
By Bamboo_shoot

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Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 12
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

2K 101 102
By Bamboo_shoot

"Wait a minute, I can drop you off," Nana Marie said, rearranging the last set of books for the day.

"It's okay nana," Kongpob smiled with his eyes twinkling, grabbing his bag.

"Kongpob it is late and you know about the cases," Marie looked at him sternly, pushing her glasses back up. Coming down from the small ladder while Kongpob rushed over, helping her down.

"Thank you, dear," Marie smiled, ruffling Kongpob's brunette hair. Kongpob beamed, climbing up the ladder himself and arranging the books.

"Let me drop you off," Marie insisted, taking a deep breath. Her back and feet hurting from standing for so long. But she was grateful to have Kongpob with her, who was more than happy to help her with everything every evening.

"Your son has been dropping me off for the past week, Nana. I can go home tonight alone," Kongpob sighed, putting the ladder to the side.

"Take the bus then," Marie put her hand on her hips, looking straight into Kongpob's dark eyes.

Kongpob sighed and nodded, knowing he was lying. Public transportation was a hassle and expensive. And he lived nearby. He could use that money for a meal later.

"Here," Marie handed him some money, smiling at him. The wrinkles on her warm face, reminding him of his losses. Feeling a hard pang in his heart.

Kongpob shook his head, taking a step back. She would always do this like she knew what was in his mind. And he refused to take advantage than he already had.

"No nana. I am fine. Thank you," Kongpob rushed into her arms before she could retort, hugging her tight. Marie rubbed his back, shaking her head softly. Wondering why the kid was so stubborn.

"Stay safe," Marie screamed out, waving while Kongpob smiled and ran off.

Slinging his bag across his shoulder. Humming to himself softly. Waving at the passersby and smiling brightly. Making everyone take a second glance at the young man.

He stopped, thinking whether to take the shortcut or not. He looked at his watch, showing it was pretty late. And if he were to walk back the long way it would take him a long time. He had class early in the morning.

And he never took his bike because his shift wasn't this long. But he stayed back to help Marie. He groaned softly, looking around in the dark streets. It was supposedly a safe town. Until random bodies of rich men and women started showing up in the past couple of months.

He shook his head and walked to the shortcut. Forgetting about the long alleyway. He continued walking, clutching his bag. An eeriness creeping up his spine at the complete silence covering him.

He saw the alleyway with spray paint adorning the walls. Having slurs and cuss words. With symbols of hate all over. Cigars laying carelessly over the ground. He grimaced but continued walking.

Halting quickly getting flashes of the news in his head. And he shivered, remembering the brutal murder that happened in the same alley a couple of months ago, yet he still went. Stupid Kongpob.

Being like the rest of the fools thinking he wouldn't ever witness anything out of his normal life. He stiffened feeling a cool breeze, making him more jittery. And he knew he was just being paranoid, but it was dark outside. Very dark.

And he was instantly regretting his idea of getting home quicker, just to sleep earlier. He turned back, but he was already halfway through. He took a deep breath. "You can do this. Little longer..." he mumbled under his breath, taking more hesitant steps forward.

He kept looking around. At the walls with the Buer drawing on the brick walls. He shivered, feeling his stomach flip. Taking hurried steps, hating each second. He should've just accepted Marie's offer.

He froze, with his eyes wide. Hearing a high-pitch scream reverberating through the narrow alley. He hugged himself, wanting to turn back and sprint. But he was too frozen to react. And he didn't understand why his feet were still moving forward. Even though he was screaming inside to run back.

Fearing for his life. Scared of what he might witness.

And he did see something. Behind the huge dumpster, he could hear the sound of bones breaking and the muffled screams of a woman. "I won't again...spare me..."

He heard the struggled whispers. He crouched, leaning back. Trying to make himself invisible. But curiosity kills the cat.

"Your son couldn't even voice his protests. Couldn't beg. Only wanted mommy. Yet you sold him...for some gold coins..." a man snarled.

Kongpob heard some grunting before a gunshot was heard. Scaring off the birds nearby. Kongpob covered his mouth, stopping the scream from escaping. Trembling from head to toe.

He regained his senses, hearing the dark chuckle echoing, along with some humming. He peeked a little to find the man crouched down with a blade in his hand.

And just like that he regained the power in his muscles and walked away carefully. Not to make a sound. And just when he thought he was far enough to sprint, he heard the cocking of the gun. And a deep, dangerous whisper.

"Turn around."

