By GuildMaster_RiP

226K 6.6K 2.4K

KDA popstars rising to fame in just 1 night but despite their talents there are also the people behind the sc... More

Chapter 1:A Devil Behind the Smile.
Chapter 2: Seraphine
Chapter 3: Pizza?
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 5: Fight?
Chapter 6: Polaroid
Chapter 7:My Queen
Chapter 8:The storm
Chapter 9: Catching Up
Chapter 10: There goes my peace
Chapter 11: I can dress up nice too!
Chapter 12: Party Night! (Part 1)
Chapter 13: Party Night! (Part 2)
Chapter 14: Buckle Up.
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17:MOM?!
Chapter 18: She Actually has Pretty Eyes
Chapter 19: The Aftermath.
Chapter 20: THIS IS A BAD IDEA!
Chapter 21:Unwanted Guest
Chapter 22: Remenicsing
Chapter 23: Closure with your Demons.
Chapter 24: Wild Goose Chase.
Chapter 25: Midnight Snack
Chapter 26: Staying over with the Idols.
Chapter 27:What are they doing?
Chapter 28: Lighting up the fuze
Chapter 29:Let's go to the Mall!
Chapter 30: Im through with you.
Chapter 31: SURPRISE?
Chapter 32: Game Night!
Chapter 33: New Start
Chapter 34:Walk with me ?
Chapter 35: Back to work.
Chapter 36: Trust

Chapter 15:Bloody Night

6.1K 217 112
By GuildMaster_RiP


(Y/n) POV






I continued running through the neighborhood seeking help or a place i can hide to lose him , but as I continue running my gut was starting to hurt by the second from exhaustion and it was making it harder for me to breath air, it felt every part of my body is giving up i felt my pace was going slower and slower, i cant even tell how far i ran or how long it's been or where i am , but my vision was starting to get tunnel visioned and the beating of my heart was intense even i could hear it through my head.

I reached an alley way and decided to hide here for the mean time, but as i turned to the corner i saw a female stranger that is walking infront of me, a small sigh relief on my chest exhaled from me i started walking quickly, the person was a slender female i couldn't see her face or make out of it because of the bad lighting of the alley , but as rush over her i saw she was also started rushing over me.

(y/n): HEY! I NEED HELP!

My body is starting to shake and my legs were limping in every step i made and in every step felt like my body was breaking a piece of my bone, despite the pain I still pushed myself rushing to try to seek help but the second we met i felt a sudden jab on my body my whole body just shut down and everything went black for a split second.


Why is it getting cold?

I tried opening my eyes and my vision was starting to focus to see the stranger looking frightened too see me, her body was shaking a bit and her eye switching my eyes and to my body, I was confused for a bit so i tried moving but i felt a sudden pain on my hip i looked down to see a knife that was stabbed through my hip.


i tried removing the knife but my energy was slowly deteriorating and moving it was painful enough for me not to pull it out, i looked at the stranger who stabbed me in a pissed manner , i tried moving my arm to reach her but as i did my body just couldn't take it anymore and i fell off to the floor blacking out.

Mother fucke-


Crazy Fan POV

Tonight didnt go as planned, since my plan was just to wreck his place,I called in some of my friends to trash his place but they arrived late, but good thing they arrived as soon (y/n) started running away also, so we chased him to the corner to see him already lying on the floor.

Crazy fan: About damn time you also joined in, Claire.

Claire:H-hey it's not my fault the place was far away, anyway w-what do you want to do with the body??

I looked at her side to see (y/n) laying down on the floor bleeding out.

Crazy fan :Seriously you already killed the guy? I was just about to have more fun!

Claire:I-I got scared for second okay!

I let out a sigh feeling disappointed for not being able to toy with this bastard more.

Crazy fan: Forget it, the others will be arriving also so we can just dump his body a-


Me and Claire turned around to see (y/n) groaning at the floor still alive and moving

Crazy Fan: Well ill be damn! You're still breathing!? Well this is much more interesting now. Hey! Help me get him up.

Claire: A-alright..

I carried his upper body while Rose held his feet for me, and for a tall guy he was pretty light. We placed him near a and let him leaned over it, his eye lids were twitching and his head was bobbling side ways, so i tried tapping his face to wake him up, but he wasnt waking up at all.

