Uzumaki And Uchiha(SasuNaru o...

By RageMaxPlayz

98.3K 2.9K 3.6K

a collection of one shots revolving around SasuNaru and their love. Also I do not own Naruto, Sasuke owns him... More

Sasuke's type
Kushina Uzumaki saw everything
A hot Naruto
High school romance
Lollipop innuendo
Sinful love Part 1
Sinful love Part 2
Mickey mouse ears
The Uchiha Uzumaki Family's Spa Day
Sasuke's nightmare
Sasuke and Naruto's halloween heist part 1
Sasuke and Naruto's halloween heist part 2
Sasuke and Naruto halloween heist part 3
Sasuke and Naruto halloween heist part 4
Murderous romance
Good enough
Sasuke's Guide to being Naruto's boyfriend
Naruto's Guide to being Sasuke's boyfriend
Sasuke's search history
Shouldn't have done that Part 1
Shouldn't have done that part 2
Shouldn't have done that part 3
A whipped man
Shouldn't have done that part 4
On the phone
The Uchiha Uzumaki Family Builds a Dog House
Overwhelming love Part 1
Overwhelming love part 2
Overwhelming love part 3
Only mine part 1
Only mine part 2

Blue Sharingan

14.6K 287 392
By RageMaxPlayz

''Well here it is... a copy of the ultrasound,'' Tsunade said, still not believing it even though she had performed it herself.

Naruto sat in Tsunade's private examination room and took the picture with trembling hands. He was torn by a torrent of different emotions. Fear: this was completely unheard of and he had no idea how he would go through this. Happiness: he had always wanted a family, but he had accepted the fact he would never have one long ago, when he first realized he was in love with Sasuke. This was a god-given gift to have his very own family. Anxiety: Sasuke... Sasuke didn't want children.

He clearly remembered that serious talk with Sasuke when they decided they wanted to bring their relationship to the next level. They were now engaged and very serious about spending the rest of their lives together. Naruto had reminded Sasuke's old dream about rebuilding his clan, but Sasuke had quickly brushed it off, saying the Uchiha line and its Sharingan was cursed, and that he wanted it to disappear.

Well, looks like it wasn't going to disappear after all.

Naruto swallowed thickly.

''Granny... what if he doesn't accept my pregnancy?'' Naruto asked almost in a whisper, eyes beginning to water. Tsunade pursed her lips together in worry; she hated seeing Naruto like this. She put a comforting hand on his knee and squeezed it gently.

''Sasuke loves you so much Naruto. I know in my heart that he will always be there for you, and I'm sure you know it too,'' she added a smile for his sake, but knew how delicate all of this was. For his health, his career, for his relationship...

Naruto nodded shakily and put the picture back into the file. He rose from his seat.

''He'll be back from his mission at any moment now. I better go so I can tell him as soon as possible.''

''Are you sure? You could stay here to calm down a little.'' Naruto shook his head. ''Do you want me to come with you, then?'' Tsunade suggested.

''Thanks, granny,'' Naruto smiled a little, drying his eyes with the back of his sleeve. He had been strangely emotional these past few weeks. At least now he knew the reason why. ''but I'd rather be alone with him.''


''I'm home!'' Sasuke called out when he entered the house he and Naruto had bought recently. As per usual, Sasuke took off his combat vest and put it in the entrance closet and took off his forehead protector.

''Welcome back,'' Naruto said from the living room.

Sasuke blinked curiously at Naruto's strangely subdued voice. It sound very unlike him. He walked casually to the living room to find Naruto sitting meekly on the couch, looking down at his lap and fondling nervously with his fingers. Sasuke frowned worriedly and sat down beside his intended.

''Hey,'' Sasuke said before taking Naruto's chin between his fingers and giving him a tender kiss. ''What's wrong?'' Naurto looked back at him with anxious blue eyes then looked back down towards the low table. That's when Sasuke noticed the thin file on it.

''I went to see Tsunade earlier,'' Naruto started, taking the file into his hands. Sasuke recalled Naruto telling him he would do so, seeing as he had been feeling sick lately. Sasuke's eyes widened in realization. Was Naruto's sickness a lot worse than they had suspected?

