By Gargi_H

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2. NANDINI OR ....
Against His Own


608 59 20
By Gargi_H

Hello all.....

Enjoy reading!

SPACE, 2013

Manik was rushing to the canteen in a hurry. He couldn't provoke the volcano now, could he? After the freshers day encounter, Manik started hanging out with Nandini or rather say Nandini forced Manik to hang out with her. She openly teased him, pushed him to voice out his opinions, compelled him to take up hobbies which he left way back and most importantly, accompanied him in his silence. She slowly but steadily crept into his small world and made herself important in his life.

He entered into the canteen and found the gang occupying their usual place. Nandini, being a part of butterflies, always included Manik in their activities making it very awkward for him. But there was no stopping Nandini. Vatsal enjoyed the girls' company and often joined them, while Neeyan was left with no choice but to comply to the two most important people in his life.

You are late again, Manik. Nandini exclaimed glaring at him to which he muttered a sorry and sat down beside Vatsal who wrapped his hand around Manik's shoulder. The boy was his favorite always.

See, Vasu. You guys are spoiling him. Don't give him so much edge for everything. Where even do you find nerds like him these days? Ask him to get a life! Nandini warned Vatsal who showed her his tongue and pulled Manik closer making Nandini fume and sit down with a thud. Vatsal came to have a deep friendship with Nandini who was his character twin. Or so he believed.

Why is she in an extra bad mood? Manik whispered to Vatsal, looking at Nandini who was murdering her noodles with the fork. Nandini eating Chinese is hazardous to everyone around her. She did that only when she had to control her anger. No guarantee about the control part though.

Another event responsibility is given to the College's unofficial event manager. Vatsal replied in an undertone. Manik nodded and glanced at Nandini as per his emerging habit. She fascinated him by being the enigma she is. He noticed some unknown sadness in her eyes but couldn't put a finger on it. Was she sad or just stressed?

After having enough of Nandini's useless banging of tables and plates, Neeyan's already thin patience broke and he screamed What the hell happened, Nandini? Have mercy on the lifeless atleast!

Oh, so I can hit you? She shouted back at him, standing up from her chair. The canteen avoided them as it was quiet a usual sight for them. Nandini and Neeyan were mortal enemies of the college and even the gang didn't interfere in their fight, knowing very well that the two of them can handle each other.

As if you are sparing me any trouble now. Neeyan muttered but everyone on the table could hear him.

What happened, Nandu? Kritika pulled her onto her seat and asked her taking her in a side hug. Nandini snuggled into her and sighed. She knew she was being ridiculous, but she didn't know how to explain her situation to them. She never did that. She chose not to do that now.

Nothing... headache. She said closing her eyes. Neeyan felt guilty and off seeing her like that, but his ego and fear did not let him reach out to her. He was so used to the cheerful and badass girl that he couldn't bear her sadness, even if it is due to something as casual as a  headache.

You want some medicine, Nandu? Noor asked concerned. She was too caring for her own good. Nandini smiled at her nodding a no, slightly relaxing everyone. Kritika ran her fingers in Nandini's hair to relieve her from pain.

I think she should leave for the day. She is too stressed to attend the second half of the day. Mansi said worried. She had first hand experience of how much Nandini over worked herself. The girl never said a no to anyone and to top it, takes others' trouble on her head too. She deserved some rest.

Take her to the library. The hostel is closed in college hours. We cannot take her there. I'll inform our Physiology professor. He anyway loves this girl to let her go without punishment. Avni said caressing Nandini's hair who is now drifting into sleep.

Manik smiled at all of them. They were the best of friends. They argued, yelled, did drama, fought but at the end of the day, they all were one unit. The butterflies.... and he loved that about them.

He saw the time and stood up to leave for the library as well. He had a free hour and wanted to utilize it properly, along with some alone time which was scarce nowadays due to Nandini. The girl never let him keep to himself. He did find it annoying sometimes, but Nandini had never let him complain aloud. He wouldn't admit, but he also didn't have the heart to shoo her away. Who would throw away a chance at walking, talking entertainment? He was engrossed in his thoughts when he heard Mansi calling him.

Manik, can you do us a favor? Please? She requested. Manik nodded meekly. He was still not comfortable with the rest of the gang.

Please stay with her in the library till we come back or she wakes up. Manik looked at her with wide open eyes.

But why? She will anyway be resting. What will I do there? He blurted out nervously seeing all his plans going down the drain. While Neeyan and Vatsal looked confused too, Mansi and Avni shared a look. They could not reveal Nandini's secret. It was not theirs to share. Neither could they stay back with her as they couldn't miss the integrated classes.

Please, Manik. Just sit beside her and do whatever you intended to. She is a heavy sleeper when she is tired. She wouldn't disturb you. Mansi requested him baffling him further, as he could see she avoided his question. He nodded. Sleeping Nandini is better than an over enthusiastic, awake one.

Kritika and Avni dragged a protesting and semi sleepy Nandini to the library and Manik followed. She slept as soon as she found the desk making the others sigh in relief. After thanking Manik, the girls left to their classes.

Manik settled beside her and started studying. After an hour and half, he looked up to take notes while his gaze fell on Nandini. That was the first time he was watching her so closely. She looked beautiful. She was cuddling to herself and her chubby cheeks were turning rosy due to the force the table that was exerting on them. Her loosened hair locks caressed her face due to the ceiling fan above them.

But what attracted him the most was her innocence. She looked totally untouched by life. Happy in her own world. Very different from her usual agitated self. He chuckled at his thought when he noticed her frowning in sleep. He abruptly stopped his chuckle but the frown lines didn't fade away. Instead they became deeper.

Sweat pooled on her neck and forehead and Manik came to her tensed. Was she seeing a bad dream?

Just as Manik was about to shake her awake, she herself woke up abruptly startling him. She took a minute to recognize her surroundings and felt relieved to see familiar surroundings. It was then that she noticed a tensed Manik.

She lightly squeezed his hand to let him know she is fine. Manik relaxed visibly but didn't say a word. Nandini saw that he was hesitating to ask something.

You know you can ask me what happened, right? Nandini asked softly, mindful of the place and trying to not scare Manik. Why was the guy always on his toes? He deserved some peace of mind.

Manik shook his head. He didn't want to know the reason. He just wanted to know one thing Are you feeling fine? Or should I call your friends?

Yes, I'm all good now. Just a mild headache. And about calling friends, am I not with one? She questioned gently. In her one month of friendship with him, she observed him to be very edgy. He was unresponsive to anger and stubborness, while he responded immediately to love and care. That is why she chose to be that way with him. If it could get a reaction out of him, it would be worth it.

Here, Manik was aghast. She considered him equal to her friends? Her butterflies? When she offered him friendship, he thought she was pitying him. But, the girl stood by him all the time when he needed her. She ordered him around, but at the same time gifted him the freedom of choice. She never made him do anything that made him panic. She did push him out of his comfort zone though.

Hmm. He replied not knowing what to say. She left him tongue tied with her conversations.

Nandini saw him shutting off and mentally sighed. She would have to work a lot on bringing the Manik Malhotra that Vatsal told her about. She was surprised when she heard Vatsal speak about the schooling years of Manik. He seemed mischievous, lovely and so full of life. She wanted to bring that boy back, if there is something left of him. No one of his age deserved to carry a burden that he seemed to be carrying. Who better knows that than her? In all this, she didn't realise she was being both concerned and protective for Manik.

She was interrupted by a warm hug and recognised the touch. Mansi never held back when it came to her. She loved her like a sister and Nandini was glad to have her affection.

You fine? Mansi asked. She was looking worried, same as Avni and Noor who stood beside her.

Take a chill pill, babes. Nandini did the typical K3G gesture to ensure them of her recovery. She knew her friends were worried about her 'bad dreams' s she calls it, but she couldn't get over it even when she tried her best.

The girls relaxed a bit. If Nandini was doing drama, she was fine. They knew their friend had enough strength to fight and emerge victorious, but a little help from their side wouldn't hurt, isn't it?

Manik smiled at them and looked at his watch. He had work and it is better he just left. Now that Nandini's other friends were here, they would take care of her.

I'll leave now, Nandini. Take care. He told her softly. She smiled at him and waved her hand telling him to meet her tomorrow and threatening him to not drown in books and forget their meeting while giving him a crazy list of punishments if he does.

Manik just walked out with her still talking. If given a choice, she would skip eating and sleeping for finding time to threaten him!


