Highschool Singular Point

By dragonNecroKing132

80.4K 1.3K 969

Issei Hyoudou, a perverted teenage boy who wished on becoming the Harem King. However, after being killed by... More

Issei's Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
New Cover
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapet 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: SERA O FIM DA TERRA!!
Chapter: [REDACTED]
Singular-verse Rules & Info

Chapter 5

3.9K 76 57
By dragonNecroKing132

Third Person POV

The sun was high in the sky as it seemed like a regular peaceful day in the small town of Kuoh.

The birds were flying through the sky as the gentle breeze blew the leaves of the tree, yeah it seemed like it was gonna be a nice and calm day.

At Kuoh Academy the students that arrived early chatted among themselves as the rest had just arrived at the school.

Standing under a nice shady tree, staring at the school was a teenage boy with black to almost charcoal gray hair and yellow eyes.

This boy watched as the students walked through the gates of Kuoh without a care in the world, as the boy watched some red dust seem to fall from the boy's hair.

???: "Well then, I think it's time to welcome myself back to my old stomping grounds. Can't stay here for long otherwise, someone will notice me..."

Apart from him didn't want to come back to Kuoh Academy, but he would be damned if he had to go through what he went through again.

He suffered for what felt like a Millennia, every second felt worse than hell itself, he tried to call for help but no one answered him. He begged and scream for help but all he got was silence and nothing but silence.

When it was finally over the boy felt like he was the happiest day of his life, but he soon learned many new things from what he went through things that he will always remember.

The boy gritted his teeth slightly as the memories of what he went through filled his mind.

???: "Like hell I'm going through that bullshit again...Never again"

The boy's eyes seemed to glow yellow slightly as he started to make his way towards the school gate.

When he walked through the gate, all eyes seemed to be on him. He just stepped into Kuoh Academy for not even three seconds and already he's gotten this much attention.

The boy almost deadpanned by the fact that all attention was on him.

???: 'Now I know what it feels like to be an Anime Character, the new student always seemed to be the popular one. But technically I'm not a new student I'm an old one that's returning'

The black-haired boy then started to hear whispers from the other students, first from the females.

Female 1: "Hey, who is that guy?"

Female 2: "I'm not sure, but I gotta say he's pretty hot. You think he's single?"

Female 3: "I don't know, let's just hope he isn't a pervert. We don't need one to replace Hyoudou"

The black-haired boy kind of felt offended by the girl's words, but secretly smirked.

???: 'They are gonna be in for a shock'

He then heard the boys.

Boy 1: "Who the hell is this bitch!?"

Boy 2: "I don't know but he's getting all the girl's attention!"

Boy 3: "Bastard!"

The Black-haired boy couldn't help but sigh at the comments.

???: "Seriously, I leave for like what a week and this is the bullshit I get as a welcome back?"

This caught the student's attention.

Boy 1: "The hell are you talking about?"

The black-haired boy deadpanned.

???: "You're kidding me right, please tell me that some of you recognize me?"

The black-haired boy saw multiple heads shake signaling that they didn't recognize him.

This caused the black-haired boy to sigh in annoyance, was it really that tough to recognize him.

Issei: "Come on! Its me Issei!"

Silence filled the air as the students stared at the black-haired boy in shock.

Everyone: "What!!"

Issei: "Yeah, its me Issei. How the hell can you guys not recognize me?"

Boy 1: "Well, first of all, your hair is black"

Issei: "Wow, Racist"

Boy 1: "Oh, go fuck yourself!"

Issei deadpanned.

Issei: "But I'm not the gay one"

Boy 2: "Yeah that's my job!"

Boy 3: "excuse me what the fuck!?"

Issei couldn't help but sweatdrop at this turn of events.

???: "ISSEI!!!"

Issei turned to the sound of the voice or rather voices and dodged an incoming punch. The one who threw it was one of Issei's friends.

These two were Motohama and Matsuda, they have been Issei's best friends ever since they first got to Kuoh Academy. Before the incident that caused Issei to go through immense suffering, the trio was well known as the most hated group of perverts in the school.