''What did she say?'' Sasuke asked, voice laced with obvious worry. He did not like where this was going. It must be very serious for Naruto to act like this. He felt his throat tighten anxiously and his heartbeat speeding up.

''Before I tell you,'' Naruto started, taking Sasuke's hand in his own cold, trembling one. Sasuke covered Naruto's hand with his other one, instinctively trying to warm it up. ''you must believe what I'm about to tell you. I can't ask you to accept it... but I want you to know that I would never lie about something like this... okay?''

Sasuke's heartbeat went off the roof. He couldn't trust his voice, so he nodded slowly.

Naruto opened the file with his free hand and showed the picture to Sasuke, along with blood test results and other formal papers.

''I'm pregnant, Sasuke,'' Naruto said softly, looking straight into his fiancé's dark eyes.

Sasuke stared at the blond, unblinking, for the longest time, completely dumbfounded. He believed his lover; after all they had been through, he would believe any strange thing that came their way and would never doubt Naruto's honesty. There was hardly anything impossible in the ninja world. However, he definitely hadn't seen that one coming.

He finally looked down at the ultrasound picture. He looked at it over and over again, until there was just no denying it. This child, their child, was growing within Naruto. He looked back at Naruto and, suddenly, without any warning, the powerful urge to kiss his lover seized Sasuke. It was a desire so strong that Sasuke himself was startled by it, but he did not try to fight it. He slid his hands around Narto's narrow waist and pulled him close into a passionate kiss.

Naruto gasped at the sudden intrusion into his mouth, but quickly melted into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around the raven's neck and all traces of his insecurities disappeared with it. After many more, long and passionate kisses, the two separated to catch their breath.

''You'll never cease to surprise me, dobe,'' Sasuke chuckled. Naruto gave him a wide, genuine smile in return.

''I'm so happy,'' Naurto said as he threw his arms around Sasuke once more to hug him tightly. ''I was so scared you'd reject me... and I know how you feel about having children,'' he added, looking back up at Sasuke. The jounin stroke the blond's soft cheek tenderly.

''I thought I didn't want children, but... apparently I do.'' He couldn't help it; knowing now that his lover would give birth to their child... the image of Naruto holding a baby was all that it took for Sasuke to have a complete change of heart. ''I was telling the truth when I told you I didn't want the Uchiha line to continue, but having a family with you is like a dream come true. Hopefully, he or she will take after you.'' Naruto sighed, shaking his head slightly.

''Sasuke, this is our child we're talking about. We'll raise our child with love and teach him our values. Sharingan or not, everything will turn out just fine, believe it!'' Sasuke smiled fondly at his blond. Still, Sasuke thought seriously to himself, he'd rather not transmit the Sharingan.


Both knew Naruto's pregnancy would change their lives forever, but the changes were all much more positive than they had expected.

Naruto deeply dreaded the day he would start to show, to the point where he could no longer keep it a secret from the rest of the village.

His friends and close relations knew almost from the very beginning, and Naruto couldn't be more grateful for their support and love. However, he honestly had not expected the same from the villages.

Naruto, still only nineteen, was already next in line to become Hokage.

After his incredible feats of heroism when defeating pain, and later Madara with Sasuke's help, he had gained the village's undying admiration. He had feared that it would be gone with the news of his unnatural condition. However, it was not the case. If anything, they treated him with even more delicacy and care. He was truly, deeply touched.

Tsunade had planned on retiring as soon as Naruto turned twenty. She had never exactly chosen to be Hokage, she had just answered Naruto's wishes and was keeping the seat warm until he was ready to succeed her.

Well, with a baby on the way, Tsunade told Naruto she would wait two years more, so that Naruto could have a stress-free pregnancy and spend the first year alone with his baby. Even though Naruto had wanted to be Hokage for the longest time, he found that he did not mind this little delay at all. He had his entire life to be Hokage, but children come only once and grow very quickly.

Sasuke often talked to Naruto about how he envisioned their family life together; Naruto thought it was adorable. But most of all, Sasuke also often told him how much he hoped their child would look like him.

Tonight was one of those nights, as they both laid together in bed, with Sasuke's arm holding Naruto's body close to his.