Kongpob trembled thinking this was it. This was his fate. Getting disowned, thrown out, working multiple jobs, being seen as trash, and finally. Getting murdered in some alleyway.

"Don't make me repeat myself," the man snarled.

Kongpob turned around jolting at the deep command. His eyes were glued to the ground and he brought his hand up. Showing himself to be of no harm.

He looked up slowly to find the pistol aimed at him. And he knew it was loaded. His eyes locked with the dark hazel ones, the black skull mask covering all other features.

His lips quiver as the man stares at him. Looking him up and down and taking a liking for the submitting kid. He walked closer, lowering his gun.

"What is such a beautiful young man doing in these alleyways?" The man asked, putting his gun on Kongpob's chest. Running the muzzle up and down his chest. His eyes glinting.

Kongpob stared at the man with silent tears running down, sniffling. His honey-toned face flushed and messy. Making the man's interest peak. Wanting to be the reason for the messed up beautiful face.

"I won't s-say anything..." Kongpob whispered, compelled to stare into the hazel eyes. Not being able to look away.

"I know you won't," the man whispered, taking his gun and trailing it on Kongpob's face. Then smiled behind the mask. His eyes visibly crinkling. "The name's Arthit by the way... In case you want to know..."

Kong stared at him, with ragged breathes. He could imagine the chiseled face handsome, behind the mask. He knew, he would've been smitten if it was any other time... But instead...

The sight was making Kong tremble and close his eyes. Tears spilling. And the man was enjoying himself. Enjoying how alive he felt after so long. Enjoying the adrenaline in his veins.

"I won't kill you..." Arthit whispered, putting his gun away and shoving his hands in his pockets.

Kongpob looked at him, tilting his head. And Arthit wanted to coo at the adorable being. Yes, he wouldn't kill him. He would make great use of the treasure he found. Killing would be a waste.

"I can't destroy my new plaything...I'm not wasteful sweetheart." Arthit smirked, unknowing to Kongpob with the mask still on.

Kongpob looked at him wide-eyed, looking around frantically. "I won't help you kill..." Kongpob said sternly, surprising him with his confidence.

And Arthit stared at him, amused. Then throwing his head back and chuckling, leaving Kongpob gaping and trembling. Throwing his head in a whirlwind of emotions. Not knowing if the chuckle pleased or terrified him.

Arthit calmed down, staring at Kongpob. The corners of his eyes wrinkled, assuring Kongpob that the man was smiling and not mad. And he let out a breath, slumping his shoulders. Too soon.

"I'll show you what I mean..." Arthit pushed Kongpob back onto the wall, caging him. "When I said I'll make you my plaything." Arthit pulled down his mask, revealing a handsome face.

With a teasing smirk on his face. And Kongpob kept staring, taking shallow breaths to calm his heart.

"I like what I see too," Arthit lowered his face, towering over Kongpob. Bringing their lips closer.

And Kongpob was panicking, looking around. Terrified to protest. And terrified to admit he may have wanted a taste...

And soon enough he was in a bruising grip, his waist being held with the calloused hands. Feeling his sanity slip away. Not understanding what was happening. And soon he felt a pair of lips against his.

A teasing touch, making him yearn for more. Forgetting this was a murderer for a moment. And before he could fathom, he was swept away in a bruising kiss. Moaning loudly when Arthit bit into his soft flesh, sucking the blood. Licking over the wound.

Sending soft tingles down his spine, electrifying each nerve in his body and making him hypersensitive. And he responded, softly, crouching, trying to push away. More unwillingly, feeling he had to.

But Arthit smirked into the kiss, taking Kongpob's hands and pinning them above his head, pushing closer to Kongpob. Circling his hips in a teasing way. Making Kongpob arch his back. Arthit stroked his lips harshly once more before parting with a hard bite.

Moving closer to Kongpob's cheek, licking away his tears. "Did you understand?" Arthit asked, smirking, putting on his mask.

"I can go report," Kongpob whispered, his shaky voice giving him away.

Arthit hummed, caressing his cheeks. "Go ahead..." Arthit challenged, tilting his head and cocking his eyebrows.

Kongpob looked away, crying. Feeling the grip loosen and letting him go. "I'll see you soon sweetheart. You interrupted me," Arthit walked back, tilting his head and waving. "Gotta finish..."

Kongpob stood there, staring at the way the man was walking. Watching him slowly disappear into the darkness. Leaning his head back, staring up into the starry sky. Flashes of the recent events replaying in his head.

Along with the news reports... Kongpob shivered and brought his hand to his lips. Still feeling the traces of the other pair on his. Closing his eyes and hugging himself. That man stole his first kiss... And Kongpob will never admit he wasn't completely against it.

