(Countryhuman) Deep In The Fo...

By chasemegames

31.7K 1.1K 1.1K

Countryhumans "My Prey" it's a countryhumans story but They are have animal appearances. it's not omegaverse... More

Lost in the Forest
list of more What animals they are
Toyed with
Meet up
Beware of the bite
The bat Cave (zeal x phil)
Out in the town (egypt x Phil)
Thank you for 100 followers
chapter ?? meet up
Chapter 9?
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
13 (Phil x Canada)
chapter 14 (Phil x Egypt)
chapter 15 (Germany x Phil)
I'm still alive
Chapter 16 I think.... (Kzk x Phil)
chapter 17 (kzk x Phil)
Chapter 18, Mexico's nightmare
chapter 19 A dead rose with blood
chapter 20 - safe with us
chapter 21 - back in our arms
chapter 22 - the force field is back up
chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 26 - Where have you been?

chapter 25 - im not giving up

1K 33 87
By chasemegames

Canada called Zeal to ask him when he'll bring Philip back. The question was soon answered when he saw zeal flying over to them. Phil's hands are wrapped around zeals neck as he is gently being bridal carried. There is really no need for him to hold onto the kiwi, but out of fear he does it.5q Zeal won't drop him since Germany and Canada will murder him under one minute.


Mexico calls out his name in relief. He smiles gently, not trying to hide his blush for everyone to see. China scoffs, not liking the display of emotion. Philip waves at them all, especially smiling at China and Vietnam as Zeal puts him down. Vietnam ignored him by not smiling back, and rolling his eyes before taking his leave.

Mexico couldn't contain his excitement, very relieved to see his beloved bunny.


Mexico runs towards Phil to hug him tightly. But before he could do just that, Zeal grabs Phil's hand and then kisses it... glaring at all the men. He grabbed Phil with one swift motion and spun him to the other direction from the Mexican, further passing him off. Philip could see a vein popping out from china's neck, pure distaste is seen all over his face. Seems like he feels disrespected, even putting down his teacup.

The act of affection spoiled the mood for everyone. Instead of being relived of the fact that Phil's home safely, they are now pissed off. Germany walks over to the drinks container, the small bunny curiously watches him. Germany pulls out a coin from his pocket pocket cracks open a beer bottle using said coin. He then proceeds to gulp it down like a mad man because he's jealous of the fact that Zeal slept with Philip yesterday. If he hadn't let phil go with Zeal, then he would have been the one that Phil slept with last night.

Zeal snickers, grinning at his brother to show his victory. To keep Canada's hands clean he doesn't show his claws to try and murder his brother while Philip is not looking. "Back off, fuckers! I'm Phil's best friend! I get to hug him first-" Mexico says to the two angry men. "Hey! He's our best friend too!" Malaysia exclaims. "You're the old and we're the new" this particular sentence from Indonesia made Mexico quite upset.... to calm himself down, he took a deep breath. He doesn't want philip to get mad at all of them, thus he tries his best to stay in control. Now with the three busy competing about who's  Phil's best friend, Canada sneakily waltz over to Philip.

Fromt he back, Canada happily wraps his hands around Phil's shoulders. Philip forces a smile as the Canadian rests his chin in Phil's head and begins sniffing. Phil's quite used to being sniffed by predators, but the force on his head is making him uncomfortable. 'Haha... I missed you too, Nada...'Philip says, hoping that Canada would get off.

Though extremely slightly, Philip felt a shift within Canada's expression. As if his smile had dropped for some reason.

Canada's frown deepens when the anger sets in as he smells Zeal's scent heaviky on Philip. Though Phil showered, there's still a lingering scent of the man who he was with last night. As Zeal was about to pass Canada, Canada stops him by grabbing his arm. "Wipe that stupid grin off your face" the man sneers at his brother. "What are you mad at me for? It's not like YOU haven't had any fun with Philip" Zeal says. Canada only grits his teeth in anger, furrowing his brows and trying his best not to claw his brother. "Sharing is caring. Though the ratio of your 'fun' bonding with Philip to mine is much higher. You got to him first. So why the hell are you mad? You always get what tou wanted first. Mother had always said to be fair, and share with others, little brother" Zeal adds which makes Canada's blood boil even more. "Don't bring mother into this.... the bottles of wine that she goes through everyday could never be estimated! You might have been with Phil yesterday, but let's be honest... I'm much better than you" Canada replies.

