5 Seconds Of The Pierced Slee...

By bandhoez9194

231 14 3

Basically, a bunch of one shots about 1D, 5SOS, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, Twenty One Pilots, MCR... More

Valentine's Day - Ziall
Malum - Dinner
Kellic- Journey
No Homo - Miall
Smooth - Larry
Tall - Lashton
Drunk - Niam
⚠Not Adults - Taime (Jaime/Tony)⚠
⚠Phan: No, They're Not⚠
Georry: Full Homo
⚠️Phan: Hush Hush (SMUT)⚠️
Dream.. Girl? H20Vanoss
⚠️Perspectives Pt. 2: Home⚠️
Contract Killer - BBS
Cuts and Drawings - Terrornuckel
Halloween - Terrormoo
Early Mornings - Terrornuckel
Oh Mr. Vanoss
I Do Need You - Terrornuckel
⚠️ Control - Krii7y ⚠️
⚠️Touches - Krii7y⚠️
Missed Plans - Krii7y
Foiled -Daithi & Brock friendship
You Came Back? -Terrornuckel
A Shot In the Dark -McDooo
Uncertain - Buddie

Colors - Terrormoo

1 0 0
By bandhoez9194

Soulmate AU: your skin has a dark mark from where your Soulmate will touch you for the first time. You hide your face often because your mark is covering your eye and everyone knows you'll be punched to meet your soulmate

Brian sighed, tucking his hat down a little over his eye. Everyone had a soulmate mark, a large black stain on their skin that would shimmer into multiple shades of their soulmate's eye color when they touched for the first time.

Brian's best friends Evan and Jon had theirs colored in on their arms, having literally run into each other at work Jon's first day there. Tyler's mark on his fingertips was still black, which didn't bother him too much.

Brian's now, was directly over his left eye. And most people knew if they had a mark on their face like that they were more than likely going to be punched or hit the first time they meet their soulmate, which embarrassed Brian to no extent.

"Hey Brian!" Jon called from behind him and he turned, raising an eyebrow at his best friend. They worked together at the local bar, Jon as a waiter and Brian as a bartender. It was their night off and they along with Evan and Tyler had plans to go hang out and drink.

"Yes?" He asked and Jon skidded to a stop beside him, cheeks flushed with the exertion of catching up. "What time are we meeting up? And where? Evan wants to know," he gasped out, having trouble breathing.

"First off, how long did you run? And second, we're meeting at Tyler's place at 8," Brian said exasperated, grabbing Jon's jacket and pulling his inhaler out.

Jon grinned sheepishly and took two quick puffs before slipping it back into his pocket. "I've been following you for three blocks, you move fast for someone who doesn't get out much," he said cheerfully, sounding much better.

"Please don't tell me you ran for the whole three blocks," Brian sighed, turned and continuing to the café he'd been going to for brunch.

"Of course not! Only two," Jon said and Brian rolled his eyes, opening the door to the cafe and walking in. Jon skipped in after him, too cheerful for Brian's mood.

"Evan at work?" Brian asked as they waited in line. "Yep! How'd you know?" Jon asked curiously and Brian smirked. "Well you wouldn't be here bothering me otherwise," he teased and Jon stuck his tongue out.

"A caramel coffee and two sausage egg and cheese biscuits please. Jon, what do you want," Brian asked before quickly adding, "No coffee."

Jon pouted before ordering a hot chocolate and a couple breakfast burritos. Brian told the waitress his name, ignoring her look of shocked pity, and they stood off to the side waiting.

"So, any plans on picking someone up tonight? It's been too long since you got any," Jon asked cheerfully and Brian rolled his eyes. "Do you really think anyone wants to sleep with someone who has a black soulmate mark over their eye?" He asked sarcastically and Jon shrugged.

"Someone has to be desperate enough to sleep with you regardless," he said cheerfully and Brian rolled his eyes, making a face at him. "Cheers, Jon," he said dryly and Jon just shrugged. "Stating facts! Anyway, Evan and I will be your truly amazing wingmen and we'll get you laid tonight. You need it, you're way too grumpy these days," he said, bouncing in place as he eyed the waitress making his hot chocolate.

Brian rolled his eyes again, tugging his hat down again as he caught the glances of a couple with shimmering marks on their forearms. Their names were called and once they had their food and drinks, left.

"So what bar has Evan discovered that he wants to take us?" Brian asked, taking tentative sips of his coffee. "There's a new sports bar that opened up like a month ago, said he went there with work friends two weeks ago and it's not too bad. Decent prices, food was cooked properly and the music wasn't shit," he said, drinking happily from his cup with the foam coating his lip.

