The Artificer in the Party (G...

By Littletrouble2k

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On the way back home after fulfilling a contract with another party The Artificer is ambushed by a group of G... More

The Artificer Bio
Goblin Slayer
The Sky City Pt 1
Sky City Pt 2
Side Story (Sky City)
The Tinkerer
Autumn Festival Pt 1
Side Story: White Spire
Goblin Crown
Side Story: Silvers
Side Story: Artisan's first invention
The Boys
Wedding Guest PT.1
Wedding Guest PT.2
Artificer's Skill update & Gear
Wedding Guest PT 3
Side Story: Shop
Wedding Guest Finale
Side Story: After the Wedding
Side Story: The next Phase
The life changing mission

Autumn Festival Pt.2

356 4 6
By Littletrouble2k

"Does it really detect poisons?" The Elf asked looking at a necklace the Artificer had on.

"Yea I'm surprised you guys haven't really noticed it before I always have it on."

"Well you do wear it inside the collar."

"That's true hey look here it is."

"So this is where your stand will be?" The Elf asked as the two stood in the town square looking at different stands that has already been set up some with food in them as the Artificer saw his personal stand.

"Yep I wanted to use My talents to make special toys for the children coming from different villages and the ones here." The Artificer said holding the Elf's hand as they continued to walk around the area.

"Are they the ones you gave me and the team?"

"More or less each one has different functions as several has a wind-up springs, a button that'll make them break but come back together, and a tether causing the main contraption to fly with a spring attached." The Artificer said handing the Elf a small notebook that had plans and drawings of each toy he's present starting tomorrow the official day of the festival.

"These look fun... I wonder what the kids back home would say if they had toys like these to play with."

"Well why don't you tell me? I catch you playing with yours having a time of your life."

"Ah. Well that's because its fun! Having the Dragonfly chase me to see who's going to be faster! Obviously I won."

"Of course you did."

"Hehe... But honestly I'm pretty sure the others would love them back home... Actually now that I think about it..."

"About what?"

"Um... Since We're a couple now... How should we tell... The others?" She asked with a pink hue strapped across her face.

"Oh... I... I don't know... Should we... Keep it on the down low?" The Artificer asked blushing slightly.

"Y-yea... That'll be best...I'm not quite ready or sure because it is new and all..." The Elf said twirling her hair in a shy manner.

"Whatever you want really its... My first relationship..." The Artificer said blushing scratching the back of his head.

"Would it surprise you if I said your my first as well?"

"Honestly yes it would! You being two thousand years old and all."

"Yea well like I said before it might have been a few years but to my kin it was just yesterday that I left. Besides growing up everyone usually found my sister more appealing than me due to her being more ladylike." The Elf said shrugging a bit.

"You have a sister?"

"I do she's older by... Six thousand years..."

"That makes her Eight thousand years old... That's a huge difference!"

"Hehe and by the way I'm considered young for my age. Matter of fact If I was human I would be just as old or a little older than Priestess." The Elf said in a teasing manner.

"Please don't joke around like that... I don't want to imagine myself as a Lolicon."

"Hehe I won't but hey priestess is a beautiful young woman."

"I guess but I view her as a little sister so. Besides isn't she like sixteen or younger?"

"Yea I believe so... Maybe... Your asking the wrong elf."

"Fair enough... Where to next?" The Artificer asked giving her his arm to take as the Elf touch her chin with a finger thinking to herself.

"Well we've played most of the games there is... Especially that stupid ball game I failed at... How about we go eat?" The Elf ask looking up at the Artificer.

"Certainly I'll admit I haven't had any breakfast today... Hehe Ow..." The Artificer held his head as the Elf bonked it.

"That's for not eating breakfast... Now c'mon let's go eat!"

"You used the poisons I gave you correct?"

"Yea most of the Adventurers will settle down to have a drink and eat course by then the poison would've already contaminated the drinks and food... As long as your spell works no one will notice."

"As long no one has a magic item that detects poison it'll be fine. Someone's coming..."

"I hear them... I'll see you tonight."

"Likewise I'll have your share ready when we invade."


"Hea what's wrong?" The Artificer asked as the Elf dragged him to an empty Ally.

"I don't know I hear a conversation that have me the chills I couldn't hear much because of the town but..."

"Do you know what they sound like?"

"Yes I do. I also heard them last night and I was suspicious of these cloaked figures before... I just thought they were scruffy Adventurers but now I'm realizing I should've trusted my instincts more..." The Elf said clenching her fist til the Artificer took one of her hands.

"We'll find and stop them ok? Let's head into the guild hall and recount what you heard ok?"

"Sure thing... I'm sorry if this ru-"

"It didn't ruin anything I trust your Perceptive skill my lady."

"T-thank you... Oh there is one thing... It sounded like that Rhea Scout I encountered at your Shop."

"Can you track one of them?"

"Let me see..." The Elf said going to the ground looking around only for her to hit the ground.

"No I can't... It looks like they used a spell to move from here."

