Hungry eyes ยป vhope [FF]

By wangzico

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special chapter - yoonmin.
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.


211 26 14
By wangzico

After his encounter with the dancer, whose name he finally found out, he crosses the road to give Joon the book and snacks he bought for him.

Entering the small shop he is greeted by JM, who is taking his turn at the reception, instead of helping in the garage.

"Woah Little two times in a week!" JM says as he spots the familiar light brown locks, "What a pleasure!"

Taehyung greets the brown haired male with a short smile and nod, "Wanted to drop this by. Is Joon here?"

The other raises his eyebrows looking at the bag in Taehyung's hand, wanting to now what's inside. "Yes he is inside, quite busy if you ask me."

Ever since he got the shop he is quite busy, Little is aware of that. They used to spend more time together in the past, always after school playing chess or visiting one of the towns libraries to borrow some books. Only with Joon, Taehyung could be himself, it seems like only Joon accept him the way he is. He respects his space, his borders, not trying to force himself onto Taehyung. That's why he and Joon get along pretty well.

"Just tell him I came by and dropped this off." Little says, placing the bag on top of the counter, before Jimin grabs it and gives it a quick and curious look.

"There's actually something for you and your brother, too." Little mumbles under his breath before turning around to leave the shop as fast as possible. Quickly pulling the door open, he rushes outside, hearing JM calling his name after him, but he didn't want to respond. It was hard enough for him to admit, that he bought some snacks for the twins too, let alone being confronted with it by one of the them.

The watch on his wrist tells him that he will be late for his first class if he doesn't hurry up now.


After his last class, the sun is already going down and he decides to take a different way home since he wants to drop off two books he borrowed from the small library close to his school a while ago. He just found the books in his locker, so he wants to bring it back before he forgets it again.

It's probably the smallest library in town but Little likes it the most. The owner is really friendly and has an adorable son in the same age like his sister. It's been a while since he visited the library, due to his studying and last exams before summer break. Approaching the small building, Little hopes that he hasn't closed it for today but as soon as he walked up to the front door he spots the sign "open".

With a soft push he opens the door, entering the small place.

"Hello, how can I-" The owner says, turning around, before recognizing the light brown hair and hazel eyes immediately, "Oh Little, it's you! Been a long time since you last visited."

Taehyung nods smiling at the older male, "Yeah I was quite busy with studies. I just wanted to return these."

He grabs the two books from his bag and puts them on the counter as Seokjin, the owner, searches for the list to cross out Little's name. "To you want to borrow something again?"

The light haired male shakes his head with a smile, "No today not. Next time."

Nodding in acknowledgment Jin puts away the list, looking at Taehyung again.

"Where is Junior?" Little asks, after he looked around searching for the young boy. Junior's full name is Jaeson Seokjin Jr. but everyone in town calls him Junior. Just like Taehyung is called Little by everyone.

"Oh he is upstairs, probably cooking with my mother, she came to visit town this week." The older responds, a soft smile on his plump lips. Even though he is the same age as Joon, a little bit older actually, he already has a 6 years old son.

When he was in Taehyung's age, he and his girlfriend learned about her pregnancy. They weren't even married that time and it was a big disaster for the two families. They married right after, she carried the son and soon after the birth, she left town. It was never her plan to have family, she wanted to be a famous singer, leaving her husband and her son behind. After a few years they divorced and since then they aren't in contact. Taehyung admires Seokjin for his braveness and strength, it's not easy to be an single parent nowadays.

"Ah that's nice- maybe he will become a good cook just like his father." Little says making Jin chuckle at his words. They chatter for a while, Jin suggesting that after his exam, Little could bring over his younger siblings to play with Junior while the two of them could drink some milkshakes and talk about their favorite books. Little actually liked that idea, maybe he will consider it when his break finally starts.

"It was nice to see you again, Little, just come by when you are free." Jin says as Taehyung is about to leave the small building. Somehow he is hearing that quite often recently. Even though he is the quiet type, rather introverted and by himself, there are still people that like him and his presence. He and Jin may not be close friends, but Taehyung still likes the older male. "And say hello to Joon when you see him next time!"

"I will, Seokjin." He answers with a smile, waving goodbye as he leaves the place to head home.


