Hungry eyes ยป vhope [FF]

Od wangzico

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โ ๐๐จ๐ฐ ๐ˆ'๐ฏ๐ž ๐ ๐จ๐ญ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ข๐ง ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ฌ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ๐ฌ ๐–๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ก๐ฎ๐ง๐ ๐ซ๐ฒ ๐ž๐ฒ๐ž๐ฌ ๐๐ฎ๐ญ ๐๐ข๐ ๐ˆ... Vรญce

special chapter - yoonmin.
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.


181 24 43
Od wangzico

"Yes I would like to take your offer."

On the inside he is literally screaming at himself, actually it's like there are two voices in his head, arguing about his decision. On one hand the first voice tells him that it's stupid, he and dancing will never work, telling him that he should go back to his room and read book after book, literally interact with as less people as possible.

On the other hand the second voice is encouraging him, to finally have fun, to try something new and to befriend with other's, let them in, give them a chance. These two voices are alway fighting, the first one, almost winning every time. But for now, it's different. The second voice won.

"Great, Little." Hobi says, making his way to the small shelf next to the turntable, which is right across the mirror. He looks for a certain disk to start their first dance lesson while Little is nervously playing with the hem of his shirt, suddenly he starts to regret his decision.

As soon as he found the right disk and with the music finally starting to play, Hobi approaches the other male, standing around like a lost puppy. He takes a halt right in front of Taehyung, just like yesterday.

Little is just slightly taller than the dancer, standing in front of him, making Little suddenly even more nervous, he feels his whole body tenses, before he feels two hands on his arms.

As if Hobi has magical powers, Taehyung loosens up due to the touch of the other male. The song in the background, Little recalls being called "Sugar Sugar" from the Archies, plays and fills with a sweet and catchy tune, Little always listened to when he was younger. (A/N: song is added above!")

"Let's start like yesterday, shake out your arms." Hoseok calmly says, himself getting loose and shaking his arms, for Little to repeat after him. Little listens to the instruction of the dancer, doing the same moves like yesterday.

"Now focus on the main rhythm of the song. 1..2..1..2." he continues counting to the beat of the tune, moving his body in the same rhythm. He moves next to Little so that they can both face the mirror. "Now look at my legs." the dancer says, making easy moves with his feet as Little tries to do the same. The song is perfect for getting the first feeling for the rhythm of the music.

"Good." Encouraging Little to continue, he starts moving his upper body to the steps he's making, showing Taehyung how to do the same. Again Little felt weird and strange in the beginning, seeing himself in the mirror struggling to do the easy first steps. But his eyes then land on the dancing male next to him, his body moving smoothly to the song, making it look so effortless, just amazing, even though he's not doing much.

Suddenly he feels a wave of different emotions, looking at Hobi, his passionate eyes, the happy smile on his lips, his movements, his body language. Little feels inspired by the other.

They continue the easy steps over and over again, till Little felt comfortable. Hobi shows him different movements, with different body parts. It wasn't a complicated choreography, they were just dancing to the music, but less messy like yesterday and with structured steps.

Taehyung would be lying if he said, that he didn't enjoy himself. It's like he forgot everything around him and killed the voice inside of his head, telling him to isolate himself from others and the world, to be quiet and for himself only.

They continued to practice, Hoseok was showing him different basic moves, how to do them properly, step after step. Little has no idea what time it is, but it's getting hotter inside of the practice room, the sun shining brightly outside, showing the world her beauty and power. At one point he feels his stomach growl out of hunger.

The dancer seemed to notice the hungry Little, who is already getting tired, beads of sweat running down his temple. His honey colored hair is sitting messy on his head, the bangs cover his brows, but still reveal his pretty hazel eyes.

"Let's grab some food." Hoseok says smiling at the boy who sat down on the black leather couch, trying to catch his breath, before Hobi hands him a clean towel to remove his sweat.

"Do you know a good place to eat?" The dancer asks Little, and even though he barely goes to town to grab food or hang out at bars or restaurants, he still has one favorite place to go to.

"Yes I know one."


It's not a fancy restaurant, but they for sure have the best burgers in town. It used to be Joon's and Little's favorite place to go to after school, eating burgers and fries or just drinking milkshakes. They spent a lot of time here, but everything stopped once they finished school and Joon started his training as a car mechanic at old Joe's car workshop. A lot has changed since then.

