The Golden Angel (Doctor who...

By beccalt18

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Alyssa has always been a fan of Doctor who when one day she teleports to the Doctor's universe and starts jum... More

The Eleventh Hour
The Fires Of Pompeii
The Impossible Planet
The Satan Pit
Fear Her
The Victory of Daleks
The Sound of Drums
The Last of The Time Lords
The Beast Below
The Long Game
The Doctor's Daughter
The Unicorn and the Wasp
The Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
Smith and Jones
The Doctor's wife
The End of The World
Silence in the Library
Forest of the Dead
The Birth of the Golden Angel
Boom Town
Partners In Crime
The Hungry Earth & Cold Blood
The Girl in the Fireplace
The Unquiet Dead
Planet of the Ood
The Impossible Astronaut
Day of the Moon
Author's Note
The Runaway Bride
The Shakespeare Code
The Idiots Lantern
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Vincent and the Doctor
Tooth and Claw
Evolution of the Daleks
Father's Day
Sneak peek
School Reunion
Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways
The Christmas Invasion
Author's Note
authors note
A Town Called Mercy

Daleks in Manhattan

457 14 0
By beccalt18

Alyssa jumped a little bit forward in time, she watched the tenth Doctor pilot the Tardis, and saw Martha watching the Doctor, “so where we going this time?” Alyssa muttered and the Doctor looked up and smiled at her,
“It's a surprise.” he said as he landed the Tardis, Martha being the first one out the door, Alyssa and the Doctor following
“Where are we?” Martha asked, 
“Ah, smell that Atlantic breeze. Nice and cold. Lovely. Martha, Alyssa, have you met my friend?” The Doctor said, gesturing behind him where the Statue of Liberty was,
“oh wow.” Alyssa muttered, 
“Is that? Oh, my God. That's the Statue of Liberty.” Martha said, 
“Gateway to the New World. Give me you tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath free.” the Doctor said, 
“That's so brilliant. I've always wanted to go to New York. I mean the real New York, not the new, new, new, new, new one.” Martha said, 
“Well, there's the genuine article. So good, they named it twice. Mind you, it was New Amsterdam originally. Harder to say twice. Now wonder it didn't catch on. New Amsterdam, New Amsterdam.” The Doctor said, before the three walked forward,
“I wonder what year it is, because look, the Empire State Building's not even finished yet.” Martha said gesturing to the tallest building in front of them, 
“Work in progress. Still got a couple floors to go, and if I know my history, that makes the date somewhere around” the Doctor said, as Martha looked around and saw a newspaper on a bench, Alyssa smirking at her as she read the date, 
“November first 1930.” she read, 
“You're getting good at this.” The Doctor said,
“Or she’s reading a newspaper,” Alyssa said, and the Doctor looked at the newspaper and took it from her, Alyssa reading it from beside him, 
“Eighty years ago. It's funny, because you see all those old newsreels all in black and white like it's so far away, but here we are. It's real. It's now. Come on then, you. Where do you want to go first?” Martha said, as the Doctor and Alyssa looked at each other as the title of the front page article made them both realize something was wrong, 
“I think our detour just got longer.” The Doctor said, showing Martha the title, 
“Hooverville Mystery Deepens. What's Hooverville?” Martha asked, but the two didn’t answer as they started walking towards Central park where Hooverville was 
“Herbert Hoover, thirty first President of the USA, came to power a year ago. Up till then New York was a boom town, the Roaring Twenties, and then.” The Doctor said, 
“The Wall Street Crash, yeah? When was that, 1929?” Martha said
“yes, whole economy wiped out overnight, thousands of people unemployed, the huddled masses doubled in number with nowhere to go. So, they ended up here in Central Park.” Alyssa said, 
“What, they actually live in the park? In the middle of the city?” Martha asked,
“Yes they do, and not many people tried to kick them out, there are some people there always is that raided Hoovervilles, but they always felt bad after doing so, Hoovervilles appeared in many places, like this one in Central park but they were like a small town. Some had a representative to serve as a liaison, to the city around them, ” Alyssa said, as they entered the Hooverville, 
