By GuildMaster_RiP

226K 6.6K 2.4K

KDA popstars rising to fame in just 1 night but despite their talents there are also the people behind the sc... More

Chapter 1:A Devil Behind the Smile.
Chapter 2: Seraphine
Chapter 3: Pizza?
Chapter 4: Memories
Chapter 5: Fight?
Chapter 6: Polaroid
Chapter 7:My Queen
Chapter 8:The storm
Chapter 9: Catching Up
Chapter 10: There goes my peace
Chapter 11: I can dress up nice too!
Chapter 12: Party Night! (Part 1)
Chapter 14: Buckle Up.
Chapter 15:Bloody Night
Chapter 16: Aftermath
Chapter 17:MOM?!
Chapter 18: She Actually has Pretty Eyes
Chapter 19: The Aftermath.
Chapter 20: THIS IS A BAD IDEA!
Chapter 21:Unwanted Guest
Chapter 22: Remenicsing
Chapter 23: Closure with your Demons.
Chapter 24: Wild Goose Chase.
Chapter 25: Midnight Snack
Chapter 26: Staying over with the Idols.
Chapter 27:What are they doing?
Chapter 28: Lighting up the fuze
Chapter 29:Let's go to the Mall!
Chapter 30: Im through with you.
Chapter 31: SURPRISE?
Chapter 32: Game Night!
Chapter 33: New Start
Chapter 34:Walk with me ?
Chapter 35: Back to work.
Chapter 36: Trust

Chapter 13: Party Night! (Part 2)

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By GuildMaster_RiP

(y/n) POV

Qiyana took Sera as soon we got out of the elevator to meet the rest of true damage, hopefully she can meet Akali since she's a big fan of KDA. And so I was left with Ekko,we got out and i started looking around to see who got invited and what's in the party. I recognize some people in the party because of them being famous celebrities online and in television, even famous people like Basketball player Darius over there with the other athletes.

(Y/n): I didnt knew you guys were friends with Darius.

Ekko:We aren't, he's Lucians friend.



I remember Lucian also helped the crew with funding some of the production just to help his wife, which was touching seeing the love of your life fully supporting you. On our way of who knows where i forgot that we were meeting up with Yasuo, but i think i kinda know where he would be in a party, but it's still better to ask Ekko since he's been with him awhile ago.

(y/n): By the way you know where Yasuo is right? I don't see him anywhere.

Ekko:He texted me that he was at the bar, i guess we can start there?

Called it.

We continue our way to Yasuo which was at the second floor of the penthouse and while walking up the stares i noticed alot of people are grouped up in that 1 corner, It might some  celebrity or big shot rich person over there, but it got me curious who that person might be.

(y/n): what's up over there?

I pointed out the group of people bunched up together on the corner at the middle of the venue.

Ekko:No idea, must be some famous celeb or rich guy, me and Qi went down to check up on something so i havent really seen who's here yet.


We passed by the crowed and ignoring the group of people that was on the middle on our way to the bar to meet Yasuo, while i continue looking around to see what's in the party.

Ahri POV

More and more  guest arrived minutes ago, and so did more people started grouping around us.

Stranger#1: Hey Ahri care too dance?

Stranger#2:How about drinks? My treat!

Ahri:I-im fine thanks.

I politely reject 1 person after another and tried to listen to whatever my ears can manage from multiple people talking, I let out a big sigh in my head and  adjusted a bit to see how Kai'sa was doing.

I looked and saw she's trying her best not to get herself too flustered from the amount of people talking to her, she isnt the most outgoing but if you get to know her she can also be talkative. I went back to the problem in my end and continue to try myself not get annoyed.

Why cant we just enjoy it normally like everyone else, not like people would group up on us and just try to flirt or chat to like I'm the only person in the whole world.

Its not like I hate the attention, but it sometimes take a toll, when u just want to do something without any fans , guys trying to flirt or do there boring talks about how rich they are.