They sit down at one of the empty tables, around that time there aren't many people, making them one of the few only customers.

"Hello what can I get you?", the waitress asks, a notepad and a pen in her hand, before she looks up and her eyes meet Little's. "Oh hey Little, it's been a while." The middle aged woman adds, smiling at the customer that used to visit the restaurant almost every week in the past.

"Hey long time no see, Mrs. John." Little responds, smiling back at the older woman, who then averts her gaze from Taehyung to look at the male sitting in front of him. Her smile slightly fades, the happy look on her face, turning into a judging one. Her eyes shortly rest on the tattooed arms of the black haired male and his rather daredevil like appearance, the to the middle of his chest unbuttoned shirt, the messy black hair and of course the tattoos. The two males of course noticed the look on her face and Taehyung wonders, if Hobi gets these kind of looks often. Carefully moving his eyes to look into Hoseoks face, he noticed that the dancer doesn't seem to care about the woman's judging expression.

Without saying a word, she finally looks to her notepad to finally note the orders of the two.

As Hobi seems to still look at the card, Taehyung decides to order first, "The Frank menu with a large strawberry milkshake." With that he places down the menu card before looking up to the male in front of him.

"For me the same, but with a sprite." The waitress notes it down before leaving off to the kitchen.

"Burgers and milkshakes?" Hoseok asks raising a brow, making Taehyung frown.

"What don't you eat that in your hometown?" Little asks, wondering where he actually comes from.

"Well not together at least." The dark haired male responds, giving Little the perfect room to ask his question.

"Where are you from actually?" Little asks curious, wanting to know it ever since the man moved to Sunroadtown.

"I'm from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.", the other responds, making Little nod acknowledging.

"Woah that's nice, but so far away and at the beach." Little widens his eyes, the thought of living at the beach and watching the sun disappear down the sea, pink and oranges skies coloring the water, sounds so peaceful to Little. He also wonders how Hoseok came from the east side of the country to the west.

"Well you are not far from the beach yourself." It's true, Sundownroad lies between Riverside and Huntington Beach, California, so it's not that far away from the beach.

"But I have never been to the beach before." Taehyung mumbles, taking Hobi aback with his little confession.

"What- you're lying!" He claims, making Little smile sadly before shaking his head and explaining him, that his parents always have been too busy to go on vacation and visit other places. He only knows this town, in his 20 years, he has never left it. Hoseok is shocked, it's clearly written on his face, wondering how someone can stay his whole life at one place, not traveling or visiting other cities.

Before they could continue talking about the topic, their food arrives, another now young woman, bringing it. As she places the trays on the table, she flashes a short smile at the two males, her eyes resting on Hobi's face way too long.

„Thank you sweetie." The dark haired male smiles back at her, charming as always, making the girl blush before she leaves the two alone. Little notices the change on Hobi's face when he smiled at the girl. No wonder the girl was blushing and leaving immediately, Hobi's smile is so addictive and charming, it would make everyone flatter - even Little.

They start eating quietly, music playing in the background. Almost finishing, Taehyung grabs a few fries before opening the lid of his milkshake and dipping one of the fries in the strawberry milkshake.

Hoseok notices it and looks at the younger boy, shocked, confused.

„Don't judge." Little mumbles, enjoying his snack, „Try it yourself." When ever Little was here with Joon he would order these two to eat his favorite snack. His friend would alway scrunch his nose at Little's strange taste but never try it himself.

Hobi frowns, not sure if he really wants to try the strange combination of strawberry milkshake and fries. Hesitating he takes a frie of his plate to dip it in Little's milkshake, looking at the frie as if it's out of this world before taking a bite. Somehow he liked the taste.

„I have to admit-" He takes another dip and bite, „it's really good."
Little widens his eyes, it's the first time that some actually liked it. A big smile appears on Little's lips, revealing his white teeth, making Hoseok smile back at him. Truly adorable.


After they paid for the food and left the restaurant they head back to Hoseok's car while he lights himself a cigarette to smoke it on the way. The two fell into a comfortable silence, Hoseok smoking his cigarette peacefully, while Little looks around, watching other cars drive by, people going to work, taking their dogs out, kids running around. Even though it's a small city, it for sure is alive during day time.

