CODE 13430 | MYG

By cyphoric

15.8K 3.7K 2.9K

❝Fucking rearrange it, Yoongi! I swear we'll get some new shit!❞ That same number... 𝟭𝟯𝟰𝟯𝟬 Another murde... More

ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷| You aren't free
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸| Still orbiting you
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟹| This is all for you
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟺| Mysteries of untold words
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟻| My misunderstood words
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟼| In the depth of darkness
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟽| Sending you...
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟾| The days will be over
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟿| Never leave me alone!
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷𝟢| Our goodbye is colourless
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷𝟷| He violated what?!
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷𝟸| It's in their hands
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷𝟹| Going with the Plan
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷𝟺| Just a number...?!
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷𝟻| Come back from unseen
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷𝟼| Just a color change
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷𝟽| Impossible facade
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷𝟾| Darkness is the stalker
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟷𝟿| Life is a joke
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸𝟢| Like a shadow
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸𝟷| DΓ©jΓ  vu & untold truths
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸𝟸| Cold war
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸𝟹| Is he really Haneul?
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸𝟺| The postmortem report
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸𝟻| Step in the forbidden
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸𝟼| Hidden in the Forbidden
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸𝟽| To make things right
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸𝟾| Puzzles and Theories
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟸𝟿| He's not Him
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟹𝟢| In search of the Dentist
ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟹𝟷| A long night

ΖŽα—‘OΖ† 𝟹𝟸| The brewing storm

119 5 21
By cyphoric


| 𝟶𝟿.𝟶𝟼.𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶 |

| 𝚂𝚎𝚘𝚞𝚕; 𝟶𝟺:𝟹𝟶:𝟷𝟶 𝙰𝙼 |

After the long tiring night of waiting, she finally tore open the envelop.

As she put the envelop upside down, a lot of things fell out of it all together on her bed. She scattered them all and started counting as per a list she made, checking everything there as per the list.

She noticed the same name again on one of the CD that fell out of the envelop but decided to neglect it and complete checking.

"Alright. Everything is there." She said and took her phone to send a message.

Thank you.

She picked one of the CDs that her eyes found some familiarity with and put it inside her laptop. As soon as she saw the same video that she saw few days ago, she remembered that it was the one she received last time when they were in Busan.

Flashbacks from that day barged in her mind, making her feel a knot in her stomach.

She closed the video and decided to check out the other CDs, but then she heard a knock on her door. Usually she don't get up at this hour and Haneul knows it as well, so getting a knock at this time is quite absurd and disturbing for her.

If there's some sort of emergency Haneul will surely call out her but if not then that means he's having some doubt and checking on her.

She decided not to answer for a while.

The knock stopped after some time and then she decided to slowly come out of the bed and check the outside of the room from the door lock hole. She got up and as soon as she placed her two feet on the floor and was standing up, a CD rolled down from her lap on the floor, making enough sound for Haneul to get alarmed.

"Shit!" She whisper yelled while facepalming.

And within a minute Haneul's voice could be heard, "Haeun? Are you awake? What happened?" He rushed in front of the door.

She tried to make a tired and groggy voice and answered, "Eh? No, that glass lid...fell I fell...sorry..."

After hearing this he kept on knocking hard and calling her, "Are you awake? Hey? Haeun-ah?" But he stopped after a while as no answer came after that. "She must've done it while sleeping."

Hearing him, she gave a sigh of relief and tip-toed back on her bed without making anymore noise.

Then she found the note that she got along with that CD earlier. And as she played the rest of the CDs certain flashbacks about her scared self and how she lost her only family barged in her mind which eventually made her remember about her cousin, Seol, all over again.

The way she gets treated by her brother Haneul, she also used to get treated the same way by her. And she understood why that warmth of love and care she received from him never felt out of place.

I miss you unnie...

Just the giver changed, neither the receiver nor the warmth.

But even if the warmth was never out of place, his character and identity was at times, and that's what gave rise to the waves of doubts in her mind.

Rummaging through all the things she received in the envelop, she found few more papers and the diary. The diary which contains a whole lot of clues and her Dad's words, the only things he left for her probably.

She pressured herself a bit more to remember anything that could be of help about what she's trying to dig in, but nothing helped. Rather she felt more stressed and the immense headache for skipping night sleep made it worse.