I looked at Akali and can't help but feel jealous cause there seats were not swarmed by fans which is a mystery for me,i shifted my gaze and  saw Evelynn enjoying herself on the balcony since no one wants to approach her....lucky her, looking back Akali seem to be having a lot of fun...

But who's the girl with the pink hair? She looks familiar..

Seraphine POV

As we got in the penthouse i was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people, how can they all fit in here! All my attention was looking around the place seeing famous people in different fields, singers, actors, athletes even politicians! The place were filled with just filled with them and i was abit excited to maybe meet and talk to some of the people i know.

???:Qiyana Over here!

Qiyana:Hey follow me.

Sera:Huh? Oh yeah sure.

My focus shifted back to Qiyana when she called me out to follow her, we passed by the people who are grouped up in 1 spot which made me curious  what happening over there, when i shifted my view back to where we were going i stopped midway near the place and I couldnt believe what my eyes are seeing.

Akali: Hey.


I quickly ran Qiyana first and went straight to Akali and gave her hugged her with my all might while jumping in glee because  its actually Akali in the flesh!

Akali: Woah there! Calm down over there.

Qiyana: Hey guys~

Senna:Qiyana! Where's ekko?

Qiyana:Oh he's with his buddies.

Serra:Oh i see, so who's this cheerful lady you were with?

The rest of the them started looking at me with a confused look so I immediatly let go of Akali and fixed myself for a bit before introducing myself.

Sera:Seraphine! But you can call me Sera!

Akali:Alright Sera, soo... are you friends with Qiyana?


I couldn't just stop the excitement that was just rushing through my body,I  looked at Qiyana and she gave me nod signaling me that she is giving me her blessing of friendship, i couldn't help but let out a wide smile in front of everyone.

Sera;Yeah! You can say that! *smiles*

Akali:Well if you're a friend of theirs, you're also my friend Sera *smiles*

In just second everything just went dark, and l felt my body hit something hard  and the rest everything felt  cold, but all i knew I am now Akali's friend.

I can die happy now.

Akali:Hey! Are you okay?!

Qiyana:Wow, that's a world record, how long did she last before fainting?

Senna:About 2 minutes and a half? give or take

Lucian: Aren't you guys supposed to be helping her?

Qiyana:ill get the bucket.

Yasuo POV

I was finally peacefully enjoying my bottle of Sake after a long day of talking with our guest and after that shit of a show awhile ago with the KDA girls so im glad everything is now settled. I continue taking shot of the Sake and continue pouring enjoying the sweet aroma of sakura. thats the spo-



I felt a punch on my gut that made my body arch to the side a bit, which  also almost made me spill my drink from my hands to my clothes


I turned around to see who was the person who had the balls to punch me, my eyes widen.


(y/n):Yes? Im listening

I forgot that 1 last important thing that i should've fear tonight , and that was (y/n).My whole body froze I couldn't do anything (y/n) was giving out a evil smile cause i know he was gonna so something much worse to me because of what i did , all i can do was smile embarrassingly at him.

Yasuo:How about a drink?

Ekko:AHAHAHAHH, you should have seen your face shift! You were so mad and serious but suddenly changed like you saw a ghost AHAHAHHAH!

Ekko just popped out from behind me laughing his ass on the counter top of the bar, i was annoyed how he was talking enjoyment of out it.

Ill get you autotune son of a bitch.

But over all i was glad to see (y/n) again in the flesh and doing fine. I scanned him for a second seeing he really did well dress but also made me wonder what happened to his hair since awhile he had it styled. My train of thought was broke from realizing that (y/n) and Ekko were here.

Yasuo:How about you guys take a seat first? and get something to drink but dont worry drinks are on Qiyana tonight.

Ekko:Heck yeah!


(y/n) POV

We both sat down beside Yasuo, while ekko continue to bring up and laughat the expression Yasuo gave after I punched him. So i joined in also and tried to make fun of Yasuo~

(y/n): So about my account being tagged in the music video.