"Let me see... Detect Magic..." The Artificer said as his eyes glowed to show disappointment as magic did flow on the spot the Elf they were in however the waves only showed it there and no trail was made even in magic.

"They used a teleportation spell... Any other spell I could've been able to track like misty step or haste... However Dimension door and Teleport I can't track." The Artificer said concerned.

"They're a step ahead of us and how did they know we were coming?!" The Elf asked out loud taking note that despite her dragging the Artificer there they're footsteps were muffled by the town's ongoing activities that created a buzz around them.

"One's a Rhea... That's for sure like you I know some Rhea's have heighten hearing especially if they're a scout... Though I doubt he would be able to hear you as you did tell me you caught him off guard at my shop... Some its a long shot but what if... The second culprit is an Elf?"

"Why an Elf?"

"Well you Elves are generally more perceptive than any race and any person I've meet. Like for example your cute ears would hear things even I couldn't hear easily like the conversation for example... What other intellectigent race could hear your footsteps?"

"I see your point... Still to think someone from... No I shouldn't be that naive... It could happen in any race..." The Elf said crossing her arms looking down.

"I hate to say it but..."

"Looks like we'll have to cut our date short... Pity but we have a job to do right?" The Elf said with a small smile disappointed about the circumstances but still happy she got to spend some personal time with the Artificer grateful for his time.

"C'mon we should start at the guild hall get something to eat to freshen our mind."

"Agreed besides we could find the others there for their help. Arty I have a request..." The Elf said looking at him before he started to leave.

"Yes my lady?"

"Allow me... To hold your hand... For a bit..."

"Heh... Clingy aren't we?"

"Mmrrhhh FINE! Don't hold my-"

"Never said no." The Artificer said grabbing her hand making her blush as he had a small pink hue on his cheek.

"Ah! The Artificer! Wait here while!"

"Noooppee! Look you know the Sword Maiden is wanting our help for good reason. When we finish here THEN you ask that Shop owner to try and upgrade your already busted weapon."

"It's not broken its-"

"Let's just go the sooner we finish the sooner we can enjoy the festival! Wouldn't you enjoy that?"

"You had me at Festival!"

"Hang on wait here there's someone over there... And with that armor it must be trouble..."


"Three places... And the tavern they were scheming as well." The Elf thought out loud as she waited for the Artificer at their table.

"I double checked the food and drinks some were poisoned but I took them out... And luckily we get to eat for free because of it!" The Artificer said holding the Elf's hand as he sat in front of her.

"Awesome! So we were right about the poison huh?"

"Yep. They're sending guards and several Adventurers to warn the others. Its safe to say this Festival won't be interrupted... And I'm sure we can go back to our... Uh oh Dwarf and Lizard six o clock!"

"Hah! Play it cool!" The Elf took her cup swirling it around to act normal as the Artificer greeted the Dwarf and Lizardman.

"Lady Ranger you look as if you were on a date or was it for another special occasion?" The Lizardman asked taking a seat in front of her as the dwarf sat next to him when the Artificer offered his seat.

"O-oh it was for... A special occasion." The Elf blushed slightly looking at her cup as the Artificer hid his blush with the menu.

"Of course that special occasion was pointy ears enjoying the festival there's no way anyone would date an annoying flatty like her!" The Dwarf said laughing a bit.

"Ah- About that... Sir Dwarf..."

"H-Hey! Anyone would be happy to date me! And just because Dwarven women are fat doesn't give you the right to judge me based on size!"

"I mean size doesn't matter Hea so I th-"

"They're not Fat they're Voluptuous!"

"Oh boy... I should probably order for her... The fruit Salad I know she likes would be a good choice... I should probably choose something light since I didn't really eat this morning... Perhaps I should do a salad as well..." The Artificer sat in Silence as the Dwarf and Elf continued to snapback at each other.

"Hah... Sir Artificer I noticed your stand wasn't opened today will it be ready to go tomorrow?" The Lizardman asked as the Artificer looked up from the menu.

"Tomorrow I have to stay up tonight to complete the rest, its about two hundred more I need to finish."

"I see will you do that during the Lantern release?"

"Wait that's tonight?! I completely forgot!"

"Wait... You didn't make a Lantern yet?" The Elf asked looking at her Artificer straying away from her petty argument with the dwarf.

"I-I did not... I was focused on the festival I forgotten all about it."

"That's settles that! I know what we'll be doing later." The Elf said giving the Artificer a cute smile making him blush.

"R-right... So Sir Lizard and Dwarf how did it go with your Kin?" The Artificer asked holding the Elf's hand under the table discreetly casting telepathic bond.

"Did you already make one?"

"I have a few but that was to help make them... I'll be happy to make one with you especially! I still want to spend time with you alone..."

"We are still on a date after all. And there are plenty of things to do around town as well. I want to make a Lantern for Lady Tinkerer... Should we after we finish eating here?"

"Definitely. Oh hey guys look it's Goblin Slayer." The Elf said looking down the window as the party saw him with Cow girl as they played a game that involved a ball and a frog statue.

"They look like they're having fun today."

