A soulmate who wasn't meant t...

By Marvel__123

33.1K 1.4K 367

Wanda and Vision were happy together since Vision saved her in Sokovia, after Wanda had Sophia they became a... More

A soulmate who wasn't meant to be characters:
Chapter one: Starting over
Chapter two: What is this feeling?
Chapter three: The Twins
Chapter four:I hope you don't hate me part 1
Chapter five: I hope you don't hate me part 2
Chapter six: Unexpected visitor
Chapter seven: This is Halloween part 1
Chapter eight: This is Halloween part 2
Chapter nine: Pieces of me
Chapter ten: Sweet little lies
Chapter eleven: It's been Agatha all along
Chapter twelve: Red as blood
A/N: Important!
Chapter thirteen: As the world caves in
Chapter fourteen: Grief
A/N: New book!
Chapter fifteen: Old friends
Chapter sixteen: Kids again
Chapter seventeen: Sick cuddles
Chapter eighteen: Memories
Chapter nineteen: Do I know you?
Chapter twenty: Feelings fade
Chapter twenty one: Who you gonna call...?
Chapter twenty two: Don't trust anyone
Chapter twenty three: Run away
Chapter twenty four: Season of witches
Chapter twenty five: Parents
Chapter twenty six: Stay away
Chapter twenty seven: Nobody said that it would last forever
Chapter twenty eight: I know she's out there
Chapter twenty nine: What's the plan?
Chapter thirty: Vormir
Chapter thirty one: Save me
Chapter thirty two: Nothing makes sense
Chapter thirty three: You were my medicine
Chapter thirty four: Blue flames
Chapter thirty five: Our last goodbye
Chapter thirty six: Never leave
Chapter thirty seven: Back home
Chapter thirty eight: The sangre witch
Chapter thirty nine: Take the stones, run away
Chapter forty: There's no place like home
Chapter forty one: It's over isn't it?
Chapter forty two: All I want for Christmas
Chapter forty three: Moving on
Chapter forty four: Project Y.A.I
Chapter forty five: It's been a long, long time
Chapter forty six: Upstate, New York
Chapter forty seven: Blood signature
Chapter forty eight: The new recruit
Chapter forty nine: Fresh start
Chapter fifty one: The end of an era
A/N: My future part 2

Chapter fifty: Teamwork makes the dream work

319 23 21
By Marvel__123


And please! comment your thoughts, I would love to hear them!! they're making my day!

And don't forget to read my A/N at the end <3

~8 years later~

Ivy walked into her room and sat slowly on the bed, she picked up the picture she kept on the bedside table.

As she admired the picture of her and her girlfriend, a stream of tears escaped her eyes.

She traced her fingers over the picture, mesmerizing the bright smile of her girlfriend she missed so much.

A knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts and she quickly wiped her tears.

The door opened and Billy walked in, "Hey Ivy, are you coming downstairs? My mom made dinner"

"I don't know Billy, I don't really have an appetite"

Billy sighed and sat next to her, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "Ivy you haven't eaten anything almost all week"

"She should've been here, her 26th birthday is tomorrow" Ivy said as tears escaped her eyes.

"I know you miss her, I do too, a lot, but please come eat?" he said softly

She nodded and he hugged her close as her body shook a little, "Thank you Billy" she sniffled, "Anything for you, you're family Ivy, you know that"

"How did you become so grown up?" "I'm 18 Ivy" he smiled

"God i'm old" she chuckled, "Let's get down"

They both got down, Billy's arm was still around her shoulders as she curled up to his side.

"Hey Ivy" Kate greeted softly, "Hey Kate"

"Billy!" they all turned around towards the voice, "Get your hands off my girlfriend!" she said with a playful smile

Ivy wasted no time and ran into her arms, she hugged her tight and pulled her into a kiss, when they pulled away Ivy hit her arm, "Ouch that hurt"

"What the hell were you thinking?" she said as tears streamed down her face, "I'm sorry we lost contact with the compound"

"For two months!? Sophia, I thought you died!"

"I'm sorry my love" she hugged her close, "But I promised I'll be here on my birthday didn't I?"

"Don't you ever do that again!" Ivy cried out

"I won't, I promise"

"Soph!" Wanda smiled widely and rushed to hug her close

"I missed you so much!" she squeezed her even tighter, "Mom I can't breathe" "I haven't seen you in two months deal with it"

"Hey big sis" Tommy and Billy hugged her close

"Hey, how are my favorite little brothers?"

"We are your only brothers, and we're good" Tommy said as he hugged his sister again.

"Glad someone is happy to see me as well" Morgan said sarcastically

Tommy ran to hug her close, "I missed you" he kissed her forehead

"Woah, hey since when is this a thing?" Sophia asked

"Uhh, well we were going to tell you but- you see..."

"A Stark and a Maximoff, I think I'm going crazy" Sophia said, making them giggle.

"How did the mission go?" Natasha asked as she hugged Sophia close

"It went well, except the lost of contact"

"Good, I'm glad you both are okay" she said as she moved to hug Morgen.

"Where is Lena?" "Right behind you" "Jesus, Lena you scarred me"

"I missed you" Yelena hugged Sophia tight

"I missed you too" , "It's good to have you both back" Kate said sweetly as she hugged both of them.

"Do I smell dinner?" "Yes you do, come on let's sit down"

Ivy wouldn't leave Sophia's side for a second she sat next to her on the table as she cuddled close to her.