Yasuo just spat his whole drink all over the table top after mentioning his fuck up, which gave me a bit of a laugh while ekko is enjoying every second of it but i tried to atleast stay cool to intimidate  Yasuo


Yasuo:I-im sorry?

(y/n):You're lucky i haven't thought what i'll do to you~ *chuckles*

Yasuo immediately put his hands together in a praying position then lowered his head making a small bow.

Yasuo:I am at your mercy!

I called the barista and ask for a glass of whiskey on the rock while Ekko went for normal beer and while we waited for our drink i at least tried to catch up with Yasuo and Ekko.

(y/n):So how's everything going?

Yasuo:eh, its so so, the sale arent bad.

Ekko: Merch is selling well.

Yasuo:Our song went up the charts.....

I noticed Yasuo's fingers running all over his glass bottle which is a habit recognize when he starts becoming unease from thinking about what to do next. I looked back at him and he was putting on a calm face but i know his head is wreck right now, i let out a sigh in my head.

Yasuo: Only thing, i just dont know whats next- AH!


I smack his back again too bring him back to reality because he already started too look down and i knew what his problem was . He tends to think too deep and starts to worry his future plans . This happens a lot when he finishes something, its like a post revelation "whats my purpose now, i'm done with this"

(y/n):eheh, hey dont worry about it, you got a lot of time right now and you'll think of something just dont think too hard.


Ekko also smacked Yasuo's back making his body jolt up this time and also making him spill his drink again and im already guessing the bartender is getting mad at us for dirtying his table top.

Very sorry, and i'll tip you in behalf for the 3 of us good sir.

Ekko: YEAH!


Me and ekko started laughing from smacking yasuo's back, while enjoying this moment with my friends all this shenanigan's just reminds me of us back in college.

Those were the days..

Yasuo: But....Thanks..

(Y/n):Hey don't mention it man .. you've done alot for me too..

The 3 of us went silent for a second and i notice Yasuo and Ekko looked uncomfortable after what i just said, I suddenly guilty for ruining the mood from reminding them in the past, i wanted to change the topic into something else to break this ice. suddenly started messing around with my head.

Yasuo:cmere you fucking edgelord.


Out of nowhere i felt an arm dragged me and i notice it was Yasuo's,  I let out a soft chuckle and started resisting while Ekko sit back and continue enjoying the entertainment we were providing him. In my head maybe it better i shouldnt burden Yasuo and Ekko too much about the past. I started fixing my hair After Yasuo's messing it up but he suddenly told me a unexpected thing.

Yasuo: By the way Senna gave your number to Akali?

(y/n):Huh?! What for?!

And Akali? I thought she has my number?

Yasuo:She wanted to do a collab with you in one of her graffiti art.

Ekko:that sounds dope! Bring me with you!

(y/n):*chuckles* sure ill see about it, and that only just graffiti? I thought it was about Idol stuff collaboration when she actually email me, so i rejected her.

I guess i misread the mail, Ops?

Yasuo:That explains why she's pisssed.

(y/n): What why?

Yasuo: She's a big fan of your work, its actually a mystery why she doesnt know that you're Shade, don't you two talk?

(Y/n):I didn't get any contact from her when they became full pledged idols, after that i started going away from social media cause of work.

I took a sip of my drink trying to calm my self from this headache that was forming from this huge misunderstanding I had with Akali's message. also need some time out you've been doing nothing but working the past months, join me and yasuo next month there's an event coming in.

(Y/n):FUCK! Is it at noxus?


Yasuo took a sip of his drink while i thought how much i did really put up too much work from the past year that i forgot to put sometime on myself. I wiped my face with my hands and let out a sigh before replying.

(Y/n):Alright i'm in.


Yasuo:But seriously though, didn't you two have history before they became KDA too? I think she would me stoke if she knew you were Shade.

Ekko:Right, I remember you used to hangout with Akali a lot besides us.

(y/n):Yeah well....I'll see what i can do about her.

Yasuo:Your call man.