"Isn't Guildgirl going with bread cutter this afternoon as well?"

"Yea he is. I wonder if he's actually going to take interest in one of them besides goblins after this." The Artificer said looking out the window then noticing the Elf tightly hold her cup.

"Its not fair..."



"This girl..."
"This girl..."
"Yep that's Hea for ya..."

"There we go..." The Artificer sadly said looking at the lanterns he and his Elf had just made.

"There we go... And that symbol is Lady Tinkerer's right?" The Elf said placing her head on his shoulder as night had started to look over them.

"Yea... These Lanterns are used to guide those we hold close to the afterlife, I'm sure she already crossed but if she hasn't... Then I'll help her." The Artificer said taking his goggles off looking at the Lantern.

"I'm sure she'll happily follow... You know... It'll be my first time seeing these... I do have to admit human culture is beautiful in the way they honor they're lost ones. I can't wait to see how it looks at night."

"Hm... Here let's head up there." The Artificer said looking at the nearest tallest building he know they could easily climb.

"Ok... What did you have in mind?"

"Just follow me." The Artificer said holding his lantern as the two climbed the boxes that went half way to up the building which they had to parlour the rest of the way up... For the Ranger it was easy... The Artificer needed a little more effort in his steps when it came to parkouring up the building.

"I should've... Casted... Misty... Step... Phoow!"

"Hehehe I win Arty! So why did you have us come up here for?" The Elf asked as the Artificer took a deep breath.

"Here sit with me and watch."

"Ok... I wonder what he has in store..."

"Should be happening any minute." The Artificer said looking at his watch.

"What should be... Oh wow!" The Elf paused in awe as her eyes reflected orange stars shining as the lanterns had started to be released in to the night's sky from the ground of the towns people. The colors of each lantern from of red, yellow, and orange shined brightly.

"It's beautiful..."

"Yea... It is... You ready?" The Artificer asked lighting their lanterns with the Elf's excited giggle saying she's ready as they lifted their lanterns for them to start floating.

"Live a long good life." A voice said as the Artificer looked back as he felt something like someone hugging him from behind.

"Huh?... Who was..."

"Are you ok?" The Elf asked as she wiped a tear off the Artificer's cheek.

"Yea... I'm... Fine."

"Hm. I know..."

"Hea what're doing?" The Artificer asked as the Elf brought his head to her lap as she took a deep breath closing her eyes as she started to sing a song her people called the forest's love.

Being caught off guard the Artificer simply stayed in his position as he listen very thoroughly to the Elf singing the lovely melody. Her voice was in fact beautiful and he was happy to hear it first hand before anyone else had. He could hear the memories and the love behind her voice as the lanterns lit the skies behind her, with the wind waving her hair slightly, all the while she laid her hand on her chest continuing the song she sang for the Artificer. Ignoring the fact he couldn't understand what the lyrics to the song were which for the record he could if he casted comprehend languages but the atmosphere had said it all for him. Her song did come to a close when the last of the lanterns passed by them as the Elf looked down with a blush on her face thankfully it being visible by the town's lighting.

"W-W-what did you think?" The Elf sheepishly asked as the Artificer sat up facing her direction.

"I-I think... You should sing... More... Sometime... Down the road..."

"For you... Sure... Witch was right!" The Elf said kissing his cheek making the Artificer blush even more.

"You know... You look cute when you embarrassed." The Elf teased circling a finger on the Artificer's chest.

"Oh... Your teasing me now?! That's rich... Chomp!" The Artificer said taking a small nip at the Elf's ear shocking her for the sudden action he did.

"Wh-wh-wh-wh-why did y-y-you do that for?!" The Elf asked blushing a deep red holding the tip of her ear.

"Because you look cute embarrassed."

"Hehe." The Elf pouted as the Artificer smiled at her wrapping an arm around her.

"Hey Hea I think its time I said I-"

"Wait look... Its Orcbolg." The Elf said pointing afar as the Artificer looked at the same direction.

"If he's in a hurry to get somewhere then..."


"Your shop is closer to here right?"

"Yes did you have some of your equipment there?"

"Yea I also brought my regular attire I left in the guest room in case of anything."

"Let's go get suited up then."
"Right!" The two Adventurers said making haste as they knew their duty to protect was coming around the corner.

"There's a storm approaching..." The Artificer said looking up at the sky as he and several of his party members were at the town's gate.

"Will there be a problem Sir Artificer?" The Lizardman asked as the Dwarf and Elf looked at him.

"A few... My fire related spells and runes will be weakened. However... My Lightning and Water related runes and spells would be powered up." The Artificer said as his gloves and generator sparked with electricity showing his excitement.

"You looked cool doing that!" The Elf said with Sparkles in her eyes.

"Will rain really empower you that much?" Lizardman asked looking at the Artificer.

"It does but it also comes with a draw back... If there is lightning the coil rods will attract it and I could get harmed in the process, not only that since I know it'll be raining I need to cover my skin more because if I'm to use my equipment in the rain I should make sure my skin is not too wet... Luckily my outfit is made up entirely of Leather." The Artificer said tightening and covering his skin with the stowed parts of his leather sleeves of his outfit out even bringing a hood and mask that was stowed in his collar leaving the only part of his skin exposed was the eyes and even they were covered by his goggles.

