The Club

By Spirit_5758

382 32 2

New school. New town. What could go wrong? Well, apparently a lot could go wrong when you're the new girl st... More

Thirty- One
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Seven
Thirty- Eight
Thirty- Nine
Forty- One
Forty- Two
Forty- Three
Forty- Four

Twenty- Nine

5 1 0
By Spirit_5758

“Powerful? What are you talking about?” I ask, swallowing nervously. 
“Don’t play dumb sweetheart.” Tynan says coming closer to me. 
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about.” I tell him, scooting away. 
“That telekinesis that you used to throw Grim and I? Damn sweetheart. That was one powerful telekinesis. You must have one powerful demon inside of you.” Tynan says excitedly. 
“Just wait until he finds out that I’m only a fledgling demon.” Joz tells me with a snicker.
“So, you know that I’m powerful, but you still want to force me to do stuff?” I ask Tynan, ignoring Joz’z comment. 
“Of course, sweetheart. We are engaged, after all.” Tynan says sitting on the bed making me scoot even further away from him. 
“I’m not marrying you, Tynan. I hate you. I don’t want to bring the devil here. So why would I marry you and help your father bring the devil here?” I ask with a sneer. 
“Because if you don’t, then you will regret it.” Tynan threatens me. 
“Regret it? Why would I? You and your father already took everything from me! My parents! My home! My freewill! Everything! What more do you people fucking want?” I growled at him. 
I didn’t have time to react as suddenly there’s a loud slap and then I felt a pain in my right cheek as he slapped me. I look down as my cheek is now stinging, and I tried to keep myself calm as I felt angry tears threatening to fall. I felt my fingertips tingling, and I don’t want a repeat, especially so soon. I tried to calm myself down, but he just makes me so angry. I hate him so much. I wish he could go away. I wish he could just disappear. I never want to see him again. 
“Be careful what you wish for, Lonnie dear.” Joz warns me. 
“Now listen, sweetheart. Let that be a lesson for you to never talk back to your husband.” Tynan tells me casually. 
“Stay calm Lonnie dear.” Joz warns me again. 
“If I have to teach you another lesson again, then the punishment won’t be so light. Do you understand, sweetheart?” Tynan asks, making me angrier with each word that comes out of his mouth. 
“Don’t let his words anger you, dear Lonnie. Control your anger.” Joz continues to calm me. 
“Are you listening to me, sweetheart?” Tynan asks.
“Oh, my god! Will you two shut the fuck up!” I yell, grabbing onto my head as it’s still pounding from earlier. 
“What?” Tynan asks, thrown off. 
I shook my head as I just got up and ran out of the room. I stop when I got out into the hallway as I realized that I’m in the boys’ dorm. Oh great. I look up and down the hallway, making sure there was no one in here before bolting towards the exit. Luckily, I made it out the door and outside. I breathed in the fresh air, but my body still ached, and my cheek still stung. It was already late, which means I was unconscious all day. Just my luck. That means tomorrow is Monday. Ugh. I don’t want to go back to classes already. It’s way too soon for me. 
“I’m sorry for annoying you, Lonnie dear.” Joz spoke up as I walked towards my dorm room. 
“It wasn’t you, Joz. It was just hearing two voices at once, along with my pounding headache. It was driving me crazy.” I tell him honestly. 
“I get that. I’m sorry.” Joz apologized. 
“Why are you apologizing? Aren’t you supposed to be the mischievous demon who doesn’t apologize to mortals?” I joked with him.
“Haha. Hilarious, but yes, usually. But I can at least admit when I did something wrong. Especially to you.” Joz tells me seriously. 
“What does that mean?” I ask him, confused.
“What? Me admitting I’m wrong?” Joz asks, confused. 
“No. Why is it only especially for me?” I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. 
“Oh. Uh, well, it’s because you’re my master, after all.” Joz says, not as smoothly as he usually does. 
“Is it so?” I ask suspiciously. 
“Yep.” Joz says, popping the P. 
“Okay, well, if that’s the reason, then you have to answer my questions.” I tell him, knowing I got him. 
“I’ve been answering your questions.” Joz says, chuckling. 
“You weren’t at first, but if I’m your master, then you won’t have no problem in answering every single question I have. Isn’t that right Joz?” I ask, smiling. 
“I-well, of course.” Joz says clearing his throat. 
“First question, are all dark users actually evil?” I ask, deciding to reel him in slowly. 
Joz lets out a sigh before answering with, “Evil is a strong word, dear Lonnie. I would use that they are just hungry for power, or sometimes they can’t control the powers that us demons give them, so it makes them seem untrustworthy or evil.” 
“Okay, so who can I actually trust that’s a dark user?” I ask him. 
“I do not know everyone in this school, but that Hector guy seems trustworthy. He seems like he has a good hold on his demon and control of its power. I will also say that you can trust Finn, but not completely. He’s unstable at the moment, but he’s not what you said, evil.” Joz tells me seriously. 
“Trust Finn? I’m not sure about him. He tried to steal my blood countless times, and even smacked me in the face with a ball.” I tell Joz seriously. 
“Do you think he did that on his own will?” Joz asks me just as serious. 
“What you mean?” I ask, confused. 
“It’s true that Finn is unpredicable sometimes, but he’s not after your blood because he wants it. He’s after it because he’s got ordered, too.” Joz tells me seriously. 