To be honest i also didn't want to do the collab for the meantime is because i was avoiding another person..


I started to feel slightly uncomfortable that my legs started tapping uncontrollably just from remembering her that my hearing started to ring i tried putting up a straight look just to hide what i was feeling right now then i tried drinking some of whiskey to try calm myself with out breaking down, but  thankfully Yasuo's voice help me snap back to reality.

Yasuo:Well....What was the rest of the aftermath

(Y/n):Well i got 65 emails, and rejected 50 of them while i took 15 one of them is a big project.

Yasuo let out a whistle before taking a shot of his drink.

Yasuo:Thats a lot

Ekko: Right?

I took 1 deep breath before replying back , then I looked at Yasuo with a pissed looked.

(y/n):Who's fault is it?

Yasuo looked back at Ekko, then ekko....well.... he also looked back , my face shifted to a slightly unamused look but couldnt help but let out a soft chuckle from these 2.

I fucking love these dumbasses

(y/n): well..... i know the emails wont stop coming ,but the project's i have i right now these are the kind of project  that im looking for right now.

Yasuo: just dont work yourself too much.

(y/n): I'll cheers to that

I raised my glass followed by Yasuo and ekko and we both made a cheers with our drinks.

Ekko & Yasuo:CHEERS!


Ekko:So who's the girl btw?

Yasuo:Oh a girl? *grins* Is our boy (y/n) finally making another move~

I almost spat my drink after they mentioned about a drink, cause i knew they were referring to me i looked at both of them just letting out a grin waiting for my reply. I felt my ear's were heating up a bit and i was also getting a bit flustered from what they said.

(y/n):HUh?! Oh, You mean Seraphine?

Yasuo: Serahpine...I think ive heard her before

(y/n): She's a singing streamer .

Yasuo:She sounds really familiar... but ive heard her name alot of times from my friends.

Yasuo brought out his phone and started searching for Sera check what she looks like.

Ekko:She's hella cute! (y/n) you need to make your move! Chicks like her tend to get alot of guys attention

Yasuo: agreed, looking at her right now she's a real catch.

(y/n): I dont think im still ready..

I grip my cup tightly, remembering my past relationships and my trust issue over these kinds of things..

(y/n): Plus she already likes someone else

Yasuo & Ekko: Oh...

I let out a half assed smile trying to hide abit of my disappointed about it, Cause yeah Sera's is cool to be with but a half of me still put's walls around people i meet.

I looked at Ekko and Yasuo and felt guilt how i still treated them a bit of the same of how i treated the other, with caution and putting around walls.


I suddenly felt a surge  of electricity flowing thorugh my back then shifted to pain followed I was snapped back to reality from my train of thought.

Yasuo:Cheer up (y/n)! Maybe can get you laid here in the party! AHAHAH

Ekko:Yeah! We can always be your wingmans, just like in college!

(y/n): God, no.

Ekko:But if your really serious about Seraphine,I mean you can always be a reboun-


The 2 just laughed there asses from my reply and i couldn't help let out a laugh as well,We continue our friendly talk as the party was just about to begin.


I was just looking around at the balcony still trying to find something that will satisfy my need for entertainment while enjoying a glass of wine. While looking around I noticed Akali trying to do CPR on some pink haired girl.

Eve:what the heck did she do this time *chuckles*

After a few more more minutes i was started to get bored so I decided to stroll around the party and thats when i saw Yasuo, Ekko and a stranger with them ,that must be the artist Akali was talking about. I couldnt see what the artist looked liked because the 2 monkey's are blocking him,but i atleast finally found "my entertainment".

Eve: This will Interesting~

Seraphine POV

I suddenly felt a cold splash on my face, which made me jolt up from the floor.


I looked around me seeing Senna with a bucket and the rest of the 3 were looking at me with concerned looks.

Senna:See? Works every time

Akali:Are you okay?

Sera:Y-yeah.. Sorry.... i got too excited, i just really couldnt believe that i got to meet you!