(y/n) POV

I thought ive already died but my conciouness came back to me, I could feel my body slowly getting cold by the second, my vision is still blurry, but i could see 2 figures infront of me,i suddenly felt my body getting lifted and felt my back was leaning on to something.

Crazy Fan: *muffled sound*

Huh?? What is he saying?

i felt some light hits on my face, i was slowly waking up and my focus is slowly getting sharper until i felt a surge of pain on the palm of my hand.

Crazy Fan: I SAID WAKE UP!


(y/n):AAAAHHh!!!! FUCK!!!!!

My focus finally got better and i looked at my other hand and saw my arm was impaled by the concrete wall with the knife I was stabbed with, blood started oozing out at my hip and my heart was beating so fast once more because of the surge of adrenaline kicking in body.

Crazy Fan: good you're finally awake, now lets get back to business. *smirks*

I saw the guy bring out his bloodied bat, and was about to do a full swing aiming at my legs. I just closed my eyes and bit my lips just readying myself from the pain that is about to happen.

Crazy Fan:BATTER U-




My eyes opened from their scream and saw blood spewing out above me, i slowly look up and my eyes widen, a slender dark shadow was choking the Crazy fans neck who had the bat while his arm was cut off, looking at the shadowed figure sent chill to my spine i was more scared because i haven't seen anything like this in my life, the wold may be filled with mytical creatures but this is something else, my body started to tremble in fear just from looking at the shadowed figure because i know that i may be next after him or his friend.

Crazy Fan: P-plesh, h-hab m-mershi

The guy tried to speak but the choking and him lifted up made it harder for him to speak.

Shadow figure:Mercy? Wrong safe word Baby~ *evil laugh*


I saw the other guy was crawling in fear trying to escape, the shadowy figure dropped the other guy and suddenly vanish in thin air, she may be gone from our sight's but you can still feel her strong presences in the area.


I have her a smile and a soft chuckle showing her that we're both fucked at this point.


The second guy went crazy then grabbed his friends bat and started swinging randomly, her legs were shaking furiously. Sounds of a lady giggling can be heard around us sometimes it sounded like she was near and sometimes further, she was toying the girl. She back was backing away slowly almost reaching another corner to escape but suddenly the second guy got dragged to the dark alley as she tries to claw her way to escape.


All I heard was flesh being ripped apart and getting splattered all out to the dark alley like it was a meat grinder spitting out the grind meat, after the noises stopped a puddle of blood came out from the dark alley only thing was left was the traces of what remind of that guys friend.


The guy who first assaulted me suddenly made a fireball with his other arm, i cant help but notice the guy must be a pyromancer i guess since the only thing i saw him make was fire? Or just a normal mage.


Shadow figure: BOO~

Crazy Fan: Aaahh!!!

The shadow figure appeared behind him and pushed him down to his back, the guy was holding onto the arm that was cut off and bleeding as he tried backing away and kicking the shadowy figure approaching him.

Stranger 1: BOSS!


A group of 5 people came, some were average some had a built body while some had weapons with them, im guessing they're all friends or just a gang...

Stranger 2:Ryan, what happened?? What happened to Claire? his name is Ryan...

(Y/n): I guess you brought more friends to die. Ryan. He heh..


The rest of the group looked at her then look at each other, some looked like they were having second thoughts whether they'll attack or not, and i dont blame them just from feeling her presence and the auora she was giving out i wouldnt attack too, cause right now all i can feel from her right now is...


Shadowy figure: awe... a party for me? You shouldnt have....i love doing it in groups!~



Ryan's Friends: AAHHHhh!!!

Stranger #1: NO NO NO PLS! AAHHHHH-

It happened so quickly, in just a blink of an eye, blood was splattered all over the place, you can hear their scream of pains, flesh being torn, bones breaking, and things getting broken from getting beaten from what it sound like flesh, i didn't' want too look but my curiosity got the better of me, when i took a peek with the corner of my eyes i saw her holding 1 guy with her hand, his face was fucked up, you can see scratch marks all over his body and his face,it was at a point you wont even recognize the person face anymore , his belly was nearly busted open and guts were starting too fall on his stomach.I couldnt bear the view what i've just witness and ended up vomiting, some of it had mix blood because of the stab i have on my body and from me getting beaten up, but the sight of the horrors that happened is something i couldnt forget, some of them were even impaled by some shadowy spikes but 1 had it worse, his body was all mashed up on a wall like he was slammed onti multiple times, everything i saw was already imprinted on my memory and all i did was just close my eyes until everything finally settled down and all i could hear was the sounds of footsteps.