"As long as your covering for your weakness that's good." Goblin Slayer said looking down the road.

"Hey everyone!" The priestess yelled out as she ran over to them at the gate with her ceremonial outfit on.

"Hey we weren't expecting you here how did you know to come?" The Elf asked looking at priestess grabbing her hands.

"I received a handout to come here... Did you guys also received it?"

"Sadly we weren't that lucky me and H- Lady Ranger saw Goblin Slayer start running in a hurry to get these two and we got ready to help. So now the question is... What do you want us to do Goblin Slayer?" The Artificer asked looking at their team leader.

"Slay some goblins."

Towards the forest in the east of the town goblin foot soldiers were making their way to the less guarded section of the village. The company leader no less than a regular Goblin but older amongst his nest brethren did his best to keep the young ones in line as they snuck up on the town that would be easy for picking. They had already lost a few of their brethren thanks to hunting traps but for the most part they have been good and haven't run into any more so now they saw it as horrible dice rolls for their lost comrades. The stars in the night had started to slowly disappear as dark grey and black clouds started to look over the trees bringing the scent of rain with it. This was a twisted good sign for the Goblin troops, as many of them knew for a night like this even a well guarded fortress could crumble as many would never attack in a storm... Unless of course you were mad... Or in this case a Goblin set on pillaging and raping the beautiful women they have been spying on for days as the last party of women adventurers had their use and now their equipment served the Goblins. Of course they had to steady themselves thanks to master's orders but master knew how to manage them, he know how to make them grow, he taught them how to fight for they are still a very young nest by goblin standards as not even a Shaman or a Champion had appeared yet amongst them. Finally after a little while they reached the main road they were avoiding at first, their time to strike has come... And wouldn't you know it with the sound of a bell like chime a beautiful young women with blonde hair and blue eyes stood further down the road looking at them, and with the revealing white sacred robes she wore the Oldest simply couldn't wait as his younger brethren felt the same ire. They charged her with the full intention to have their way with her, torturing a young pretty face will be good for moral truly the god of chaos has indeed blessed them. That was until the Arrows had started flying through the air killing the goblin troops advance and even more of the had fell into traps breaking their legs or dying in the very process even those who came near the girl were sliced by a mysterious force in the air easily severing or bisecting them. One of the very lucky few to survive though with his leg cut off in two saw too late the area was armed with Silk like steel threads and he wanted to yell out to warn his nest though looking up he saw the same girl they charged after look down on him with her arms held high as she crushed his skull with her staff in one single blow.

"Is that the last of them?" Priestess asked as the Elf walked behind her closing her eyes to give the forest and area her full attention listening in as her Artificer had decided to scan and prevent any goblins from escaping their area.

"Ok I hear Sir Artificer..."

"Hea if you can hear me I'm making my way back! Were clear here!" The Artificer shouted as loud as he could which the Elf picked up as she smiled with delight.

"AH! We did it!" The Elf said hugging the Priestess who was slightly embarrassed but accepted the embrace.

"Yea it was thanks to his plan."

"Yea... But didn't like how he'll use you as bait." The Elf said gathering her arrows and disarming and collecting the wires the Artificer set up.

"Well I did have you and Sir Artificer. You two make a great pair!" The human girl said smiling at the Elf not seeing her accidentally snap an arrow in two in embarrassament.

"N-N-no your joking right?!"

"No! You two work so well together! Even fighting side by side when he would boost your arrows to do more damage, make you faster, and take hits for you!"

"Yea but he does that with everyone of us..."

"He does but you guys have an actual combinations going on like Sir Priest and Goblin slayer when they fight side side side! You two are awesome like them!" The Priestess said as if she was fangirling over the Elf's and Artificer's combat prowess.

"Y-you T-think... I guess we do... Work well to-together." The Elf sheepishly said twirling her bang around confusing the priestess.

"Hey guys. Were all done over here we should go meet up with the others." The Artificer said walking to him tightening his armband.

"Hm... I guess Orcbolg was right now that I think about it..." The Elf said looking at the bodies.

"No shamans... Or any kind of leader type goblin leading this company... Which means..."

"Someone has been leading them from behind... Someone who taught these goblins how to use these equipment... Why does it remind me of Watertown?" The Priestess asked herself as the Artificer recalled the story the two told him.

"Hm... I wonder if I use should this today..." The Artificer said bringing out a card with a Contruct Symbol on it.

"What's that?" The Elf asked as the Priestess shared in her curiosity.

"I'm not able to make Warforges yet... And I'm too weak to summon Retrievy... But I can still summon my steel defender and for a night like this... I feel something is bound to happen..." The Artificer said taking his goggles off as he watched the Lightning in the horizon strike, the image mirroring in his purple eyes as the Elf and Priestess nodded making their way to the west side where Goblin Slayer and the others were just about finished dealing the goblins there.