"Let's go.", Hoseok interrupts his daydreaming as he throws his cigarette away and opens the passenger door for Little to get in. After he went to his seat and sat down, he starts the engine, a loud sound coming from the exhaust as he presses down the gas pedal a few times. Little chuckles quietly, thinking it's funny how Hobi likes to show off with his car. Leaving the parking lot he hits the gas and drifts his way onto the road.

"Are you coming back with me or should I drop you off somewhere?" Hoseoks asks out of sudden, making Little look to his left. The light haired male isn't sure what he wants, going back home and doing nothing? Or having fun while dancing with Hobi? The answers seems quite obvious.

"I think I still have to learn some moves." Little responds, making Hobi smile and look back at him, their eyes meeting for a short second, spreading the feeling of joy through Little's body before a giggle leaves his lips as Hobi drifts into the next road, speeding through the empty small road.

At the practice room, they continue where they had stopped, but with a now different song. Hobi showed him a few new steps for Little to learn, nothing too hard, just easy ones.

Most of the time they were actually fooling around, Little couldn't focus anymore, after hours of learning dance steps with Hobi. Still he was doing it just for fun, not to become a good dancer.

From the big glas front, Taehyung spots the sun going down soon, signaling him that he has to go home now.

"Should I drop you off?" The black haired male asks, as Taehyung grabs his stuff to leave.

"Ah no need to." He says waving no with his hands.

"No I made you stay this long, I will drive you home." Hobi insists and before Taehyung could refuse the offer, Hobi already grabbed his keys, opening the door for Taehyung to leave the building so that he could lock it.

"It's really not necessary-"

"Pssht, I could need a break from practicing now so driving you home comes in handy." Hobi explains while locking the door, "And I still have a long night of practicing ahead of me."

"How comes?" Taehyung asks curiously as once again Hobi opens the door for him, making him mumble a quiet 'you don't have to open the door for me every time', while sitting down on the passenger seat.

"I have a performance this weekend. It's important I need the money for the rent." Hobi explains also sitting down and starting the motor.
„Oh okay."

„If you want you can come watch my performance." Hobi suggests with a smile as Little nods a ‚yes' in response.

As they drive to Little's house, the sun is preparing to go down, her colors are intense, orange with red and pink outlines.

„Wait can you drive this way please." Taehyung suddenly says making Hobi turn to the right, driving on a really long road with big houses on each side. It looks similar to Little's street, just that the street is longer and wider, in the middle of it the sun which is going down.

„Do you know how the town got its name?"

The dark haired male frowns and shakes his head.

„It's because of this road. The Sunroad." Taehyung answers pointing at the beautiful red sun going down literally in the middle of the road. The road isn't straight it's slightly arched, like a small hill-
„So when the sun goes down, it looks like it's going down in the middle of the road." Taehyung explains, his eyes sparkling at the wonderful sight in front of him. It's the only special thing about this town, the story about how it got his name.

„That's really beautiful, Little." Hobi says softly, also impressed of what he's witnessing. He has seen a lot of beautiful places but he didn't expect much from this small town. But this road for sure is a big highlight.

After the sun was almost completely down they make their way to Taehyung's road, where Hobi drops him off.

„Thanks again for the ride." Little says smiling softly at the other through the open window of the passenger seat.

„You're welcome." Hobi responds smiling back at the handsome boy, „I could get used to this."

Taehyung frowns not sure what it means but he didn't want to sound too curious so he decided to not ask for the meaning behind Hobi's sentence.
As if he could read Little's mind, he suddenly explains himself, „I mean, spending the whole day with you. Driving you home."

A charming smile appears on Hobi's lips, making Taehyung gulp and his cheek suddenly feel warm at the other's words.

„Y-yeah it's a lot of fun." The light haired boy confesses, biting on his lower lip slightly nervous out of sudden.

„Well then have a good night, Little." Hoseok says, starting the engine again.

„Good night, Hobi." Taehyung answers before approaching his house, the loud sound of the car disappearing in the distance, his red car melting into the pretty colors of the sky while Taehyung watches it disappearing completely out of his sight.

Entering the house, Little already knows that he will have to explain himself to his parents about being away for the whole day again. Even though this seems like something to crush his mood, his mind is still way too occupied with Hobi's words, his laughters, his smile and his dance.

Little shakes his head, what's wrong with me?


A/N: Hello guys!

A few questions:

- How do you like the book so far?

- Is there something strange about the story line/characters?

- Anything you liked/disliked so far about it?

- How do you like the characters so far? Who's your favorite?

Thank you, love you <3

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