He dragged himself, somehow finding himself back home. He locked the door, checking more than a couple of times. Checking under the bed, closet, bathroom, even the bigger cabinets. And the windows and behind the curtains were a must.

He slung his bag on the couch, sitting down. Bringing his knees to his abdomen. Shaking in soft sobs. He should've just taken Marie's offer...

He took his bag to go to class, feeling extra jittery. It's been a couple of days since his encounter with the man. Making him more jittery.

"I'll see you soon..."

Those words were constantly ringing in his ears, the anticipation of what'll happen choking him. He skipped class the day after, knowing he couldn't look at the outside world. He completely shut himself inside. Pulling all the curtains close, turning on all the lights, checking behind all the doors constantly, and making sure the windows and doors were locked.

He had curled up in a ball in the corner of his bedroom, his eyes darting to the door and window every couple of minutes.

Kongpob shook his head, taking himself out of the nightmare he lived. And he decided staying locked up inside won't do any good. That man could have just said that to scare him.

He checked the windows and doors for the nth time and finally headed out. And it all went like normal. His life remained normal. Nothing happened.

And maybe he was a little disappointed for some reason. Kongpob kept looking back. His eyes glancing at the door each time it opened.

He doesn't even know what he was expecting. Not like he wanted to be near that scary man anyway. Kongpob wanted to bang his head on a wall.

Yes. He wasn't anticipating the man. He was just scared. Yes, he was just afraid that he'd find him. Kongpob nodded, not minding the weird looks he was getting from his classmates on to why he was talking to himself.

A lot of days passed. And it was like Kongpob didn't even see anything. And he was thinking about reporting. He did witness a murder. And the man didn't seem like he could find Kongpob. He was safe now, so he can report.

Although the thought scared him...what if the man escapes and gets to him. Or what if they don't believe him. Or what if...

Kongpob halted as he went to the counter in the library. His hand stopping midway in the air as he waved to Marie.

"My boy. You're here," Marie exclaimed, gesturing for him to come closer.

Kongpob was rooted to the spot, looking at the man next to Marie. And he couldn't help but tremble. After all this while, why now? Just as Kongpob was calming down.

The said man was standing so tall and proud in his dark jeans with a baby blue shirt. With two buttons undone. His hair gelled to the side with sunglasses hung on his shirt. He

And not like a killer. Or what people presumed a killer would look like.

But what they say is true then. They're all very charming. And even Kongpob couldn't deny,

"This here is my boy. My loyal helper," Marie took Kongpob into her arms and hugged him. Praising him to the stranger.

"Nana, enough," Kongpob whispered against Marie's neck.

"Okay, okay," Marie laughed, hugging Kongpob.

And Kongpob buried his head in Marie's neck, squirming under the gaze.

"Now this is Arthit Rojnapat. This kid used to come so often. Had his head buried in books," Marie glared at Arthit while he chuckled and looked away. "And then he just disappeared."

Kongpob stiffened. Marie knew him... He straightened up, standing a little behind Marie.

"What made you come back, young man?" Marie glared, looking away.

And Kongpob may have an inkling on what made Arthit disappear and what made him come back.

"Like a calling..." Arthit said, looking at Kongpob with his heated stare.

Kongpob blushed, trembling as he clung onto Marie. He avoided the stare and walked away to do his work. Feeling the constant gaze on his back. Making him want to scream and run away.

"Kongpob !" Marie raised her voice while Kongpob jolted out of his daydreaming.

"Yes, nana?" Kongpob came over, still avoiding someone's gaze.

"Help Mr...." Marie looked at him over her glasses. "What was it again, dear? Forgive my old brain."

Arthit smiled with his dimples, rubbing his nose with his forefinger. Shaking his head softly. "I'm just a civil engineer nana."

"My boy is a CIVIL ENGINEER. See Kongpob. Everyone under my wing becomes successful. So don't fret."

Marie ruffled Kongpob's hair, smiling at him softly. Kongpob returned the gesture, ignoring the strong presence.

"What I called you here for. See old brain," Marie rubbed her temple, sighing. "Help Mr. Civil Engineer find the book Kongpob. And maybe ask for a few tips," Marie winked at Kongpob, walking away.

"Can you help me?" Arthit asked, smiling softly but with a glint in his eyes.

Kongpob stood there, frozen. He looked around and there was no one. Just them three and another elderly woman. He gulped and nodded, feeling himself sweat.

