The Other Side Of Paradise

By beynikaoutsold

46.4K 3.2K 2.8K

Beyoncรฉs taking a break from college and decided to spend the summer with her older sister In Malibu. Onikas... More



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By beynikaoutsold

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles

She was currently laying in her bed thinking about the girl from the night before.

Beyoncé thought back to the girl at the club. She was funny-attractive-she radiated something vibrant that Beyoncé couldn't describe.

Maybe It was worth it going to that club.

"Giselle! I got you a job!" Her sister said bursting into her room. "Solo! I could have been like naked or something!" Beyonce shouted and Solange rolled her eyes.

"But are you? Nah you aren't. Anyways-guess who got you a job? Me! I! The best sister you could ever ask for." Solange said grinning.

"I didn't exactly ask for a sister." Beyoncé said mumbling.

"Oh yeah? I didn't either. I'm the older sibling remember that. I'm pretty sure I was the one who had to hear you being conceived." Solange said shuttering.

"Ew! Ew. Just-stop talking about that-what job?" Beyoncé asked sitting up. Solange sat on the edge of her bed and showed her a flyer.

"My friend is one of the managers there." Solange said grinning.

"One of? There's-multiple?" Beyoncé asked grabbing the flyer. "This is a beach club." Beyoncé said eyeing her sister. "Don't you-work here?" Beyoncé asked and her sister nodded like it was obvious.

"Yeah it is-and I do. While you're here-I want you working. And I convinced one of the managers to hire you. No interview necessary! They're short on staff this summer." Solange explained and Beyoncé nodded.

"I get that I guess..when do-when do I start?" Beyoncé asked and Solange smiled before throwing a polo t shirts and khaki shorts at her.

"Today! In like an hour. Get dressed. If I'm late-your cleaning the kitchen tonight!" Solange said before closing Beyoncés door.

"What the hell? Talk about a heads up." Beyoncé mumbled.

She was happy she now had a job-she wasn't exactly happy it was at a beach club.


"..So what's my job?" Beyoncé asked her sister as they parked outside the beach club.

"You're a newbie so you'll probably just serve people out on the beach or around the pool." Solange explained.

"If there's a beach-why is there a pool?" Beyoncé asked. "Rich people love extra stuff Giselle." Solange said as they got out of the car.

Beyoncé wasn't used to a uniform that kinda just felt like her normal clothes. So that was a plus-but she also wasn't used to serving rich people.

"Serving rich people? Woah.." Beyoncé said sarcastically.

"Their rich but it's Malibu. You'll either get old people or young trust fund babies. There's no in between." Solange explained.

She followed Solange, Beyoncé checked out the scenery-right now they were entertaining the main "club house" as solange worded it.

She saw the board of activists they offered-tennis-swimming-golf-pool? "Come on Yonce stop getting distracted." Solange said dragging Beyoncé outside again.

Her eyes widened at the beach area, "You'll work here today-just relax and serve people. Don't mess up-don't get fired." Solange said.

"That's great advice thanks big sister." Beyoncé gritted out sarcastically and Solange smiled. "Yeah, I know right?" Soloange said grinning.

"Nah but for real-you'll be fine. I'll meet you here around 7." Solange said patting Beyonces shoulder before leaving.

Beyoncé served people on the beach-it wasn't as hard besides the fact it was hot as hell and she's sure she has a pound of sand in her shoe.

Near the beach their was an outside bar, multiple actually. And several places the members could get food at but Beyoncé had to be the one to serve.

She was on "break" now. She wasn't even thinking of a break but she's happy she actually gets one. She sat at the bar part looking out.

"Can I get a water? Yeah-it's just so hot out there and my bottled one literally heated up." Beyoncé heard beside her. The voice sounded a little familiar.

She turned her head slightly and her eyes widened.

She's sure it was Onika, or maybe a girl that looked incredibly like her. What could she be doing here? Could she be one of the rich kids that are always here? She was a few seats down-she was leaning on the bar and Beyonce noticed what she was wearing that debunked that theory.

She was wearing a lifeguard uniform, she seemed to be wearing red shorts too as a cover up for the bottom.

Beyoncé watched the bartender give her water and she smiled and thanked him before Beyonce witnessed her chug it.

The whole time Beyonce had her eyes on her-she's sure it's Onika.

She wasn't sure if she should say hi-Onika was the first person she's ever talked to in Malibu that resulted in a normal chill conversation. Not a awkward encounter.

Solange said she wanted her to get out and make friends-or get a girl. Onika was really pretty-she seemed really nice-and she was the first to talk to Beyonce. She filled all qualifications to be Beyonces friend.

Now the issue was actually talking to her.

Onika was still sitting at the bar, looking out at the beach. Beyoncé noticed her face-it was free of any makeup. She looked pretty with it on and with it off. That was something Beyoncé decided pretty early on.

"Would she even remember me?"

"If she doesn't that's going to be so awkward..."

Beyoncé was an over thinker-she was aware but she's also convinced her overthinking is what's kept her out of trouble and embarrassing herself.

Beyoncé shook her head from her overwhelming thoughts and looked over to where Onika used to be.

