Part 13

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Your POV:

'God he is a good kisser...' he would suck on my tongue that made me lose my mind. Camilo on the other hand love it. He like the ways you moan in the kiss him touching you, he is losing his mind with your moans, and he wants it that way. Camilo slowly goes down to your neck kissing, sucking for you weak spot. "Ahh~shit—Camilo!" He found what he was looking for, he attack that stop leaving a big hickey on your neck.

"C-Camilo!" He had a stupid smirk on his face. He pulls me close to him. "Now people know that your mine now..." he said then he bit my neck leaving a mark on it. "Okay let's go." He grab my hand, and we kept trying n walking down the mountain with was not that hard because I was not so far to the bottom. "Okay we just need to go there and there and we will be down and we will be home." Camilo said pointing to the stop. He turn in to Luisa, then he pick me up, and started to walk down. "Camilo you know I could walk right?" "I know but this is faster so hold now tight." He started run like fast fast. If he keeps this up we will be down the mountain in like 15 minutes. Camilo kept on running.

17 minutes later:

"Yes we are home now!" I hug a tree happily with a tear in my eye. I turn to see Camilo all tried and he fell on the floor. "Oh Camilo." I giggle. "No I need time I'm tried!" He didn't want to get up. "Let me help you up." I show him my hand he grabs its, then he pulls me down with him. "Camilo ready?!" He just laugh at me. "Okay okay I'm sorry Mi Amor." (Mi Amor means my love!) I blush then kiss his cheek. "I need to let you that more~" he giggle kissing my lips.

"Okay big guys it's already getting dark." I said he got up he puts on his bag, I still blood on his face, and on his neck. "Hay Camilo are you sure your okay?" I ask him when we start to walk. "Yeah I'm fine, but are you okay you have it the worst..." he cup my face then kiss my nose. "I'm sorry I was not there for when you lose well yeah..." he had a tear in his eye that made me a little sad.

8 minutes later: (sorry for the skips!)

"Okay we are here!" Camilo said grabbing my hand he opened the door to see Pepa with a cloud Dolores trying to to calm her down. "(Y/nnn)!" Mirabel ran to me, and hug me super tight. "Their here!" Antonio said running to Camilo. Everyone ran to us hugs crying, Mirabel looks at my face. "Oh my god, let me help you (Y/n), and Camilo. Camilo come with me!" Mirabel took both of us to the kitchen. Julieta walk in giving us bread. "Here eat it, and (Y/n) let me see your eye."

Camilo sits on the counter, eat the bread, then the bleeding stop he took off the bandage from his neck, and from his head, looking the same. "Oh here Camilo have your Ruana back." I gave it to him he smile. "Okay (Y/n) eat the food, and I want you to look at me okay." I nodded taking a bit, my neck and the rest of my body heal. "Okay take one more bit please." I see Camilo with a worried face. I take one more bite then my eye was back. "Okay you can see right?" Julieta said. "Y-Yes..." I had tears. "Thank you so much!" I hug her crying he pat the back of my head.

"Now you too help out Pepa please she push the both of us to Pepa with, a cloud over her head. Isabella hugs me. "God (Y/n) you scared all of us thank god you okay." She hugs me with a smile I hug her back then I let go. I see Dolores hugging Camilo, and Antonio. I walk to pepa she was crying. Camilo walks next to me. We both hug her, he smile and hugs back, Felix joins the hugs, after a good minute we let go, Pepa cloud was now gone.

"Come (Y/n)." Camilo takes my hand and we both walk up the stairs, he opens his door, he walk to his closet. "Here (Y/n) wear this." He gave it to me. "What this for?" I giggle. He blush's the point down. I forgot that I was wearing the school uniform. "Oh right sorry I forgot about that!"

I grab the clothes, but I was push to the bed. "You now I don't mind you wearing that right~" he said with a growl. 'Great his horny!' "N-No I didn't know you minded that." I look away he suck on my neck making my moans come out. "C-Camilo stop we just got here!" I said he pulls me close to me. "Dolores I know you can hear us so if I was you cover those ears of yours~" Camilo said kissing my neck. "W-wait—ahh~" I moan when he found my weak spot again.

"Camilo mom calling you!" Dolores said knocking on the door. "Great...okay I'm going!" He got up, and went to the door then he turn back to me.

"Be ready when I come back mi amor~"

Your little gift {Camilo x reader} //Lemon//Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt