiting, starting up the heating as it was freezing in the early morning.

"Are you the one fucking my daughter?" Erica asked accusingly from behind.

"I am." Valeria said pushing some buttons.

"If you break her heart, I am gonna break your neck."

"Got it." finally she founded the right degree, just as the passenger door opened and Abigail sat in quickly, locking out the cold.

"I am ready." she smiled brightly.

"Shall we go then?" asked Valeria starting the car.

Seeing Abigail's nod, she put the car in gear, happy to leave that awful place behind, which left her smelling like medicine and disinfectant.


"Are you leaving already?" Abigail asked Valeria after she helped wheeling up her mother on the ramp. They were standing outside, their breath coming out as a white cloud.

"Yes." The woman glanced at her watch with a frown. "I am going to the office in four hours, so I want to have some sleep before that." the woman sighed. "You can have this week off if you want to..." she trailed off, tucking a blonde lock behind her ear.

"I don't know it yet. It depends on how my mom will feel." the girl looked at her feet. The silence started to get awkward... Looking up at the woman, she saw Valeria looking at her with so much gentleness...

By a sudden impulse, Abigail decided not to wait anymore. Stepping forward she kissed the woman on the lips.

It was a quick kiss, just touching Valeria's lips with her own, but she immediately regretted her decision, seeing the woman's blank expression. "Thank you for helping me, I-I appreciate it... Good night." she turned around disappointed, starting toward the door.

But she couldn't walk forward as someone yanked her back by the shirt.


Turning around, she was about to ask what the woman was doing, when Valeria cupped her face and brought her lips down onto the girl's, silencing her.

Abigail's eyes widened with surprise, then closed, feeling of soft lips gliding against hers.

Little electric shocks were running through the girl's body as she finally connected with the woman in a way she never hoped before.

It started gentle at first. Both women were enjoying the lovely, warm bubble they created around them. No one mattered in that moment. It was just her and Valeria.

For Abigail, all of this was new. She never kissed anyone before, so she didn't know what to do beside standing there astonished, that the woman had finally kissed her.

Then Valeria's tongue pressed against her closed lips, asking for entrance, which the girl obeyed by slightly opening her lips, which was enough for Valeria to slip in, caressing Abigail's tongue with her own.

The woman's hands started wandering in their passion, brushing the sides of the girl's breasts with her fingers as she went to squeeze the girl's perky ass. "Valeria." Abigail mumbled, as the woman started to rub her knee against the girl's private part.

Abigail knew if they keep this up, the whole trailer park would awoke by their sounds.

She ripped herself away from the woman with a breathless laugh. "Okay, that's enough." she could feel herself getting wet again, which was not a good idea when her mother was only a few walls away.

"Good night then, Abigail." Valeria caressed the girl's burning cheeks with her slender fingers, then winked at the blushing girl.

"I will come in a few days, call me if you need anything." then she turned around and walked toward her car.

Abigail was still standing outside with a stupid grin on her face, even after the woman had left. She wasn't bothered by the cold anymore.

They had finally kissed.

It was perfect.

Everything was perfect.

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