Wings (Various Tokyo Revenger...

By Ethel1142

101K 2.8K 659

She was known as 'Japan Hell's Angel', the second Vice President of the famous Tokyo Manji Gang, one of its f... More

Character Info.
"You okay there, Blondie?"
"You can never stop the girl from doing what's right."
"You're you. And there's nothing wrong with that."
(Y/N)'s Style/Aesthetic
"I don't want to fight you."
"I can't lose any of you."
"You don't know them like I do."
"You are the Reason."
"You ain't gonna touch him."
"Nobody loved him more than she did."
"If you won't take care of yourself, then I will."
"I need you to trust me."
"She's the ultimate badass."
"Love ya, Baby."
"My Everything."
(Y/N)'s New Tattoos
"Let me hold you."
"The first people I ever had any desire to follow were the two of them."
"Happy Birthday."
"Welcome to Toman, Blondie Boy."
"It'll be okay."
"You saved my life."
"I promise."
"Older Brother."
"I want you."
"You are not in this alone."
"Do I need a reason?"
"She's always protected me."
"Too many memories."
"I trust her with my life."
"Oh, but that's what I like about you."
"I'll always be here."
"God, I wish you were here."
"I just need you here with me."
"It's my turn to protect you."
"Leave it to us."
"Please, don't hide it anymore."
"I'll save you, no matter what!"
"You know I'll always need you, right?"
"Happy New Year!"
"Don't tell me I don't know him."
"I'll take you there someday."
"We'll see each other again, I promise."
"I'm so sorry."
"You're his guardian angel."
"He's mine, got it?"
"I'd keep you here forever."
"She's the most important thing in my life."
"You have no idea how much I needed this."
"Something doesn't feel right."
"You need to tell me what the hell's going on."
"I miss you."
"My feelings haven't changed."
"We understood each other."
"You are my treasure."
"She's been too good to me."
"My life is in your hands."
"I can't fix this."
"We can be sisters then!"
"I love you."

"Be safe."

4.7K 110 38
By Ethel1142

Third POV

With the whole drama at the hospital all said and done, and (Y/N) being cleared of all of her injuries that she had sustained, the three top dogs of Toman exited the the building with Takemichi still trailing behind them.

The younger blonde watched as the three individuals stood near the street, the sound of a motorcycle drawing closer and closer. Looking towards the source of the sound, Takemichi saw the lilac haired second division captain pull up beside the trio as the sole female waved at the approaching boy.

"Can you get Pah to come tomorrow?" Draken asked Mitsuya as Mikey climbed on the back of the lilac haired boy's bike.

"Yeah. I'll have Peh go, too. The warehouse by the Second MS work for you?" He asked the vice commander.


Takemichi continued watching on and listening to the conversation. This internal conflict where Draken would die was going to happen, and he had to put a stop to it. The boy had to gather every little bit of information that he could in order to change the future. Plus, something was telling him that this conflict would end up effecting (Y/N) and her future decisions as well.

He made a promise to Akkun, and Takemichi Hanagaki was damn sure going to keep it.

With Mitsuya nodding in confirmation, the second division captain looked to the dual haired girl with a small smile on his face.

"You still coming over for dinner tonight?"

Ah! She almost forgot about that. With everything going on with Moebius, (Y/N) had almost overlooked the fact that she had promised Mitsuya and his sisters that she'd be over to have a meal with them at some point this week, to which this day had been the best for all of them.

Despite the feelings she had been having beforehand with Pah's friend's girlfriend, the girl was still able to let out a happy smile.

"Yeah! For sure!"

"Aw, that's not fair, Chi-chin...." Mikey whined from his seat behind Mitsuya.

Both (Y/N) and Mitsuya both let out a sigh as Draken shook his head. The commander had just had dinner at her place the night before and lunch that afternoon. It was safe to say that it was more than fair.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Mikey," she patted the boy's head, somewhat ignoring his little comment.

That seemed to calm the pouty boy down as Mitsuya revved up his bike before taking off to bring the commander home, (Y/N) waving as Mikey did the same. Watching the two disappear in the distance, Takemichi now had to come up with a game plan on how he was going to stop this war.

However, the younger blonde didn't realize that he had been out in the open from his hiding spot a little too long, being caught up in his thoughts and all. Turning back towards her tall friend, (Y/N) noticed Draken looking back at one of the pillars by the hospital doors, almost like he was inspecting it.

"What's wrong, Ken?" The girl asked as she looked back and forth between the pillar and the boy before her, seeing if she could find anything out of the ordinary.

After a few seconds, the braided blonde shook his head, shaking off the feeling of them being watched.

"Nah, it's nothing. Come on, I'll walk you home," he assured her before grabbing the Hell's Angel's hand, lightly tugging her along.

"Okay, whatever you say," she joked as the two walked hand in hand down the street.

Seeing them leave, Takemichi finally came out of his hiding place, but kept his distance since he figured that Draken would be suspicious. The time traveler just couldn't accept that fact that him and Mikey would fight each other, he had witnessed how their friendship really was just moments before hand. And the fact that (Y/N) was so dear to them both, surely they wouldn't even think of putting her through all of that.

Still, he knew that anything could happen, he was on a mission. Takemichi was going to gather every little bit about Moebius before anything bad could really happen.

Back to (Y/N) and Draken as the two walked down the busy street of Shibuya, the girl couldn't help but to reminisce at the familiar surroundings. She didn't quite grow up in this environment, but since knowing the tall boy beside her for as long as she had, she knew a thing or two about the red light district that Draken grew up in.

With his parents out of the picture, the tall blonde grew up in a brothel, and while the workers there treated him as family, it was never the true and ideal parent/kid relationship that Draken unconsciously wanted. That is, until he met (Y/N) that fateful day when they were both still in grade school.

"Hey, Kenny," the dual color haired girl broke the comfortable silence, using a nickname that he hadn't heard from her in a while.


"Do you remember the first time you saw my tattoos?" She asked, smiling up at him as they walked by a very familiar building with graffiti all over it.

Letting out a small huff of air through his nose in the form of a small chuckle, Draken them interlocked his and (Y/N)'s fingers while placing his other hand in his pocket. Of course he'd remember that day. After all, it was the day that they had met. The day she had leaped into his life.

"Oooh, yeah," he answered with a smile of his own as he looked down at the shorter girl.


It was a day like any other for Draken. He was one of the tallest youngsters around the block, therefore, was one of the most respected. Even the middle schoolers wanted nothing to do with him. Tatted in the fifth grade, the local artist teased the boy about becoming a rotten adult.

But the artist had yet another young client who was just barely in middle school that he had just finished a massive back piece on. And she was a sweet little thing, but also a sweet little badass.

Anyway, one day, the tall grade schooler had been called up by a group of middle school delinquents, the Sameyama Crew. They dominated the neighborhood that Draken had lived in at the time. The older ones wanted the tatted grade schooler to lay off of on beating up the middle schoolers of the crew.