Brian shrugged. "Sounds good to me. Work has been a bitch," he said and Jon nodded, making a face. "Right well, I'll see you later, Evan should be off in about an hour and I promised I'd have the kitchen clean before he got home. Just got dishes left to do, and wiping the counters," he said, tossing his now empty cup in the trash.

"If you're supposed to be cleaning, why did you chase me?" Brian asked exasperated. Jon's ADHD was way too much sometimes, but it definitely made for some entertaining times.

"Cos I knew you'd buy me food, best buddy old paaallll," he sang, wrapping an arm around Brian's shoulders. Brian rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Of course. Now go clean you weirdo, I'll see you at Tyler's," Brian said amused and Jon winked at him, sprinting off down the opposite way.

Brian shook his head, knowing Jon would need his inhaler again by time he got home, which was only 3 blocks away from Brian's apartment and 6 blocks away from the cafe Brian frequented at.

Brian headed home, wondering if he should try some women's foundation to try and hide his mark. He'd seen others wear it after their marks had gone sickly brown, which meant their soulmate had passed away. It'd worked for them, and maybe Brian would be able to have a good night without all the looks.


Brian triple checked the mirror, frowning in concentration. He'd found, with the help of his friend Scotty's wife Chrissy, a foundation that would match his skin and cover the worst of the mark. Now it wasn't so visible, though the darkness of the skin still miscolored his face by a few shades.

Brian sighed, slipping his jacket on and heading out the door. Tyler only lived a mile down the road, but it was Friday night and it was very busy outside. Even on bike Brian would have to take a few extra detours to make it on time.

He made it to Tyler's townhouse just a few minutes before 8 and parked his bike in the yard, double locking it with two different types of locks. He'd had three bikes stolen before and didn't want to risk it again, being a bartender he made decent money but most of it went to rent and other bills, let alone feeding himself.

He saw Evan's and Scotty's cars parked next to Tyler's along the curb and sighed, preparing for the jokes about him being last again. Never failed, even if he tried to be early, he was always the last one and Evan never failed to point it out.

Sure enough, as soon as he walked in the door, "Look who's last again!" Evan crowed, grinning from where he was lounging on the couch with his feet in Jon's lap. Brian stuck his tongue out at him and flopped down into a recliner, stretching his arms up and tucked them behind his head.

"Fucking finally, we're ready to head out!" Tyler said, flipping the chair and knocking Brian to the floor. "Fucks sake Tyler, was that necessary?" Brian groaned, his knees aching from where they hit the floor.

"Yep, you know this is my chair. Anyway, we're all loading into Scotty's car, Chrissy isn't drinking tonight to keep all of us in line," he said and Brian got off the floor, dusting his jeans and jacket off.

"Right, out the door losers!" Jon yelled, shoving Evans legs off him and sprinting out the door. He promptly tripped on the doormat and tumbled down the two steps and rolled in the dirt, cursing the whole way.

Evan sighed exasperatedly, going to make sure Jon didn't hurt himself and helping him up. Brian and Scotty snickered behind them, loading up into the vehicle.

"Where we headed Evan?" Chrissy asked, GPS pulled up in her maps. Evan gave her the address and everyone was relieved it was only 15 minutes down the road and Chrissy pulled out of the driveway.

The trip was quick, everyone talking over everyone as the music made it nearly impossible to make a discernable sound. Chrissy pulled into a parking spot across the road from the bar, which was already pretty busy for it only being 8:30.

Brian checked the mirror on his way out, making sure the mark was still covered up. Nothing was ruining this night, he'd needed this for weeks now.

"C'mon pretty boy! Let's get in before all the good seats are taken. Hey, where'd your mark go?" Jon asked, frowning at Brian. "Uh, Chrissy helped me, what did she call it? Tone match? Color match? I don't fucking know, whatever, foundation to cover it. You can still see it but it's less noticeable I hope," Brian muttered and Jon "huh-ed" before grabbing his hand and dragging him inside after the others.

The next couple hours were a blur, Brian shying away from everyone until he knew for sure that no one could see his mark. After that, he let himself laugh and dance and play with his friends, Evan and Jon pulling him into a spontaneous conga line with him and his other friends. He laughed hard, his sides aching as Tyler stumbled off the dance floor and grabbed a stranger, both falling to the floor.

A woman reached down to help him as Tyler tried to reach up, his dark fingertips brushing the woman's arm. A sudden burst of light came and his fingers were now a shimmering brownish green and her arm shades of blue. Brian gasped as the two locked eyes in shock.