"I'll just go sleep now..." She yawned tiredly and decided to wrap up all and hide it somewhere in her room for now.

Now only one thing is left to receive.


| 𝟶𝟼:𝟻𝟺:𝟸𝟶 𝙰𝙼 |

Youngdo woke up with the sound of his phone's ringtone and now he is hearing the sound of mixer in the phone instead of a voice.

"Ah sorry- actually I'm making today's breakfast." The mixer sound stopped and some more sounds followed after.

This went on for another minute after which he came back to say 'hello' again.

"Again sorry for making you wait in the line-"

"Hyung I think you should rather be sorry for calling me this early in the morning, right?"

"I'll act like I never heard that." Another round of noise erupted, probably by kitchen utensils and he continued, "By the way, I heard someone on YouTube started to spread that government is not doing anything about the two murder cases you guys are dealing with right now and we closed the cases. And some medias started to rile it up on their web pages too."

Youngdo was yawning and stretching but he jolted to straighten his position after hearing that and ended up with a muscle strain.


"What happened Youngdo-ah?"

"Ah, nothing. Just-" He laid down a bit to let the pain die down slowly or it might turn fatal with too much movements. "Muscle strain. By the way, what were you saying about some YouTube-er?"

"Nothing just some bastards spreading false rumors about your case and trying to become smartass and gain attention and probably more followers? You know just social media things. Don't think much about it." His speech ended with the sound of a toaster.

"This is what made you call me at an impossible hour?" He asked with a deadly tone.

"Well yeah I needed to let you know cause it might turn something big, you know 'viral posts' or something like that?"

"That- THAT'S GOING VIRAL?! The fuck you guys doing-"

"Well we've been trying to delete the posts but literally it went viral in just like 10 hours and before we knew it almost the whole country's medias have started telecasting about it. It went out of our hands."


"Just prepare yourself for something that you'll need to do out of your comfort. Maybe...expect a meeting with the ministry and make an official comeback-"

"That means you guys literally couldn't handle a shit huh? What were you guys even- hello? Hello?! HELLO?!" He looked at his phone and cursed at the screen of ended call, "God damn it!" And threw it aside.

He run down his hand through his hairs and started breathing heavily out of frustration, while having his eyes fixated on the ceiling.

I can't do this...I can't come back this early...


| 𝟷𝟶:𝟺𝟻:𝟷𝟽 𝙰𝙼 |

Haeun after a few hours sleep woke up after hearing a knock on the door. It was Haneul calling her for breakfast.

"Seriously how long will you sleep today? Planning to have your breakfast at lunch hour or what? Haeun! Haeun-ah! Haeu-"

She opened the door lazily and walked out while rubbing her eyes. He followed after like a mom with a spatula.

"What what- you didn't freshen up yet?"

"No." She said with a sleepy voice after making herself comfortable on the chair. She was about to drag the plate towards her but got a slap of spatula. "OW!"

"Stop that. Go wash up first and then you'll eat. Get up, get up!" He pulled her up by one hand and pushed her back inside her room and said, "Don't you dare come back to eat before cleaning yourself weirdo!"

"What- you're the one who was waking me up for breakfast and now-"

"Are you going to wash up first or not?!" He asked while shaking the spatula in his hand, like an angry mom.

"Okay okay going." She rolled her eyes and went inside and sheepishly said before closing the bathroom door, "But that makes you more weird."

Haneul came back to the kitchen to finish cooking the lunch and found his phone ringing. The caller ID- Mr. Kim.


The caller seem to keep on talking for a long time, which he kept on listening without interrupting them in between. He had a grim expression but right before he needed to answer something his expression changed, as if the voice too into an unknown.

"I'm sorry, actually something came up and I had to stay home late today. I'm leaving in few minutes. I'll be there as soon as I can."

And the call ended.

He put down the phone and came back to his normal self within seconds and continued to concentrate on making the lunch.

And probably the sounds of the chimney and sizzling dish didn't let the sound of opening and closing of the bathroom door reach his ears, and also probably he missed the almost nil sounds of her footsteps as well.