Manik settled Nandini on the bed. She was tired as well as dehydrated. He knew she needed rest, but wouldn't say so. Nandini is not the type of girl to share her problems with everyone.

Still, he wished she had shared her issues and demons with him. Or anyone she trusts. When he saw her having nightmares which calls bad dreams, for the first time, he didn't ask her a thing. Because back then, Nandini was the strongest girl he had ever known. Even today, he saw her the same way, but he could now make out those sharp edges of her broken self that shine like a mirror but hurt like nails.

It was with her that he first laughed whole heartedly after years, throwing off his burden for a while and making himself light. He wished he could gift her some of the hope that she so generously rained on him.


The college was all decked up for another event. The arrangements were overseen by Nandini and everyone in the college knew she can be demanding when she wants to be. Though she was still a second year student, the faculty adored her sense of responsibility and blindly entrusted her with duties that were usually handed to the Heads of the College.

The South Hall was decorated in red and black, the classic combination of prom night. The students were spell bound watching the hall. The mundane hall was converted into a spectacular event spot. They all were now looking forward to the party to begin.

Nandini walked into the hall with Manik. She had emotionally blackmailed him to be her date for the night as she had scared away all the other guys. For some reason, Manik never said no to Nandini and she used it to her advantage that day.

After the official inaugural and dance, the faculty left the students to enjoy. The butterflies and their senior friends approached a table. They had a lot of fun.

How about we play a game? Mansi suggested rubbing her hands together. Vatsal, Nandini and Noor immediately replied assertively. Neeyan, Avni and Kritika shook their head, but didn't deny as it was of no use.

You guys go ahead. I'll watch you play. Manik spoke. Nandini glared at him and he avoided her gaze. She had already requested and then warned him to participate in the activities. He danced just for her sake. He was not comfortable with anything more.

Nandini understood his point, not that she was pleased but she didn't want to push him to the limit. One step at a time, she pacified herself.

What shall we play? Vatsal asked excitedly. He was always up for games and fun.

The classic party game. Truth and dare. Mansi replied.

The table was filled with groans of protest. Nobody liked to play the game that they aged in every event. Somehow, it was Mansi's favorite game and she forced them to play it with her.

Mansi glared at them all as if she'd kill the person who would say a word against it. In the end, they all gave in in turn earning a bright smile from the said girl.

The game started and Vatsal and Nandini combined forces to target Neeyan who was helpless against the two crazy people. Both of them dared him to get the attention of all the people present in the hall and keep them hooked for two complete minutes.

Where do the both of you get these wierd ideas from? Neeyan asked frustrated.

It is in born talent. You will never understand. Vatsal commented as he hi-fied with Nandini while Neeyan fumed at them.

Anyway, tell us if you can finish the task or not? Otherwise, take punishment, boring uncle. Nandini said making faces at him. Manik looked at her in shock. He was well aware of his brother's short temper and by the look of it, Nandini seemed to have invited trouble. Before he could shout at Nandinj, Manik interrupted.

Nandini, why are you bothering Bhai? Leave him alone. He is not comfortable with doing it. Manik said praying to all gods to stuff some sense into her brain.

But, seems like God was busy dealing with something else. Nandini shook her head and repeated her question, making Manik want to bang his head. Why does the girl not listen?

But, in the entire fiasco no one noticed Neeyan and Vatsal gawking at Manik. When did Manik start defending his Bhai? The Manik they have known since 5 years wouldn't do so. He was always lost in his own world. It was a welcome change to have him speak without having to force him and Neeyan would do anything to keep that up. He masked his face with anger again. Nandini touched his ego and he would not rest until he proved her wrong.

Bring it on! Neeyan smirked, as the people at the table looked surprised. Manik and Vatsal had an idea what Neeyan would do amd were excited, but the butterflies were curious to see what he would do.

Vatsal was ecstatic Go for it, Neeyu! He screamed surprising Nandini. She saw the shine on both their faces and concluded she did something right and grinned.

Neeyan glared at him for the nickname but soon walked to the center of the Hall
and instructed for a music change. What followed was a miracle to many. None of them knew this shade of Neeyan. Hell, they had not seen him doing anything except glaring and studying. The audience were enthralled. He had magic in his fingers and rhythm in his body.

