sleep paralysis - afi

By superbloomstyles

281 22 5

"sleep was my escape from reality, my sanctuary." More



16 3 0
By superbloomstyles

No Perspective

There was fire, and there was rain. The blackened clouds painted the sky as the roaring grew louder. Unaware of where she was, the blistering pain that radiated through her back is what awoke her.

Her hair, now rugged and tangled hung around her face, smacking her back as it pulled against the wind.

It felt like falling in slow motion, the clouds moved through her fingertips as she plummeted from the darkening sky. Her eyes could barely open, but she felt the searing pain on her spine.

Her fists tightened in the air, reaching out for something to hold onto. But when she finally opened her eyes, she was horrified at the sight. Thunder loomed above her and she watched as charred feathers escaped from her back, burning off her body as if it were made of nothing.

She opened her mouth to scream, but her voice was broken in her throat. She found herself holding her throat, scratching at the skin while trying to scream out for someone to help her. The rain pounded against her skin, and she whimpered loudly at the harsh pain she felt on her body.

She turned her body around in the air, trying to find some sort of way to keep her from falling, but there was nothing. She felt hopeless as she fell from the clouds, the roaring sound of thunder crashed beside her.

The clothes on her body began to wither away at her quickening speeds, she found herself thrashing in the air, desperately trying to slow herself down. The pain in her back soon became too much to handle, she moved her hands to her back and began to scratch at the skin, blood soaked her fingers and she cried out for it to stop.

Soon the clouds were above her, and not around her. She found herself in a dark abyss of the storm, a bare sky. The wither feathers that escaped her body ceased, and the burning sensation had stopped abruptly. The girl looked around her, and noticed the Black Sea below.

Again, she opened her mouth to scream, but nothing could escape. She flailed her arms in the sky, begging for mercy before she would eventually hit the cold bitter sea. With a crash, she came barreling down like a windy vortex, and she disappeared into the sea. With no strength left to swim to the top, the water filled her lungs, only then could she like she could scream, but no one could hear here. And no one could save her.

She had fallen.

Ambrosia Riddell

What is this feeling? I feel so hot.

My body had felt so stiff, like I'd been laying here for hours. I had this queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I moved up in the bedsheets. My mind replayed the nightmare in my head, the thundering clouds and the pounding rain felt all too real.

The blistering heat along my spine felt real too, like someone took a hot knife and began to sear my skin. My hands roamed the bedsheets, gripping onto the fitted sheet as I opened my eyes.

I woke up in my own room, but it had felt different. There was a reddish light emitting from the windows, and it casted a faint glow over my room. Everything just looked dark, even my bedside clock was turned off.

I didn't know why, but I found myself climbing out of the sheets. And taking a step on the ground. To my surprise, it wasn't cold. It was unusually warm.

I took one step forward, and felt the immediate warmth sink through my bones. It was almost comfortable, so relaxing and ambient. I wondered to myself, what kind of place was this?

Sure it was my room, but this wasn't my room. So to speak. Everything around it just had a dark.. aura. It reminded me of my previous dream, where the mystery man said I was in a "parallel" of my own world.

But why would I bring myself back here?

I began walking slowly to the door, making sure it was safe to grab the handle. With only the tips of my fingers, I gripped the handle loosely. I sighed in relief when my hand wasn't burnt off. I grabbed it with my full hand, and turned it slowly.

The creaking of the door made me wince, even in my dreams this door is a pain in the ass. I slowly peeked my head around the corner, and I could feel my jaw go slack.

The outside was nothing like my room, the stone walls towered high above the door frame. It was almost like standing in a cathedral, but the stones were grey and a lack of stained glass windows. The hallway was lit by torches on pedestals, just above the door frames height.

I slowly pulled myself out of the room, and I stood in the hallway. Looking both ways, I didn't see a single person. I closed the door behind me, and looked up above my head.

I could hear voices, but they were loud. And it seemed as if they were screaming. I licked my lips, and turned back to the door I came out of. But it was gone, replaced by a stone wall.

"Okay, this is a new one." I told myself. Never had I ever dreamed of something like this, not in this much detail.

The hallway felt like it went on forever, I turned to my left. And what caught my eye was the velvet red door at the end, my curiosity dragged my bare feet across the floor. I began to walk to the door, looking around at my surroundings.

There was no windows, so I couldn't see the outside. But this place had an ominous feeling, it was strange to feel like I was being weighed down. Like I didn't belong here, but I felt so comfortable here. I didn't know how else to explain it.

The door was becoming closer, and I felt my feet grow hotter. The atmosphere creeped in on me, like a shadow over my shoulder, I didn't notice the pain in my feet.

I found myself stopping right in front of the door. It had looked so much bigger from farther away, but standing next to it now, it was like an office door. Made with velvety red wood.

Well that's a little bit weird.

I placed my ear against it, looking to maybe hear something on the other side. It was dead quiet. I pulled back slowly, and lifted up my right arm.

I slowly grasped the curved handle of the door, and began to open it. I was met with a hot gush of wind, and I felt my eyes burn a little. I opened the door up further, and peeked my head inside. My eyes widened at the sight.

It was a wooden room, it was like a study. Many bookshelves surrounded the walls, there was a desk to the left of the room. When you first walk in, you're faced with only one window. I pulled my body inside, and softly shut the door behind me. The room was smaller, but what astounded me was how different it was from the outside.

A fireplace was on the other end of the room, with two chairs sitting in front of it. The pit was dim, like it had been recently lit. I turned my head away from the fireplace, and moved on to the desk.