“Ordinary people lost their jobs. Couldn't pay the rent and they lost everything. Like Alyssa said there are places like this all over America. No one's helping them. You only come to Hooverville when there's nowhere else to go.” The Doctor said, 
“You thieving lowlife!” A black man yelled out, before a fight broke out from what the three could tell was about a loaf of bread being stolen, Another black coming out and rushing over 
“Cut that out! Cut that out right now!” he said breaking up the fight, 
“He stole my bread!” the other black male said, 
“That's enough!” he said before he turned to the man accused “Did you take it?” he asked, 
“I don't know what happened. He just went crazy.” The man said, 
“That's enough! Now, think real careful before you lie to me.” the man said, before Alyssa, the Doctor and Martha stopped watching
“I'm starving, Solomon.” The white man said, and the man who broke up the fight, held a hand out and a loaf of bread was placed in it, 
“We all starving. We all got families somewhere.” he said before he broke apart the loaf and gave each of the men a piece of the bread “No stealing and no fighting. You know the rules. Thirteen years ago I fought in the Great War. A lot of us did. And the only reason we got through was because we stuck together. No matter how bad things get, we still act like human beings. It's all we got.” he said and the group that formed diversed, 
“and that is the representative or leader of this Hooverville,” Alyssa muttered to Martha, her nodding, 
“Come on.” the Doctor said, before he walked over to the man “I suppose that makes you the boss around here.” 
“And, er, who might you be?” The man said,
“Im Alyssa, he’s the Doctor, and that’s Martha” Alyssa said, 
“A doctor. Huh. Well, we got stockbrokers, we got a lawyer, but you're the first doctor. Neighbourhood gets classier by the day.” he said, 
“How many people live here?” Martha asked, 
“At any one time, hundreds. No place else to go. But I will say this about Hooverville. We are a truly equal society. Black, white, all the same. All starving. So you're welcome, all of you. But tell me. Doctor, you're a man of learning, right? Explain this to me. That there's going to be the tallest building in the world. How come they can do that, when we got people starving in the heart of Manhattan?” he said pointing up at the Empire state building, before walking back to a fire, the three following the Doctor bringing out the newspaper they had found,
“So, men are going missing. Is this true?” The Doctor said, showing the man the front page, 
“It's true all right.” The man said before he lead the three into his tent, 
“But what does missing mean? Men must come and go here all the time. It's not like anyone's keeping a register.” The Doctor said, as the three stood on the outside of the tent, 
“Come on in.” He said, and the three walked in and sat down “This is different.”
“how is it different?” Alyssa asked, 
“Someone takes them, at night. We hear something, someone calls out for help. By the time we get there, they're gone like they vanished into thin air.” he said, 
“And you're sure someone's taking them?” The Doctor asked,  
“Doctor, when you got next to nothing, you hold on to the little you got. Your knife, blanket, you take it with you. You don't leave bread uneaten, fire still burning.” he said, 
“Have you been to the police?” Martha asked, 
“Yeah, we tried that. Another deadbeat goes missing, big deal.” he said, 
“So the question is, who's taking them and what for?” the Doctor said, 
“Solomon!” A man’s voice called. before someone entered the tent, “Solomon, Mister Diagoras is here.” before leaving again the four following 
“I need men. Volunteers. I've got a little work for you and you sure look like you can use the money.” Mr. Diagoras said, 
“Yeah. What is the money?” the man who got Solomon asked 
“A dollar a day.” Mr. Diagoras said, 
“What's the work?” Solomon asked, 
“A little trip down the sewers. Got a tunnel collapsed needs clearing and fixing. Any takers?” Mr. Diagoras said, 
“A dollar a day? That's slave wage. And men don't always come back up, do they.” Solomon said,
“Accidents happen.”Mr. Diagoras, 
“What do you mean? What sort of accidents?” the Doctor asked, 
“You don't need the work? That's fine. Anybody else?” Mr. Diagoras said, and the Doctor rose his hand, “Enough with the questions.” 