"Your side went well?" Goblin Slayer asked the Artificer as the others took a moment to rest up.

"Thanks to your plan... Though this night is an omen of something bad to come... I feel like whoever their leader is... Will be a dangerous foe." The Artificer said as his worries reflected off the light in strikes that was heard in the distance.

"Agreed... You all know where my shed is correct?"

"Hai." The group said looking at their leader.

"Here's the plan."


"Come to me... My steel defender bonded by the soul." The Artificer said placing his card of the ground as a puff of white smoke appeared settling down slowly as a construct appeared before the Artificer and his team.

"Ah... Just as I remembered you... You look... Stronger actually." The Artificer said rubbing his chin as the construct looked at him and much like the Retriever he knew this construct also communicated through a ringing hum.

"Oh right... Ahem... Everyone I'd like you to meet my Steel Defender." The Artificer said looking up at his construct as it was about or a little taller than Lizard Priest.

"Woah! That looks cool Arty!"

"Yea... Hey I'm sorry I haven't summoned you in a year! No don't look at me like that." The Artificer said look at his construct as it beeped several times conversating with its master.

"You know saying Steel Defender is a mouthful... Ah! How about defendi!?" Lady Ranger asked as the group looked at the two and the Steel Defender beeped happily.

"He likes it. Nice one!"

"Hehe was there any doubt?!"

"Quite a bit." The dwarf said much to the Elf's annoyance.

"Now then since preparations are complete... All we need now is... Oh there he is." The Artificer said as they saw Goblin Slayer with a barrel with they soon found out to be dead fish inside.

"I really hope this works... Me summoning Defendy puts myself at risk... I used up some spells thanks to those goblins I should have six left... Well two if I don't use more concentrating ones in my arsenal... And the instantaneous ones I need my stones for which I only have three left not to mention this weather makes it hard on me as I have to make sure to uss my equipment cautiously one wrong move and I'll accidentally electrocute everyone around me..."

"Artificer can you help Lizard get weapons from the shed."

"On it... Would you guys want me to enhance your weapons for this battle?"

"It'll help."

"Right I'll get to work."

As the Storm had reached over head of the nearest farmland and the town as the festival continued more goblins had appeared far north all wearing armor amd weapons they gotten from adventurers, and other victims. With them an apostle of chaos in a black cloak was with them leading the goblin company as they marched forward onto the lands with the full intent of killing every single adventurer in the town.

"We march forward push them back crush them under our doors." The figure said pulling his hood down revealing himself to be a Dark Elf. As they continued forward a Goblin scout he returned to inform the Dark Elf of the Adventurers ahead of them.

"You fool what're scared of were going to be raiding a town of ADVENTURERS! Which is why were attacking at the night of their festival. Now go forth for tonig- Hrk! What's this rancid stink?!," The Dark Elf said covering his mouth as he looking at his goblins seeing then choke on the smoke as well.

"P-Poison Gas?! Did those Adventurers do this?" The Dark Elf thought to himself as he witness three figures in the smoke two resembling lizard skeletons and one metallic figure with dual sword on each arm all of them killing goblins.

"Huh that worked better than expected." The Artificer said using his goggles to see the path of smoke they created to harm the goblin horde.

"That's scary though... The number of tricks up his sleeve... I guess that's why he's our leader." The Elf said standing next to the Artificer as the two prevented themself for reaching for each others hand.

"Yea that he is. Imagination is... A dangerous... Tool..." The Artificer said slowly as he felt something wrong not seeing the Priestess also noticing it as.

"Oh no!" The Artificer rushed forward in front of everyone as he felt malice energy from near the trees where their poison gas was blowing towards.

"Force Wall!, Quickened Spell! Stone Wall!" The Artificer yelled out creating two walls protecting his party from whatever was coming.

All they could see was a flash of green lit from the distance which then followed a large green and yellow beam big enough to destroy a few buildings in its wake as it destroyed Lizard Priest's two DragonTooth warrior, heavily damage Defendy, and made contact with Artificer's stone wall. However the beam destroyed it without effort going through and connecting to the force wall as it too evaporated into magic vapor allowing the beam to move towards the party... Or in this case the Artificer as he was directly in its path being the last obstacle to reach his party.

"ARTY!" Lady Ranger cried out in horror as she saw the Human she had recently grown to love about to meet his death.

"I need another- Argh!... I stacked my spells carelessly now in going to pay the price!"

"Protection!" Priestess yelled out standing next to the Artificer as she had reacted just in time to save his life protected them all from the green beam that almost broke through her own protection but sgopped as both spells had ended.

"Lady Priestess are you ok?!" The Artificer asked catching the girl as she almost fell forward.

"I'm fine... I'm glad your ok you were faster to react to the spell than I was..."

"Thank you I owe you my life..."

"Arty! Don't scare me like that!" The Elf said punching him over the punch.

"Ow! Ok dolely noted..." The Artificer held his head as the other came to them.

"So that's the leader." The dwarf said as he and the Elf glared at the Dark Elf.