''A girl would be nice,'' Sasuke mused idly, ''A girl who looks like you would be beautiful... But all the boys would chase after her... hmm..not good.'' Sasuke stroke his chin pensively.

"Boys are a handful though, especially if our son ends up with your personality. Well, as long as our child has your gorgeous eyes, I don't mind" Sasuke turned to steal a kiss from his blond, but when he saw his expression, he stopped himself. ''What's wrong?''

''It's just...'' Naruto looked away, unsure how to express himself properly. ''I hope you won't be disappointed.'' Sasuke blinked, then it dawned on him.

''Naruto, of course I won't,'' he said, smiled gently down at him. ''I'm sorry I've been putting pressure on you. I'd like our child to look like you, I can't deny that, but that won't change my feelings for you and for our child.''

''You're right,'' Naruto said, smiling apologetically. ''Sorry for doubting you.''

Sasuke smiled lovingly and kissed him deeply.


Because of his status as Jinchuuriki, Naruto's pregnancy turned out to be as long as his mother's. And so, ten months filled with mood swings, sickness, weird cravings and back pains later, the time finally came.

They had wanted to keep the gender of the baby a surprised until the birth.

And now here they laid in one of Konoha Hospital's private room, Sasuke sitting beside their lover who was holding their precious son. Pale skin, jet-black hair, scarred cheeks and, much to Sasuke's pride, beautiful blue eyes.

The room was filled with presents: flowers, baloons, well-wishing cards, baby supplies and toys of all kinds. Fall colors were at their brightest outside. It was a strange but also amusing coincidence that their son was born on Naruto's birthday; October 10th.

Both new parents simply sat tightly together, looking down at their sleeping baby silently, grateful for the gift they had been given.

They heard three soft knocks on the door, then Sakura entered the room. She smiled brightly at them before gushing over the cute baby.

''You make a beautiful family,'' she told her teammates and best friends. ''You look so happy.''

''We are,'' Sasuke replied, smiling back at her.

''I'm sorry to disturb your moment, but I'm afraid I'm here for boring paperwork. Have you finally settled on his clan name?''

Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other. They had had many arguments over it, and even when the baby was born, they had never come to a final decision. Yesterday, Sasuke had finally won the battle.

Naruto sighed in defeat. He wanted their child to bear both their names, but Sasuke would have none of it. He kept telling his fiancé that the Uchiha name was soiled and that he wanted their son to have a life free of his family's history as much as possible.

Sasuke had even told Naruto he wanted to take on his name once they were married. It pained Naruto's heart to see his lover so ashamed of himself and of his heritage. He loved all of Sasuke, but he also wanted to respect his husband's feelings and wishes.

''Yes,'' the raven said. ''We're calling him Uzumaki Menma.''


Years later...

''Come on, Menma-chan! You can do it!'' Naruto rooted loudly for his son as the thirteen year old fought in the chuunin exam's finals.

He was dressed in elegant Hokage robes and his husband, dressed in formal jounin gears, was standing beside him as his appointed bodyguard. He was looking silently at the fight with a very serious expression.

Their two other sons were sitting with Kakashi somewhere in the stands, and sitting beside Naruto, was his good friend, and also Suna's Kazekage, Gaara.

''It looks like your son is having a hard time holding against my nephew,'' Gaara smirked.

Naruto turned to him and pouted.

''Your son is obviously very talented, but my nephew has both my sister's determination and incredible affinities with wind, and Shikamaru-san's genius mind.''

''Hmph! Whatever, my Menma-chan will win for sure, right Sasuke?'' Sasuke nodded, expression still very sober and eyes fixed onto the battle. Both the Hokage and Kazekage looked back to the arena.

All three pairs of eyes looked attentively as Menma was propelled several metres away with a strong gust of wind.

The black-haired boy was panting heavily, standing shakily between his hands and knees. The fight had reached an impressive level with the two genins being prodigies in their own rights.

Everyone was impressed with the level of skills they had shown and how long they had been keeping up with the fight. Seeing Menma like this, however, the parents feared their son would soon have to give up.

But that wasn't the case.

Menma, after taking several deep breaths, suddenly sprinted towards Shikadai at a blinding speed.

