By TrilllQueen

98.8K 6.5K 2.1K

"I'll never snitch on you daddy, I'll hold a brick for you, daddy" More

prologue+face claims
Heat Wave
Point and Shoot
Opp Stoppa
Hate It Here
Real Acquainted
Parental Unit
Smart Investment
Making Plays
Money Making Machine
Too Close to Touch
Onna Block
You've Got Potential
Flewed Out
The 411
Exotic Pack
F*ck A Friend Zone
Sober Thoughts
So Fetch
Speak Your Truth
The Principles
Sorry For The Wait
The Box
Behind The Glass
Damn Triple Homicide
Soul Ties

Fingers Crossed

2.4K 201 64
By TrilllQueen


Just as I made myself comfortable on the couch my doorbell rang. Only a few people knows where I live and none of them would pop unannounced so I already knew it was Dream. I got up and went over to the door.

"Hey" I smiled when I seen her face.

"Hey" She pushed past me and invited herself inside. I could sense that something was off just by her body language.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I closed the door.

"Why did someone come to my job asking if I was your girl?" She replied furrowing her eyebrows at me.

"Whatchu mean?"

"Some guy was at my job earlier asking if I was your girlfriend. I wouldn't have thought much of it but every turn I made he was watching me and my gut was telling me that something was off. I have never seen that man before in my life, he's never came to my job before at least not when I was working" Dream stated

"So then I was thinking about when you threw that bag in my window and then the trip to Miami. The private plane and the yacht and all the money. Who are you? Why am I being watched? Do I need to be worried?" Dream kept on ranting just talking herself more into a panic.

"What was his name?"

"Derrick Jones"

I nodded my head "I gotchu. Don't worry, I'll handle it"

"The fuck does that mean?"

"It means I gotchu. Don't worry, I'll handle it." I repeated.

"How am I not supposed to worry when niggas are showing up at my job asking about you?"

"Do you trust me?"

"I don't know. We have-"

"Issa yes or no question Dream. Do you trust me?" I repeated.

"Yes" She nodded her head.

"Trust me when I say you're good and that I'll handle it."

"Do you trust me?" Dream asked and I nodded my head, "So tell me the truth then Jordan. Where is this money really coming from?"

This is the first time she's ever looked me completely in the eyes without getting nervous and looking away.

I trust her. There wasn't a doubt in my mind that would even make me question her character in such manner.

If I didn't trust her I wouldn't even be around her around this much. However, once I tell her this I don't know how's she going to react. Most girls like the whole "hood nigga" persona but this shit is way beyond the hood and she isn't like most girls.

"I'm a King Pin" I told her not breaking eye contact with her.

"King Pin like what? You sell weed?" Dream questioned.

"Not me personally, no"

"You got people that deal for you? What you a connect or something?"

I nodded my head yes.

"So why didn't you just tell me that from the jump."

By the way she took that I know she's thinking this is small scale in the neighborhood stuff. If I'm going to tell her this, I gotta tell her everything.

"This isn't just some local dealing. Think bigger."

"Think bigger?" She repeated confused. I watched as the realization appeared on her face. "You're fucking lying"

"You had me in Miami with you while you're doing this shit? Why the fuck would you do that? I told you not to get me in the middle of your shit!" She cursed at me, "Now muhfuckas got it out for me because of your dumbass"

"Miami was a clean trip." This would be my last lie.

"Yeah right." She shook her head at me "Is that why you and my brother have all of a sudden been speaking lately? You got him involved in this shit too?"

"You can't put that on me." I quickly spat back, "That's a grown ass man"

"I told you about my dad and how that shit really fucked my mom up and me. Now you're just gonna aid my brother in following in his foot steps?" She scrunched her face up at me.

"He was gon do that shit regardless. I figured if he with me I could make sure he straight as much as I can."

"Oh wow thanks what would I do without you" Dream spoke sarcastically. "Leave me and my family alone and I mean that shit"

She began to head for the door so I grabbed her arm.

"Don't fucking touch me" She snatched her arm out of my grip.

"Aye don't catch an attitude with me. I ain't want none of this shit! I did this shit for you."

"For me?!"

"I've been looking out for him for you! He think he know this shit cause of y'all pops but he don't know shit. He would've got murked a while ago working with somebody else. I definitely didn't want his ass working for me. I care about you and ion wanna see you hurting cause his dumbass got himself killed"

"Wait a already knew he got shot that night. Didn't you?" She questioned.

I nodded my head.

"I thought he was dead! Why would you just stand there and not say something?!"

"It wasn't the right time."

"Wow" She shook her head in disbelief. "You're such a fucking liar"

"Look. I can't go around telling everybody I meet about this shit. Issa if you know you know type thing. I have to be cautious. I already got targets on my back"

"And now so do I Jordan!"

"I'm a man of my word, I said I gotchu so that mean I gotchu. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. You good, niggas ain't stupid." I reassured her.

"Yeah bu-

"Dream, I gotchu" I cut her off before she could even continue on with her rant, "Okay?"

