Forest of the Dead

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As the forces of the Vashta Nerada closed in on the group. River backed up and used her squareness gun to create a hole in the bookshelf next to them. "This way, quickly. Move!" River said, and soon everyone was through the hole in the bookshelf. The group started running once more to get away from the Vashta Nerada that was following them while saying "Hey who turned out the lights." Over and over again until the group got far enough away that they could no longer hear it. Soon River used her squareness gun which made it possible for them to enter a room that had only one bit of light in it,

"OK, we've got a clear spot. In, in, in! Right in the center. In the middle of the light, quickly. Don't let your shadows cross. Doctor." River said as the group entered the room. The Doctor instantly took to see if the room had any Vashta Nerada in it. River turned her attention to the Doctor as he scanned the darkness for more Vastha Nerada.

"I'm doing it." He said as Alyssa joined him in looking into the darkness.

"There's no lights here. Sunset's coming. We can't stay long. Have you found a live one?" River said, as she looked up at the skylight in the room and saw that the moon was coming out. Due to the sun setting.

"Maybe. It's getting harder to tell. What's wrong with you?" The Doctor said as he held up his Sonic screwdriver to his ear.

"could there be a signal interfering with it?" Alyssa asked as she looked up at the moon. Which was the only new thing that was coming out.

"We're going to need a chicken leg. Who's got a chicken leg?" River said and turned to Other Dave as he took out a chicken leg "Thanks, Dave." she took it from him and threw it into the shadows. All the meat disappeared from the bone it fell to the floor with a clatter. "Okay. Okay, we've got a hot one. Watch your feet." River said as she kneeled by the others who were also on the floor.

"They won't attack until there's enough of them. But they've got our scent now. They're coming." The Doctor said, as he moved over a bit to scan for more Vashta Nerada, but he couldn't, something was indeed messing with the Screwdriver. Other Dave looked at River

"Oh, yeah, who are they? You haven't even told us. You just expect us to trust them?" He said, as he watched Alyssa and the Doctor look for more Vastha Nerada.

"He's the Doctor and she is Alyssa." River said like it was obvious.

"And who is the Doctor?" Mister Lux said, "And what makes Alyssa so special?"

"The only story you'll ever tell if you survive him. And Alyssa knows everything that is about to happen, she can't tell us nor stop it because that would bring something to the Library that is more dangerous than the Vashta Nerada. She and the Doctor are inseparable." River said, looking back at Alyssa, she felt that for some reason Alyssa was about to go through something horrible, but made her into the Alyssa she knew.

"You say they're your friends, but he doesn't even know who you are. Does Alyssa know you?" Anita said,

"Listen, all you need to know is this. I'd trust that man and woman to the end of the universe. And actually, we've been." River said,

"He doesn't act like he trusts you. I am not sure about Alyssa though." Anita commented as she looked at Alyssa who was watching the Doctor mess with his Screwdriver and she kept glancing up at the moon.

"Yeah, there's a tiny problem. He hasn't met me yet." River said, as she stood up before she walked over to where the two were. "What's wrong with it?" she asked,

"Like Alyssa said, there's a signal coming from somewhere, interfering with it." The Doctor said, from where he was kneeling.

"Then use the red settings." River said as she started taking her gloves off.

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