I slowly raised my head to look at her while trying to avoid my vision to see the pile of dead bodies behind her, as she reach my end she just walked passed by me and started approaching the last guy who was kneeling on his knees, this made me confused why she didn't finish my off as well , as she passed by me all i could see was her eyes glowing pink with while wearing a big grin on her face, i couldnt stand up or do anything because of my injuries but im for sure scared as hell.

The last guy didnt left as well when he had the chance, all he did was kneel down mid way when his friends were being ravaged to pieced that made his back covered with some of there guts and blood of his friends, the sounds you can hear was him mumbling like he was praying and the sounds of the shadowy figure's step like it was wearing heels.


Ryan: P-please h-have mercy...

Shadow figure:Now now, i havent showed u a great time yet darling, where did all that energy went from awhile ago?~ *giggles*

The shadow figure finally showed her true form as the dark mist covering her whole body faded it revealed a woman with pale blue skin and some of her body parts were covered with something i cant explain it was like a magic shroud of shadow covering her body parts, I couldnt tell anymore with my vision started to get blurry all i could hear and feel my heartbeat slowly stopping and my body feeling weaker by the second, i moved my vision to the side to see what was happening and all i could see she was on his side, i couldnt tell what they were doing or saying because even my hearing is getting deaf, i tried shaking my head or blowing through my nose for my ears pop, and it worked as i heard a pop on my ears i was finally able to hear again.

Ryan: waaait-

The next second all i could hear was muffled screams, my vision may be blurry but i could make up on what's happening infront of me from the silhouettes , body parts getting broken piece by piece first then they were getting torn apart slowly i could hear the guys clothes also getting torn making a sound like a piece of paper being torn apart then his body parts were splattered everywhere, all i can do was witness the mans torment, I've already lost everything i've ate and drank from the last vomit i had, all i did was gag a but rather than vomit it was blood that came out. It didnt last long everything stopped and i saw the figure stood up started approaching me.


I guess im next....good thing i wont experienced everything...Im sorry Sera.....looks like i wont see you become a idol.

I listen at the footstep get closer i saw a shadow appearing before me.

Damn.......i really wished i could've stayed and listen to you sing..

Before my vision i blacked out i felt a hand on my cheeks and after that everything just went black.

Akali POV

I could hear people screaming from afar, and i dont like the sound they're making, i quickly ran and leap to different obstacles, with finally arriving to the place where the sounds was happening.

Akali: *gag*Fuck, what the heck is that stench?!

I started gagging from the strong stench of flesh? And i started to get worried what i might see , i approached the area look around the corner and i couldnt believe what i saw , i went back and vomited at the side from the sights of corpses but i couldn't even say if they corpses anymore all there body parts were everywhere even some parts where sticking on the walls like they were forcefully slammed on the walls and floor making the body look like it went to a meat grinder even internal parts dangling everywhere while blood is just splattered filling the corner with just red, The whole sight of it was so inhumane, i even lost everything that i ate and drank the whole day.

Ahri POV

Akali was the third fastest on the group, with be agility to move around, the second we turned to the corner i saw akali leaning on a wall vomiting.

Ahri: Akali! What happ-

Before I could finish, akali stopped me where we are, her face were signaling me that she had seen things that were unpleasant.

Eve.... what did you do..?

I gave Kai'sa a look and shook my head signaling her that things were not good.

Akali:I'm sorry i didn't make it..

Ahri:No, its fine, Akali but have you seen Eve and (y/n)?

Akali:No, i stopped mid way to the alley way, but i think its best you guys handle the car ill see what happend.

Ahri:No, we also-

Akali:Ahri please.

I know Akali didnt want us to see this, because of how delicate me and Kai'sa were about this things, i couldnt help but gripped my arm and bit my lip.

Ahri: how bad is it....?

Akali: Its a 10...

