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Alyssa landed in a shaking Tardis, "What is going on?" She yelled as she tried to get her footing The Tenth doctor appeared in front of her

"I don't know we're heading to the year one hundred trillion. The end of the Universe." The Doctor said, Alyssa instantly knew what episode she was in, The Tardis stopped shaking and The Doctor said: "Well, we've landed."

"So what's out there?" Martha said, Alyssa, smiled as she never met Martha before this trip. Even though this trip was a 20th out of ten she was still excited to meet her and Jack.

"I don't know." The Doctor said,

"Say that again. That's rare." Martha said

"Not even the Time Lords came this far. We should leave. We should go. We should really, really go."

"That is such a lie and you know it Doctor come on now let's have a look around!" Alyssa said running to the door and opening it. The Doctor smiled and followed her out, Martha joining them

"Oh my god." Martha said, before running over to where an Unconscious Jack was. Her medical training immediately kicked in and she checked for a pulse. "Can't get a pulse. Hold on. You've got that medical kit thing." She said before running back into the Tardis.

"Hello again. Oh, I'm sorry." The Doctor said, Alyssa smiled

"This is actually my first time meeting both Martha and Jack. "Alyssa said, Martha ran back out holding a box

""Here we go. It's a bit odd, though. Not very hundred trillion. That coat's more like World War Two." Martha said,

"I think he came with us." The Doctor said

"How do you mean, from Earth?"

"Must have been clinging to the outside of the Tardis all the way through the vortex. Well, that's very him."

"What, do you know him? More on that who the Hell are you?" she said looking at Alyssa, who looked stunned, that she didn't recognize her.

"I'm Alyssa,"

"But you're not Alyssa you don't look anything like her!" Martha yelled, Alyssa reeled back

"Do I regenerate?" She asked, before Martha could respond

"Anyway! He's a friend of mine. Used to travel with me, back in the old days." The Doctor said,

"But he's. I'm sorry, there's no heartbeat. There's nothing. He's dead." Martha said, Alyssa held up her fingers and counted down from 3 and suddenly Jack took a breath and sat up clutching Martha who screamed. "Well so much for me!" She said before looking back at Jack and saying "It's all right. Just breathe deep. I've got you."

"Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?" Jack said

"Martha Jones."

"Nice to meet you, Martha Jones." Alyssa laughed

"Oh, don't start." the Doctor said,

"I was only saying hello," Jack said,

" I don't mind," Martha said before helping him up, once he got to his feet, Alyssa slammed into him with a hug. Jack looked down at her

"I love the hug, really I do, but who are you?" Jack said, Alyssa's arms fell to her side, she took a step back.

"I'm Alyssa, really what's with people not recognizing me. Do I regenerate or something?" Alyssa was about to ramble more on about it but Jack grabbed her arms

"Alyssa?" Jack said, Alyssa smiled up at him

"Yes! Finally!" Jack laughed and took her back into a hug and swung her around "It's my little sister!" Alyssa didn't mind being called his little sister, He put her down and looked up at the Doctor "Doctor." he said

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