Akali:Y-yeah i could see that *chuckles*

I sat down at one of the chairs with the others and dried myself with a towel Senna handed me.

Lucian:By the way, what do you do for a living Seraphin- Ow! What was that for?

Senna:Don't mind my husband Sera.

Sera:Oh no it's fine ,I actually work in a cafe as a partime, and.... I write and sing music

I was getting embarrassed for a second cause even if i share my music publicly it's still different saying it in front of your idols

Akali:*grin* Oh you sing? The girls need to hear this.

Sera:w-wait the others are here?!

Akali:yeah, I brought them to the party too.



I look at akalii trying to look behind me and as i turned it was the group of people,

OOOHHHHHHHH that explains it.

Akali:*grins* how about you sing one of your songs, and get there attention~

Sera:Waaa- Nononon Im too nervous!

I started to feel my face getting warmer, cause singing in front my idols?! It was the unreal moment of my life and it was also embarrassing for me to sing in front a large crowd in person.

Qiyana: Aweeee pleaseee, I also want to here it!~

Akali:Yeah! Come on pleaseeee!

Senna:come one guys dont for-


I couldnt say no to Akali's plea she looked so cuteee! So i just had to say yes.

Akali POV

As soon as Sera agreed, she stood up, and i shouted at the dj and gave him the signal too cut the music for the mean time. Everyone who was dancing on the front just stopped and wondered what happened even the other people who weren't on the dance floor couldnt help but look what was happening.I then went in the middle of the stage that was set up on the first floor balcony and the DJ handed me a mic.

Akali:Sorry Ladies and Gent's! But I have a special friend and guest here that i just met today , she's a really talented one so please put around of applause for my friend Seraphine!

As soon as people started clapping she started nervously got up the stage and started shaking a bit as she stood up. I handed her the mic and i even felt her shaking when she touch it.

Akali:Just calm down alright? You'll do just fine.

She gave me a nod then took a deep breath before grabbing the mic, there was a bit of the distorded sound which made everyone a bit uncomfortable for a second but everything still went well, i hope.

Sera:H-hi guys! M-my name is Serpahine and um...tonight ill be singing one of my new songs that i released recently...

People started to chatter wonder what song she made and i would wonder the same cause it was also my first time hearing her name. She then placed the mic in a different place.

Wait, how is she going to sing?

Suddenly something was appearing below and on the sides of both her shoulders, it looked like a platform with a speaker on the front, and things on her shoulder were also speakers and magically a mic also appeared on her hand.

Everyone was astonished and clapping of the small showcase she revealed, I  was also suprise cause  her power is related also to singing and only a few have those powers related to music.

She then took a deep breath and started singing.

Seraphine POV

As soon i stepped in the stage, i was getting a stage fright and i felt nervous that i might make Akali look bad after she just interrupted the party just for me,in my head i knew i couldn't do it with all this nervousness building in, until a memory played of (y/n).

"you are the next star in runeterra"

Idon't know why it made me feel relaxed....but his right. i won't give up now..

I will be the next star in runeterra!

I took a deep breath, and started to sing to my hearts content.



I was about to approach, Yasuo and Ekko to see who was this artist Akali was so worked up about, until Akali's voice was heard on the dance floor, everyone's attention as well as the girl downstairs  have taken their attention from her call,so I stopped at where for the mean to look what the commotion was all about.

She then introduced the pink haired girl that was laying on the floor for who knows how long, Seraphine was her name when i heard her announce it, not so long after she put the mic on the side which made me cocked a eyebrow, which made me think how is she going to sing? Then suddenly a mic and speakers appeared on her hand in thin air and so did some speakers and a platform below her magically appeared, this caught me off guard cause  her power is related to singing and it was a rare thing and so it took my full interest to see this through.

Eve:This is Interesting~

As soon as she sang we all watched and listen to her beautiful voice, it was like no other, it had a nice tune and hymn to it which was relaxing to listen.

