In The Midst of Snow

By wispylingerer

75.9K 3.9K 2.5K

Following the death of Xiao, Aether went back in time with the help of Lumine to fix things up. But in trying... More

Aether Speedruns Through the Five Stages of Depression
Today, I Give You All My Food Supplies. Tomorrow, Who Knows?
And They Were Cavemates. Oh My God They Were Cavemates.
Till We Meet Again
Talk About Good (Bad) Timing
Morax Tries His Best
When You Wish Upon Morax
Do You Wanna Build an Iceman?
Sweet Madame For Your Broken Bones
The Contract is Now Set in Stone (Literally)
Tell Me Why (Ain't Nothin' Like A Heartache)
To Tell or Not To Tell, That is The Question
Xiao Gets a Makeover
Happy(?) Birthday Xiao
Record Scratch, Freeze Frame
Xiao Yeets A Spear
From Dust to Dust
It's The Final Countdown
Have You Seen My Roommate?
In The Midst of Yellowed Letters
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, Will He Do The Fandango?
One Of Us, One of Us
No Homo Or Full Homo?
Aether Rises From The Dead
...Did I Do That?
The Beninging of The End
Capitalism No More
Aether Gets A Brain Fart
Meeting His Sister
How To Doctor 101
Need A Hand?
You Got Mail!
Lumine Asserts Her Dominance
The Tsaritsa Has Entered the Chat
Cool It!
One Punch!!
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Who's The Sussy Baka Now?
I'm Gonna Do What's Called A Pro-Gamer Move
Living In Spain Without The S
A Whole New World!
For The nth Time, I'm Not Adeptus Aether
Xiao, the Fish Claymore
Xiao Protection Squad Coming In
In The Midst of Snow
Who Do You Call? Ghostbusters!
A Date In A Funeral Parlor? Sounds Nice!
Wait It Was Xiao The Entire Time? Always Has Been
Right In Front of My Salad?
The Wake of Spring

Wait A Minute, Who ARE You?

1.8K 88 59
By wispylingerer

Wait. Xiao. That name. He had...heard it somewhere before.

Apparently, it showed on his face. Twisting his hands together, Morax asked gruffly (was he nervous?), "Do you not like it?"

"I like it!" Alatus- no, Xiao, cried out. "It's just..."

Oh. He remembered now.

When he had eaten Aether's nightmare, Aether had called his doppelgänger Xiao. Moreover, in that dream, Xiao had died, accusing Aether of being the cause of his death. Glancing at Aether, who was beaming brightly like the sun, was it possible that it was all a misunderstanding? But had been too accurate. Scarily accurate to a degree.

Does that mean the Xiao in the nightmare was actually him all along? Even so, how was it possible?

"Aether," Xiao said coldly. He was ready to transform at a moment's notice and tear out Aether's limbs if he were an enemy. Even if it will...hurt Xiao himself to do so.

It seemed as if Aether didn't notice the bloodlust directed at him yet. Innocently (is he?), he tilted his head. "Ala- ah, sorry, I got used to your old name. What is it, Xiao?"

He really didn't want to believe it. But what else could it be? If Aether was an elemental being or god, Xiao would have sensed it immediately and be on guard around him. Yet his aura was everything like a mortal. He got hurt like a mortal, ate like a mortal, lived like a mortal (Xiao can testify because he had been keeping watch on him). However, he had the power to see...the future? Xiao knew, at least, that was something no normal mortal possessed.

Moreover, Xiao had died in his nightmare. Did that mean that...he would die eventually, too?

Before Xiao could so much as say anything, Morax and Guizhong stepped forwards. They stood between Xiao and Aether, acting like a shield for Xiao. Aether, who didn't get the better end of the stick, became the target of two pairs of wary eyes.

Xiao got the message. Morax and Guizhong had long already realised something was off with Aether; they just didn't bring it up. Now that Xiao was jumping the gun, though, it seemed they had no choice but to confront Aether.

"Aether, was it? Your name, child," Guizhong asked. Her voice was still gentle, but a bit uncertain - as if unsure whether she was using the right tone or not.

"Yes...?" Aether said bewilderedly like a lost lamb. Xiao felt bad, but if Aether really was the enemy, they had to leech him out.

"There are no gods under that name," Morax affirmed to Guizhong. Turning to Aether, he asked seriously with a hint of a threat, "Aether. I want you to be honest with me."

"Y-yes, I will, Morax!" Aether squeaked. He was clearly terrified at why he was being scrutinised like that. He even sent Xiao a glance that screamed 'help!'. Regretfully, Xiao could only look away and let the gods do what they must. He needed to be sure himself, too. If Aether truly was a good person.

"What are you?"

There was silence for a good few moments. The slightest rustle of dead leaves was magnified tenfold. Any single movement in the air made Xiao's hair stand on end. Aether was still silent. He was looking down on the ground, fists clenched. Xiao wanted to at least see Aether's expression to get a read on what he was thinking, but Aether's bangs had fallen in front of his face, making his expression a mystery.

"I..." Aether spoke, slowly and cautiously. "I am...a traveller."

"A traveller," Morax repeated, unimpressed.