"Baby, I need my arm to eat" Sophia said teasingly

"Shut up, I haven't seen you in forever" Sophia kissed her temple, "I love you" "I love you more"

Sophia took Ivy's hand in hers and kissed the engagement ring on her finger, "I love you most...my future wife"

Ivy sighed in happiness as Sophia kissed her lips lovingly.

"Get a room!" Yelena teased, "Okay, okay let's eat in peace"


"Fury, why are we up so early?" Morgan asked

"Well if you have to know little Stark, you all have a mission today"

"All of us?" "Yes"

"That hasn't happened in a while"

"Correct, but now that it is happening you better be prepared, we got kind of a situation, Maria will give you all the information and what you need to do, don't fail"

"Yes sir" Morgan said, but you could hear the sarcasm in her voice

"You're just like your father" "I wouldn't want to be like anyone else"

After Maria gave them all the information, they all got to their rooms to get ready.

Yelena was the leader of the team, she flew the quinjet, Kate was sitting beside her while everyone sat in the back.

Sophia was sitting next to Ivy, Billy on the other side of Ivy and Tommy and Morgen next to each other.

"We got this guys" Tommy said, "You're way to optimistic Tommy" Kate joked

"You're sweet babe" Morgan said and gave him a quick kiss

Sophia's face scrunched in disgust, "Please don't do that infront of me"

Ivy laughed, "Baby, leave them be"

"That's my little brother!" she defended

Ivy giggled, "Relax my love, you seem tense, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, it's a big mission... I just don't want anybody getting hurt"

"It's gonna be okay" Ivy spoke softly as she rubbed small circles on her back.

"You look good in this suit" Sophia whispered into Ivy's ear making her shiver, Ivy was wearing a suit, similar to Yelena's but in dark purple, almost a black shade.

"Yeah?" "Mhmm" Sophia hummed as she kissed behind her ear

"Okay now, and you're telling me to not do things in front of you" Tommy said

"She's my fiance, Tommy" 

 "That's not fair" Sophia smiled and giggled at his frown, Tommy may be 18 but he still had his baby face. "Landing in two minutes!" Yelena announced

"Let's give 'em hell" Kate said, she gave Yelena a shoulder squeeze, "I'm good Kate" Yelena smiled at her best friend. "Good, just checking" Kate smiled sweetly, "Let's go guys!"

They all hopped out of the jet, they stood together, "Well that's some kind of situation" Billy said as they saw the soldiers around the building, "They're hydra soldiers right?" "Yeah, I thought they didn't exist anymore but, well..."

Yelena looked around and started to observe the situation "Ivy, Sophia cover the east side of the building, Kate and I will take the roof, Morgan and Billy cover the back, and Tommy..."

"Yes?" "Run fast", he smirked, "Got it"

"Be prepared for anything, if anything happens, if someone gets hurt, we are all available on coms, we'll get there as fast as we can, am I clear?"

"Yes ma'am" they all answered

"Good, let's do this"

They all ran to their positions, "Ivy, Sophia what's your situation?"

"All clear here"

"Tommy?" "They are waiting for something..."   "shit"

"Tommy? Are you there?" "Sorry, just had to take some guards down"

"Billy, Morgan, give me an update"

"They're trying to get something from the lab"

"It's what we're looking for"

Billy used his powers to control their mind as Morgan flew in with her suit.

"Everyone to the back, now!"

They all got there and started to fight all of the soldiers, Sophia used her powers to take most of the soldiers down, "You're ruining all the fun Maximoff" Yelena teased

"Your welcome?" Ivy jumped in front of Sophia to block a soldier who was running towards her and flipped him to the ground.

"Thanks babe"

"I got it!" Morgan shouted over coms, "Guys! I need backup here!" 

"Cover your ears" Kate shouted

She shot an arrow, when it hit the ground it made a deafening sound making all the soldiers scream and cover their ears.

"Have to thank Clint for those" she said proudly

"Morgan, where are you?" "On the top floor!"

Tommy superspeed to Morgan to get her out of the building, and soon enough they were both back down.

A couple of soldiers started to run towards them but Yelena was quick to shoot electric shocks at them.

Yelena sighed, "Good job guys"


They all walked inside the compound with smile on their faces

"I guess the mission went well...?" Natasah said

"It did, I think it's one of the best missions we had"

"Go shower, you all stink" Wanda teased

"Thanks mom, we love you too" Sophia, Billy and Tommy all said at the same time and they laughed.

After they all showered and ate together, they all got to their bedrooms.

Now, Sophia and Ivy had a shared room. Sophia cuddled close to Ivy and kissed her jaw line.

"I can't wait to marry you" ,Ivy smiled

"I can't wait to marry you as well my love"

Ivy kissed her lips sweetly

"These past 10 years have been crazy, but i'm glad I went through it with you"

"Me too, baby, I love you more than anything"

"I love you more" 

 "Goodnight my love."  "Goodnight baby."

A/N: Ahhhhh, Let me know what you think! :) One chapter left!!

I'm super excited for the end, although I can't believe it's almost over

Let me intreduce you to the team incase you got confused:

Sophia Maximoff, Ivy Harkness, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Morgan Stark, Billy Maximoff and Tommy Maximoff :)

I really enjoyed writing this chapter! I hope you liked it as much as I did

I love each and every one of you dearly, thank you for all the support throughout this book! <3

Don't forget to take care of yourself! I'll see you in the last chapter! :)❤

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