(y/n) POV

I heard that Sera was going to perform from Akali's announcement so of course i wouldn't miss this once in a life time experience of Sera singing in person.


Huh? Who could this be..

Before joining with Yasuo and Ekko on there way to see what was happening i checked who texted and it was my landlord.

Pay rent 💀

Landlord:Good evening (y/n), I am out of town right now ,but i have received some noise complaints that is coming from your apartment.

(Y/n):Huh? Noise complaint?I'm not even at my house...... FUCK MY STUFF.

i immedialtly texted him back and also sera since i was in a hurry cause i didn't want more of my things to break.

(y/n): Shit, Um sorry guys something urgent happened.

Yasuo: you okay? Do you need help?

(y/n); Im fine, you guys enjoy your night....though.. can you help Sera back home? Since we took a cab home.

Ekko: Yeah sure thing man.

(y/n) Thanks!

I didn't want to ruined the gangs night since it might just be another squirrel incident that came in my appartment window. I quickly ran to the elevator and on my way down i felt regret that i couldn't at least stayed to listen to Sera's singing.

Seraphine POV

As soon as i finished singing i took some some to breath and stood still on the pose i left of after singing

I did it...I DID IT!

I looked around and everyone was just  silent, some of them have there jaws down and were just staring at me not knowing what everyone is thinking right now.

What's happening? did i messed up?!

I started to overthink and panic a bit, I looked at Akali and she was also staring at me with a surprise look.

Why isnt anyone doing or saying anything?!

I was starting to get more flustered by the second, my legs felt like they're gonna collapse any moment from the sheer embrassement and shame from what's happening.

its over......I can't be a singer anymore!



I heard a loud clap so I looked up and saw people were slowly clapping and more people followed the claps were first subtle but it slowly became louder and faster, people started cheering and whistling, my heart to start pound faster and faster, excitement was rushing through my viens... I was happy!

Sera: Wha-What's happening

i felt my heart is melting from the overwhelming cheers of the crowd, t my legs stared to feel much weaker but this time not from nervous or embrassement but  relief .... i suddenly felt tears falling to my eyes, to finally see something i've been dreaming when i was a kid, to sing at a live audience and seeing there cheers..

...i finally did it.... they liked it...


Sera: Woa- wait!

Akali just ran and  immediately hug me from behind that almost got my off balance from my platform.

???: *giggles* That was really beautiful

I looked behind to see who was that person who spoke and to just see one of the the 2 members of the KDA approaching the stage with me. I saw it and it was the blonde vastayan nintail fox ,Ahri.


Kai'si: i was really caught off guard with your powers too.


I was starting to choke up a bit as members of the KDA started appearing before me, at the same time i was also becoming excited to see them! But suddenly a trail of dark mist appeared behind them forming a shadow shape as a woman, as she started walking the dark mist slowly fades revealing her true form.

Eve:Well dear, you really satisfied me tonight~ *grin*

Sera:Evely.. evel..

Everything just went dark again, i felt a strong thud behind the back of my head and a cold feeling on my whole body and face.

Akali: oh god not this again!

Qiyana: Another world record.

Senna: At Least they got to introduced themselves before she faint.

Qiyana:Ill go refill the bucket bucket.

Ekko:Ill join you.


As they try to wake up Seraphine again, i went back to my previous plan which meeting with the mystery artist, Shade,  i started walking back to only notice Yasuo was already downstairs, our gaze met for a second but he hurriedly turned around and started walking to a different direction.


Being quick, I was  able to catch up to him and call out Yasuo from leaving.

Eve:Yasuo Dear, were's  your other friend?

He just  stood up straight from my call and slowly  look behind like a robot while looking at me with a nervous look.

Yasuo:O-o-other F-friend? What do you mean?

I cocked an eyebrow and gave him a serious look showing that not here to play games.

Eve:The artist that Akali wanted to meet?

Yasuo: O-ooohh you mean Shade, Well....He uhmmm........uuhh..