“Oh, no, no, no. I'm volunteering. I'll go.” the Doctor said, causing Martha and Alyssa to raise their hands, 
“I'll kill you for this.” Martha said, looking at the Doctor, causing him and Alyssa to chuckle, 
“Anybody else?” Mr. Diagoras said, and Solomon and the man by him rose their hands, and they were the only one who volunteered. 
    Mr. Diagoras led them to a sewer entrance and gave directions as the man who volunteered with Solomon climbed down the ladder “Turn left. Go about a half a mile. Follow tunnel two seven three. Fall's right ahead of you, you can't miss it.” Mr. Diagoras said, 
“And when do we get our dollar?” The man who they learned was called Frank said, 
“When you come back up.” Mr. Diaogoras said, 
“And if we don't come back up?” the Doctor said, 
“Then I got no one to pay.” Mr. Diaogoras said, 
“Don't worry, we'll be back.” Solomon said, 
“Let's hope so.” Martha said, before Solomon started leading the group, the Doctor and Alyssa keeping behind
“Something tells me you don’t attend for anyone to come back up.” Alyssa said, before the two turned and followed the others, 
“We just got to stick together. It's easy to get lost. It's like a huge rabbit warren. You could hide an army down here.” Frank said, 
“So what about you, Frank? You're not from around these parts, are you?” Martha asked, as she walked by Frank, 
“Oh, you could talk. No, I'm Tennessee born and bred.” Frank said, 
“So how come you're here?” Martha said, 
“Oh, my daddy died. Mama couldn't afford to feed us all. So, I'm the oldest, up to me to feed myself. So I put on my coat, hitched up here on the railroads. There's a whole lot of runaways in the camp, younger than me, from all over. Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas. Solomon keeps a lookout for us. So, what about you? You're a long way from home.” Frank said, 
“Yeah, I'm just a hitcher too.” Martha said, 
“You stick with me, you'll be all right.” Frank said, 
“So this Diagoras bloke, who is he then?” the Doctor asked Solomon, 
“A couple of months ago, he was just another foreman. Now, it seems like he's running most of Manhattan.” Solomon said 
“How’d he manage that?” Alyssa asked, 
“These are strange times. A man can go from being King of the Hill to the lowest of the low overnight. It's just for some folks it works the other way round.” Solomon said,
“yeah but I think that takes more then a couple months Solomon. Someone must be helping him,” Alyssa said, before the Doctor noticed a glowing green jellyfish like thing, 
“Whoa!” The Doctor said, before Martha joined the three as they kneeled by it, 
“Is it radioactive or something?” Martha said, before she covered her nose, “It's gone off, whatever it is.”  before the Doctor picked it up, 
“and you have to pick it up, just as disgusting as licking a door,” Alyssa muttered, as he sniffed it, 
“Shine your torch through it.” The Doctor said, and Martha did what he asked, “ Composite organic matter. Martha? Medical opinion?” 
“It's not human. I know that.” Martha said,
“Well that’s obvious,” Alyssa said, 
“And I'll tell you something else. We must be at least half a mile in. I don't see any sign of a collapse, do you? So why did Mister Diagoras send us down here?” 
“I said it, didn’t I? He didn't intend for anyone to come back up.” Alyssa said, 
“Where are we now? What's above us?” Martha said
“Well, we're right underneath Manhattan.” The Doctor said, before he looked up at the ceiling, before the group kept going forward. 
“We're way beyond half a mile. There's no collapse, nothing.” Solomon said,
“That Diagoras bloke, was he lying?”