We have a rating on how Evelynn deals with people who she hate and 10 is the worse of them all, the next second we heard another person screaming, we immediately ran back to see what happened.

Akali:You guys stay here.

Ahri:Akali Wait!

Akali put on her mask and ran through the alley leaving me and kai'sa here. I looked at Kai'sa who was also feeling the same thing, that we couldn't do anything at this moment.

Kai'sa : Ahri l-let's get back to the car to call for someone to help us with it.


If only I wasn't that scared on a sight of blood....maybe things would be different?


After getting rid of the mess , I wiped of some of the blood stain on my face and flick it off my fingers.

Did i feel any remorse from what i did to his friends? No not at all.. actually felt...


I haven't felt this much Euphoria in aged, there screams and pain were music to my ears. I stood infront the last guy kneeling on his knees, i looked down on him and i saw a puddle of water below him.

Eve: Disgusting.

I grabbed him behind his neck and lifted his face making him look at me, i felt his body shaking in fear his eyes were all red and watery from crying.

Ryan: P-please h-have mercy...

Eve:Now now, i havent showed u a great time yet darling, where did all that energy went from awhile ago?~ *giggles

I placed my arm around his shoulder while my other hands carresses his cheeks as i stare straight through his eyes that were trembling, tears were starting to fall more and more, he was even drooling in fear from mouth to nose..

yes! Show me more of that expression! SHOW ME HOW HELPLESS YOU ARE RIGHT NOW!

His expression and pain is feeding me nothing but pleasure, i looked straight through his eyes and see a boy finally realizing what life really means his face just showing nothing but begging for mercy.

Eve:I actually didnt get your name earlier mind telling a curious lady. Darling. *giggles*

Ryan:p-please let me go, p-plea-

Eve:Sshhh, shhhhh its alright ill take good care of you~

I shushed him with my finger then squeezed his cheeks looking at him seriously, he started sobbing more while his lips were stuttering to say the next words.

Ryan: r.....r-ry....


His body was shaking like crazy, well he did lost his arm and got his friends get massacred in front of him, so i can tell he's scared to the core, and that's good~

Ryan:I-its R-r-ryan..

Eve:Ryan, Love! Now i got to know you..

I let out a wide grin while caressing my finger on he's cheek.

Ryan:p-please i told you what you want, please let me-

Eve:nu uh uh uh, we're not done yet, Ryan. Now tell my why did you do this? What was all this trouble for~?


Eve:*growl*WHY DID YOU DO THIS (Y/N)!

He squeeled in fear as i already started to lose my patience, there was this burning in sensation inside my and it's screaming to be released.


Eve:I see...


I didn't give him the chance to negotiate, and let all my primal instinct take over me, i started breaking and bending parts of his body that shouldn't be bended, then slowly started ripping every piece of his body apart not giving a little bit of mercy to him just like what he did to (y/n), the sounds of his scream and his friends when i slowly tormented them were music to my ear the feeling of euphoria was spreading through my body and it was release a great feeling, it was a long awaited entertainment thirst that I've been craving. So i asked myself again.

Did i feel any remorse from what i did? No not at all.. i actually...

i felt so much ALIVE!!

After a few minutes passed Ryan's body was forcefully open with some of his limbs bend and twisted like a pretzel while his face was no longer recognizable

Eve:aaah, pity you didnt last longer than your friends..

I stood up and wiped off the blood around me.

Eve:Pigs like you disgust me. *spits*

After killing the last piece of shit in the area I felt so alive and relieved , to finally release this anger and to finally kill one of those bastards that ive despised for the past 5 years. But killing them still gave me a unsatisfied feeling, there is somethi-

Eve: WAIT (Y/N)!

I transformed back to my human form and rushed to (y/n), removing the knife impaled from the wall to his arms.

Eve:no no no no! Darling wake up!

I placed my hand on his cheeks while my other hand fixes his hair for me to see his face, a part of me is glad to finally see him infront of me again but i felt utterly devastated seeing him like this. I gave him a light tap on the face to try and wake him up.

Eve:(y/n) Dearie Wake up! Wake up Please ! Not now please!

Suddenly i hear footsteps coming near me, I look at the side and saw akali and ahri trying to avoid the mess I made.