"So he's leading the goblins... He's cleared the smoke with that spell... The farm is a mile behind us... We can't let them through." Goblin Slayer said drawing his sword as the others drew their weapons as a rune lit on them per the Artificer's activation keyword word as he had placed enhancements on them.

"Yea... So we all know what to do..." The Artificer said catching his breath as he got his Naginata out standing next to Goblin Slayer and Lizard Priest.

"So your the Adventurers who has foiling my plans. A human male I believe other would call Goblin Slayer, with a pathetic dwarf, a Lizard man, a human priestess... My natural enemy, And a High Elf... How rare for your kind to leave the forest, your quite beautiful as well, I bet your screams would sound ever delightful when spanked and abused."

"Mind your tongue Elf; I won't stand for blasphemous talk about my friends." The Artificer said pointing his blade to the Dark Elf as Lightning struck bright enough for the Elf to see the killing intent in his eyes despite the goggles covering them.

"Oh... Your something else aren't you Artificer... And with that emblem I figure I recognize you, a friend of mine had given me a toy in case you were here tonight."

"Is that so?"

"Yes indeed aft-"

"Artificer, Lizard I can handle him alone, I need you to to help focus on the goblins with the others." Goblin Slayer said as the Dark Elf continued his monologue.

"Right. If you need help let me know I'm not as fast as you but I can keep up." The Artificer said to him as his world grew silent with the only noise of rain heavily dropping and the thunder roaring across the skies as the sound of dice rolling was heard initiating the fight for the town's survival.

Elsewhere while the storm brewed a hooded figure kept doing research on the Order of Chaos and other known deities such as Tiamat and Bahamut who had peeked the figures
"The Orb of Tiamat... A long lost relic of one of the most powerful Chaos gods to have ever lived!... Its said to hold dominion over all dragonkin... Dragonborns, Half-Dragons, Lizardmen, Kobolds, Wyverns, Drakes, Dragon's young to the Elders, and Manaketes... Now that's interesting I've never heard of a Manakete before. Let's see is there information on them from any of my guide books?

Ah No information on them what so ever. I haven't casted this spell in a while so let's see here... Legend Lore... Manakete." In the dark room of a few lit candles showing what appeared to be study of some kind with books, papers, maps, and drawings scatter all over the floor and room as on the Study's main desk could you see space and time warping into a blue cosmic mist soon creating a blue image of a humanoid, male with no face as most of its body looked to be compromised of stars as it began to tell a story. A story of the world the first age, the Elder Days where Man, Elves and many other beings sprung into creation falling into the order and prayer creature category while others such as Goblins fell under the Chaos category. However in the middle was a race favored by the Dragon God's Bahamut the Good, and Tiamat the Evil, besides the Dragons who were the closest to them, there was a race of humanoids that appeared the same time as the oldest race the elves;  they were know as The Manaketes. They were Man gifted with The Dragon Deities blessings able to have the ability to turn themselves into dragons through the use of a special orb usually found during their birth or later in life. During the first age the Manaketes were also blessed with the gift of Immortality much like the Elves and Dragons, with this gift Manaketes were to be a peaceful race that preferred living near any body of water, or the height and solitude of the mountains where many of their wise came from, despite their heritage Manaketes were known for their hospitality and rarely saw few warriors amongst them, but even then there were bound to be fighters amongst them, Manakete warriors are proud, honourable, and dangerous. With their ability to transform into dragons many chose to not fight when they were present though oddly enough many Manaketes prefer to fight in their humanoid form than their Dragon form since they have access to more of their abilities than the dragon's limited abilities. Manaketes all had different types of dragon form ranging from Red, Gold, Blue, Bronze, White, Silver, Black, Copper, Green, and Brass. The forms were dependant on their Orbs as a Manaketes orb reflected on their nature whether they be good their Orbs would tale the color of Gold, Bronze, Silver, Copper, and Brass while the ones with Evil in their nature came in Red, Blue, White, Black, and Green. The forms they take depended on their Orbs which reflected their personality and Nature which normally was set on the good alignment.

However; when the war of the Gods erupted throughout the world many races were pulled into the frenzy of war including the Manaketes who were divided between Bahamut and Tiamat as they're battles raged fiercely along side their own counter parts the gods of Order and Chaos. During this time Manaketes were forces to be reckon with often using their gifted combat abilities in full use often as special foot soldiers, tanks, marksmen, even as commanders who took to the fields. However many of them died during this war and their numbers were stretch thin but at least they were successful by bringing Tiamat down to stop her corruption of Manaketes... Or so they thought. After the war when things appeared to have settled a problem had surface where the Great High Elves and Men had come to the agreement that if war were to ever break out again Manaketes would be a major problem... Little did they know was that they were being fooled by a Dark Apostle of Tiamat A Red Manakete Mage who use this chance and fear of the races to go and purge the rest of the Manaketes of Order as the Manaketes of Chaos had all been wiped out. And thus another war began with the order of the Forest King of the High Elfs ending the race known as Manaketes. However legend still has it that there could be a few surviving Manaketes left in the world despite them being entirely forgotten by men, and many of the Elves who knew of their existence had long but disappeared but they is still a handful aware that they did exist at one point. The Red Manakete Mage had did his job, and with it spark the coming of the second age... The rise of the demon lord.