"Okay" She sighed and leaned against the wall. "If you got me and you got my brother, who got you?"

"I'm good, I got my people"

"Be careful Jordan seriously. I don't want anything to happen to you"

"You don't gotta worry about me." I reassured her once more.

"Who is Derrick?"

"Some guy I've been doing business with."

"So I'm supposed to just go to work tomorrow and pray that nothing happens to me."

"Nothing is gonna happen to you but I'll take you and pick you up if that makes you feel more comfortable"

"Yes it will"

"Okay" I nodded my head.

I could tell that even though I gave her my word she was still scared.

Whether I was ready to be in a relationship or not, seeing her all worked up like this made me realize the lengths I'm willing to go to protect her.

I leaned down and kissed her lips.

I tried to read her face to see if she was okay with me  kissing her. "I got you Dream." I repeated just inches away from her face.

"Remember when you came over for dinner that one time and we were talking in the kitchen?" She questioned and I nodded my head. "You said that you'd keep it a stack with me even if didn't wanna hear it"

"You're right. I promise from now on to tell you the truth even if I think it'll hurt you"


"What time do you got work tomorrow?" I asked as I walked her to the door.

"10 to 6"

"Okay call and wake me up"


I watched from my porch as she unlocked the door and went inside. I let out a loud sigh and went back in the house. My phone started to ring in my hoodie pocket. I looked at the caller i.d and it was Leon.

"Wassup?" I answered

"We have a problem"

I walked inside the house and kicked my shoes off.

"Why are you just now telling me this?!" I could hear my mom say.

"I couldn't find the right words" DJ replied. I walked into the dining room and there was a onesie on the table with a few baby bottles and pacifiers.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Your brother is having a baby in 4 months" My mom replied. I glanced over at DJ who was standing up with his crutches.

This baby was the last thing on my mind right now. I wanted to tell my mom the dumb shit he's gotten himself involved in.

"Congrats" I said staley and headed to my bedroom. The first thing I did was take a shower and changed into my pajamas. Going out wasn't something on my agenda right now. Especially after that guy just popped up at my job.

I grabbed my MacBook and facetimed Jayda.

"Bitchhhhhh" was the first thing I said once the call connected. I popped my airpod pros into my ear just incase Jayda said something she wasn't supposed to.

"Ooh hold on bitch let me grab my snacks." She laughed. She propped up the phone and opened her bag of Smartfood Popcorn. "Spill"

"He kissed me" I whispered loudly.

"Who? Jay?!"

"Bitch yes!"

"Ahhhh set the scene! What happened?"

I knew I couldn't tell her the whole truth. "Basically we got into it because he knew DJ was having a baby and didn't tell me."

"DJ's having a what?!"

"Exactly." I rolled my eyes "I was telling him how he was bogus from keeping that from me. I got to calling him a liar and he just kept reassuring me that he wouldn't keep anything else from me and then he kissed me. It wasn't like a kiss kiss but like his lips were still on mine"

"So like...what does this mean for y'all?"

"I have no clue" I shrugged "He told me a while ago that he likes me but he has a lot going on in his life at the moment and I respect that"

"You wanna be with him?"

"Yeah, he's cool. We vibe well together I nodded my head.

"So honestly I wouldn't even cross any other boundaries with him until he gives you what you want. He took you to Miami, he's giving you money and gifts, he's kissing on you but yet claims he's not ready for anything serious."

I hadn't even told her I stayed the night with him and we slept in the same bed. She's 100% right though. We're doing all this relationship stuff without being in an actual relationship. I don't see what's so bad about putting a title on things.

"You're right."

"Y'all definitely need to have that talk so you don't get your time wasted. Don't cut him off though, we got bills that need to be paid"


"Yeah bitch we." She emphasized and we both laughed.

The next morning my alarm woke me up at 9:15 on the dot giving me about 30 minutes to get ready for work. I grabbed my phone and called Jordan. The call rang and rang. Just as I was about to hang up and call again, he finally answered.

"Hey are you up?" I asked as I pulled up my jeans.

"I am now" I could hear the grogginess in his voice.

"Text me when you're leaving out"


I went into the laundry room and grabbed my shirt out the dryer before pulling it over my head. I can't wait until I stack enough bread to quit this job indefinitely.

Once I finally finished getting ready I went outside to Jordan's car. I opened the passenger door and there was a bouquet of roses sitting in the seat.

"Are these for me?"

"Who else would they be for?"

"I uhhh...what're these for?" I grabbed them as I sat down in the passenger seat.

"I just wanted to apologize for not being completely honest with you about everything. I had good intentions but looking at it from your perspective I understand how bad shit looks" He stated. I could tell he was genuinely telling the truth. least I hope. "Do you accept my apology?"

I nodded my head "Yeah, yeah I do"

"Good" He smiles and starts to lean over. My eyes widened as I leaned in the opposite direction of him. Confusion instantly appeared on his face.

"Not here. My brothers are up"  I lied.

"Okay" He laughed and started up the car.


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