Akali: Woah there-.......... E-eve! I-is everything okay there? you wont kill me too right?


Akali:yeah, it's me and next time try to not make a big mess, but where's (y/n)?


Akali stopped for a second and was took by surprise so she quickly brought out her phone and dialed the emergency hotline.

Eve:Come one (y/n), please wake up..

I continue tapping his face while Akali was behind me, until i heared a second voice.

Ahri: EVE!


Of all people i wouldn't expect to be in this mess was Ahri ,since she has a zero tolerance on these kinds of things i expected Akali would've warned them, i looked at Akali with a brow cocked down and all she did was shrug. Ahri quickly ran through the corpses around her , not giving any care of it but i can see through her face she was already slowly getting uncomfortable and sick.

Ahri:Eve! What happened here?

Eve:Ill explain everything later, (y/n) is losing alot of blood and his dying.

I leaned forward a bit to hear his breathing, and it was getting weaker. I shake him abit to wake him up but nothing, Ahri was abit panicking as she tried putting preassure on the wounds on his hip

Eve: Come on (y/n)! Wake up!

I started to shake him more, but still nothing i started to feel tears starting to falling through my cheeks.


this felt so familiar.. It feels like the that time ......I abandoned him from that night...but this time...he's not coming back..

Eve:I was too late...I failed him again..

Akali: Don't worry, help is on the way Eve...

Eve:I was close to helping him...but i failed again..he's not gonna make it...

Ahri: Eve dont say that! He'll make i-


I punched the floor making a small crack on the concrete floor.

Akali: wait look!

As we look at where Akali was pointing at we saw (y/n)'s hand was twitching, Akali pushed Ahri aside this time and embraced (y/n) before she also hold on (y/n)'s cheeks.

Akali: H-hey (y/n)...... S-stay with us buddy h-help is coming....

I didn't notice till now that Akali's eyes were getting watery and red because of her voice stuttering.

Akali:Eve, use your hands to cover that stab wound on his body and continue to apply pressure on it, we need to stop the bleeding alteast!

I nodded and did what akali told me what to do while Ahri tried to do same with the small cut on his hands, meanwhile akali went to his other side and gave him a small pat on the face to wake him up, his eyes started to slowly open.


A part of me felt relief that he woke up at least, while i keep putting pressure on the wound,

Akali:Hey buddy... *sniffle* i-i ts me Kali, just stay with us alright, help is coming.


Ahri:Y-yeah, that's right help is coming, just sit there ,save your energy and just stay with us (y/n).

Akali took of her bomber jacket and ripped it apart and also started covering the wounds on his arm's


Eve:What is it dear?

(y/n) with a beat up looked, slowly looked at me with tears slowly falling on his eyes..

No dont give me that look please..

I suddenly felt an arm touched my shoulder, i looked at (y/n) all heart broken while his dry lips were twitching and his voice stuttering.

Ahri:(y/n) please just save your energy...



(These nuts,sorry..)

(y/n):Th-Than...T-thank you....

I felt a pat on my shoulder then his hand slowly slid down my shoulder, I witness (y/n) eyes slowly became lifeless his eyelids were slowly closing but not completely, I watched (y/n)'s body slowly limping. Tears suddenly start to fall more from my cheeks.


Akali: H-hey (y/n) stay with us!


Akali patted his face more but showed no sign of any reaction while Ahri was lightly shaking his leg.



I was starting to get much worried by the second as I continue applying preassure on the would with my hands and dress will with (y/n)'s blood, i bit my lip hoping help arrives soon.


I shouted out my lungs out to only hear the cars and city noises miles away with no response what so ever.


Memories of me and (y/n) flashed in my head, the moments we spent on those weeks in highschool from helping me for the beauty pageants and that i wished i could all change that 1 night maybe all of this wouldn't happen.

Please dont die (y/n), there are so many things that i still need to say to you, things i still want to know and experience with you... please (y/n) dont leave me... 5 years ago i regreted so much i wasnt there that night... i regreted i could have told you those days....

that I love you.

Message from the Author: thanks once again for your patience for last week! Took my time to get this visual done and smooth.And also We've actually finally reach 10k last week, damn you guys are really amazing! Once again thank you for your support and ill see you in the next chapter!

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