“Yes obviously” Alyssa said, 
“So why'd he want people to come down here?” Frank said, 
“Solomon, I think it's time you took these three back. I'll be much quicker on my own.” the Doctor said, 
“I'm not leaving you.” Alyssa said, right before  a pig squeal echoed from around them, 
“What the hell was that?” Solomon said, 
“Hello?” Frank shouted, causing everyone to shush him, 
“Frank.” Solomon said, 
“What if it's one of the folk gone missing? You'd be scared and half mad down here on your own.” Frank said, 
“Do you think they're still alive?” The Doctor asked, 
“Heck, we ain't seen no bodies down here. Maybe they just got lost.” Frank said, before more squeals echoed from around them, and the Doctor started forward a bit, 
“I know I never heard nobody make a sound like that.” Solomon said, 
“Where's it coming from? Sounds like there's more than one of them.” Frank said, 
“This way.” The Doctor said, 
“No, that way.” Solomon said, pointing in a different direction of the Doctor. Martha and Alyssa shone their torches around the corridor before Martha’s landed on a hunched over figure, 
“Doctor?” She whispered, and they all looked at the figure, 
“Who are you?” Solomon said, 
“Are you lost? Can you understand me? I've been thinking about folk lost down.” Frank started only for the Doctor to interrupt him 
“It's all right, Frank. Just stay back. Let me have a look.” The Doctor said, starting forward Alyssa keeping a close distance, “He's got a point, though, my mate Frank. I'd hate to be stuck down here on my own. We know the way out. Daylight. If you come with us” before he kneeled in front of the figure and saw that it was a pigman,  
“Oh, but what are you?” The Doctor said, 
“Is that, er, some kind of carnival mask?” Solomon said, causing the Doctor to look back at him, 
“No, it's real.” The Doctor said turning back to the creature “I'm sorry. Now listen to me. I promise I can help. Who did this to you?” 
“Doctor? I think we need to back up.” Alyssa said looking down the corridor to see more pigmen coming in, the Doctor straightened, 
“Doctor!” Martha called. 
“Actually, good point.” the Doctor said, before he and Alyssa returned to the group, the pigmen following 
“They're following you.” Martha said,
“Yes thank you captain obvious.” Alyssa said, 
“Well then, Martha, Frank, Solomon.” the Doctor said, 
“what?” Martha said, 
“basically, run!” Alyssa said, and the group took off running the pigmen following, Martha skidded to stop as they reached an injunction 
“Where are we going?!” Martha said, as the rest of the group reaching her, 
“this way!” The Doctor said, before they rushed down a side passage, before the Doctor realized they had passed a ladder and rushed back 
“It's a ladder! Come on!” The Doctor said, and the group followed him, the Doctor climbing up and opening up the cover with his Sonic screwdriver, climbing inside Alyssa following close behind as she combed through her head for the episode, 
“Frank! Frank!” Solomon yelled as Frank stayed back a bit to delay the pigmen, before he too climbed the ladder,
“Frank!” Alyssa called out, as she remembered the episode a little to late, as Frank started climbing the ladder, 
“ C'mon, Frank! C'mon!” Solomon said, before the Pigmen grabbed Frank’s legs, causing the Doctor to grab his hand, 
“I've got you. C'mon! Come on!” the Doctor said, before he was pulled down by the Pigmen, 
“Frank!” Solomon said, before 
“No!” The Doctor said, as he went to climb back down “Doctor!” Alyssa said as Solomon pushed him away and put the cover back on, 
“We can't go after him.” Solomon said 
“We've got to go back down. We can't just leave him.” the Doctor said as Alyssa grabbed his arm
“We can’t save him! we will just get dragged off wherever they dragged Frank!” Alyssa yelled, but the Doctor just broke her grip and rushed forward only for Solomon to grab him 
“No, I'm not losing anybody else. Those creatures were from Hell. From Hell itself! If we go after them, Listen to Alyssa they'll take us all! There's nothing we can do. I'm sorry.” Solomon said, 
“All right, then. Put them up.” A female said, before walking in and pointing a gun at the four, “Hands in the air and no funny business. Now tell me, you schmucks, what have you done with Laszlo?” 
“Who's Laszlo?” Martha said, and the female realized they had no idea who Lazlo was and lead them to her dressing room 
“Laszlo's my boyfriend. Or was my boyfriend until he disappeared two weeks ago. No letter, no goodbye, no nothing. And I'm not stupid. I know some guys are just pigs but not my Laszlo. I mean, what kind of guy asks you to meet his mother before he vamooses?” the female said, as she waved the gun around, 
“Yeah. It might, might just help if you put that down.” the Doctor said, gesturing to the gun in her hand 
“Huh? Oh, sure.” She said before she threw it into a chair in front of her much to the shock of the others, “Oh, come on. It's not real. It's just a prop. It was either that or a spear.” 