The hardwood floors were warm against my feet, no longer hot and blistering like the stone outside the door. I walked over to the desk, there were papers folded neatly on in the middle. I looked over to see a crystal bottle of a golden liquid, and two glasses.

So now I dream about liqueur, that's a new low for me.

What caught my eye was the first paper on the stack, it was a withered and stale. But the writing on it, it was barely legible. You would've thought it was in a different language. I walked around the the back end of the desk, picking up the paper carefully. It felt like it was going to crumble in my hands.

I couldn't read it at all, I don't even think this was in English. The words seemed all bunched together, and whoever wrote it has chicken scratch for handwriting.

"How the fuck are you supposed to know what this is? What goes on in my freaking head?"

At this point, I was clueless myself on how I came up with this room. I found myself looking around at the books on the shelves, I walked over and grabbed a random one off the shelf. I opened up the pages, and these were also in the same language as the papers on the desk.

I put it back, and grabbed another one. One that had a cover on it, I was thrilled to see this one was in English. But I skimmed through the pages, this was a whole story book. But I never read this before.

I placed the book back on the shelf and felt my heart race. This seemed all too weird to be true, there wasn't a humanly possible way Im dreaming. There wasn't a chance I could've made all of this up, it was impossible.

I leaned over on the desk, putting my hands on the wooden frame. I put my head down, and took a couple of deep breaths. Letting myself calm down, I just have to wake up.

That's when the door opened.

I froze in place, my hands still latched to the ends of the desk. The figure walked in prominently, and I felt like my entire body just shut down at the person in front of me.

The mystery man that my mind had been occupied with was standing right in front of me, not directly in front of me. He was facing the window. He walked inside the room and shut the door carefully behind him, and then he looked over at me at the desk.

"Oh my god.." My voice was barely above a whisper, but it didn't seem to phase him. He walked over to where I stood, and I moved quickly out of the way. He picked up the papers I just held in my hand, and I heard him let out a gruff in annoyance.

"I swear you people can't be alone for more than 20 minutes..."

His voice had sounded so much different, it had that same rich tone. But it didn't seem as ominous and dark as before. What freaked me out was that he didn't notice me standing right next to him, I was only a couple feet away.

"What are you doing here?" I spoke up softly, only to get no reaction out of him. He walked over to the end of the desk and grabbed one of the glasses. He poured himself a drink, and I watched intently as he gulped down the liquid. His Adam's apple bobbing when he lifted his head toward the ceiling. I couldn't help but take in his features more this time.

He was beautiful, sculpted with the finest tools at disposal. His blackened hair was swept back with what looked like with a swipe of his hand, the suit he wore complemented his muscular figure. I would be damned if I didn't think he was attractive at all. What drew me in was his eyes, when he put his head back down. I looked right into his hazelly eyes. It felt like they could tell a story, every speck of green had it's own background of history. Everything about this man was a piece of art.

He walked over to the window, and I noticed how carefully he looked out the paned glass. The way his facial features seemed so focused, it made me wonder what was going on through his mind. After all, I had to have made him up. Right? I walked closer to him, to see if maybe he would see me in the corner of his eyes. But he never saw me, he moved away from the window. Brushing right past me. He poured himself another drink, and I watched carefully as he raised the glass to his lips. But he never drank it.

His eyes were focused on his desk, specifically right where I put my hands. He carefully set down his drink on the corner of the desk, and I audibly gasped when he flashed quickly to the other side. He traced his hands along where I gripped the edge, and I heard a deep chuckle emerge from his throat.

"I know you're in here. Just come out, I don't bite." He lifted his head up to face the room, and with a flick of his hand the door shut with a slam. I quickly ran to the other side, gripping the handle with shaky hands.

"Fuck fuck!" I whispered shakily. I turned back to face him, and I watched as he put his hands behind his back. He took one step forward from the desk, and stalked around the room.

"I must admit, I'm impressed with your lack of fear when it came to hiding here. I'm even going to give you the chance to come out, and maybe then.. I won't have to kill you." His voice darkened into the voice I recognized from before. The same voice thats been haunting me for days. I ran to the other side of the room, where I was now behind him back at his desk.

"I'm right here! Why can't you see me?!" I crumpled up a piece of paper from his desk and chucked it at his head. The deafening silence after it collided with his head, and hit the floor, had to have been the most frightening thing I've ever seen. I watched him turn around slowly, looking down at the ground at the paper that I threw.

"Oh come now.." I heard hun laugh, he bent down and picked it up in his hand.

"Taunting me isn't going to get you what you want.." I watched in horror as the paper burned up in his hand, the flame rose in his palm. And in his hazel eyes I saw a flash of red, with a smirk that grew on his mouth.

"This is your last chance.." He dusted off the ashes from his palm, and I felt my breathing slow down. This man was going to kill me, I couldn't do anything to make him see..

I took careful steps forward, watching his careful eyes scan the room as I made my way in front of him. I ended up meeting him at his chin, and from there I didn't know what came over me. But I sure as hell did it.

I raised my hand and smacked him right across the mouth, watching him fumble back in surprise. What frightened me most is I physically felt my hand touch his skin, and it felt hot to the touch. I grasped my hand and took a few steps back, watching as he held his face in his hand.

"I-  I- didn't mean to.." I whispered ever so quietly, but I gasped when I saw him turn his head to me. His eyes widening, not in anger. But in surprise. Could he see me? He reached his hand out to me, and I took a quick step back. My lower half touching the front of his desk.

I felt my chest curl in pain, and black dots began to fade into my vision. Before I knew it, my feet were off the ground. And his voice rang in my head before darkness spread.


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