And the young boy couldn't disobey, they had literally beaten the pants off of him, for Pete's sake!

However, that wasn't the reason he had been called out.

"You know who else is a cocky little shit? That kid from Seventh Elementary," The leader of the crew  revealed as he let out a puff of smoke from his cigarette.

"Oh, Mikey? The kid who made a name for himself after he beat down Vatican's leader?" One of the members began questioning.

Draken had never heard of an elementary kid taking down a gang leader before. This guy had to be a massive monster.

"What about the girl he always hangs around with? Angela's her name, right? I heard she had connections to the Yakuza."

A girl? This was new to Ken. No way was there a girl that could be involved in gangs. That was just unheard of. Preposterous, almost. After listing off the names of the two kids, the leader of the crew threw his cancer stick to the ground before standing up, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Ken. Drag Mikey's ass over here. If you see Angela with him, just beat Mikey right there and scram. She could kill you if she wanted to."

With his orders now in place, the tattooed grade schooler began running down the streets in order to find this 'Mikey' guy while also keeping a look out for a tough looking girl known as 'Angela'. Seeing the fear in the eyes of the older delinquents, a young Draken couldn't help but to worry for his own wellbeing.

Even he couldn't take down a high schooler if he had wanted to. And to get involved with the Yakuza was not something the young boy could afford at this point.

But at the same time, this excited Draken. If he could get his hands on Mikey, then he could be near the top of the food chain. A big smile was planted on the youngster's face as he continued running down the streets. Finally, the tatted boy was able to come across another kid who went to Seventh Elementary, asking him if he had any idea who this Mikey person was.

When the boy pointed back behind him, Draken gulped down his sudden anxiety. But standing before him was a rather short boy, casually walking with his hands in the pockets of his pants, a lollipop stick visibly hanging from his mouth.


This boy was literally just a kid, Draken couldn't believe it. He was expecting someone way bigger than him as Mikey made his way over to the taller boy. Should he fight the puny one now?

"Hey. A bunch of 48 positions overlap, don't they?" The shorter boy asked.



"I keep trying to count them and never get to 40. Thoughts?" Mikey asked once again.

What did that even mean? Nope, Draken didn't have time to ask questions about what this kid was talking about. He had orders.

"Uh...Y-You're Mikey, right?" The taller boy hesitantly asked.

"Yeah, I am. So what?" Mikey responded as he continued chowing down on his lollipop.

Well, here goes nothing on Draken's part.

"Some middle schoolers I know wanted me to get you."

That was when it felt like Mikey's demeanor changed in an instance, and Draken could sense it. It made him extremely uneasy.

"I mean...I'm not gonna force ya," the taller boy quickly added in order to save himself from anything.

"Sure," Mikey suddenly responded.

Now that caught Draken off guard. Mikey had a little smile on his face, saying that since the tall boy had asked, then he'd go. He had nothing against Draken, so Mikey went along with it. Once he had dropped his stuff off at the nearby school, the taller blonde of the two led the shorter one back to the alleyway where the Sameyama Crew was.

But he couldn't help but to think how weird it was for Mikey to even go along with him without even questioning anything. Draken didn't even know how to react.

Well, he wouldn't have to judge a book by its cover for long.

Once they had arrived, the middle schoolers got ready for a beat down. But they didn't know what was coming for them.

"I brought the kid. This is Mikey-"

However, Draken wasn't able to get everything out. Because Mikey soon dashed past him with incredible speed before jumping into the air, landing a foot straight onto the leader's face, and sending him to the ground as the shorter boy performed a perfect landing.

Everyone stood there in shock. Did that...just happen..?

Keeping his back to all of the shocked delinquents, Mikey stood in place for a second before taking his lollipop out of his mouth.

"So what do some mama's boys who gotta gang up on others want with me?" The shorter boy suddenly let out before turning to the older boys with a smile that almost looked crazy.

However, as the boys stood in shock at what they had just seen with, another little legend of the streets decided to make her formal entrance.

"Ooh, so you must be the assholes who've been picking on the poor kids of the neighborhood," a feminine voice in a sickening sweet tone came into the mix.

Before anyone else could ask or even look to see who it was, two of the members felt a hand placing itself on the side of their heads before a great force slammed them together, knocking to two middle schoolers out instantly.

Draken didn't hear the girl approaching them. And for her to just easily knock two middle schoolers like that was very impressive. And scary.

Looking over to see who the newcomer was, the tall grade schooler saw a girl who was about his height at the time, her hair reached just below her shoulder blades, streaks of white mixed in with (h/c), she was wearing a white t-shirt that was tied in front just above her belly button, revealing a little bit of a large red tattoo on her back. Her attire also consisted of a dark blue skirt with black capris underneath them, and black slip-on shoes. She had a dangerously sweet smile on her face with a bandana acting as a hair band.

Mikey smiled back at the girl as she placed her hands on her hips, Draken blushing at the sight before him.

"I'm Mikey from Seventh Elementary."

"And I'm Angela from the local middle school. We're the toughest kids on the block, and don't you dunderheads forget it," the older girl growled towards the end of her statement with her (e/c) eyes going into slits.

That was enough to make the delinquents grab their downed members and scram with fear. Mikey then galloped towards the young (Y/N), hugging her waist while she patted his head as she turned towards the fifth grader who was just as tall as she was, pointing a red nailed finger at him.

"You're Draken from Fourth Elementary, am I right?" She asked in a light tone, her smile now brighter, the complete opposite of what it had just been moments ago.

Mikey, keeping his arms around the taller girl's waist, looked back towards the stunned tatted boy.

"What's a badass like you doing hanging around with those pieces of shit?"

"Yeah. You seem a little too nice to be with them. Want me to go rip them a new one?" The dual color haired girl asked as she clenched one of her fists.

"N-No thank you, Ma'am!" Draken let out as he straightened up.

Confused by his sudden response, the middle school girl arched an eyebrow before letting out a small laugh. She liked this kid.

"Let's be friends, Kenny," Mikey suddenly smiled as he made the offer.

Right then and there, Draken couldn't help but to smile. His respect for these two just went way up, and that was how the Toman trio was formed.

"Hey! You have a tattoo like mine!" The girl before him suddenly exclaimed as she went over to get a closer look at the dragon printed in ink on the side of the taller boy's head.

Blushing at her close proximity, Draken watched as the girl before him rolled up the sleeve of her t-shirt and pulling it back slightly to reveal a very similar black dragon tattoo inked into her shoulder.

"Woah! That's so cool!" Draken fanboyed as the middle school girl grinned a toothy smile.

"Also, Angela's just a street name. My real name is (Y/N) Osaki. It's nice to meet you, Ken."

Flashback End

"You lit up like a little kid in a candy store," (Y/N) smiled.

"Yeah, yeah. I still can't believe your godparents didn't kill you," the tall boy commented as he gently squeezed the girl's hand.

The sole female member just winced at the memory of her godfather's scolding once he saw her tattoos. Though, he couldn't get too mad since her mother had done the same thing.

"We don't talk about that."


Teasing the girl beside him was quite comical sometimes, though Draken hadn't gone a day without being thankful that she had been in his life for so long. Both her and Mikey saved him from what could've been such a crappy life of being a slave to such a brutal gang back then.

And for that, he will be forever grateful. The two more mature vice commanders had a close bond, one that was hard to explain and just had to be observed by others.

Finally, after making it out of the city, the two teens and made it to (Y/N)'s home, Tiberius letting out happy barks once he heard the girl opening the door after she and Draken had bid their goodbyes. Playing with her canine for a little while, the gangster girl's thoughts went to how this whole showdown with Moebius was gonna go. Well, she wasn't too worried. Because Toman had the fighting spirit that other gangs did not.

And that was stronger than any punch could deliver, in her opinion.


The afternoon had flown by and now, (Y/N) was making her way over to the Mitsuya residence with a plate full of her famous homemade onigiri. The second division captain's sisters practically begged her to make them for dinner. The Hell's Angel's cooking was a gift from heaven as many people will say.

Once she had made it to the gate leading to the house before her, the gangster girl saw a very familiar bike, and that made her already bright smile glow even brighter as she skipped to the door.

"Where're my princesses?" (Y/N) called out as she knocked.

Not even a second later, the older girl heard two little pairs of feet pattering towards the door, the lock clicking before swinging open as both Mana and Luna jumped on the gangster girl, the older one trying to make sure her little treats didn't fall from her hands as she held onto the two little ones with her free arm.

"Mana, Luna. You two don't have to jump on her every time she comes over," Mitsuya scolded his sisters as he came around the corner.

With the two girls pouting at their older brother, (Y/N) placed the plate of onigiri on a nearby table before picking up the Mitsuya sisters.

"Kashi, they're fine, really. Plus..." she started as she quietly tiptoed towards the boy, looking around the corner to see another boy sitting at the table with his back to them.

"I have yet to greet the last baby in the house," she smiled.

The two youngsters caught on to what the (h/c) and white haired girl was planning, quietly snickering as she set them down, putting a finger to her lips so that they'd stay quiet. Mitsuya couldn't help but to smile and let out a quiet laugh as he shook his head.

"Don't kill the poor guy."

"Oh, no promises when it comes to him."

And with that, the Mitsuya siblings watched as (Y/N) carefully tiptoed towards the tall boy with indigo blue hair with a swirly design shaved into one side, his left earring piercing glimmering in the light, a scar visible on the left side of his mouth. Oh, he had no idea what was coming for him. He had no idea (Y/N) was even right behind him as she stayed in his blind spot.

Then, the older girl pounced as she embraced the boy from behind him, catching him completely off guard as he let out a small screech.

"It's my baby, Kai!!!" Hakkai Shiba heard the familiar female voice gleefully claim as she continued to hug him.

"H-H-Hachi?!?" He let out.

But then, his shyness and timid side got to him by pure instinct, the boy's face turning very very dark red from seeing the older one's bright smile. And it didn't help that their faces were in very close proximity to each other. Hakkai was soon a stuttering mess as he put his already embarrassed face into his hands.

She had always called him along with another member of Toman her 'babies'. Just her protective side showing. Plus, there were other circumstances surrounding Hakkai's case. Circumstances that absolutely rubbed her the wrong way.

"Ah, that was fun. I haven't seen you in a hot second, Kai. I couldn't help myself," (Y/N) finally said as she got off of the taller youngster, sitting down at the table across from the timid boy as Mana crawled up onto her lap.

Now, usually, Hakkai would shut down right then and there, being unable to speak. And that was the case when he had met the second vice commander the first time. But the longer they knew each other, the more comfortable Hakkai was around her. In fact, next to Mitsuya, the younger boy trusted (Y/N) with his life. Especially after what she did during his darkest times.

"Y-Yeah.... I-I thought you were going to meet up with Pah and everything," the tall teen slightly stuttered as Mitsuya sat down beside the dual color haired girl.

"That's tomorrow. We'll see how it goes. Might have to kick some booty again," she responded, careful with what she said to make sure it was kid appropriate.

"You don't need to be in the hospital again. And give me another frickin' heart attack," Mitsuya stated, muttering the last part of his sentence.

He was serious though, when the lilac haired captain got the call that she needed a ride home from the hospital, Mitsuya feared that something much worse had happened. And he wasn't too happy to see her with bandages on her face and arms.

If something were to ever happen to her, Mitsuya would probably lose a part of himself.

Hakkai was kind of in the same boat with this one. And (Y/N) could tell as she sweat-dropped at her friend's sudden response. It wasn't all that bad in her opinion, but she saw where they were coming from.

"Anyway, how's your sister? I barely get to see her at school," the girl quickly changed the subject.

Not only was she close was Hakkai Shiba, but she also had a fairly tight relationship with his older sister, Yuzuha Shiba. The two girls were in the same year at the local high school, however (Y/N) had gotten busy with other activities and hadn't been able to hang out with her much lately.

"Ah, she's good. She's been busy with midterms coming up, but I know she misses you. And...I do too," the indigo haired boy admitted, his cheeks going dark red once again.

"Ugh, don't remind me about midterms. And I miss you guys too. You two should come over to my place whenever you have time. You both still have the keys I gave you?" The gangster girl asked as she placed her chin down on Mana's head.

A bit of relief washed over her when she saw the youngest boy of the group nod his head. She knew their family situation. Like she really knew it. And she was in no way gonna welcome one of the Shiba members into her house or anywhere near Hakkai or Yuzuha. Not while she was around.

But! (Y/N) didn't want to worry about that right now. Letting out a sigh through her nose, the girl smiled before reaching over to grab the plate of heaven that she prepared, since Mitsuya was able to grab it for her as she jumped Hakkai, and set it on the table, Mana and Luna's eyes practically sparkled.

"Eat up, I made them special for you guys," the girl let out as everyone began digging in happily.

But the second division captain could tell that something was on her mind. He didn't know if it had something to do with the whole Moebius thing or something else. Even after knowing (Y/N) for so long, sometimes Mitsuya couldn't tell what was on her mind.

As he ate his onigiri, the lilac haired boy reached under the table from his seat between Hakkai and her, gently grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers, his thumb caressing the back of hers. It caught her off guard for a second as (Y/N) looked over to see him giving her a soft smile.

Dammit, it always made her heart flutter a bit, so a blush appeared on her cheeks as she smiled to herself. Gosh, how was she so lucky to have friends like them?

"Ew, Hakkai! Smack Big Bro! He's bothering Sissy and being all gross with her under the table!" Mana suddenly ordered the tallest of the group to do as everyone choked on their food.

(Y/N) actually began laughing while Mitsuya glared at his sister. Hakkai, well, he just didn't know how to react.

"Mana! I'm not being gross!"


"HAHA! Oh, how I love you guys so much!"


"Yeah, what the hell's up with Yamagishi? He farted the worst possible time earlier, too. He's always causin' trouble for us," Akkun ranted as he pedaled the bike.

Sitting behind him was a now more conscious Takemichi, who had just returned from the present time now armed with the knowledge that he had to stop Moebius no matter what, watched as the plum haired boy continued on with his pedaling. And then, a loud and cheerful laugh was heard from behind him.

"Oh my gosh! That kills me!" A familiar female voice chuckled.

Out of the corner of his eye, Takemichi saw the shade of (h/c) and white hair in its usual braid flowing in the wind. (Y/N) was sitting right there on the bike right behind the younger boy, a huge smile on her face as she had her arms wrapped loosely around the blonde's waist.

In a normal situation, Takemichi would've been a blushing and flustered mess, but seeing the sight of Akkun being alive and well blocked that out. Especially since the last time the young blonde saw his best friend, the plumed haired boy had died right before his eyes.

Noticing his silence, Akkun turned his head back to see what was taking so long for a response.

"What's the matter, Takemichi?" He asked.

Blinking a couple of times, Takemichi then saw a ringed hand wave in front of his face from behind him.

"Hello? Earth to Space Cadet Takechi," (Y/N) called out too as she leaned forward.

She thought it was a little odd that he was spacing out now. He had been rather talkative a few seconds ago.

"Oh, sorry. I wasn't listening," Takemichi admitted.

Before Akkun could retort, the pompadour boy lost control of his bike, causing their balance to be thrown off. (Y/N), since she had the most likelihood of falling, clung onto to the blonde boy's waist. Now that caused Takemichi to blush heavily since he had snapped out of his trance.

"And safe..." Akkun finally sighed as he gained control of his bike once again.

Seeing such a reaction from his friend, Takemichi couldn't help but to let out a loud laugh, which became contagious as the older girl behind him began to snicker into her fist. Frankly, that embarrassed the driver of the bike quite a bit as he turned back towards the two with pink cheeks.

"Wha- The hell are you laughing about?!"

"We're just messing with you," (Y/N) chimed in as Takemichi continued laughing.

He was so happy to see both Akkun and the gangster girl here, alive and happy. Even if he had a dangerous mission ahead of him, Takemichi felt happy right here in this moment. His happiness though, it was catching Akkun off guard as he turned back towards his friend once more.

"Dammit, you're not listening again."

"Hey, Driver!"

"Eyes forward!"

Doing as he was told by both (Y/N) and Takemichi, Akkun then realized that his bike was heading down a somewhat steep hill. But it was too late as the bike started speeding up with the trio heading down the hill, cheering and putting their hands in the air like they were on a fun roller coaster ride.

The (h/c) and white haired girl's braid flew in the breeze as she smiled brightly while whooping and laughing at the speed they were going. This was a nice little break before the storm she knew was coming.

Once they had slowed down, she noticed Takemichi's silence once again. He had been kind of bi-polar today, if you were to ask her. Maybe he had something on his mind.

"Hey, Akkun? Do you have any dreams?" The blonde boy asked all of a sudden.

"Huh? Why are you getting sentimental all of a sudden?" The plum haired boy questioned back.

"Just tell me," Takemichi responded back.

Leaning her head out to the side a little, (Y/N) could see the small blush on his face, but she smiled at that, thinking it was quite adorable. If she had to be honest, Takemichi's question made her curious, so she stayed silent and listened.

"Dreams, huh? Maybe becoming a hairstylist?" Akkun thought out loud.

"Ooh, I can see you doing that. You are pretty stylish," the sole girl on the bike piped up as she looked up at the sky.

Now that only made Akkun blush even more. Ever since meeting her at the fighting club, the plum haired boy had really enjoyed being around (Y/N). She may have been a powerful gang member, but she had a heart of gold, offering to teach the younger ones more on how to effectively fight. She was at their school quite often, being as that she was a mentor for some of the clubs on campus, so it was nice to know that the girl was always near.

"You better make it happen," Takemichi finally stated as he put his head down a little bit.

"Huh? The hell are you talking about? How am I supposed to know if it'll happen?" Akkun questioned once again.

Even that made (Y/N) arch her eyebrow when she heard that comment. Takemichi was a strange one, but, for some reason, as she gave it some thought, her mind went back to that dream that she had a few nights before. The girl didn't want Akkun to grow up and live in fear like the Akkun depicted in her dream. He was so young and had so much potential.

As the sole female began to zone out, Takemichi took in a deep breath.

"I BELIEVE IN YOU!!" He yelled out, scaring (Y/N) out of her thoughts as she flinched.

Akkun then pumped the breaks as the girl hopped off before making her way in front of the bike to see if the boy was really alright.

"Whoa, stop! What's gotten into you, Takemichi?" The driver of the bike asked.

"Yeah, you almost gave me a heart attack," (Y/N) added as she clutched her chest.

Their friend sure was a strange one. But Takemichi wasn't going to let Akkun or (Y/N) travel down the dark path that he had just come back from. He was going to save them, just like he has promised.

"I've got your back. I know you can do it!" The blonde smiled at the two of them.

Akkun didn't know how to react, so he let out a stuttered 'sure' as (Y/N) just stayed quiet. If she didn't know any better, she'd think that Takemichi was some sort of fortune teller. Or maybe, he was just being the good friend that he was. She was going to go with the second option.

"Alright, I've gotta go," Takemichi said before getting off the of the bike as well.

"Where are you going?"

"Something came up. Let me be your first customer," the blonde then offered.

Akkun, once again, agreed before Takemichi told him not to forget that, waving and running off in the opposite direction, leaving the two slightly confused teens behind. Both Akkun and (Y/N) stayed silent before looking at each other.

"He's such a weirdo," the plum haired boy shook his head as the girl beside him let out a laugh while placing her hands on her hips.

"Just a little bit. But I can tell he has good intentions. Now back to you being a hairstylist," she started taking a couple of steps in the direction that Takemichi had run in.

Akkun watched as she turned back towards him with a bright grin, her long braid falling over her shoulder, the white strands glowing under the sunlight.

"I might just have to compete with Takechi for being your first customer," she declared.

Now that kind of made Akkun give her a little side smile before she bid her goodbyes to him, waving as she jogged off. Pedaling his bike to go home, the plum haired boy now knew he had to keep up with his end of this sudden deal as he smiled to himself.

As she jogged along, (Y/N) thought it was a little weird that Takemichi would come this way. She knew his house was in the opposite direction, and the only thing was really over in this part of the neighborhood were the warehouses and some other abandoned complexes.

Seeing her destination in sight, the (h/c) and white haired girl quickened her pace before hearing some commotion coming from the inside.

"Ooh, he's a shitty mood already," she muttered to herself before walking in.

"Hey! I'," she trailed off once she had walked in, seeing Mikey, Draken, Pah, and Peh.

The people she expected to see, but who she didn't expect to see was Takemichi as he kneeled on the ground, holding his head in pain.

"Hey, Chi-chin!" Mikey greeted her as she walked towards the group.

Once she got a look at Pah, she could tell he was not taking anyone's crap that day as she watched him stalk towards the fallen blonde, ordering him to stand up. Takemichi did as he was told, but was met with a fist to the gut.

"The hell?! We can't fight them? And you can't tell us why?! Then who the hell beat the shit outta my friend and his girl?! Who were the ones that Big Sis beat the shit out of?!" Pah shouted as he continued with his assault on Takemichi before grabbing the collar of his shirt.

"I don't know! But-"

"Takemitchy. You've made your case," Mikey's calm voice sudden cut in.

(Y/N) stood by Draken, trying to figure out what the hell she had missed with this whole thing. But her questions halted as she looked towards the blonde boy sitting on a box at the head of the group.

"We're gonna fight Moebius. You don't understand anything. Once I've made up my mind that Toman and Moebius are gonna fight, it's gonna happen," the commander explained as his eyes went a little dark, his brows furrowed slightly.

One of the big reasons for fighting Moebius, Mikey wasn't going to take anyone hurting (Y/N) like the way the rival gang members had. That was an automatic switch to war mode.

As she watched this unfolding with Pah letting go of Takemichi's collar, his nose bleeding slightly, the gangster girl was able to connect the dots as to what was happening. And it was an odd conclusion. One, how did Takemichi even know that they were going to meet here? And two, why didn't he want them to fight Moebius? It was all too weird to be a coincidence.

Well, she could worry about that later. Right now, (Y/N) was more concerned about his safety, since Pah had already snapped. Watching the boy, she noticed the fear in his blue eyes, and then, watched as he kneeled down.

"I can't back down! If you guys fight Moebius, Toman's finished! I just became friends with you three! I just can't accept....Toman's ending like this!"

(Y/N) could tell he was crying. And she could see his point about not fighting Moebius. But Toman's ending? What did he mean by that? She felt bad for the boy, but wasn't able to comfort him as Pah had already stepped forward.

"What do you keep blubbering on about?!"

Before Pah could land another punch on the crying boy, a bigger arm looped around his, holding him back.

"What's the big idea, Draken?" The third division captain growled as he turned to see the taller blonde holding back his punch.

Not saying anything at first, Pah got out his grip before turning away.

"Takemitchy said he's not backing down. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to look into Moebius a bit more, Mikey," Draken calmly suggested, turning back towards the commander.

Leave to him to try and calm everyone down. Letting out a small sigh, (Y/N) watched as Mikey's expression remained the same, which she knew wasn't a good thing.

"Huh? Kenny, you goin' against Toman?" The commander accused.

Clearly, that didn't sit well with anyone.

"What? That's not what I said."

"That's what it sounded like to me."

"Alright, enough," the girl finally stepped in, stern look on her face as she got in between everyone, taking a stance in front of Takemichi .

This would be bad news if it escalated any further, and if there was one person who could talk some sense into these tough guys, it was (Y/N). However, not everyone felt like she was on their side.

"Why are you protecting him, Big Sis? He keeps saying shit about not fighting Moebius, that would mean they hurt you guys for nothin'-"

"I know that!" The girl before them yelled as she cut off Pah.

Her tone was enough to shut him the hell up. But she had to calm herself, because if she got mad, that wouldn't be good for anyone. So, (Y/N) took in a deep breath through her nose before looking at the third division captain.

"I know that. But fighting amongst ourselves ain't gonna do us any good. You all need to calm down so we can come up with a game plan," she stated clearly.

The boys knew she was right and weren't going to argue with her, but still. It didn't sit well with either Mikey or Draken that they were beginning to go at each other's throats. It really didn't sit well with the other vice commander one bit. There was pure silence amongst the top dogs of Toman.

"Sorry to interrupt your little cat fight," another voice came into the mix.

Looking over, everyone caught sight of a taller boy combing his blonde hair, having a scar on his forehead, wearing a red uniform, and smoking a cigarette.

"Moebius this, Moebius that. Would you mind keeping our name outta your mouths? You middle school pissants," the newcomer taunted as he let out a puff of smoke.

Pah immediately knew who it was, and so did everyone else


"Pipe down, dick cheese," the Moebius leader smirked.

Takemichi couldn't believe that this was the same Osanai that he and Naoto saw back in the present time. That man was so timid and afraid of everything. This guy was the complete opposite of that. Pah's glare became even harsher as he looked at the rival gang leader.

"You bastard..." he growled.

"You there. I'm two years older. That's Mister Bastard to you," Osanai taunted once again as he pointed his comb at the third division captain.

That was enough to make Pah snap as he suddenly charged towards the older gangster, the veins bulging on his face and neck from all of the anger that he had been holding back for so long. But he ended up missing an attack, and was met with Osanai's fist to the face, sending the third division captain to the ground.

"Yeah, thanks for proving you're just middle school babies. Tokyo Manji Gang? Change your damn name. Maybe to 'Middle School Baby Alliance'," the Moebius leader continued taunting as he smoked his cigarette.

"Hey, asshole. If you were actually smart, you'd know that I'm the same frickin' age as you. And you'd better leave before I rip you a new one like I did to some of your upper dogs," (Y/N) finally snapped in a calm fashion.

But on the inside, she was beyond pissed. Osanai was lucky the girl didn't just take him down right then and there had Draken not kept his hand on her shoulder. A bit of a protective gesture on his side.

The Moebius leader then looked over at the girl before looking her up and down, smirking in a disgusting fashion.

"Well, hello there to you too, Sexy. I heard a little something about how you were gonna pick a fight with us," Osanai smirked before snapping his fingers.

Once he had done that, other members of the Moebius gang entered the establishment in their white uniforms, most of them wearing scowls and tough smug expression.

"So I thought we'd generously bring the fight to you. So Mikey, this is war, baby."

The rival members then surrounded the Toman group, greatly outnumbering them, and shouting out different profanities towards them all. However, none of them, except Takemichi, showed any sort of concern. As Pah stirred from the ground, (Y/N) walked over to him and Peh, grabbing his arm, and pulling her younger brother figure to his feet. Though she had to keep an arm around his shoulders to keep him steady.

"We came all this way to see you and your bratty kids, Mikey babe," Osanai smirked as he threw his cigarette to the ground.

But the Moebius leader had his sights set on someone else first. Once again, (Y/N) made eye contact with Osanai's, not that there was much to look at.

"Now, Sweetheart. Why don't you come with me and my boys for a bit? I sure do like tough girls who know the streets like you do."

Standing behind her with his hand still on her shoulder, Draken's glare harshened. No one talked to her like that without crawling away from a brawl. But he could see that she was getting even more irritated by the second that he kept talking.