Hesitantly, Aether continued, "It may be hard to believe, but...I am not of this world. I came from another world."

"So, you were not from the village to begin with," Morax said thoughtfully to himself.

Guizhong, eyeing Aether curiously, inquired, "Do you know why you were able to survive Shimu's death's energy?"

At that, Aether looked genuinely flabbergasted. "I actually don't know why. I think I have somewhat of a resistance to the energy from a god's death? Something...similar happened before. I survived that time too."

Humming, Guizhong walked around Aether in circles, observing him, while the blond could only nervously sweat on the spot.

"Interesting," Guizhong concluded. There was now a glitter in her eyes - one that made Xiao if only a bit very worried for Aether's safety. "Zhongli, we should keep him."

"I agree," Morax said without any doubt. "Someone of his power should be on our side, if possible. Would you like to join our side, Aether? We can offer you shelter and protection."

Xiao spluttered. There were obviously still some unanswered questions! Like how he was able to know Xiao's name in advanced-

Oh. He was the only one who knew, wasn't he? Morax and Guizhong don't have any proof or suspicions that suggest otherwise. Should he ask Aether right now? Or...

Mustering up his courage, Xiao opened his mouth, but Aether spoke first.

"It would be an honour, Morax." Aether bowed. Sending a gentle smile in Xiao's way, he said in a tone softer, "If it means I can stand by Xiao's side, anytime and anywhere, I'll join your side."

All thoughts of exposing Aether went out of the window right then and there. Celestia, he was totally weak for this...mortal? Boy? It didn't matter, but every second spent next to Aether made Xiao forget reality, his pain, and troubles, and made him feel as if he was a normal vermillion.

He supposed...he'll just have to talk to Aether in private after this. For now, he needs to stop his face from burning.

Once again, Guizhong coughed. This had Xiao somewhat concerned. Was she OK? Was she sick or something? It didn't seem like it was too serious since she instantly recovered.

"I don't think he's a threat, Zhongli," Guizhong said. Her expression was solumn, but her eyes were sparkling with...mirth?

"It seems so," Morax agreed, crossing his rocky arms. Although, it didn't seem that they were on the same page for the reasons, but Xiao supposed the conclusion is what matters.

"Now," Guizhong sighed, exhaustion now clearly weighing down on her shoulders. "That was a fun educational trip, wasn't it, Ganyu?"

Ganyu, who had been playing with some squirrels, squeaked and quickly stood up to attention. As the frightened squirrels scattered away, Ganyu stuttered hastily, "Y-yes, Guizhong! I learned a lot from watching the battle today. Thank you, Rex Lapis, Guizhong, Xiao!"

Xiao was totally dumbfounded. What the hell did he do that deserved her thanks? If anything, he should be scorned for for trying to murder Morax. Yet he knew if he said anything like that, Ganyu would not retract her thanks. So instead, he just silently nodded.

"It's about time we get back," Morax said, looking into the distance.

But then Guizhong cleared her throat. Morax visibly stiffened at that, refusing to face her.

"Did you forget your lesson too, Morax?" Guizhong asked so sweetly it was like poison.

"Ahh!" Morax exclaimed, putting a fist on his palm. "I just remembered. The tea I had been brewing six hours ago should be ready by now. Let's go back-"

Before he could even take a step forward, Guizhong had grabbed his hood and was pulling him back, a sickly kind smile on her face as Morax (the great god of war?) refused to meet her eyes.

"You still have the prototype to deliver, Zhongli dear," she reminded. Forget that, even Xiao was afraid. Morax had his highest sympathies for being on the receiving end of her wrath.

He really hated to interrupt at this moment, with the risk of Guizhong turning her fangs on him. Nervously, he said, "U-um, Morax?"

"Rex Lapis will be fine," Morax replied, apparently eager to change topics. Even so, his position was kind of funny to Xiao. With Guizhong still holding tightly onto his white hood and Morax tugging gently once in a while, Morax appeared like a bad kid that had been caught red-handed.

"Is it alright if I stop by somewhere before I go with you?" Xiao requested. Thinking it was a bit rude, he added quietly, "If it's not too much trouble."

"Of course, Xiao," Guizhong smiled. A genuine one this time. Not a I-Will-Murder-You-With-Kindness one, thankfully. Her grip was still iron-clad, though. Xiao wondered if Rex Lapis would be fine.

"Thank you." Xiao bowed. Straightening up, he turned to Aether. "I want to bring Aether along too."

Aether, confused, pointed to himself. "Me?"

"Just come home before dinner is ready, alright?" Guizhong shouted, already dragging Rex Lapis along to the direction of the village, Ganyu trotting along by her heels.

Xiao, watching them go, waved softly until they disappeared behind a stone pillar.

"So..." Aether said slowly, once they were alone. "Where is it that you want to go?"

Ah, those beautiful, innocent golden eyes were on him. How is it that this...traveller, had such good looks? It was as if he was blessed by Celestia himself. Maybe it was something common from Aether's home world.

Taking in a deep breath and looking Aether seriously into his eyes, Xiao said, "I want you to come with me to my clan's abode."

Xiao: Aether sus

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