The last known Manakete who had sparked this age soon met his fate when the Demon Lord fell the first time it was then when the remnants of Manaketes were wiped from the face of the Board. At least... At first glance.

"Very interesting... Is there a chance one still lives?"

"These Goblins are sure persistent." The Artificer said killing four Goblins in rapid succession with his Naginata as the Elf killed two about to flank him from behind.

"We can't let a single one through after all Sir Goblin Slayer's home is behind us..." The Lizardman said killing several goblins with the Artificers help as he helped parry a few hits from the goblins attacking his back.

"We should consider ourselves lucky there isn't any high ranking ones... You guys focus on the goblins I'll take him..."

"Hm before you go I'm giving you freedom of movement!" The Artificer said touching Goblin Slayer's back before he had set off to fight the Dark Elf.


"Yep... Be careful." The Artificer said catching a Goblin by its face Electrocuting it.


"Tch how annoying! Thanks to that Artificer this human is gaining the upper hand I'm barely able to avoid his strikes... Time for the toy!" The Dark Elf telled out throwing his card past Goblin slayer as the card puffed out a white smoke the minute it touched the ground sending a familiar feeling to the Party's Artificer.

"N-no... What's that doing here?!" The Artificer asked out loud as a very familiar construct had appeared before them.

"Tck! Construct your target's there get rid of him!" The Dark Elf ordered as the construct replied with a menacing dun dun dun sound unlike the humming beeps the Artificer knew from his Construct. Even in the heavy Rain the Construct had closed the fifty feet gap in an instant between it and The Artificer delivering a critical blow on him cracking several ribs and cracking his armor he had underneath his leather clothing resulting in the Artificer spatting out blood as he flew a few feet away breaking his concentration as the others lost their boost he gave them through spells.


"Gah... I-I'm fine guys! Yeesh that was a hard hit... I nearly blacked out from that... C'mon he's dead... Why is that even here? No time think about that..." The Artificer thought to himself as the Construct swung at him again only to miss him barely and slam its arm in the ground that the Artificer used for footing to back up a bit to swing and slice the construct however it wasn't as successful as the armor this Construct had was strong and covered its weak points very well.

"My Naginata won't do... But... Luckily its not just a Naginata..." The Artificer smiled saying a small enchantment as the blade of the pole arm shifted into a hammer like shape with a spike on the back side of it.

The Construct had deployed a blade from one its arms attempting to stab the Artificer only for him to avoid it.

"How rare for me to use my Warhammer, I usually don't have many chances to SMASH! identify!" The Artificer said slamming his Warhammer on the construct's arm though he made contact making the water jump from the metal plating leaving a mild dent in its still functioning arm, when he noticed this he use his spell identify to see what metal it was made from to his surprise was refined Steel with no magical enhancement which meant it didn't have protection from a certain spell.

"Pesky little-"

"Sir Dwarf!"

"Huh?! Yes?!"

"How many spells do you have left?!" The Artificer yelled out avoiding more of the construct's strikes being narrowly hit as the grass made him slip a bit.


"Cast weathering over by me and quick!"

"Wha- won't that affect-"

"Just do it dwarf he's you for a reason!" The Elf said killing three more goblins with her arrows.

"Right... Dance and-"

"Right... This won't be easy... But I can pull it off!" The Artificer said to himself using his skill Flash of genius to quickly plan out his next step, transforming his Warhammer into a Whip that he whipped around the Construct's leg to trip the hulking machine. To any man who hasn't the strength would fail on their first try, however even though he wasn't physically strong his flash of genius guided him with the correct angle to trip the hulking Construct making it fall on it's back with the help of the slippery wet grass.

"Now using my last Radiant stone... Sanctuary! Sir Dwarf Now!"

"Weathering!" The Dwarf shouted causing the area surround the Artificer to weather all metals touched by the heavy rainstorm above except for the Artificer's tools as his sanctuary protected his items from the spells effects. The construct didn't fair too luckily as the heavy armor plating had started to rust crumbling like sand in the wake of the heavy rain as it continue to rust the Construct revealing its wiring that resemble the tissues in the muscles of living beings, the core being mildly exposed in its chest as rusted plating covered most of it and the head of the construct had shed most of it plating revealing a metal like skeleton head underneath its heavy plating as it stood up when the effects of the weathering spell ended.

"That worked out better than I Thought!" The Artificer said transforming his whip back into a War hammer looking at the Construct as it did a low dun dun dun sound.

"Sorry but your not going to Achieve that goal." He said partying the slow attack from the Construct using the flat side of his hammer to flatten its head and its spike to pierce through the Rusted plate into its core making a sound like broken glass terminating the machine.

"Hah... Hah... That was... Rough..." The Artificer coughed realizing he had pushed his limit and with the damage he took moving around as he did furthering his injury.