"What are you looking for?" Kongpob asked, forcing a smile and leading the way into an aisle farther away from the exits.

"I found what I was looking for," Arthit smirked, biting his lower lip.

Looking Kongpob up and down. Arthit came closer, backing Kongpob into a small corner of the last aisle. Opposite to Marie and the other woman. Away from all ears and eyes.

"Sir...w-what. I-then you can check out," Kongpob looked over Arthit's shoulder, biting his lips. And regretting it instantly seeing Arthit's eyes darken.

"Hmm, I'll do just that," Arthit put his arms on either side of Kongpob's head and against the shelves.

"Sir, it's to the r-right of this aisle," Kongpob stammered, feeling smaller being caged.

And he never felt more conflicted about what he wanted before. His rational side needed someone to save him.

But the other side was more adventurous than he thought. Wanting to see how far things could go.

"This isn't the roleplay I'm used to," Arthit inched closer to Kongpob's face. He looked at Kongpob's lips and then his eyes.

"I need help with something..." Arthit whispered, coming insanely closer. Tilting his head to the side with a playful smile.

Kongpob looked up with wide eyes, gulping. And he nodded hesitantly. "What is it?"

Arthit sighed dramatically, tapping his fingers on the wall of the shelf. "You know...after that night..."

Kongpob looked down, stiffening. He wanted to stay in denial. He could feel his heart racing and his palms sweating. He wiped it on his pants, playing with his fingers.

"I just can't get your tears out of my head," Arthit whispered against Kongpob's ear. Which was turning a bright red.

"Can you help me?" Arthit grabbed Kongpob's chin with his thumb and index finger, tilting it up.

To find teary eyes staring back. And he could feel the trembles. And almost smell the fear emitting off of the poor boy.

"Can you?" Arthit pouted, dabbing his thumb across Kongpob's lip.

Kongpob drew in a shaky breath. "How?"

Arthit grabbed Kongpob's brunette locks in his tight grip and yanked his head back. "Just follow along."

Kongpob gripped onto Arthit's arms as a reflex and immediately lowered them, seeing the glare thrown at him.

"You don't get to touch me without permission," Arthit hisses against Kongpob's lips.

Kongpob groaned softly, feeling his scalp burn from the grip. Fearing that his hair was going to be ripped out.

Arthit was enjoying seeing the wet face. He dabbed across Kongpob's soft lips, "I would love a taste. The longer the wait, the better."

Arthit tried to put his thumb inside Kongpob's mouth but Kongpob turned his head away.

"Wanna try that again?" Arthit hissed, grabbing Kongpob's neck, not hurting him yet. 

Kongpob opened his mouth fearing for his life. A small moan escaping his lips. And eyes rolling back unconsciously, as Arthit placed his thumb inside his mouth.

"I barely did anything and you're already moaning..." Arthit smirked, throwing his head back.

Soft tremors going down his body as Kongpob sucked, feeling the warm mouth around his fingers.

"Knees," Arthit commanded, caressing his hairs, smiling.

Kongpob looked up, still sucking his fingers. And he didn't want to let go, something was comforting. It felt...good. And he'll never admit it.

"Now!" Arthit hissed, pushing Kong down.

Kongpob kneeled and looked up, waiting for the next order. Still trembling.

Arthit smiled, still caressing Kongpob's hair. "You're such a good slut."

Kongpob felt his heart hurt at the harsh words. He was never called such things. And he wasn't one. His eyes watered, as he looked up as Arthit towered over him.

"You want this baby?" Arthit looked into Kongpob's eyes, dabbing his thumb over Kongpob's cheek. His sweet words just being that. Just words.

Kongpob nodded. Out of fear and a little bit of desire, just a little. And a lot out of curiosity.

"Let me see if you'll be of any use. Pleasure me."

Kongpob looked at Arthit, tilting his head. He knew some of what Arthit meant. He was nineteen. He knew enough although he has done nothing.

"I don't have all day," Arthit yanked his hair, pulling Kongpob out of his thoughts.

Kongpob jolted and began fumbling with Arthit's pants. While Arthit watched, still caressing Kongpob's hair. And he didn't know why, probably because he was soft.

Very soft, every part he's touched so far. And he'll know about the other parts soon.

Kongpob after lots of struggling undid Arthit's jean buttons and zip. He looked up for permission before pulling it down.

Arthit hummed his approval, still raking his hands through Kongpob's hair. Very pleased with everything. Although excruciatingly slow.

Kongpob took Arthit's hard-self into his smaller hands, catching a pace.