"You better piss off before I bash your head in. I would love to see that look in your eyes," the girl growled, smirking sadistically.

"Now don't be like that."

Continuing to stay sitting down, Mikey's eyes soon narrowed. It was amazing that he didn't just go and kill Osanai right then and there for talking to his Angela like that. But he kept calm and soon, the Toman commander stood up before making his way to Moebius's leader and stopping just a foot away from Osanai.

Takemichi was beginning to panic as he dashed forward, looking back and forth from Mikey to Osanai as the Moebius members began surrounding the group of six.

"You had to bring all these guys to fight some middle school kids. I see you're exactly the piece of shit I imagined you to be, Osanai," Mikey smirked.

"What's that? Couldn't hear ya, you flea," the Moebius leader retorted while putting a hand around his ear.

The other members began laughing, Osanai could feel a pair of eyes on him, weak eyes. Takemichi had been so caught up in shock that this Osanai was the same person that he had met twelve years in the future, that he didn't realize he was staring.

"Hey. Who the hell do you think you're gawkin' at?" The older boy sneered at Takemichi.

Unable to come up with an answer, and because he had been caught off guard with the taller blonde getting down in his face, the crybaby hero didn't see the large fist coming at him before landing on his cheek.

"You just tried to look down on me, didn't ya? Those eyes are the kind that I hate most!"

And the assault didn't stop with just one punch, a couple more made their way into Takemichi's face. Standing off to the side, Draken felt the rage coming off of (Y/N), her eyes widened like a wild animal's. And she was going to step in right here and now, but the Toman vice commander didn't feel comfortable with the way Osanai had made those comments towards her. If she stepped in, no telling what he'd do to try and touch her.

Hell no, not on Draken's watch. Before she could lunged towards the fight, the taller boy held her back with a hand grabbing her arm. As Osanai went to punch an almost unconscious Takemichi, Pah was able to stop the fight by wrapping his arm around the Moebius leader's.

"You get to deal with me, jackass," the third division captain declared.

But Takemichi didn't want that to happen. He had to stop this fight at all costs.

"Don't do it, Pah...don't fight Moebius," the time leaper shakily stated before trying to stand up, blood dripping from his injuries.

But Pah was having none of it, and pushed Takemichi to the ground before he could come any closer.

"Stay out of this."

Feeling the brunt of his injuries, Takemichi stayed on the ground, hearing two pairs of footsteps coming up from behind him. The younger blonde then felt a gentle touch on his shoulder, guiding him back to lean on something. Looking up, he saw that it was (Y/N) as she used her legs as a pillar for him to rest up against. Peh soon joined her side before crouching down.

"Don't underestimate, Pah, Hanagaki. He's one of the best brawlers Toman's got. He doesn't care who he's up against. He'll go at them, fists ablaze, and take down a whole crew on his own. He'd never lose to a piece of trash like Osanai," Peh passionately explained as he narrowed his eyes.

"That's not the issue here."

There was no way that this was going to end well if he didn't stop this fight. Takemichi had to save everyone. His will to fight was still there. And so, the blonde went to stand up, but (Y/N)'s hand gently kept him sitting down.

"Uh-uh, sit. You took some hard hits. So stay sitting," she ordered in a tone of voice that people knew by instinct not to go up against.

Although he didn't want to listen to her. But his body was too weak to let him go forward with his actions.

"Takemitchy," Mikey's voice called out to him.

"Just sit back and watch. This is Pah's fight."

That was all that was said before the brawl began. The two rivals took their stances before Osanai made the first move, quickly punching Pah in the face before he could even throw a fist. But the third division captain wasn't backing down, even throwing a joke about Osanai being a boxer into the mix as he spit out some blood.

However, that was only the beginning before Osanai threw a punch that hit Pah straight in the nose, dead center, causing the boy to go off balance. (Y/N) had to look away as she heard the sound of blood hitting and splattering on the ground.

"You won't even be able to squash and ant...with a punch like that!" Pah taunted as blood gushed from his now broken nose.

As everyone got a look at the Toman brawler's eyes, it was clear that this wasn't looking for Pah. Peh had had enough, quickly running forward. But he stopped in his tracks when he heard his commander's voice.

"Didn't I tell you all to just sit back and watch?" Mikey asked in a low tone, not showing much emotion.

"Sorry, Mikey," Peh quickly apologized, seeing that he had stepped out of line.

At this point, Takemichi had stood up from the ground. He couldn't believe what he was hearing from the Toman commander.

"Just sit back and watch? That's just cruel, Mikey! Pah's nose is obviously broken, and he's barely conscious! He's done for! Pah's gonna die! We should stop him!" The younger blonde boy shouted.

He didn't want to watch someone die ever again. That wouldn't accomplish anything.

Osanai was getting ready to deliver more punches to Pah as the boy wavered. But, despite Takemichi's pleas, Mikey stayed calm and stood where he was before turning around and smiling.

"Why? He hasn't given up yet," the commander answered.

Pah's moves had slowed greatly, he wasn't able to aim correctly, he was going to pass out soon if something wasn't done. And here Mikey was, smiling! It was just too cruel in Takemichi's mind. It was torture.

Taking another punch, some of Pah's blood had gotten on Osanai's hand.

"Well, that's just gross," the Moebius leader looked down in disgust.

When he looked back up, Osanai was quite satisfied with his work.

"Hey! Look at this! The asshat's gonna pass out standing up!"

Oh, how (Y/N) wanted to just put Osanai ten feet into the ground. But she respected the fact that Pah wanted to take this fight on by himself. So, she continued to stay calm.

Pah had finally reached his limit though, wavering back and forth as his head spun. He couldn't put up a fight anymore, and that was when the third division captain fell. But Mikey was there to support Pah's fall, the boy's head landing on his commander's shoulder.

"Sorry....Mikey," Pah managed to say while keeping his head on Mikey's shoulder.

"I'm so....worthless."

"What are you talking about, Pah? You haven't lost at all."

With the commander's declaration, the other Moebius members began to raise hell as Mikey handed off Pah to (Y/N) so she could treat his wounds as she gently lay him on the ground, taking out some handkerchiefs to wipe the blood off of his face.

"Get grovelin', Mikey!"

"Y'all can strip down and start grovelin'!"

"Don't piss yourselves!"

None of the Toman members listened to the taunts and threats. Instead, Mikey calmly made his way up to Osanai as he lit another cigarette.

"What? You want a piece of me, Mikey?" The Moebius leader asked while blowing smoke out of his nose.

As she continued working on Pah, (Y/N) smiled to herself since she knew what was coming next. And she was glad it was Mikey to do it too.

"I'll murder you in ten sec-"

Osanai was never able to finish his sentence before the Toman commander landed a precise and powerful kick to the side of the Moebius boy's head, knocking him unconscious immediately.

That was enough to make everyone go quiet. To think that the great Osanai could be taken down so easily. Takemichi's jaw hit the floor along with the other Moebius members.