“What do you think happened to Lazlo?” Martha asked,
“I wish I knew. One minute he's there, the next, zip. Vanished.” the female said, 
“Listen, what's your name?” the Doctor said as he walked forward, 
“Tallulah.” Tallulah said, 
“Tallulah.” the Doctor repeated, 
“Three Ls and an H.” Tallulah said, 
“Right. We can try to find Laszlo, but he's not the only one. There are people disappearing every night.” The Doctor said 
“And there are creatures. Such creatures.” Solomon said, 
“What do you mean, creatures?” Tallulah asked, 
“Look, listen, just trust me. Everyone is in danger. I need to find out exactly what this is.” the Doctor said, before he brought out the green jellyfish thing, “Because then I'll know exactly what we're fighting.” 
“Yuck.” Tallulah said, and the group went to find machinery that the Doctor could use to find out what the thing was. 
        The Doctor and Alyssa looked through the prop room for anything they could use, to make the machinery that would tell them where the jellyfish creature. Before Solomon came in with a red radio, 
“How about this? I found it backstage.” He said, holidng it up, 
“Perfect.” the Doctor said before he took it and opened the back “ It's the capacitors I need. I'm” just rigging up a crude little DNA scan for this beastie. If I can get a chromosomal reading, I can find out where it's from.” 
“How about you, Doctor? Where are you from? I've been all over. I never heard anybody talk like you. Just exactly who are you?” Solomon asked, 
“Oh, I'm just sort of passing by.” The Doctor said, 
“I'm not a fool, Doctor.”
“No. Sorry.” The Doctor said, before Solomon walked over to the sewer entrance, 
“I was so scared, Doctor. I let them take Frank because I was just so scared. I got to get back to Hooverville. With these creatures on the loose, we got to protect ourselves. Ain't no one else going to help us.” Solomon said,
“Good luck.” Alyssa said, as she helped the Doctor take apart the radio, 
“I hope you find what you're looking for, for all our sakes.” Solomon said, before he left, leaving the Doctor and Alyssa to work on the machine. setting it up before turning on a stage light, “That's it. We need to heat you up.” The Doctor said, before he Alyssa kneeled by it, the Doctor putting on his glasses, as the specimen started heating up, “ This is artificial.” The Doctor said, after it had heated up using his sonic to read the Data, as the show started. 
“Ladies and gentlemen. The Laurenzi” the announcer said, 
“Genetically engineered. Whoever this is, oh, you're clever.” The Doctor said, 
“Dancing devils, with Heaven and Hell.” The Announcer said, before the Doctor adjusted the settings to find more information, 
“Fundamental DNA type four six seven dash nine eight nine. Nine eight nine. Hold on, that means planet of origin.” The Doctor said rubbing his eyes
“Isn’t that Skaro?” Alyssa asked, before she and the Doctor rushed off to find Martha, they instead found Tallulah and the other dancers, 
“Where is she? Where's Martha?” The Doctor asked, grabbing Tallulah, 
“I don't know. She ran off the stage.” Tallulah said, before they heard a scream coming from the props room. A scream that could only belong to one person: Martha. The Doctor, Alyssa and Tallulah rushed into the props room to find it empty. 
“Martha!” the Doctor yelled before he stopped in front of the sewer entrance which he realized had been moved, he grabbed his coat from where he originally placed it and 
“Where are you going?” Tallulah asked, as Alyssa moved the cover and looked down, 
“They've taken her.” The Doctor said, 
“Who's taken her? What're you doing?” Tallulah said, as Alyssa climbed down the ladded followed by the Doctor, “I said, what the hell are you doing?” before she started climbing down the ladder 
“No, no, no, no, no way. You're not coming.” The Doctor said, 
“Tell me what's going on.” Tallulah said, before she stopped looking at the two
“You can’t help us Tallulah, you need to go back.” Alyssa said, 
“Look, whoever's taken Martha, they could've taken Laszlo, couldn't they?” Tallulah said, climbing down more and stepping in front of the two, 
“that is a real possibility.” Alyssa said, “ But you’re not safe down here.” 