I impatiently watched Yasuo get nervous he started to stutter a lot making no sense at all, My feet also started too tap by itself from how impatient i've grown.

Yasuo:He...actually...uh....umh.. he

Eve:Yasuo dear this is my final warning. WHERE. IS. HE?

I growled at him showing that i've grown impatient of  silly stuttering.

Yasuo:H-he just left minutes ago because something urgent came up!


I grabbed both his shoulder and Yasuo started to cover his face with his arm from the fear of him getting beaten up by me.

Yasuo: Please have mercy!

Eve:Ugh, forget about it.

I should have gone to them ahead!

I let go of Yasuo and decided to join back with the ladies since this part of the night was ruined,I bit the nail in anger not able to meet the mystery artist ...Tch(whats this called) someday. I came back to meet the other girls, to get to know this girl Seraphine.

I was walking back the girls seem the girls are still waking her up from the coma, until Ekko and Qiyana came running through in the middle of the venue with a bucket of ice cold water.

Ekko: Back away! Help Coming though!

Eve:Oh my.

Seraphine POV

I slowly drift in the dark abyss with full of happiness knowing that i've met my idols and even sang in front of them!

I've met my idols, they loved my performance, and the crowd also liked it!  this is the bes-



The sudden feeling of cold lift my body  up with my hands swaying around thinking that I was drowning  in a body of water and im trying floating to survive, but a few seconds a struck of realization hit me, i couldn't feel or hear the sound of the ocean but music, it now came to me that i remember i was in a party before everything happened,  slowly open my eyes realizing where i am and what i did ,i felt my cheeks were getting warmer despite the cold water dripping over me, i look around and i saw KDA, with ekko and Qiyana that holding a bucket.

Sera:Y-you didnt see anything right?

Everyone just looked away in different directions and non of them spoke about it but some of them were trying to hold a laugh, now knowing that they saw everything my whole face became warmer i grab a portion of my wet hair that was tied behnd me and hid behind it to hide my face getting flustered. 

That was is so embarrassing.

Senna: H-here's a towel to wipe your face and hair.

Ekko: Sorry, we tried the same thing but it didnt work so we tried something different.

Sera:i- ist f-f-fine

I feel a sudden chill was felt in my whole body that it was already shaking it then came to me realizing when Ekko meant something different, they used r cold water! No wonder I'm freezing here!

Qiyana:Lets go to my room, Sera seems to be freezing from the cold water we splashed at her. *chuckles*

We all agreed in unison  to stay in Qiyana's room, but before we went i wrapped the whole towel around me to atleast protect me from the cold as we walked to Qiyanas room which was on the third floor  of her penthouse, finally able to get a whole view of the house i realized how fancy and big her house it which made me think that she really is filthy rich.

Senna:Hey Sera that performance you did earlier was really beautiful, are you sure you aren't a famous singer?

Sera:*giggles* thank you Senna.

My performance.... When hearing it i finally realize 1 thing...

i hope (y/n) saw my perfomance.. speaking of (y/n) where is he?

I noticed Ekko is here but not Yasuo so im guessing he's with him though i was still curious if he saw my performance. So i asked Ekko to atleast know where he is.

Sera: By the way Ekko wheres (y/n)?

Ekko:He said he said had something urgent that came up before your performance, so he had to leave Early sorry... but dont worry we'll take you home.

Sera:O-oh....a-and it's fine.

I suddenly felt my heart hurts so much, why? Why am i feeling this? The joy i was feeling became a feeling of disappointment. I checked my phone atleast if he sent something and there was, i saw his message and tapped on it.

Wierdo 🤪

(y/n): Sorry sera i had to go suddenly! Something urgent happened in my apartment! Didnt want to spoil your night with true damage and kda, enjoy your night! And dont worry i told the gang to take you home.

I gave out a big sigh and as i look up i noticed  that the 4 pop stars were gone beside me i looked behind me seeing the 3 pop stars looking at me with a surprise look, but evelynn looking at me with  a serious with her eyes cocked down which scared me alittle.

