Kawaii!! Akatsuki Kitties! ♪D...

By Akatsuki_no_Koneko

29.4K 982 249

Kitten is a girl in the real world. She reads and writes and sings. One day her favorite organization comes f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Read: Notice of Possiblility to NOT Return to Wattpad
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Confusion For Koneko-chan
A New Developement
It's Up!!

Chapter 11

1.2K 36 14
By Akatsuki_no_Koneko

Just to let you all know there will be a lemon in this chapter and I have marked the beginning and the end of it for those how don't read that kind of stuff and if you didn't notice before I put this chapter up I edited all the ones before it so there now shouldn't be any mistakes in them. X3

The Akatsuki have now been here for 3 months. I felt something poke my cheek. I thought it was a weekend and I didn't have to get up. I groaned and cuddled into the warmth under me more. I felt something shift but dismissed it. Something poked my cheek again and I groggily opened my eyes to stare into Obito's face. I sighed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Happy Birthday Kitten!" Obito said with a smile.

I looked at him in question then smiled. I yawned then lied my head back down on his chest.

"Thanks Obito-kun..." I mumbled to him tiredly.

He chuckled.

"That means you need to get up..." he said yawning.

He tightened his arms around me as he snuggled his head into my hair.

"It doesn't even sound like you want to get up," I said smiling  softly.

Obito just pulled me closer and kissed my head.

"Yeah, well I don't but we have to because I have things planned for us today love," Obito said softly as he started to get up.

I whined and put my arms around his neck to try to bring him back down. He just chuckled as he got up and I was dangling slightly from his neck considering I actually had to stand on my tip toes to be his height when he stood up fully.

"No! Obito!" I whined.

He chuckled and picked me up like a child in his arms.

"If you don't let go you'll just go in the shower with me..." Obito said trailing off.

I felt my face go hot and my eyes opened immediately. I struggled in his grip until he released me and I ran back into my room and out of the bathroom. I heard Obito chuckle.

"Not funny!" I yelled and put my face in the pillows.

I ended up falling back asleep. I woke to my shoulder being shook. I groggily lifted my head to look up at the person to find Obito. I blushed so hard my cheeks hurt. There was a towel wrapped around his waist and his pale skin shimmered with beads of water. His raven hair was dripping water everywhere and he was glaring softly down at me as I stared at him. I gulped.

"O-Obi-Obito?" I questioned in a squeaky voice.

His glare turned into a look of cockiness. He smirked at me and stood up straighter making his chest and abs move slightly. Oh my Jashin. If I was in an anime I was sure I'd be drooling. I covered my nose and mouth fearing that my nose would start to bleed because it acutally happens sometimes.

He chuckled and looked down at me in a somewhat seductive way. Curse Uchiha and their naturally seductive ways. I rolled over to my back as I stared at him. Bad idea because as soon as I did he leaned into me and put his arms right beside my head. His face was right there in front of mine and I was so tempted you have no idea.

"What is it Kitten?" he asked in a dark voice.

I shivered slightly at the feeling it gave me. I closed my eyes as I felt my cheeks grow hot and I shrunk down a bit. Obito chuckled and his breath washed over my neck and jaw line from the way we were positioned.

"N-nothing..." I whispered not even believing myself.

He chuckled.

"Go get in the shower. I already sat some things in there for you," he said as he straightened himself.

I nodded blushing horribly and hurried to scramble out of bed and into the bathroom.

"That was...wow..." I said to myself as I slid down against the door.

I smiled softly to myself and got in the shower. I was glad it was warm because truthfully, I was freezing. I soon heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hurry up Kitten or else I'll come in and get you!" Obito said through the door.

I blushed.

"N-no you will not!" I yelled back. "You stay out there!"

I heard him chuckled and I hurried to wash myself then got out. I looked on the counter to see a pretty dress. It was black and ended between mid-thigh and my knees. It had a red corset in the middle with a lace up back. With it was a pair of high heels that had a ribbon that wound up my legs. Altogether, it looked pretty good.

I put on the dress and heels smiling at my reflexion in my full body mirror that hung on the back of my bathroom door then I took my pills. I opened the door and found Obito dressed in a black tux with a blood red shirt underneath it and a black tie with white gloves on. I had to admit, it was a drool worthy sight. He looked somewhat like Sebastian from Black Butler except with a different face and hair.

He extended his hand out to me with a charming smile. I blushed and took his hand. He put on his mask and we went downstairs to see the others dressed similarly except the boys each had a shirt on that corresponded with their eye color. It was...interesting and I started to wonder what they were planning.

Cheshire entered the room in a pretty black dress with red swirls on it that ran down to the floor dragging behind her slightly and Konan came out of the kitchen behind her with a dress on that matched her hair. The skirt of Konan's dress cut in a v stopping right above her knees and it fanned out in the back. It was strappless and the upper part was made of ruffles.

I smiled at them both and Cheshire looped her arm through Sasori's, a small and almost unnoticable smile flitting across both of their faces. I smiled at that and Cheshire saw. I winked at her and she smiled back softly at me with a nod awknowledging me.