Finally, after a long and hard semester, Little survived the last exam before summer break. To say he is happy would be an understatement, he is beyond that. It's been rough for the past few weeks, he was so occupied with studying, that he barely went outside or read books other than his medicine books.

Summer season has already started, it's getting hotter with every day passing. On his way home he buys himself a cold drink and some sweets for his younger siblings, even though their parents don't like it, when they eat too many sweets. But he would give it to them secretly.

They were really happy about the sweets, and nothing is more precious than the happy and sparkling eyes of the two younger kids. After playing some games with them and reading a story for them, Taehyung goes up to his room, hoping to get some rest after rough weeks of studying. He eventually fell asleep on his bed.

When he woke up, he felt even more tired than before, his head feeling heavy.

Walking down the stairs he greets his mother, who must have come home a while ago.

"I'm heading outside, I need some fresh air." He says, and with his mother shouting a "don't be late for dinner", he leaves the house, walking down the road.

The sun is setting, today the colors are clean, beautiful red and orange, with no clouds, to add different highlights. It was simple, but still beautiful. And while Little walks around the town, the sun eventually fully disappear, making place for the moon and the stars. It is still warm outside, the shirt Taehyung has been wearing since this morning, is now perfect for the weather.

At some point of his walk he finds himself in the same road of the car repair shop. The lights are already off, probably them being finished before sundown. His eyes trail off to the other side of the road, through the big glass window Little can see the lights are turned on, but other than last time, he couldn't look inside, blinds are covering the glass front.

Little wonders if Hoseok is working, giving classes like he said or dancing or maybe still arranging the place, so that he can make a dance practice hall out of it.

He will find out, if he crosses the road. Why is it making him so curious? Why does Little always seem so dragged to the other male and everything that concerns him? Why does he find himself, again standing in front of the small building, next to the door, trying to look inside, like a total creep?

Taehyung sighs, realizing how stupid and foolish he acts at the moment. It's just that he can't understand why he is acting this way, why does it bother him so much? Makes him curious?

There aren't many things Taehyung is interested in, actually it's just books and sunsets, and well you could say chess, but he is always losing against Joon.

Still there aren't many things that make him curious or catch his attention. The town is as boring as it was when he grew up in it. Nothing ever changes, of course life goes on, he is growing up, studying medicine now, but that's it. That's his life. It's bland, he is bored and annoyed by it. But for once, something happened, a dancer moved into town, a pretty amazing dancer.

The dancer caught his attention, his interest, he wants to know more about Jung Hoseok, the newby, the good looking dancer.

So why not approach him? What is stopping Little to open this door and maybe by that, open the door to a whole new world?

What's stopping him right now? His boring life? Oh hell, screw that.

With a soft push, he opens the door, the bell ringing shortly above his head as he enters the hall. In the middle of the room, right in front of the wall with the big mirror, stands the dancer, dancing to a tune coming from the speakers.

As he notices the other male's presence, he stops in his movements, heading to the music player to stop the music.

"Oh- I'm sorry for interrupting-" Taehyung mutters, feeling slightly embarrassed about his sudden confidence that persuaded him to open that door.

"It's fine." The other says, trying to catch his breath, a smile on his lips, "What brings you here, Little?"

He raises a brow before grabbing the bottle of water off the floor to take a few sips, wetting his dry throat. Little watches him drinking, not being able to take his eyes off the other male, but the question is still hovering around the room, waiting to be answered.

"I- ehm- I saw the lights from outside, and I was just wandering around." Little stutters, himself not sure why he came by, "Thought maybe you needed some company."

The other nods in acknowledgment, approaching the light haired male. "Well, you've guessed right. Company is the exact thing I need at the moment."

Little flashes him an unsure smile, as the other male comes closer to him, before taking a halt right in front of the slightly taller Taehyung.

"And do you know what I also need at the moment, Little?" Hoseok asks before biting his lower lip with a slight grin. Little frowns, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the other being so close and his question. Shaking his head, Little hopes the answer won't be something to catch him off guard.

But it actually did.

"What I also need - is my first dance student here in town."


A/N: hope you like it so far! Thanks for your support ❤️

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