Yoongi seems to be perfect on time today, neither too early nor too late, but nobody knows that this man is sleep deprived today. It's not like he gets good amount of sleep everyday but today he just took a nap and came back to work.

Even the guards won't be able to tell when he left the office after cleaning it as they were snoring quite loudly to hear anything else.

Yet he's back in time- but with a pair of eye bags.

"Oh shit- Suga hyung is here already!" Taehyung started to jerk the almost dozing off Namjoon in panic.

"What? What?!" He quickly sobered and stood up blinking.

"Suga hyung is here! Oh man- where're my documents?!" Taehyung panicked more and started to rummage through his bag and check his files that he prepared last night for the meeting today.

"Oh, Suga hyung? It's okay." He sat down back on his chair and started to doze off again.

Hoseok appeared out of nowhere and dropped some sarcasm, "Yes yes it's okay, just go back to sleep. Or should I arrange a bed for you?"

"Hey, Hoseok look, I'm tired today and definitely not in my right mood to deal with you. Just fuck off."

The blunt reply from Namjoon got him taken back and questioned his ears in disbelief, "What did you just-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt you guys but where's Yoongi?" Youngdo asked as he rushed in their working zone.

"He went to his office room probably. What happ-" Taehyung said while arranging the files and as he looked up to see Youngdo, he was already gone. "Wha- Hey, was I just talking to a ghost right now?" He looked at the other two and asked with a confused face.

"No no he was there, but left before you could even complete your sentence bro." Hoseok laughed after answering. "Man was in rush."

"Eh? What rush?"

"Probably got more clues and evidences connecting our case. Buckle up to write more documents now." Namjoon mumbled in his half sleeping form.

And Taehyung's face changed from confusion to almost wailing in seconds after hearing that.

"Oh shit man!"


Youngdo literally rushed inside Yoongi's room without even knocking before which made Yoongi almost jump away like a cat.

He shrieked at him thinking its probably Taehyung , "The fuck V- You?!"

Youngdo brushed off the embarrassment that was creeping inside him and hurried onto say what he was here to inform about to him.

"I'm sorry for scaring you but this is urgent. Look." With that he shoved his phone right infont of Yoongi's face with the screen being on with a news website. 

Yoongi scrunched his eyebrows in confusion and moved back a little. He then read the headline, "Did Government really close the two prominent cases?" He looked at Youngdo and asked, "What's this?"

"Read a bit more."

With that he went back to read more.

"Rumours has it that Government is trying to cover up the most important murder cases that happened this year- Financial Minister, Prominent Pathologist Dr. D.H. Lee and the CEO of Kim&Chang group." He looked up again at him and asked, "What's going on?"

He shoved back his phone in his pocket after closing it and said, "As much as I want you to read the whole article and figure it out by yourself, I know you won't and that I'll have to tell you."

Yoongi's phone vibrated showing someone is calling him. Youngdo signed him to take it first seeing the caller ID.

It was Seokjin.

He took it and a loud voice erupted from the other end, "Hey Yoongi, I'm sorry I won't be able to reach for the meeting on time today. Apparently my Dad's caretaker is running late-"

Youngdo took the phone from Yoongi's hand and replied him instead, "Its okay, we're canceling the meeting today. Come in your convenient time." And he hung up.

The whole thing was already annoying Yoongi and this gesture of Youngdo wasn't something he enjoyed either. That was very personal to him.

"What was that?" He sternly asked.

"Ah, this?" He handed back his phone to him. "Sorry, actually he was blabbering about being la-"

"Not that. Why're we canceling the meeting?"

"Well...we're going to have a meeting with the ministry and then maybe a conference later?" Youngdo gave an uneasy smile.

"And for what?!"

Yoongi's phone again started to vibrate as it got another incoming call, interrupting their conversation. But Yoongi didn't even seem to budge and take the call until Youngdo made him to.

"You'll know if you take the call." Youngdo said as soon as he got a glimpse of the ID.

Yoongi took a deep breath closing his eyes in annoyance before swipping the green option to take the call. 


"Yoongi come in my office with your whole team right now!"


I'm seriously rushing with the book atp, so I would like to apologise for recent unedited chapters. As soon as I finsh this I'm going to do heavy editing, promise.


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