Woohoo, Nandini whistled as he reached the table after bowing to the audience. The hall filled with cheers and loud claps. Neeyan flushed which he tried to cover up, failing badly in the end. As he settled back in his place, he saw Avni looking at him and as their eyes met, both of them looked away. But two people had already seen it.

The bottle continued spinning and lastly stopped on Nandini.

Dare. She said and Mansi, Neeyan and Vatsal smiled evilly.

Flirt with any boy here. Vatsal declared her dare making her glare at him. The entire college knew boys and Nandini didn't come in one sentence. Let's just say, they steered clear of her.

What happened? Want some leniency? Too hard a dare? Neeyan instigated her purposely. Nandini pushed back her black locks and stood up. Now that he undermined her, she took up a task to frustrate him. She walked away with Neeyan still teasing her.

The next thing the college heard was someone strumming a guitar. And the next minute they heard Nandini singing.

You should take it as a compliment

That I got drunk and made fun of the way you talk

She circled around Manik making him look everywhere except her, while the butterflies and Neeyan were shocked at her choice of person. Manik?!

You should think about the consequence

Of your magnetic field being a little too strong

She acted as being pulled towards him and stopped an inch short of him. Vatsal was the only one who seemed to enjoy her performance, rather say dare, to the core.

And I got a boyfriend, he's older than us

He's in the club doing, I don't know what

You're so cool, it makes me hate you so much (I hate you so much)

Whisky on ice, Sunset and Vine

You've ruined my life, by not being mine

She pouted at Manik and showed her tongue to Neeyan who was still in shock.
She was sure he would be fuming by the end of the song. It was fun riling him up.

You're so gorgeous

I can't say anything to your face

'Cause look at your face

And I'm so furious

At you for making me feel this way

But, what can I say?

You're gorgeous

Manik's face and ears turned red at her flirting and slightly due to embarrassment as well. He was not used to so much attention. Nandini looked at his blushing self and was surprised. So the Silent Malhotra blushed too? Her heart enjoyed it, unknown to herself.

You should take it as a compliment

That I'm talking to everyone here but you (but you, but you)

And you should think about the consequence

Of you touching my hand in the darkened room (dark room, dark room)

Neeyan looked at his brother horrified while Manik vigorously shook his head, denying her words as the rest of the gang laughed at Nandini and the brothers.

If you've got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her

But if you're single that's honestly worse

'Cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts
(Honey, it hurts)

Nandini put her hand on her heart faking a hurt expression while Manik's eyes widened when she addressed him as honey and jerked his head up to meet her eyes.

Ocean blue eyes looking in mine

I feel like I might sink and drown and die

She sang honestly. She was always mesmerized by his expressive eyes. His eyes felt like they have a whole world hidden inside them.

You're so gorgeous

I can't say anything to your face (to your face)

'Cause look at your face (look at your face)

And I'm so furious

At you for making me feel this way

But what can I say?

You're gorgeous

Nandini held Manik's hand and made him spin her. She continued singing and dancing with him doing basic salsa with him while Manik slowly loosened himself up, noticing everyone enjoying her performance and being casual about it.

You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah

There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have

You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad

Manik, finally adjusted to her harmlessly flirting with him for the dare, smiled and danced with her.

You're gorgeous

You make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah

There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have

You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad

You're gorgeous

Nandini ended her song and raised her guitar only to find herself tangled with the cord of other musical instruments lying there. She shrugged her shoulder and rotated in reverse to untangle herself, making Manik laugh at her antics along with the butterflies who are used to this behavior of hers. He liked that liveliness and not-care-a-hoot attitude of her.

While the entire college was too engrossed in themselves, Neeyan and Vatsal had unshed tears in their eyes hearing his genuine laughter after so long. Neeyan looked at Nandini. Whatever be his doubts, however she might be, she gave him that precious moment and he would owe it to her for life.

She is special to him!

(Song: Gorgeous by Taylor Swift)

Huff... So, I finally found myself writing again. As a compensation for a very long time, a longer than usual chapter.

So I had given you a chance to choose by your own free will to vote and comment, but looks like you guys love taking targets.

For the first time in my books, I'm setting a target.

60 votes
10 genuine comments

For you to read the next chapter which is by the way ready to be published.

Waiting for your votes and comments




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