بواسطة merson20

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At last guys got the content where I could include TayNew and BounPrem both... Hope you will all like it... J... المزيد

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بواسطة merson20


The moment I opened my eyes to see myself lying in the sofa with all my clothes scattered everywhere, I tried to search for the person my eyes are always wanted comfort of but no where he was found. Hoping to see him sleeping I rushed to that place and just to see a lonely bedroom. I quickly searched for my phone and dialled his number and answer in the reply was not reachable.

That's was when my heart started beating fast, palm started sweating and anxiousness started hitting. Without thinking anything I took my car keys and drove to the only house where I know I can find him. I knocked 2 - 3 times but no reply was there, I rang bell too but again no reply. Just when my hope was going to nil someone opened the door and the smile drew large in my lips hoping to see Team. But the moment my eyes met him, whole world drew apart, the smile went to dash form and anger started hitting.

I knew seeing him, the only hated person Kao would make my condition worser but what the hell can I do as for me searching Team was more important than how much I hate Kao.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

The question was thrown.

"None of your business, I want to talk to Dr. Pete"

I could clearly see how much irritated he is, but who the fuck care.

"He is inside sleeping, so I think I wont allow anyone to come and disturb the beautiful sleep of my boyfriend"

What the fuck?! Who is he showing off the boyfriend thing too? Nothing of him has changed yet.

"Fine! What about Team?"

"What Team?"

"I know he is here?"

"So what? He can be anywhere he want"

What the hell is wrong with him!? Why can't he give me the straight answer where is Team!?😒

I gave a deep sigh, pushed him and went inside. When he stopped me by holding my arm.

"Who gave you the permission to come inside?"

"I dont need anyones permission to go and come where ever I want"

"That's was always your problem! Rude as always!"



Just then Team called me before I would land a great punch on this asshole's face.


I ran to him and holds his hand, just a fear that I will lose him somehow.

"What are you doing here?"

"Thats what I should ask you, what are you doing here?"

He emphasis the word you and asked me back.

"Just to know why suddenly you came running here without telling me"

"Why he should tell you?"😒

Just then that asshole jumped in and ask me that stupid question.

"Just because I am his Hia"

"So what?"


"Actually, so what Hia?"

What?! Team also?! But! Wait!


"Hia, you are just my senior and no one else. So, you don't have any right on my life"

I felt like a big and a sharp arrow got hit straight on my chest. It was damn heavy! Of course, you are an important person in my life basically one of the most important one. But then how can you?

"Team, whats wrong with you?"

"No Hia, it should be me who should ask that, what's wrong with you?"

Theres a hell damn wrong with everything, my body, my feelings, with you, with the third person standing here with us, and our relationship.

But only just a deep sigh came out than...

"What's going on here?"

We all turned back to the voice to see Dr. Pete standing at the door and looking all confused. He steps in his night gown.

"By the way, its good that you all here, I wanted to talk something with you both."

"But before that, what are you so up early?"

Kao asked him, why? Were you planning something in the absence of him? Who knows!😏

"I heard some commotion so i can't to check... By the way Win and Kao I wanted to talk something with you both"


I asked

And he just nodded and instruct us to sit down till then he will bring something for me and Kao.

But the worst of all was he told me to sit with this asshole! What the hell is wrong with Dr. Pete?!

Shit! Whats wrong with my body? Why the hell now?! No way!


I looked at him with all sweat pouring down my face.

"Where is your medicine?!"

Yes! Medicine! I quickly ran my hand in my pockets and took out the pills and thrown it in my mouth.

"You didnt take your medicine in the morning?!"

Team shouted on me as usual, after all he still cares for me.

"I was afraid that something would have happened to you so I just ran out to find you."

But more than the reaction I was expecting, the reaction of shock of was visible.

"What happened?"

"You dont remember what happened last night between us?"😨

Last night? Between us? What does that mean?

"Did something happen?"🤨

"You really dont remember?!"

His voice was raised to the top level, now I'm more curious what happened last night that he wanted me remember it.

But, wait! Why I dont remember is the main thing? I wasn't drunk last night, neither I had taken any drugs or something like that then?

"Schizophania symptoms"

We all turned our heads to Dr. Pete who was coming towards us with two files in his hand.

He handed one to me and one to Kao.

"Read it thoroughly and if any doubt ask me"

"What is this?"

The question from both us in unison.

"All the symptoms and the difficulties you both will go through individually and which would be same also and affect the people near you. Till now most of them haven't been shown but we don't when it will and I'm not there with you all the time so I want you to go through it thoroughly. I had already shown Win and Kao's file to Team..."

Just that moment I looked at him and him agreeing with the statement.

"So, if anything happens you can tell me immediately or take the medicines or required actions at that time."

My heart beat started racing faster just then.

"And most of all important, you need to be calm"

"The toughest thing of all!"

Team said, no doubt he is right.


The long ass lecturing was over at last, the moment P'Pete said that

'You all can go back to rest but don't forget what all I told you."

I stretched myself and stood up from the seat to move back to my room when a hand wraps around my wrist and holds me back. I looked back and of course the guess was right it was Hia.

"Where are you going?"

What an utter nonsense question!

"Back to my room."

Giving an expression like as if I should sleep here, even though its just 12 noon but still, I feel my body needs some rest.

"I came to pick you up"


'Why are you giving me that expression? We are going back to our dorm"


He nodded; I gave a false laugh.

"I'm not going anywhere"

"But why?!"

I clenched my fist, so much anger was built up inside but I still cant say anything because after all he is the patient and not me. But then why I should suffer?! Is loving someone so tough?!

So here I ends this chapter.. I will try not to extend it for too long.

So dwell with me just for few more chapters.

Hope you all are having the best time and taking care of yourself.

By the way I think all the Polca know that recently we got a surprise Tay New moment! I was so damn happy... dancing like anything. Even I got the news that they have something coming up in the way.

And for Broccoli yesterday we had the live of Boun Prem They were so sweet... they are so in love!!!! My heart!

So I hope you all have good days ahead.

Stay safe and Stay Healthy

Su Su Naa Guys!💙🥦

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