“Then that's my problem. Come on. Which way?” Tallulah said, before she walked in a different direction,
“this way.” the Doctor said, before the three started through the sewers, 
“When you say, they've taken her, who's they exactly? And who are you anyway? I never asked.” Tallulah said, and the Doctor and Alyssa shushed her “Okay, okay.” Tallulah said, and the Doctor and Alyssa noticed a shadow moving down the corridor in front of them a shadow of a Dalek, causing both of them to shush Tallulah again 
“I mean you're handsome and all” Talluhah started, before the Doctor wrapped his arm around her covering her mouth and pulled her into a hiding place, as the three watched the Dalek pass, 
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no. They survived. They always survive while I lose everything.” the Doctor said, as he walked forward, Alyssa walking forward and taking his hand, 
“That metal thing? What was it?” Tallulah asked, 
“It's called a Dalek. And it's not just metal, it's alive.” The Doctor said, squeezing Alyssa’s hand, 
“You're kidding me.” Tallulah said, causing Alyssa to whip around
“Does it look like he’s kidding?” Alyssa said, 
“Inside that shell is a creature born to hate, whose only thought is to destroy everything and everyone that isn't a Dalek too. It won't stop until it's killed every human being alive.” the Doctor said, 
“But if it's not a human being, that kind of implies it's from outer space. Yet again, that's a no with the kidding. Boy. Well, what's it doing here, in New York?” Tallulah said, 
“Doing what Daleks always do, causing trouble.” Alyssa muttered, before the Doctor grabbed Tallulah’s arm and dragged her the way they came, 
“Every second you're down here, you're in danger. I'm taking you back right now.” The Doctor said, before they saw a pigman causing Tallulah to scream, as the Doctor and Alyssa advanced on it, 
“Where's Martha? What have you done with her? What have you done with Martha?” The Doctor asked, 
“I didn't take her.” The pigmen said, which was different then the others, 
“Can you remember your name?” Alyssa asked, 
“Don't look at me.” The pigman said, 
“Do you know where she is?” Tallulah said, stepping forward, 
“Stay back! Don't look at me.” The Pigman said, 
“What happened to you?” The Doctor said, 
“They made me a monster.” the pigman said, 
“Who did?” Alyssa said, 
“The masters.” The pigman said, 
“The Daleks. Why?” The Doctor said, 
“they needed slaves. They needed slaves to steal more people so they created us. Part animal, part human. I escaped before they got my mind, but it was still too late.” The pigman said, 
“Do you know what happened to Martha?” The Doctor said, 
“They took her. It's my fault. She was following me.” the pigman said, 
“Were you in the theatre?” Tallulah said, 
“I never. Yes.” the pigman said, 
“Why? Why were you there?” Tallulah said, 
“I never wanted you to see me like this.” the pigman said, 
“Why me? What I got to do with this? Were you following me? Is that why you were there?” Tallulah said, before she stepped forward and the pigman turned around, 
“Yes.” the pigman said, 
“Who are you?” Tallulah said, 
“I was lonely.” the Pigman said, 
“Who are you?” Tallulah repeated,   
“I needed to see you.” The Pigman said, 
“Who are you?” Tallulah repeated 
“I'm sorry.” The pigman said, before he turned around to leave, 
“No, wait. Let me look at you.” Tallulah said, grabbing him before bringing him into the light, “Laszlo? My Laszlo? Oh, what have they done to you?” 
“I'm sorry. So sorry.” Laszlo said,  
“Laszlo, can you show me where they are?” The Doctor said, walking forward 
“They'll kill you.” Laszlo said,
“If we don’t stop them, they will kill everyone.” Alyssa said, 
“Then follow me.” Laszlo said, before he lead them further into the sewer,
“Silence. Silence.” They heard a Dalek robotic say causing them to duck around a corner, 
“What the hell is that?” Martha said, as they continued to watch, as two daleks were in front of the group of humans and pigmen 
“You will form a line. Move. Move.” one of the Daleks said, 
“Just do what it says, everyone, okay? Just obey.” Martha said, and they made a line 
“The female is wise. Obey.” one of the Daleks said, 
“Report.” the other Dalek said, 
“These are strong specimens. They will help the Dalek cause.” the Dalek said, 
“Dalek?” Martha asked, 
“What is the status of the Final Experiment?” one of the Daleks said, 
“the Dalekanium is in place. The energy conductor is now complete.” the other Dalek said, 
“Then I will extract prisoners for selection.” Dalek said, and the pigmen brought forward a black male, and used his sucker to scan his brainwaves. “Intelligence scan, initiate. Reading brain waves. Low intelligence.” 