Sera:Um...girls? Whats wrong?

Akali: Sera said (y/n) ,did I hear it right?

Kai'sa:Same here

Ahri:Sera when you mean (y/n), Like (y/n) (l/n)??


What's happening? Did (y/n) do something wrong to them?

Suddenly Eve dash to me and held both of my shoulders.

Eve:Tell me everything you know!

I didn't know what to feel surprise or scared, even if Eve was wearing shade i could feel her looking at me straight in the eyes, it was one of the uncomfortable moments of my life, the same questions keep popping out of my head.

What does (y/n) have to do with the KDA?

*time skip*

Ekko:Wait wait, so you're telling me, (y/n) worked on the music video in public and you saw it, then blackmailed him just to coke to this party?

We were all huddled up in Qiyana's room as  i told them the story how i met (y/n) everyone which everyone now already came up to date on what happened.

Sera:uhhh...i wouldnt say blackmail *looks away*

Everyone except Sera: Mhmmmmmmm..

Akali:But Ekko why didnt u tell me (y/n) was here! You know me (y/n) are best friends in college!

I watched everything unfold, as different story of (y/n) past were getting thrown left to right like people passing out puzzle pieces to fill out the missing parts.

Ekko: I didnt knew! I thought (y/n) already told you through call or something.

Akali:Well...we haven't really got in touched during our tour... but what about him being Shade! And him editing the music video!


Ekko was lost in words, and we all knew it was only a answer that (y/n) can give, as the whole talk continue suddenly Eve charged to ekko and grabbed him by the collar lifting him up from his seat.


Eve:So your saying that the mystery artist that Akali wanted to meet was (y/n) all along!?

Ahri: Eve calm down..

Eve:How?! We could have met-

Kai'sa: and we will

Eve slowly put down ekko and we could feel the tension between the two, just what the kind of history does (y/n) have with Evelynn to make her this furious?

Eve:You know where he lives right?

Ekko:Yeah i-

Eve:Send it to me.

Ekko brought out his phone and started typing as fast as he could with Eve looking at him like he has him on the palm of her hands.

Ekko:there i sent it.


Eve:Thank you Dear~

Eve wasted no time,and left the room on her way to the elevator.

Sera:What just happened?

Ahri:We have no idea too.. But we're so sorry you have to see that... Eve is kinda get's this furious  when something happened to us, but this....this is new for us..

Akali:Me too, the only time i saw Eve giving out this vibe is when i first saw Eve with (y/n) in our meet up back in college...there was this tension around them, but when i arrived it just vanished.

Kai'sa: I think its better we better get going before Eve leaves us with the car.

Ahri:y-yeah, sorry we have to leave immediately  Sera.. it would have been fun to get to know you but...

Sera:I-it's okay! Im actually very happy to meet you!

Not able to control my self i launch myself to hug Ahri just before she leaves. To be honest i was sad a bit not able to talk to my Idol more.

Akali: I'll see you guys at the after party!

Ekko:Yeah yeah, while your at it bring (y/n) with you.

Akali: will do!

The rest of the idol's left leaving me with the True damage crew and Senn'as husband, but then i remember one of the important thing.


Ahri POV

As we reach the parking lot floor, Eve was already inside the car with the car engine on and ready to go.

Eve:Double time ladies!

Ahri:Seriously what's with her, what are we in a hurry for?

Akali:My money's on  (y/n) breaking one of Eve's stuff.

As we entered the car Eve was just sitting her already waiting impatiently just from hearing her tapping the steering wheel with her claw.

Eve: About time.

Kai'sa:Mind answering why the rush?

We all waited for her to reply and all she did was just looked at the rear mirror and cocked and eyebrows at us on the back not saying a thing.

Eve:Buckle up.

Everyone except Eve:Huh?

In just a second Eve just stepped on the gas making us making our bodies  lean back to our seats, while Eve pushing the gas on our way to (y/n)'s place.

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