She was gone.

Beyoncé turned her head and saw she was walking away-she looked like a movie character to be beyoncé. She never understood those teenage boys in early 2000s movies who would be mesmerized at a girl walking but that's kinda what Beyoncé felt like.

"Beyoncé, hello? Get up dummy." Solange said nudging her sister. "Who are you even looking at?" Solange mumbled and Beyoncé was knocked out of her trance while Solange had a smile creeping up on her face.

"Solange-no." Beyoncé immediately said and Solange grinned. "You looking at Nicki huh? You wouldn't be the first." Solange said sitting next to her immediately.

"I swear-some of those idiots only come here for her." Solange said. Beyoncé turned her head toward the beach. The sun was setting-but the place was still lively. And the sunset was beautiful.

"What's she like?" Beyoncé asked while playing with her braid bracelet and Solange smiled at her little sisters interest.

"She's pret-ty popular.." Solange said and Beyoncé quirked an eyebrow. "What does that mean?" Beyoncé asked looking up at her sister.

Solange shrugged in full honesty. "I'm not sure. I've talked to her before and she seems super nice and chill. But-all you need to know is that.." Solange trailed off before sighing.

"People talk Yonce. Especially about her." Solange said and Beyoncé eyed her. "You don't usually give a fuck about what people say." Beyoncé pointed out looking up at Solo.

"I don't, that's true. And I don't believe rumors. All I'm saying is-be careful with her." Solange said patting Beyonces back before standing up.

"Now go serve some old rich white people by the tennis court." Solange ordered and Beyoncé rolled her eyes grabbing the tray of drinks.

Beyoncé didn't know what Solange meant, "be careful with her" what did that mean? She shook it off and got back to her job.

Onika Tanya Maraj

Onika sat on the lifeguard seat looking out at the beach. That's how she spent most of her job.

No one usually drowned-like for real. She's rescued abunch of guys who pretended to be drowning.

She sighed-no matter how many breaks she got and how long she's been in Malibu-she's sure she'll never get used to the sun-how hot it was.

The later it got-the more old people cleared out and more of the younger crowd came. She knew it when trap music started to play.

"Yo! Nicki!" She heard and she looked down smiling a bit. "Hey Kells." Onika said waving. Kelly smiled and waved back. "You about to leave?" She asked and Onika nodded.

"It's been a long day." Onika said softly as she began to climb down and Kelly nodded.

Kelly was a friend of Ming-Onikas older sister. Kelly always saw Onika as her younger sibling. "Don't overwork yourself alright? Or get yourself in any trouble okay?" Kelly said and Onika rolled her eyes playfully.

"Don't roll your eyes at me! I worry about you ya know." Kelly said and Onika chuckled to relieve any tension she knew was building up.

"I'm fine Kelly." Onika said as she walked in the sand with Kelly. Passing by all the half drunk young adults.

"I do worry about you ya know! Ya sister does too." Kelly said as Onika stepped off the beach. When she said that, Onika turned her head.

Kelly and Onika shared a look. "I'm serious Onika. She does." Kelly said before hearing her name being called. She gave Onika a look before jogging back to her friends.

"Yeah right." Onika mumbled walking off.

She found the staff locker room, quickly taking a shower and putting shorts, and a tank top on. She knew she was going to take another shower when she got home.

She hummed as she pulled out her car keys, she jumped when she saw a hand placed on her car. She turned around.

"Shit! Lauren! You scared the fuck out of me!" Onika expressed and Lauren buckled down laughing. Onika sighed.

"Jeez Lauren it's like everything is a joke to you-I thought you were some murderer or something." Onika mumbled and Lauren was still snickering.

"Chill. I'm just playing." Lauren said and Onika sighed leaning on her car.

She smiled at the light jacket Onika had on. "Did anyone say anything? About your.." She trailed off adjusting Onikas hoodie to reveal a dull product of their encounter last night.

"I had to wear foundation and hope I didn't get wet. It came off when I showered." Onika mumbled.

"Who was the girl you were talking to? Yesterday?" Lauren asked leaning on Onikas car.

"An old friend." Onika said looking down and Lauren laughed. "You know I'm smarter than that Onika come on." Lauren said and Onika turned her head to look at her.

Their noses could touch-they were only about an inch away from each other.

"I'm being serious. She's a friend. Just friends. Like we are. Right?" Onika asked and Lauren's confidence shook a bit at Onika actually talking back to her.

"Sorry, I'm just- tired right now? I gotta get home Lauren." Onika said and Lauren kissed Onikas cheek.

"I'll see you later. Right?" Lauren asked holding Onikas hand. Onika nodded and Lauren slowly walked away as their hands dropped.

Onika sighed, she leaned on her car for a few more minutes , playing with her necklace.

She looked up at the sun that was finally officially setting.

"I need to get home." She mumbled to herself sighing hopping in her car. She turned on the radio to mute her thoughts as she drove home, bopping her head to the music.

Onika turned down the radio and parked in her driveway. She got out of her car, plugged her ear buds in and sighed before walking into her house.

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