“You calling me stupid?” the black male said,            
“Silence! This one will become a pig slave. Next.” the dalek said as the pigman started dragging the man away, 
“No, let go of me. I'm not becoming one of them. No! No.” The man yelled, as the Dalek went to another person 
“Intelligence scan. Initiate.” The dalek said, 
“They're divided into two groups. High intelligence and low intelligence. The low intelligence are taken to become pig slaves like me.” 
“Well, that's not fair.” Tallulah said, before Alyssa and the Doctor shushed her, “You're the smartest guy I ever dated.”
“And the others?” Alyssa asked, 
“They're taken to the laboratory.” Laszlo said, 
“Why? What for?” The Doctor asked, 
“I don't know. The masters only call it the Final Experiment.” Laszlo said, as the dalek scanned Frank, who was still alive, 
“Superior intelligence.” The Dalek said, before it turned to Martha “Intelligence scan, initiate. Superior intelligence. This one will become part of the Final Experiment.” 
“You can't just experiment on people. It's insane! It's inhuman!” Martha yelled, 
“We are not human. Prisoners of high intelligence will be taken to the transgenic laboratory.” The dalek said, before the group started moving towards where the others were hiding, Doctor, Alyssa and the others falling back to hide, 
“Look out, they're moving!” The Doctor said, before Laszlo pulled Tallulah away, 
“Doctor. Doctor,  Alyssa quickly!” Laszlo said,
“We’re not coming.” Alyssa said, 
“We've got an idea. You go.” the Doctor added, 
“Laszlo, come on.” Tallulah said, trying to pull Laszlo away, 
“Can you remember the way?” Laszlo said, 
“Yeah, I think so.” Tallulah said, 
“Then go, please.” Laszlo said, as he had made the decision to stick with the Doctor and Alyssa, 
“But Laszlo, you got to come with me.” Tallulah said, 
“Where would I go? Tallulah, I'm begging you. Save yourself. Just run. Just go. Go.” Laszlo said, and Tallulah ran off. The three waited until the Daleks passed before sliding behind Martha, and in front of Frank, 
“Just keep walking.” The Doctor said 
“Oh, I'm so glad to see you.” Martha said, 
“Yeah, well, you can hug me later. You too, Frank, if you want.” The Doctor said, making Alyssa smirk, 
    The group was lead into the laboratory, where other Daleks were waiting, the Daleks not realizing the two Time lords that had snuck into their line, “Report.” A Dalek said, 
“Dalek Sec is in the final stage of evolution.” the dalek said, 
“Scan him. Prepare for birth.” one of the Daleks said, and the other daleks did what he asked, 
“Evolution?” The Doctor asked, 
“What's wrong with old Charlie boy over there?” Martha said,
“how would we know?” Alyssa muttered
“Ask them.” the Doctor added, 
“What, me? Don't be daft.” Martha said
“We can’t exactly get noticed Martha, ask them what’s going on.” Alyssa said, 
“Daleks, I demand to be told. What is this Final Experiment? Report!” Martha yelled as a Dalek rolled towards them 
“You will bear witness.” the Dalek said, 
“To what?” Martha said,
“This is the dawn of a new age.” the Dalek said, 
“What does that mean?” Martha asked, 
“We are the only four Daleks in existence, so the species must evolve a life outside the shell. The Children of Skaro must walk again.” the Dalek said, before it turned back around and looked ad Dalek Sec, whose outer section opened up revealing a new human-dalek hybrid,
“ell stops smoking and the light goes out in its eye stalk. The casing opens and a biped struggles “What is it?” Martha said, as the creature stood up and looked at the group 
“I am a human Dalek. I am your future.” Dalek Sec said

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