They use to go around and peep on a ground of girls called the kendo girls whenever they can, sure it normally ends up with them getting their ass beaten but it was worth it in the end.

But now that Issei is back after going through what felt like hell for him, he's not sure if he is capable of going back to his old ways anymore.

Issei: "Hey you two, Why did you try and attack me?"

Matsuda: "Do you have any idea how worried we were!? We thought you left us for good"

Issei: "Well, I'm back, and I'm not going anywhere"

Motohama: "Which means the pervert trio is back in action!!"

As Matsuda and Motohama began to celebrate, Issei simply sighed and started to walk away. This caught his friend's attention as they looked at him.

Matsuda: "Issei? where you going!?"

Issei: "I'm going to class, cya around"

With that, Issei made his way into the school building. As he walked down the hallways he heard some more whispers about him, some good and some back but that didn't matter to Issei.

He was glad that he was finally back somewhere he knows, but that doesn't mean he also missed swimming around in his Aquatic form.

Sure, he went through was basically hell and hated every single moment of it. But when it was over he got to feel what aquatic animals felt every single day and that was freedom.

As Issei continued to walk, there was some red dust coming off him but it didn't get noticed by the other students which were good he didn't feel like explaining the red dust to them.

(Time Skip Brought to you by doom slayer listening to The Only Thing They Fear is You)

Issei stood in front of his old classroom door, it kinda gave Issei the feeling of Deja vu from when he first arrived at Kuoh Academy long ago.

When he first arrived at Kuoh he was just a simple teenage boy who had a perverted personality and loved breast, but now look at him. He has gone through hell and is back completely different, he's not even human anymore.

Issei sighed slightly.

Issei: "well, let's get this over with. Can't wait out here forever"

And so Issei knocked on the door and waited for a minute or so before he heard a voice, telling him to come inside.

???: "Come in"

And so Issei opened the door and walked inside his classroom, he got stares from his classmates and a slight smile from his teacher.

Teacher: "Ah, Issei Hyoudou. I see you have returned, after being gone for a whole week"

Issei: "Yeah, sorry took so long. I had some things to do"

The teacher sighed.

Teacher: "Just don't do it again, you have missed a lot of homework and assignments"

Issei simply waved his teacher off, he knew that he was gonna miss some stuff but he didn't have much of a choice to be away.

Issei: "yeah, yeah"

He then turned his attention to his classmates who stared at him with looks of either shock, awe, or disgust. He could understand the disgust one since he was a pervert who peeped on girls all the time.

But he's been gone for a whole week and they are still pissed about all the times he peeped on them.

Issei: "hey all, how's it going? You'll miss me?"

Silence was the only answer Issei received as his classmates just stare at him.

Issei: "ok then, talk about a tough crowd"

Issei made his way back to his old seat and saw that it was just how he left it, but the only difference is that it had a little bit of dust on it.

However, this didn't bother Issei at all he simply shrugged it off and sat down in his chair.

???: "So, you got a new hair color Hyoudou?"

Issei turned to the voice and saw one of his classmates, Aika Kiryuu. She was a beautiful young girl who was slightly shorter than Issei. She wore spectacles, had gold-colored eyes, and lightly messy brunette hair tied into braids on each side.

Issei: "oh, Hey Glasses Girl. I did get a new hair color"

Aika then noticed that Issei's eyes were a different color as well, this shocked her cause she thought that it was only his hair that changed but apparently his eyes did as well.

Aika: "y-your eyes, they're yellow!"

This got the whole class's attention as they saw that what the brown-haired girl was talking about was true, they thought they were only imagining it.

Issei: "yeah, my eyes are yellow. I know it's rare or whatever, but I don't think it should be this much of a shock"

Girl 1: "What are you talking about!? Yellow eyes have never been a thing! Its always been blue, green, brown, hazel, and sometimes red. But besides those yellow eyes have never been seen before!"

Issei simply shrugged his shoulders.

Issei: "I guess I'm special then, even though I don't feel special"

He almost chuckled when he said that, but the black-haired boy controlled himself. he didn't want to sound like an asshole since it was just his first day back from his hell.