"Shall we go?" Pein asked.

I nodded and covered my mouth and nose as the Akatsuki changed their appearances just slighlty like they had for Walmart. The only thing Obito changed was his skin which was now flawless without a wrinkle.

I smiled at him and nodded. We headed out to the cars. I taught Pein and Itachi how to drive so I got them their own cars. We piled into the cars and since I had no idea where we were going Obito drove mine. I was kind of scared since I never taught him how to drive. He put his hand on mine.

"Don't worry Kitten-chan!" He said in his Tobi voice. "Tobi's been watching you and Itachi-san and Leader-sama."

He smiled and I nodded. We then headed off. My phone began ringing and I looked at it in curiosity. It was an unknown number.

"Who the hell?" I asked myself.

I answered the phone.

"We are almost there so tell Obito to put the plan into action," Pein's voice came from the phone.

"How the hell do you have a phone and how did you get my number!" I asked him almost yelling.

"We got jobs to help out more. How else did you expect us to stay?" he asked.

"Um...I am rich?" I asked into the phone.

He sighed.

"Just tell Obito, Kitten," he said in an annoyed voice.

He then hung up. I looked at the phone in question then to Obtio.

"Put the plan into action?" I asked him.

A bright smile broke out on his face.

"Deidara senpai! Plan in action now!" He exclaimed in his childish voice.

Before I could ask anything a blindfold was over my eyes. I tried to get it off but someone was holding it there.

"What the hell!" I yelled. "Get off of me!"

"Stop it or you'll ruin the surprise, un!" Deidara's voice came from behind me.

I growled but stopped and I crossed my arms over my chest as I huffed. Soon the car stopped and we got out of the car. I was picked up and recognized Obito's spice-like scent. Why he smelled like spices I don't know.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"You'll see Kitten-chan!"

I sighed and leaned my head on his chest. Soon we stopped and I was set down on the ground. I heard music and I wondered where we were.

"I think you are going to like this," Obito whispered in his natural voice as he took off the blindfold.

My eyes adjusted to the light and I saw we were in front of one of the most popular and fanciest clubs there was in the entire city.

"Don't tell me you guys actually got us in this place," I said with a smile.

"Turns out, it isn't as fucking hard as I fucking thought it was going to be..." Hidan said with a smirk.

"Holy shit! You are awesome Hidan!" I said as I hugged him.

He shrugged and hugged me back.

"Hey, everyone deserves a fucking happy birthday don't they?" he asked.

I smiled and we skipped to the front of the long line.

"Hey!" People yelled. "No cutting dick heads!"

I flipped them the bird as Hidan did and we high fived each other. We walked up to the security guard and Hidan smirked.

"I'm a friend of Shinra (a random name I thought of but it might be the name of a goddess, not sure) fucker. Get her if you don't fucking believe me. I'm Hidan."

I raised my brow at Hidan.

"You are friends with Shinra, the Shinra?" I asked.

"Knocked into her around...shit..." he tried to remember. "Oh! It was yesterday at the fucking bar!"

I shook my head. Of course. Only Hidan would find a club owner by pure chance. The guard nodded and he let us through making many people in line gasp. I flipped off the fucker that screamed at us again and walked in with my other arm linked with Obito's.

My eyes widened at the amount of people in the place. It was then a spotlight shone down on Obito and I.

"And here is the birthday girl! Kitten!" A woman that had silky black hair with brown streaks and blazing green eyes yelled into a microphone. "Happy birthday Kitten!"

I blushed as everyone yelled happy birthday to me. Obito kissed my cheek and everyone parted to let us on the dancefloor. Let me say that I was really surprised because Obito actually knew how to dance, very well at that.

"Hey, an Uchiha needs to know this stuff," he explained when I asked him about it.

I smiled and shook my head. I was happy when I was finally out of the spotlight. Obito dragged me over to the bar. I ordered just water. I didn't plan on getting drunk. Itachi, Pein and I needed to stay sobber anyway since we were the only ones that could drive.

I looked over to see Deidara already tipsy. Wasn't that only his 2nd beer? Oh wait, he's only 19, or is he 20? I don't know why Pein let him come so someone will have to take him back home.

I looked to Obito and paled. He had downed 5 bottles of something while I was looking around. I didn't know what they were either so it was worrying.

"Um...Obito..." I said softly as I tapped his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

He turned around and smiled at me.

"Yeah Kitten," he said with a smile but in his natural voice.

I grabbed his arm as he swayed to the side and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I led him to one of the backrooms when he hurried to down two more bottles. I didn't know he was this much of a lightweight.

"Those drinks are good Kitten," he slurred.

Was this his first time drinking?

"Obito, is this your first time drinking?" I asked him with wide eyes.

"Hm?" he asked then smiled. "Oh! Nah, this is my...I don't kn-know. Konan says I'm a l-light...uh...lightweight..."

He began leaning on me and I reached one of the unoccupied rooms. I walked in and closed then locked the door. I sat him on the bed and sat beside him.

"Okay Obito you need to stay here all right?" I asked him.

He nodded and pulled a bottle out of his jacket. I took it from him.