"Oh really? Well... the name that he was screaming from the top of his lungs last night wasn't yours, innit?"

Canada shuts his mouth upon hearing this, unable to think of a good comeback... Philip was about to say something but hearing that made him embarrassed and blush.

As they watch the brothers argue over who phil likes more to have 'fun' with, Germany knocks on the door to talk to Philip.

"Phil, would you like to-"



"Shut the fuck up, Canada. You..  all of you! Phil's fucking mine next okay??! I'm fucking calling dibs! So NO ONE fucking randomly takes him again. Okay??!!"

Germany says in frustration.

They all raise their hands up and take steps backwards....

"Just know that I'm not giving up, Philippines. I love you, and I want you to know that. Every second I've spend without you, I lose myself to loneliness and despair......."

"I will work hard for you to reciprocate my feelings"

"Though I won't force you if your heart still doesn't belong to me in the end... though I hope you choose me..."


Philip is speechless with Mexico's heartfelt words.... He can see the pain in his eyes when he said his last sentence.

"What do you mean by choosing... and... in the end?"

Mexico sighs before showing Philip a pained smile.

"You're too lovable, Philip.. not only are you a magnet because of your looks, when people actually get to know you... they can't help but fall in love with you... So I know that I will have a lot of competition..."

Phil can't get it through his head... he can't understand why people like him so much.... when he just feels like a used toy... something that is unwanted anymore that got thrown away...

"Your cute face, lovely smile... and your fat ass"

Phil's expression turned into a frown real quick. "M-Mex!" Philip is pissed at him for saying that. Phil's face is evidently red. The man can't he'll but laugh at Phil's reaction. To calm Phil down, he grabs both of Phil's wrists. As Phil continues to struggle out of his grasp because Phil wants to hit him, he finally let's go on the other wrist...  then he grips Phil's chin gently.

With this action, Philip froze...

Mexico stares deeply in Phil's mismatched eyes... then he moves his gaze to Phil's lips. Philip gulps at this ever so familiar situation... but this time, it's gentle... because it's Mexico...

As the Mexican gently grips his chin, he gets pulled closer to the man's mouth. Every second makes his heart pound hard. Unable to help but blush as he remembers the awkward kiss he gave Mexico at the time of his confession.

Phil originally planned to grab Canada but he hand and drag him out the house to have some alone time with him. Away from the others to have peace and quiet.

Philip's mind tells him to block Mexico's kiss with his hands, but his heart tells him not to do anything and let it happen. With Phil's eyes closed, his expression evidently telling what he's expecting, Mexico smiles in triumph. Soon their lips connect for everyone to see. Though not being their first kiss, Philip can't m help but blush crazily in embarrassment. Phil was the one to initiate the kiss to become passionate, even though he doesn't realize it. Germany dies inside, planning his next move to grab Phil and kiss him all day.

Philip opens his eyes to Mexico leaning his face near Phil's ear. Thankful since he does not wish to lock eyes with him after their lips had just did-

'Just one word and I'll get us out of here. How does that sound?' Mexico whispers, not caring that they heard it all thanks to their super hearing.


Before he could even finish saying the word "yes", he was grabbed and placed over Mexico's shoulder. His running speed was too fast for him to even process the situation. Canada bites the inside of his cheek, he thought that it was his turn but his spotlight was stolen by the Mexican.

They ended up at a peaceful village. While they ere walking around, Mexico saw a lot of things to buy for Philip, but Phil kept nagging him not to buy a lot of usless stuff eveytime he even tried... not knowing that they had stumbled into a mostly prey peaceful village, 70 percent of the food are vegan. Since none of this was actually planned, they ended up walking around cluelessly buying food that is safe for Phil to eat. Philip very much liked the food, but Mexico surprisingly enjoyed them all as well.

His grip on Phil's hand is still strong as he spots a hat vendor. Thinking that a one would look adorable on Philip, he dragged him to the vendor.

As he chooses over the many options, he unconsciously lets go of Phil's hand. Even thoufh Phil is quite bored, he did not stray far from Mexico and stayed by his side. But Philip couldn't help but let his eyes wander. Once a cold item hit Phil's skin, Philip's attention was turned to the man next to him... someone that he did not even notice until then. Phil's eyes widen in fear as he realizes that the cold object was one of the claws protruding from the man's hands... the man raised his hand and showed Phil a sign to tell him to shush. Panic fills Phil's mind but he obeys and nods. Thinking to himself that everything was going to be alright, he slowly moves backwards, the man's gaze not leaving him... until..