"Any of you who actually thought Pah lost, get your asses out here. I'll murder all of you," Mikey darkly declared.

No one dared to say anything or to move at that threat. Because by the looks of it, Mikey was serious and could follow through with that threat.

"Toman belongs to me. As long as I have its back, none of us are gonna lose. One more thing," Mikey started before laying a foot in Osanai's head.

"No one talks about Angela like that. Don't even think of putting her name in your filthy mouths."

Smirking to herself, (Y/N) already knew what the crowds expressions looked like. She had seen it way too many times. But it was always fun to see it. Ken, well, he didn't look quite as shocked as everyone else as he kept a neutral expression on his face.

"Sorry, Kenny, Chi-chin. I couldn't help myself," Mikey smiled back to his two vice commanders.

(Y/N) let out a small huff of laughter as she stood up once she had controlled Pah's bleeding, making her way over to Draken's side. The taller boy let out a sigh before smiling to his childhood friend.

"What're we gonna do with you, Mikey?" He asked.

"Honestly, though," the sole female added.

Unbeknownst to Mikey, however, both Draken and (Y/N) caught sight of Osanai's moving figure, a broken bottle in his grasp as he stood up. Letting out a yell, the Moebius leader charged towards Mikey, having bad intentions with the broken bottle.

"Look out, Mikey!"

Before he could blink, Takemichi watched as both Draken and (Y/N) ran before jumping in front of Mikey. No, this is what Takemichi had feared. But now, the gangster girl was throwing herself into the line of danger.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as the shorter blonde boy yelled out to the two vice commanders. Soon, the sound of blood dripping on the ground was heard once again.

Looking up and expecting the worst, Takemichi was a bit relieved to see that Draken had kneed Osanai in the stomach while (Y/N) had a grip on the arm with the bottle, the sharp glass just inches from her face.

"Osanai, I'll tell you why you lost," Draken started as the Moebius leader coughed up blood, completely out of commission.

"Because you left the true delinquent path. Raping women, assaulting someone's parents. You're nothin' but a piece of shit. Listen up. Do anything else messed up, and we'll come kill you assholes ourselves," the tattooed boy declared as he glared at the crowd.

Now Moebius was scared, as they began backing off.

"These guys are bad news."

"Are they seriously in middle school?"

"Mikey just pulverized your commander! Any of you got a problem with that?! If not, Moebius is gonna be under the Tokyo Manji Gang!" Draken shouted.

Alright, he got to have his fun. Now it was (Y/N)'s turn. She had just about enough of all of this shit. They were about to get a taste of Japan's Hell's Angel. She soon looked up and everyone froze under her sharp gaze. To think that a woman could look so dangerous.

"Now if all of you have some brains, then you all better get the hell out before I deal with you, myself," she growled in a low tone.

Like it almost sounded like she had been possessed. It almost sounded like the voice wasn't heard. It was a literal growl. It sent chills even down Mikey's spine. That was how you could tell if (Y/N) was pissed off.

Takemichi couldn't believe that they had just won. It was incredible in a way. Then, as she kept the death glare on the crowd before her, the (h/c) and white haired girl heard a very familiar sound in the distance. It was faint, but it was clear.

"The cops? Oh shit," Draken smirked as (Y/N) dropped her grip on Osanai's arm.

"Crap, the police?!" Takemichi yelped.

"Are they comin' to congratulate us on our victory?" Peh joked, causing Mikey and the sole female to let out a laugh.

Now it was really time to go before the cops could get them, the shorter blonde was actually surprised by how relaxed everyone from Toman was being as the Moebius members began to flee from the scene. Although, Draken's booming voice was able to stop them right in their tracks.

"Don't you dare try to run off by yourselves. Someone lend Osanai a hand," Toman's vice commander told them.

With the members of Moebius beginning to go over to get their leader, (Y/N) caught a glimpse of silver out of the corner of her eye. But she was unable to do anything as she watched Pah charge forward before driving a knife into Osanai's back, twisting it to go deeper.

"PAH!!" She screamed, gaining everyone's attention as her eyes went wide.

Draken looked down, he too, going into a state of shock.

"I'm not letting you off that easily, Osanai..." the third division captain muttered.

Taking quick action, Draken pushed Pah away as (Y/N) quickly crouched down to assess Osanai's injury.

"What the hell did you do, Pah?!"

It didn't look good at all. Before they could reach the exit, Mikey and Takemichi turned to see what was happening and were met with the sight before them.

"Pah....oh man..."

"Oh, dude. Why the hell did you bring a knife?"

"Is he dead?"

With them all asking questions, (Y/N) was able to get Osanai to lay on his stomach, pressing two fingers against the side of his neck while keeping some pressure on the wound.

"He's got a pulse. But he needs to go to the hospital," she urgently stated.

But she knew that they couldn't stay here, or else they'd all get caught by the cops. The sound of the sirens was getting louder and now it was really time to go. Knowing she couldn't do anymore, (Y/N) quickly stood up as Draken pulled her arm so that they could escape.

But they were missing one member. Abruptly stopping, the gangster girl looked back to see the third division captain standing in place, the other remaining members of Moebius keeping their distance.

"Pah, let's go!" Mikey shouted at him.

"I'm sorry, Mikey....Peh, my friend. Look after the third division for me. And Big Sis...thanks for everything. I'll...go with the cops," Pah managed to rasp out.

"The hell you will!"

(Y/N) could see the tears gathering in his eyes, and she felt some come to hers as well, turning to look at Pah, her little bro. Looking back, she saw Draken carrying Mikey and Peh out of the building with the commander shouting out his name.

The girl knew she had to go, but not before saying one last thing. Quickly running over to Pah, the older girl wrapped in a big bear hug, to which he returned before feeling her pull away as she kept her hands on his shoulders.

"Be safe," she whispered as he nodded, both having tears running down their cheeks.

Running towards the doorway and following Takemichi, the girl soon caught up with the others as the sound of sirens finally reached its peak. Luckily, the Toman members were able to escape down a series of alleyways before the cops could catch up to them.

"Dammit! How the hell did this happen?!" Mikey yelled as everyone kept running.

Takemichi's pace was beginning to slow, the severity of his injuries becoming clear. Soon, his vision became blurry, and his will to fight it any longer vanished. Hearing something hit the ground, both (Y/N) and Mikey stopped and turned to see that the faux blonde boy had passed out.

"Takemitchy/Takechi!" They both shouted.

"Mikey! Get him up on my back!" The (h/c) and white haired girl ordered, the slightly shorter boy doing what as he was told.

"(Y/N)! Let me carry him!" Draken yelled to her as she stood up with the unconscious boy on her back.

"No, I got him! My house is around the block! Just go!" She retorted urgently before making a B-line for her street, leaving the others to escape down a different way.