Brian backed away as Tyler stood up, the woman flushing as he tilted his head. "Um, hi," he said over the music and she grinned, saying, "Hi."

"I'm Tyler," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I'm Kelly," she said and Tyler smiled. Brian had never seen him look so soft before and mentally cheered on his friend.

"Wanna dance?" Tyler asked and she perked up, nodding. He took her hand and led her onto the dance floor, vanishing into the sea of bodies. Brian grinned and took a seat at the bar, ordering another beer.

"Hey where's Tyler?" Evan asked from behind him, Jon giggling in his arm. "He found his fucking soulmate! They're on the dance floor," Brian said excitedly and Evan gasped, looking around quickly to try and catch a glimpse.

"You saw it?!" Evan hissed and Brian nodded quickly. "Her name is Kelly, she's quite the beauty," he said and Evan smirked, shaking his head.

"Well good for him," Evan said, guiding Jon to a stool. A group of people approached them, 5 guys and two girls. "Excuse me? We're missing our friend, she's a blonde and about this tall?" The first guy said, holding his hand to about his shoulder.

"Is her name Kelly?" Brian asked and the group nodded. "She and our friend Tyler just met, their soulmate marks lit up," he said and they all gasped. "No fockin' way," one guy said, a noticeable Irish accent in his tone.

"You're from Ireland?" Brian asked shocked and the guy grinned, nodding. "Cool. I'm Brian, this is Evan and Jon, our other friends Scotty and Chrissy are somewhere around here and Tyler is with your Kelly," Brian said and the first guy nodded at Evan and Jon behind him.

"I'm Brock, this is Daithi, Marcel, John, Jaren, Kris and Aliyah. Kris and Marcel are together, Daithi and Aliyah are also together, and John and Jaren. Kelly and I were loners until I guess she found Tyler," he said amused and Brian laughed.

"Tyler and I were the loners since Evan and Jon are together and Scotty and Chrissy are also. But Tyler I guess has ditched me, so I'm a loner alone. Want to join me?" Brian asked and Brock grinned, nodding. Everyone else scattered, Evan dragging Jon back to the dance floor where Brian assumed they'd be spying on Tyler and Kelly. Brock's friends scattered also, vanishing into the crowd.

Brock joined him at the bar, taking the stool on Brian's left. "Do you drink?" Brian asked, gesturing with his beer. "Not usually. But Kelly said she wouldn't drink today because she's got an interview tomorrow and doesn't want to have a hangover, so I've been having a few," he said and Brian nodded.

"Order whatever, it's on me," Brian said and Brock smiled. "I won't turn down free drinks," he said laughing and Brian grinned. The buzz in his head had him feeling floaty, but hearing Brock's laugh was something that sent a shot of warmth in his chest.

They sat talking for a while, discussing their jobs and friends. Brock slowly grew more and more tipsy, Brian close to getting properly drunk and he continued to buy himself and Brock drinks.

Brock was in the middle of telling a story about a game he and Daithi played, using his hands to talk. Brian was listening, grinning amused at the other. Suddenly Brock's arms flew out as he mimed an explosion, his forearm smacking Brian right across the face.

If the sudden impact didn't shock him off his stool, the sudden burst of light that appeared in his eyes did. Brock gasped, eyes wide as his arm suddenly shimmered blue.

Brian and Brock just stared at each other, Brian still sitting on the floor. "Oh shoot, I am so sorry for knocking you over," Brock whispered, reaching out with a shaky hand. Brian looked at it and took it slowly, warmth and tingles shooting up his hand as Brock helped him stand.

"I- I didn't know your mark was on your eye," Brock whispered and Brian went to touch his cheek, his fingers coming away clean. The touch must have burned away the makeup and he knew his mark was on full view.

"I- I usually get comments or insults because of where its at, people assumed I must be an asshole if I'd get hit the first time I met my soulmate," Brian whispered, the hum of the bar muted under the beat of his heart in his ears.

"I really didn't meant to hit you though. I'm so sorry about that," Brock said softly and Brian grinned wryly. "To be honest, I thought the hit I'd eventually get would be way worse, your excitement from a story is much better. I'm not hurt, the alcohol covers anything I might feel, but I'm more interested in maybe a dance?" Brian asked and Brock smiled shyly.

"A dance would be nice," he said softly and Brian tugged the hand that was still in his to the dance floor, slipping between bodies till they found an open area just big enough for the two. Brian noticed a look in Brock's eye as the older pulled him against his chest, his hands around Brian's waist.

"Brian!?" He heard behind him and he turned, grinning widely at Jon and Evan who just gaped at him. "You- he- your mark!" Jon gasped, eyes flicking between him and Brock.