Aika then decided to use her "secret technique" on Issei, she basically stared at the black-haired boy's crotch and when she did blood shot out of her nose as she fell to the ground.

This sudden act caused the other girls to get worried for their fellow female students as the males were just confused about what just happened

Girl 1: "Aika! are you ok!?"

Girl 2: "Speak to us girl!"

Girl 3: "What happened!? You were fine a second ago!?"

Aika: "Massive...It's bigger than any I have ever seen before..a true monster"

This confused the class as they wondered what the brown-haired girl was talking about, Aika was kinda weird. You see she had the ability to know how big a boy dick was just by looking at it even if they wear pants she will know.

Issei raised an eyebrow.

Issei: "She looked at me for five seconds and now she's on the ground. Well, wasn't expecting this to happen"

The class looked at Issei as they put the pieces together, the female's faces nearly became as red as tomatoes cause Aika basically said that Issei had a massive cock.

The boy felt jealous as they glared at the black-haired boy, Issei notice this and couldn't help but sigh at this.

Issei: 'This is why I didn't want to come back'

(Time Skip brought to you by RAID SHADOW LEGENDS!)

Issei was making his way out of class as he had his hands in his pockets, the class was basically normal except for all the stares he got throughout the entire class.

It didn't bother Issei much, though there are some parts where it felt annoying especially when the girl kept on staring at his crotch.

The black-haired boy sighed to himself as he shook his head.

Issei: 'Thanks a lot Aika, now there's gonna be rumors about that for the rest of my life. Now I wish I went back to my hell..'

Suddenly, Issei stopped walking as images of him screaming in pain and agony flashed through his mind. His cries filled his ears as the black-haired boy gritted his teeth.

Why did he have to say that, just why? Things were going good so far and he just had to go and think that.

Quickly shaking his head Issei made his way out of the school building so he can go and eat his lunch in peace, away from the other students. He just wanted to be left alone and not draw any more attention to himself.

That's the last thing that Issei wanted his attention, he just wants to pretend that everything is normal.

However, Issei soon stopped walking once again as he realized something, something that made him wanna punch himself in the face.

He realized that he doesn't have any lunch at all like he turned into his new human form like not even a few hours ago and it took him nearly forever to get to Kuoh. Unfortunately, the black-haired boy seemed to forget to plan out how to get food.

He couldn't go back to his parents cause they would just question him on why he disappeared all of a sudden, but then again the school should have called them an hour ago. If they did that then Issei's parents would basically be on the school grounds looking for the black-haired boy.

But they weren't, which could only mean one thing...something happened to them. But what could of happen? Issei didn't see anything in the newspapers from the stands he passed on his way to Kuoh, which means that his parents aren't hurt or dead.

Issei pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed to himself, he needed to calm down before he gets himself worked up about all this.

Issei: "Ok, ok I need to calm down, everything is alright. Nothing bad is happeni-"

Issei didn't get to his sentence as he felt someone was watching him, the black-haired boy quickly turned and his yellow eyes were greeted by a sight that he remembered all too well.

It was Rias Gremory, the most beautiful girl in all of Kuoh she is basically the queen of the entire place or rather the empress. All the boys are madly in love with her and all the girls dream of becoming as beautiful as her.

Before his death, Issei remembered seeing her looking down at him and his two perverted friends. But that was only for a breath moment before she turned away, leaving Issei with a blush on his face.

However, this time was much different cause Issei's senses were altered. He could smell a strange scent coming from her, one that signaled that she wasn't human at all

Though Issei had a feeling that there may be some people in Kuoh who arent human since he remembered a certain black-haired girl with violet eyes who killed him.

Issei's eyes locked onto Rias's eyes and the two stare at each other, but the black-haired boy's eyes seemed to of glowed slightly yellow as he stared at the crimson-haired girl.

A small grin began to grow onto Issei's face as it revealed some sharp fangs in the black-haired boy's mouth.

Issei: ' Well Rias...Whatever you are, let's hope you don't try to fight me. Cause if you do I'll have to declare the end upon you, plus I may need you to finish The Ritual...'





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