''Wow! Menma's really giving his all!'' Naruto blinked, genuinely impressed by his son's sudden momentum. He had never showed such speed before. He also seemed to be reading Shikadai's moves much more accurately. ''Wait...''

''He's much faster than usual,'' Sasuke turned to his Hokage, suspicion lacing his every word. He cursed their loge being so high and far from the arena. Naruto was looking at him with wide disbelieving eyes.


''And the winner is... Uzumaki Menma!'' Sasuke and Naruto's heads snapped back towards the arena in surprised. It was all over so soon, they hadn't even seen Shikadai giving up the fight. Kiba, the arbiter for the finals, had just proclaimed Menma the winner.

''Did you see that, Ma?'' Menma exclaimed cheerfully towards the Hokage, waving his arms triumphantly. Naruto grinned widely, then jumped down in the middle of the arena to engulf his precious son into a tight hug, which the boy return with equal force.

''I'm so proud of you Men- Menma! Your eyes!'' Naruto gasped when he saw the all too familiar tomoe swirling into his beautiful dark blue orbs. Sasuke soon joined them and knelt beside his spouse to look at their child. His eyes widened at what he saw.

''The Sharingan... you've inherited it,'' the raven whispered in disbelief. It was a different kind of Sharingan though: gone was the blood-red colour, for some reason, it brought Sasuke an incredible sense of relief that his husband's pure shade of blue was still very present in their son's eyes despite the Sharingan being activated.

''Huh?! For real?! That's awesome!'' Menma grinned widely.


''So does that mean that Minato-nii and I might have dad's Sharingan too?'' Itachi, Naruto and Sasuke's youngest son, asked during dinner later that night. Their three sons were eerily similar. Their looks were all Sasuke's with the sole exception of their eyes. Their eyes were different shades of blue, Menma's was a darker blue, Minato's were lighter, and Itachi's was cyan blue

''There's a good chance, yes,'' Naruto smiled at his sons and took another spoonful of curry. It was Menma's favourite dish, and Naruto had made it to celebrate his eldest son's victory. He had also brought a chuunin vest to give him later on that evening.

''So cool!'' Itachi cheered with his mouth full.

''I'll start teaching you about the Sharingan tomorrow,'' Sasuke told Menma seriously. ''You mustn't use it recklessly.''

''Bring it on" Menma challenged him, smirking.

The family ate the rest of their dinner with small talk. Once they were all finished, Naruto cleared his throat and called for his family's attention.

''I... I have an announcement to make,'' Naruto smiled bashfully, blushing under his boys' attentive stares. ''I wanted to wait until after the chuunin exam so Menma could concentrate on his fighting, and well, now that it's over...''

''Is something wrong, love?'' Sasuke asked worriedly, taking his spouse's hand into his own. Naruto shook his head and his smile widened.

''I'm pregnant. And it's a girl this time" Naruto announced at last. His three sons gasped loudly, exclaiming 'no way's and 'for real?'s until their disbelief turn into excited cheers.

Sasuke blinked once... twice.

''You're kidding...'' Sasuke stared at Naruto. Naruto laughed at his husband's reaction. He had to admit three boys were a handful, and while Sasuke loved them with all his heart, he wondered if he would be able to handle another kid.

''Nope!'' Naruto grinned.

''But I thought Tsunade said you couldn't have another after you had Itachi.'' There had been some complications during Itachi birth that required an emergency surgery on Naruto. Tsunade at told them that Naruto would unlikely be able to conceive another child.

''It seems this one's a little miracle,'' Naruto said, squeezing his lover's hand slightly. Sasuke's dumbfounded expression melted into a genuine, happy smile. He gave his lover a quick kiss.

''I hope she ends up looking like mama'' Menma said, crossing his arms over his chest. ''I'm sure she'll be as beautiful as Ma!'' All three boys looked at Naruto with hopeful and sparkling eyes.

''Yeah, Ma's the most beautiful.....'' Minato said dreamily. The other two nodded vigorously in agreement. Naruto blushed then chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

''They truly are my sons,'' Sasuke stated proudly.


Ten months later, Naruto gave birth to a beautiful blond girl. They named her Kushina Mikoto, in memory of Sasuke's and Naruto's mothers.

Sasuke and Naruto truly felt their little family was now complete.

They couldn't be happier.

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