"I didn't really get hit?" Brian said and Brock laughed, tugging Brian against him again. Jon shook his head, also laughing hard. "Jesus Christ, of course. Fuck, you have fun, we're talking about this later!" Jon said before grabbing Evan and pushing through the crowd to the bar.

Brian turned back to Brock, grinning. "That'll be a fun story to tell," Brian said lightly and Brock laughed again, hands on Brian's hips as they started to dance to the beat of the music.

An hour later they were stumbling off the dance floor, hands still intertwined. They met with both groups of their friends, Tyler and Kelly holding hands as they all talked.

"Brian!?" Scotty gasped and Brian grinned, noticing as Daithi and Marcel gaped at Brock. "Holy fuck, you two are soulmates?" Jaren demanded and Brock grinned, nodding.

"Wait, his mark is on his face, did you hit him? Was he an ass?" Daithi demanded and Brock flushed, shaking his head. "No, I got too enthusiastic with my story telling and accidentally smacked him with my arm, knocked him off his chair," Brock said sheepishly and all his friends started laughing, shaking their heads.

Jon and Evan were also laughing, Scotty and Chrissy shaking their heads in amusement. "We've told you before your excited story telling ways would land you in trouble," John said amused to Brock who just shrugged and wrapped his arm around Brian's waist.

Brian couldn't get enough of the warmth and shock Brock's touch gave him, especially since outside his small friend group he'd rarely ever gotten affection from anyone once his mark developed at 8 years old.

"We were thinking of heading out, it's nearly 2am," Scotty said and Brian and Brock exchanged looks, a little unwilling to separate now that they'd found each other.

"How about a large group date to Dennys?" Jon suggested, recognizing the look in the twos eyes. He and Evan had been the same when they first found each other, it had only taken less than a month before they'd moved in with each other.

The other couples exchanged looks, also recognizing it. Tyler and Kelly had it in their own eyes, their hands tightening in between them.

At Jon's suggestion, the two new couples relaxed and nodded, making the others smile. They all knew the first 6 months of a fated pair meeting were always the most intense, their bodies syncing with each other as their souls entwined.

Jon and Evan looked at each other, having a mental conversation. Evan raised an eyebrow and Jon leaned forward, whispering, "I give it two weeks before they're trying to move in with each other."

Evan shook his head and whispered back, "I give it three, and I think Brian will move in with Brock." Jon shook his head and Evan grinned.

"What are you two whispering over there?" Brian asked suspiciously and the two gave him innocent looks, making Brian roll his eyes. He'd been friends with Jon since they were young teens and Evan since they were 18. He knew when they were betting on something, and he felt as if it was about him and Brock.

But as they paid their tabs and went to leave, Brian found that he didn't care as Brock's hand refused to let him go. "Kelly is driving us home, shall we all meet at the Dennys by the library?" Daithi asked and Brian and his friends nodded.

Evan, Jon, Scotty and Chrissy headed to the truck, Tyler tugging Kelly to the side as Brian and Brock looked at each other. "I don't want to let you go, but I don't think Tyler's truck can fit anyone else," Brian whispered and Brock tugged him close and pressed a kiss against his cheek.

"Dennys is two miles up the road, we won't be separated but 10 minutes. I'll see you there, okay?" He said softly and Brian melted, his cheek tingling from Brock's kiss. "Okay," he breathed and Brock chuckled, kissing his cheek again before letting the younger go, both feeling the loss of contact in their chests.

They separated to their rides, Tyler sliding in beside Brian. His eyes were locked on the hazel brown shimmer of his fingertips, eyes wide with wonder. Brian touched his cheek and looked up at Chrissy, who had turned around and was holding out a compact mirror.

Brian took it with a silent nod of thanks, opening it and gazing at his mark. It was shimmering brown with hints of gold, bronze and tan, the presence not sending feelings of shame through him anymore. Instead, he felt wonder and happiness, a first as he took in the mark.

He sat back as the truck pulled out of the parking lot, smiling faintly. Tyler also had the same look of shocked bliss, giving Brian a crooked grin.

This wasn't what Brian had in mind when they'd come out earlier, but the elation in his chest was hard to ignore. He'd found his soulmate, his mark was no longer the symbol of shame, and fate had given him the most adorable man as his partner. He couldn't be happier.

A/N: lmao I've been working on this story for no lie, almost 2 years. I'd found the prompt on pinterest ages ago and started writing, lost motivation, wrote three other full bbs stories, and finally came back to it. I hope yall enjoyed! Kisses!


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