"Hah... Just hold in guys... I need a quick breather... Ok... Nevermind... He has five arms... I'm commmiinnnggg!" The Artificer tiredly said using his war hammer to help him stay upright seeing the fight the others were having cime to a change as the Dark Elf had suddenly grew five arms out of his back catching a few of Lady Ranger's arrows.

"Ah! Sir Artificer your hurt! O Earth-"

"No Lady Priestess... I don't need it use another spell to help Goblin Slayer..." The Artificer said gently grabbing her wrist knowing she had only one miracle left as he almost lost his balance.

"I got you Sir Artificer." The Dwarf said catching him.

"T-Thanks... That band he's wearing... Did it give him those arms?"

"Y-yea my grandfather told me that give the using as special skill called arrow protection... It even caught the magical arrows you gave me."

"Protection from arrows huh..." The Artificer said watching the Dark Elf gain the upper hand on Goblin Slayer as the Lizard man was blown back by the Dark Elf's arms, and the Ranger shooting her arrows at him only for it to be caught.

"Ok last time today..." The Artificer said using his last Flash of genius for the day while transforming his warhammer into a spear.

"Woah what're-"

"Goblin Slayer! Heads up!" The Artificer yelled out using his final strength to throw his spear in an angle as it Slashed the Elf's waist making him winch from the pain as Goblin Slayer took the chance with Lady Priestess help as she had casted Holy Light to Blind the Elf who instinctually jumped back with the use of his arms but still manage to get knicked by Goblin Slayer's sword which was laced with poison.

"Heh... I missed... Hah... Huh?" The Artificer looked up seeing his Construct catch him as it made a low hum beep.

"Huh... Thanks buddy I thought the beam took you... But it seems you continued killing those Goblins..." The Artificer said taking notice of the goblin blood in it.

"Bread Cutter! He's preparing another Disintegration spell!" The Dwarf yelled out as he started running to get in range for his stone blast.

"Hck... I have to..."
"Get... Up..." The Artificer and priestess said as they both struggled to get on their feet.

"You two don't push yourselves... You both did enough let us take care of him... IF ONLY MY ARROWS WOULD CONNECT AND STOPPED GETTING BLOCKED!"

"Wait... Its arrow protection right?" Goblin Slayer asked reaching his back satchel.

"Hah! Hea Now!" The Artificer said seeing Goblin Slayer break the Band making Dark Elf's arms disappear giving Lady Ranger her chance to take aim releasing her arrow as it flew and pierced the Dark Elf's neck stopping him from casting his spell.

"That's all it took without your pathetic toy... Arty, Priestess don't move." The Elf said to their supporters making sure they don't push themselves.

"Bout time... Its over..." The Artificer said going through his bag looking for his potions.

"Yea... You both did great... Though Arty are you ok O thought I heard some things snap when that construct hit you." The Elf asked with a worried tone helping Priestess sit up grabbing an extra cloak to put around her.

"N-no probably your... Oh... They broke... Hmm... Yea I broke... Several ribs that's to be expected when fighting a Warforged Hulk..." The Artificer said seeing his potions were smashed inside his bag most likely from when he was sent flying.

"You should've let me healed you!" Priestess pouted as the Elf shared the same expression.

"Hm... Yea but... Goblin Slayer needed your help..."



"What did I tell you about scaring me?!" The Elf said tugging on both the Artificer's cheeks in a pouting rage.

"Ahhhh I'm sorry!"

"Was that the last of the Goblins?" Goblin Slayer asked the Lizard man and Dwarf as they made their way to the other three that were a couple feet away.

"Yes... That Construct Sir Artificer had decimated the last ones who we're fleeing."

"I see... That's good then... Let's get out of this rain."

"Thank you for your purchase sir!" Inspector girl said as she worked the Artificer's stand with the Padfoot Waitress who helped bring in customers, and the Smith's assistant.

"Hey guys thanks for your help!" The Artificer said putting one of his last remaining boxes on the ground as Lady Ranger set one next to it as she was helping out as well.

"Its no problem! After all as long as your hold your end of the bargain we're square." The Inspector said smiling at the Artificer with her arms crossed as the Smith's attendant helped the next customer.

"Yes it still stands though are you guys sure you want to keep doing this all weekend? You guys do have another job."

"Yes your all a big help to the guild we can take it from here." Lady Ranger said standing next to the Artificer.

"You do a lot for us! Its the least we can do. You should have all the fun you can Sir Artificer, and Lady Ranger." The Assistant said aa the Padfoot agreed with them.

"Yup so you two can go on your date!"

"D-date? Oh no don't be a-absurd we're just F-friends..."
"D-date? Oh no don't be a-absurd we're just F-friends..." Both the Artificer and Elf said blushing as the Inspector had a devious grin holding her amulet while the others wen back to work.

"Hehe have fun!"

"Ugh... So what do you say?"

"Enjoy the festival without anymore interruptions... I can get behind that! My Artificer!" The Elf Said whispering the last two words in his ear as the discreetly left his stand.

"Let's have some fun then My lady."

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