“That’s not possible. I’ve seen him, heard him. He acted like he wanted it for himself.” I tell him, not believing him. 
“I’m only telling you what I know, dear Lonnie. You asked me a question and I’ve answered. But, if your curious. Then I can tell you he’s being threatened, and he’s being threatened right now.” Joz tells me dead serious. 
I stop in my tracks as I look around the dark campus. I didn’t see or hear anyone, but I kept trying to see if I can hear anything. I then heard a faint groan and knew that’s Finn. I covered my mouth in shock, as I can’t believe that Finn is actually a good guy. How is that possible? I shook my head, as I can’t worry about that right now. I ran towards where the noise was coming from, and when I rounded the corner, I stopped. Everything is true. Everything. I stood there horrified as Grimshaw beat the shit out of Finn. And what’s worse? Finn still looked pale from his demon, betraying him a couple of days ago. I clench my fists together as I picked up a rock and threw it at Grimshaw’s head. I’m going to regret that later, am I? I thought, scared as Grimshaw stops before looking over at me. 
“Yeah, probably. You should run.” Joz tells me. 
“No. I’m tired of running.” I tell Joz in my mind as Grimshaw walks over to me with an icy glare. 
“What do you think you’re doing, little redbird?” Grimshaw growls. 
“Me? What are you doing? Why are you beating up, Finn? Can’t you see he’s not feeling well?” I asked him angrily. 
“Why do you care? Since when did you care for him?” Grimshaw asks with his glare hardens. 
“Ever since I found out that I can’t trust you!” I yelled at him angrily. 
“Can’t trust me? Whose the one is getting married to Tynan and didn’t tell me!” Grimshaw growls.
“Whose the one friends with Tynan and didn’t tell me?” I ask crossing my arms. 
“Ooh burn!” Joz yells, making me smile. 
“What are you smiling about?” Grimshaw growls as he grabs onto my arms tightly. 
“Oh, you know. Just the fact that you’re a hypocrite.” I tell him, smiling. 
“How am I a hypocrite?” Grimshaw asks as he’s getting angrier. 
“Joz help me shock him please.” I say to Joz in my mind. 
“Roger that Lonnie dear.” Joz says.
I felt my fingertips tingling and before I knew it; we shocked Grimshaw, making him jump away from me. I smiled victoriously as he’s shaking his hands. I watch as he went at me again, but I had Joz help me shock him again. He jumps back again, and after the third time he gave up swearing at me before stomping away. I smirked at his retreating before running up and helping Finn, whose unfortunately passed out. I tried to think what I can do, but decided that I’ll just have to bandage him up myself. I picked him up so I’m half carrying and half walking with him. Joz, do you think you could help me out? I ask him in my mind as I’m struggling. 
“Help? How? I can’t help you carry him.” Joz tells me.
“Isn’t there like a power that will give me temporary strength or something?” I ask, gritting my teeth. 
“Yes and no, but I can’t give it to you. If you want to figure out how to get him somewhere faster, then teleport.” Joz tells me like it’s simple. 
“Teleport? How is that simpler? I always pass out when I use too much magic.” I tell him as I had to stop and rest.
“That’s because you weren’t using the magic properly and you were using a huge portion of it. But this will be different. I’ll help you through it.” Joz tells me.
“I don’t know Joz. Zapping someone is different. I was just using a small portion of your magic. I don’t want to use more of your magic on purpose.” I tell him nervously.
“I hate to break this to you, Lonnie dear, but you won’t be able to stop any ritual if you don’t start using some of my magic.” Joz tells me seriously. 
“I-okay fine. What do I do first?” I ask, giving in.
“Simple. Think about where you want to go and then focus your magic on that place. You will need to concentrate.” Joz tells me seriously. 
“Okay.” I say as I closed my eyes and think on where I wanted to go. 
I try to concentrate Joz’s magic on that place, and at first nothing happened. I didn’t feel any tingles, no coldness or warmth. I felt absolutely nothing. I kept trying to concentrate but after a while of nothing happening I got frustrated. I should’ve known I wouldn’t be able to teleport. 
“I can’t do it Joz.” I tell him, annoyed. 
“Well, not with that attitude you won’t.” Joz tells me. 
“I’m serious Joz. I can’t do it. I’m mortal, so I won’t be able to teleport.” I tell him with a huff.
“You can do it, Lonnie dear, and you know why?” Joz asks. 
“Why?” I ask, barely above a whisper. 
“Because you aren’t just any other mortal. You are special. You have actual power. You don’t need a lot of focus just to use them. All you need is control and concentration. I’m here to help you with that. Now try again.” Joz explains to me. 
“But-” I try to argue but he interrupts me, “No buts try again. Close your eyes, clear your mind and concentrate on where you want to go.” 
I let out a sigh but do what he says. I close my eyes and cleared my mind. I concentrate on that place I wanted to go. I took a deep breath before slowly letting it out, and this time I felt something. Instead of the tingling being at my fingertips, I felt them circling around my head. It felt weird, but I kept calm and kept concentrating on my place. I place my hand on Finn’s shoulder, and just like that, I felt electric and coldness circling us before the cold ground disappeared and got replaced by a wooden floor beneath us. 

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