"Are you trying to please me or piss me off?" Arthit grabbed Kongpob's chin, careful to not leave marks. Yet.

"Am I doing it wrong?" Kongpob stopped, looking up at Arthit curiously.

And Arthit was running out of patience, he was being soft enough. Arthit gave Kongpob a tight smile and looked over. And sighed in relief, seeing Marie distracted in a long conversation.

Arthit placed his thumb on Kongpob's lips and Kongpob's lips trembled. Showing how terrified he was to do anything.

Arthit suddenly took his thumb away and slammed himself in Kongpob's mouth. Not caring about Kongpob gagging or hitting his thigh.

Arthit grabbed his nape and thrust in, closing his eyes in insane pleasure. Kongpob's cries making him more aroused.

"You're so good for daddy," Arthit released his grip on Kongpob's hair and began caressing, feeling an unknown need to comfort the crying boy.

Wanting to praise him for how good he is.

Kongpob being all new to this was terrified but he stopped hitting. Knowing it was useless. Why make his sad fate even worse?

So Kongpob shut up and accepted it, taking all of Arthit. Exactly how Arthit wanted him too.

Arthit was too lost in bliss to understand what was happening around them. The warmth and tightness bringing heaven to his feet.

And he wanted this moment to last forever. He wouldn't complain.

Kongpob felt as if time had stopped. Or Arthit had an enormous amount of control. Or that he was really bad and he may have felt a little disheartened at that thought.

He heard Arthit stifle a small groan and tighten his hold on Kongpob's hair. He soon felt the warm, bitterness in his mouth.

"Be a good boy and swallow," Arthit tidied himself up, looking elegant once again. Wiping his forehead slick with a thin layer of sweat with a handkerchief.

Kongpob gagged but swallowed. Tears flowing out.

"You're useful," Arthit smirked, squatting down to Kongpob's level. "Very useful," he glanced down at Kongpob's lips.

"I'll let nana Marie know how helpful you are," Arthit winked, getting up and flattening any wrinkles.

Arthit walked away and approached the elderly women speaking and joined in on their conversation. Enjoying the two women fawning over him.

Chuckling and entertaining them so easily. While Kongpob was still on the floor.

He got up and ran to the restroom and looked at himself in the mirror. Letting the tears fall. He wanted what every other couple had. To be cradled in their arms, get forehead kisses, back hugs, and feel...loved. Not like this.

He washed his face and mouth and gripped the sink, fighting the urge to scream. He could see his lips were bruises and the small finger marks on his chin. And his scalp burned from the scratches.

What was he doing? Being kissed, being threatened, being manhandled, AND liking it.

Kongpob traced his jaw and chin where the faint red marks were getting more prominent. And his lips trembled. He leaned against the wall, letting himself fall to the floor.

He touched his lips, feeling it still burn.

"Stupid Kongpob. Stupid. Stupid." Kongpob hit his head with his fist, sobbing on the floor. Wetting his maroon shirt completely.

He took a big breath, calming himself down, his vision blurry with the unending tears.

"I just want to go home..." he whispered under his breath, sniffling.

But Kongpob didn't have a home. He had an empty house he barely stayed in. With friends, he didn't share his burdens with. He only had nana, but what could he possibly ask her for now?

He stood up with his wobbly legs, supporting himself with the help of the sink and cabinets. Looking at his disoriented self once more. He ruffled his hair to the side a little and washed his face.

He adjusted his shirt and wiped his wet face and neck. Holding in the tears ready to spill.

He walked out trembling, ignoring the weird glances he got from Marie. And the flirty glances from Arthit. Kongpob walked to the other side, organizing like crazy, trying to get his mind off of the recent events.

But thankfully, Arthit left after speaking to them for ages. Kongpob slumped down, watching Arthit walking away. Not before winking at him with a sly smirk. And Kongpob didn't know whether to punch the smug face or run away.

"Nana?" Kongpob hesitantly asked. Marie looked at him over her glasses, hurriedly typing away. Quite fast for an old woman. Kongpob was always impressed.

"Who is that man?" Kongpob asked, looking at the exit door.

Marie looked at him with a warm smile. "He was like you. A loyal helper. Until he quit one day and never appeared again. But it was years ago. It was nice catching up. He's a good kid."

Kongpob stared at Marie. Holding in a bitter laugh. Good kid? Yeah right.

And tonight, Kongpob took Marie's offer. He'll just take the bus. He'll just eat cheap noodles every day for the rest of his life. But he's taking public transportation or Marie's offer. He wasn't gonna make the same mistake twice.

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