"So, Phil. Which one do you like? I think the little blue hat would suit your well. Don't  you think?"

Mexico chuckles as he tries to elbow Philip to get his attention, but to his surprise... he feels nothing but air....

He blinks as slight panic sets in.


Calling out but no asnwer, he then turns to his side...

Phil is gone...

Mexico looks at the vendor with a very panicked face. The vendor gulps before saying "Sir... your boyfriend fell into the hole behind you.... and... someone grabbed him... t-took him-"

Mexico's mouth drops in pure shock and confusion. "This bi- So YOU'RE  TELLING ME THAT YOU SAW THAT HAPPEN AND SAID NOTHING?"

"Well señor, I didn't want to get attacked instead-"

Mexico grabs the vendor by the collar and plans to punch him in the face, br he stops when he feels the gazes of sma children... he sighs deeply and throws money at the vendor, then grabs the blue hat before leaving to find Philip.

"I swear.... Philip is so unlucky... and lucky at the same time... people just LOVE kidnapping  him. What the fck?"


some people heard him and are staring at him, but no one dared to approach him and question him... they turned their heads and pretended to be invisible. The vendor doesn't know why Mexico is venting out unnecessary anger on him, but he has nk choice but to listen...

Phil can tell that they are intrigued by him.... someone whistles and comes up to him. "Aren't you just a pretty little thing"

"Yeah, he's specifically chosen"

"But, damn. What is he? 5'1?"


"No way the boss will fit"

"This rabbit is gonna get wrecked"

"Nah, he goin die"

"He's going to be limping around"

"Limping around? I bet he wouldn't even be able to move"

Their intent gazes makes him very uncomfortable.... their remarks just makes him even more creeped out..

"But I can see why he was brought here. Come on, he's got a fat ass and a cute face"

Suddenly, someone grabs Phil behind, which made him scream a little. Philip immediately  bite down on his lip, embarrassed...

He's surrounded by laughing predators... pure lust in their eyes.

Philip is very scared, using his ears to cover his eyes.

Not long, he hears a man shouting in pain.... and... breaking of bones?

Philip opens his eyes to see such a horrific scream that makes him scream from the top of his lungs. The scream was so loud, it managed to reach Mexico.

Phil's fear gets set aside by curiously as he feels like he had seen the man before.... white hair... his eyes lit up immediately as the thought clicks in his mind. It's him, the one near the cave.. and the one that had saved him from Spain when he first arrived.

'B-boss... we got him for y- ARGHH'

Tears fall from Phil's eyes upon seeing the man's terrible fate commence in front of him. The stench of blood makes Philip feel extremely sick.

The man's eye rolls infront of Philip, making him cry even more. Crush skulls... bones... one crunch was heard before the man's early demise... the wolf grabbed his head and squeezed as if it was a piece of paper. Philip is terrified to imagine that to be his fate.

'Я не говорил действовать. Я сказал смотреть издалека. Вы все не только не подчинились моим приказам, но и проигнорировали мои решения. Как смеете вы, все наглые существа, действовать против моих приказов'

(I did not say to act. I said to watch from a distance. You all have not only disobeyed my orders but also disrespected my decisions. How dare you all insolent beings to act against my orders)

Not being able able understand what the man said in pure anger, he can onkt blink in fear and confusion. Dirt stick even more to Phil's legs because of the sweat he is producing.

'Pl-please spare me...'

Philip says in desperation even though he knows that there is a huge possibility of the man being unable to understand him.

'No more killing...'

This sentence caught the man's attention. Phil gulps hard as the man's gaze pierce through his skull.

'I scere you?'

Phil feels like sh*thing himself but he nods weakly.

'I very sorry'

The man's deep voice apologizing sends a shiver down his spine bur he forces a smile to show that he's fine.

The man speaks in Russian once more, perhaps saying something like "Go away". Since all of the men that are still alive had ran away as if commanded too. The man seemed concerned, and did not seem to wish to hurt him in anyway. He did not have his claws out to kill him anymore, but instead gone to fish Phil's hair. 'Teke Cere' with that the man disappears as dust gets Phil to cough and sneeze, not being able to tell where the man went.

Philip blinks in concern, but hearing their voices calmed him. Philip quickly ran into Canada's arms when he saw him. His large arms hugged him back gleefully. No one knows what happened but Phil isn't hurt, and they are very much surr that Philip wasn't the one that ended their lives.

May 12, 2022

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