She was a quick runner and even with a literal weight on her shoulders, (Y/N) was still able to make it to her house in a span of about five minutes. Hastily opening the door, Tiberius tried to greet his master, but quickly backed off as she rushed past him. Making it to her couch, the girl gently laid Takemichi down, letting out a breath of air.

Tiberius sniffed the unconscious boy's hand and watched as (Y/N) rushed into the bathroom before returning with a first aid kit. Not wasting anytime, she got out band aids, ice packs, and alcohol wipes.

"Come on, baby," she whispered in a pleading tone as she began wiping the blood from his nose, moving to the scratches and bruises on his cheeks, chin, forehead, and everywhere else on his face.

Luckily, she saw him scrunching up his nose a little bit. Well, that was a relief. Letting out the hundredth sigh of the day, (Y/N) continued on with getting him patched up before placing an ice pack underneath his head, and on his forehead. Feeling satisfied with her work, the girl went to grab an extra blanket from a closet before heading back to Takemichi's unconscious figure and tucking him in gingerly.

Now all he could was rest, and all she could do was watch over him to make sure his condition didn't get any worse. But the feeling of the events that had just occurred was beginning to hit her. Hard.

"Watch him for me," she told her pooch while giving him a head scratch before heading outside.

Her braid had come loose, and now she just looked like a hot mess once again. But that didn't matter. She felt such guilt and sadness for Pah, just leaving him like that. She respected his will to go with the cops, but that didn't mean she was all for it. This could bring on a harsh sentence for him in juvenile detention.

Running her nails through her hair, (Y/N) leaned her back up against the wall of her house, letting out some deep breaths to try and calm herself down.

"Hey, Hachi," a voice suddenly pulled her out it.

Snapping her head towards the familiar voice, the older girl saw Chifuyu standing just a few feet away from her. The first division vice captain quickly grew concerned when she looked towards him in such a distressed manner.

"(Y/N), what happened?" He asked before rushing towards her.

You knew it was serious when Chifuyu used her first name instead of the endearing nicknames. As he got closer to her, the boy noticed a large spot of red on her shoulder, as well as some splattered on her shirt.

"Oh, jeez. Is that blood?" He dreaded as he inspected her shoulder.

Chifuyu swore, if someone touched her...

"It's not mine!'s not mine," she quickly denied before putting her hands on the slightly taller one's shoulders, putting her head down.

Chifuyu grabbed her elbows, fearing she'd collapse right then and there. The girl before him looked frightened, and by the way she was acting right now, something had gone wrong. He could feel the poor girl trembling.

"Hey, I got you, okay? Are you alright?" Chifuyu gently questioned, trying to get her to calm down.

It took her a second, but (Y/N) was able to gain her composure enough to look up at the boy's bluish green eyes before running her hand through her hair once again.

"Pah got arrested," she finally let out, a few strands on her (h/c) and white hair falling from their updo.

That was definitely not what the first division vice captain was expecting. All he knew was that she and the others were only supposed to be discussing their plan of attack against Moebius and nothing more. The boy's eyes widened from the shock of hearing the news.

"He got arrested?! Why?" Chifuyu couldn't help but to ask.

That was when (Y/N)'s eyes began to fill with tears once again as she looked up to try and keep everything in. But she knew Chifuyu see right through her as she felt him wiping them away as some stray ones fell to her cheeks.

"Osanai showed up...he and Pah got into it..and Pah stabbed him..."

She wasn't even able to finish the sentence without her cracking, the crystal tears from her orbs beginning to come on even stronger, the girl trying to hide them as she put a hand up to try and hide her face. It was just by instinct. (Y/N) absolutely hated it when people saw her cry. It made her feel a bit too vulnerable.

While Chifuyu listened and tried to take in what she was telling him, but it was a lot. To suddenly hear of one of the division captain's arrest, that was going to stir up some turmoil within Toman.

However, they could deal with that later. Right now, the boy wanted to comfort the girl in any way that he could. Chifuyu could tell this was already taking a toll on her, the boy had known her long enough to see that fact.

"(Y/N)... it's okay. You can let it out around me," he cooed to her and she brought her hand down, placing it on Chifuyu's chest.

"I left him there, Chi-Chi....! I'm not..." the girl cried even more, feeling such guilt within herself for not doing more for Pah.

Looking at her with soft eyes, the vice captain stroked her hair before placing his hand on the back of her head, guiding her to lean on his shoulder while he wrapped his arms around her neck. It was kind of like he was her shield for her to hide her tears from the world like how she preferred, but it also a way for her to just let it all out to him.

As she let her tears with some shaky breaths, (Y/N) calmed herself while she used one hand to grip Chifuyu's sweater. The girl always loved his sweaters, they were so soft and always smelled good. The girl couldn't help but to take in the scent of the boy's sweater mixed in with some of the cologne he was wearing. Talk about a calming incense.

Letting out one more deep breath, the gangster girl patted the boy's back before they both pulled away, though Chifuyu still kept his hands at the base of (Y/N) neck.

"You okay?" He asked her once more, feeling her put her hand on his wrists.

"Yeah, I think so. I got your sweater wet, though," she gestured towards the spot on his shoulder where she had just cried.

Looking down at his shoulder and back at her, Chifuyu gave her a 'really' expression while the girl before him gave a small toothy grin.

"You think I care about that right now?"

"Not really, but it's fun for me to tease you, pretty boy."

Ooh, now that was a new one. 'Pretty boy', even she didn't call Baji that. Chifuyu one, Baji zero. Blushing slightly, the blonde then shook his head and let out a small laugh before leaning him forehead against (Y/N)'s, the girl closing her eyes.

"We'll get through this, 'kay?" He promised.

Nodding, (Y/N) pulled away before looking down at her own clothes. She really shouldn't be out in the open with blood all over her shirt, people may get the wrong ideas. Besides, there's was more business to attend to.

"I have to go meet Mikey and Ken."

"Yeah? Want me to wait for you? We were supposed to have a meeting tonight anyway, right?"

Oh, crap. That's right. This meeting was to go over more of a game plan for August third between the captains, vice captains, and commanders. (Y/N) already had a feeling as to how this was all gonna go. But right now, she tried to remain as calm as she could. Plus, the girl couldn't pass up any Chi-Chi time.

"Would you please? I just need to change my shirt. Hair up or down?" She asked for his opinion.

Well, that was a hard question for the first division captain because he, personally, thought she looked good no matter what, but the boy knew she'd get irritated if he pulled a Keisuke Baji comment on her.

"Down would look good."

"Got it. I'll be, like, two seconds."

Going back into her house, (Y/N) took out her bandana and finished undoing her braid to let her long hair fall. Dashing upstairs after checking to make sure that Takemichi was still asleep, the girl grabbed the nearest t-shirt she could find before taking off her dirty one and replacing it with the clean one that she had.

As she made her way back downstairs, the (h/c) and white haired girl couldn't get the thought of how this whole meeting was going to go out of her head.

She was just really hoping that her intuition was wrong this time.

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