Your little gift {Camilo x re...

By emgarc0

77.3K 1.4K 1.3K

You were a young girl who just started to watch this movie then you were in the room watching it then you tou... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13๏ฟผ
Part 14๐Ÿ‹
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30 with Carlos
Part 30 not carlos

Part 19

1.6K 34 44
By emgarc0

Your POV:

"Mi amor it's just so.....good...." He smile at me.

"Cami really!" I said he took another bite then had a big smile on his cute face.

He got another spoon of soup, and smiled when he was eating it. "Mmm~" that's is all I hear what he would say when he took another bite. After a good 10 minutes go by, he was all done with his food. "Mmm thanks (Y/n)!" Camilo said then cough at the end. "Okay Camilo lay down, and I'll put the rag on your head." He did what he was told. Then Camilo fever came back he got very hot, and he keep in saying that he was cold even if his body was over heating. "(Y/nnnn) I'm cold!" I grab the blanket from Camilo, and he whined. "Camilo go take a bath." "Whyyyyy!" He pulled on my shirt. "Cuz Camilo your over heating and taking a bath will lower your temperature." He look at me then nodded.

"(Y/n)!" Camilo yelled taking off his shirt. "Yeah Cami?" I turn to see him without his shirt. "Can you wash me...?" Camilo came and hug me. "Cami I don't want to get sick!" I said yelling. "Only if you say yes." I didn't want to say yes but I had to. "Fine." He smiled. "I'll get the bath ready with bubbles." "Yay!" Camilo smiled when he hear bubbles. I went in the bathroom then turn on reheated to warm, when the bathtub was filling itself I add bubbles. "Cami the bath in ready!" I said I close my eyes. "No (Y/n) I have my shorts on." Camilo said getting in the water, I open my eyes to see Camilo in the bath already. "Okay Camilo close your eyes." He nodded then I grab a cup then pour water over his head with his crust hair getting all wet.

"Okay now time for shampoo." I open the bottle then but the soap on his hair. "Okay scrub and scrub." I'm washing Camilo thick curly hair, he smiled when I was washing his hair and he mumbled sometimes. "Okay time for water." I pour the water over his wet the soup went away Camilo smiled, and giggle. "Okay time for conditioner." I put the conditioner in his hair to make it soft, then I got a brush and started to brush his hair Camilo sat there like a 5 year old boy happily. "Thanks mi amor...." Camilo mumbled. "No problem." I pour the water over his head, then we had to wash his body, but he did that, and we were done. Camilo was drying up.

"Okay Cami I will get your clothes." I leave hearing Camilo say thank you. I grab a white t-shirt, and some black pants, with socks. "Here Camilo." I opened the door just a bit not to see Camilo. "Thanks (Y/n)!" Camilo close the door. After Camilo was done changing he lay down in his bed I put the rag over his head he smiled at me. Then someone opened the door. "Oh my boy!" Pepa came in with a small cloud over her head then Julieta came in. "Here Camilo eat this." Camilo eats what Julieta gave him. After a good 3@ seconds he got up slowly, Pepa hugs Camilo, and Felix, Dolores, and Antonio gave Camilo a hug. I left the room and I walk downstairs to see Mirabel fighting with their Abuela again.

"I did Camilo chores, and mine so be happy about it!" Mirabel yelled. "NO! If Camilo was skin wait until Julieta is done with her chores!" She yelled, and Mirabel had a small tear go down her cheek. "Oi! Don't yell at Mirabel!" I yelled walking down the stairs. "You stay out of this!" She yelled at me. I hear a cracks in the background. "Look the cracks are happening again so if I was you I would stop..." I walk in front on Mirabel giving their Abuela a piss off face. "Tch." She said walking away.

"Mirabel are you okay?" I clean her tears up with my hand. "Thanks (Y/n) I'm okay now." She smile and gave me a hug. "Mirabel Bruno rat gone missing and Bruno is now getting scared, can you help us find him?" Antonio said pulling on Mirabel dress. "Sure let's go." Mirabel holds Antonio hand and walking away. "(Y/NNNNN)!!!!!" I fell on the floor with a heavy body on top of me. "(Y/n) don't leave me like that alone!" I was pulled up to me being big tight.

"Okay okay I'm sorry!" I see Camilo hug in the middle of my chest moving his head, with a tear in his eyes. "C-Camilo?! Really!?" I said he looks up I sigh and kiss his forehead. "I love you too." Camilo said with a smile on his face again. "Camilo stay still." He looks confused then I grab all his hair and I put it in a bun. "Aww Camilo you look better now!" I said he let's go and feels his hair, he turns to me he smiles at me then gave me a big hug. "Thanks (Y/n)!" He yelled then we stop to hear someone voice.

"Stop it right there."

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