"No more drinks for you," I said with a soft glare in which he pouted. "Now I need to get Deidara and get someone to take him home. He really shouldn't be drinking."

I got up and was almost at the door when Obito's arms wrapped around me.

"I'll be back Obito so don't-" I gasped as he started kissing my neck.

Oh Jashin...

"O-Obito..." I said breathlessly. "St-stop this..."

"I don't want you to go Kitten..." he said against my neck then started kissing again.

'"I-I'll be...be right back..." I moaned softly and tried to move away.

He just tightened his arms around me and turned me around to face him. His eyes were so...dark. I blushed and noticed he wasn't drunk like he was when I brought him in.

"Um Obito?" I asked to which he smirked. "What was in those bottles?"

He chuckled and brought us closer together.

"I'm not drunk if that's what you think. It was just a ploy to get you here. Everyone knows not to worry because this was my plan," he said smirking smugly. "These are soundproof just incase you are a bit loud..."

I blushed at his intended meaning as he trailed off. He was one good actor, I'll give him that.

"B-but what about Deidara?" I asked remembering he actually had beer.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine. He's a total lightweight but Hidan took him drinking the second year he was in the Akatsuki. Don't worry about him."

I looked at the ground still worried. Obito put his hand under my chin and made me look up at him.

"This is only for me and you tonight, only us..." he whispered onto my lips.

He smiled softly at me. He led me over to the bed and grabbed a champane bottle from under it. I smiled and he poured me some. Well, after we downed the bottle I found us talking about anything and everything as we lied on the bed. It was mostly me talking though.

"Hey Kitten," Obito said softly.

I turned my head to him with a smile.

"Be quiet," he said and as I was about to retort he kissed me.

~Lemon Start~

I gasped. That small gasp made enough room to allow his tongue into my mouth.

"O-Obito..." I moaned softly.

He tangled his tongue with mine causing a war between us. He won and explored my mouth. He pulled back for a breath then kissed down my neck. I moaned softly as he went over a spot at the base of my neck and he started nipping and sucking there. I moaned loudly and grasped his hair gently.

His hand moved down my sides to my thighs. He gently squeezed my thighs and sat down. He sat me down to where I was straddling him then ran his hands back up my back and started to unstring the back. His other hand soon joined it to unstring it. I ground my hips into his and he moaned.

I brought his face up to mine and kissed him deeply then ground against him. He moaned so I did it again harder and kept doing it as he unstrung my dress. He bucked his hips into mine making me gasp and he flipped us.

He took off my dress and dropped it as he bucked his hips against mine. He broke the kiss and smirked seeing I didn't have a bra on. I blushed and he gently ran his hands over me. He groped my breasts and kissed me briefly then went down my neck. He kissed down my chest to my left breast and started sucking on it.

I moaned and gripped his hair. I pulled him closer to me allowing him to take more of my breast in. He sucked and nipped then did the same to the other one. He came up and let his lips hover above mine. I kissed him and wrapped my arms around his neck as I tangled my fingers in his hair.

I felt his hand on my thigh, not quite on my sacred place but close enough to make me tingle with excitement and lust. He started rubbing me gently then got faster. I moaned into his mouth allowing him in again. He greatly took the chance and I ground my hips against his hand as I moaned.

"Obito~..." I moaned.

He took off my panties and entered a finger into me.

"Ah!" I moaned in pain. "That hurts!"

"Just wait a bit. It'll pass..." he said gently as he kissed my shoulder as his other hand gently rubbed my hip.

He moved his fingers and I hissed softly but started to feel pleasure. He moved them in and out and I started moaning. My voice failed me when he added two more fingers.

"O-Obito..." I moaned softly in pain and pleasure.

He did a scissor motion and I felt him stretching me. I whimpered and he moved his fingers gently inside me until I moaned in pleasure again. He kept moving his fingers in and out until he had a steady pace going and I began to move my hips with the thrust of his fingers.

Obito pinned my hips down and moved his fingers faster. I whimpered in pleasure as his fingers went in and out of me. I began to feel something, a knot in my stomach.

"Ah! Obito! I'm g-going to!" I moaned.

Right before I could though he pulled his fingers out. I whined and looked to his eyes. Such dark lust was in his eyes! It made me shiver as he stared at me.

"Not until I say Kitten..." he said seductively then licked his fingers.

He took off his pants and boxers and looked at me as if in question. I took a deep breath as I wrapped my arms around his neck and nodded. He nodded back and pushed in gently. It hurt like hell but I wrapped my legs around his waist forcing the rest of him into me. I cried out softly and he kissed my shoulders.

"Obito..." I whimpered.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon..." he said as he kissed over my shoulder and neck.

I waited for a little while until the pain lessened and moved my hips against his in a test. I felt pain but it felt good as it mixed with pleasure. I bucked against Obito's hips and he began pounding into me. I moaned at the mixture of pain and pleasure from it.

"K-Kit...Kitten..." Obito moaned.

"Ngh...ha...ah...Obito..." I moaned. "M-more..."

He sped up and pounded harder making my moans louder. He groaned and moaned in my ear making the pleasure escalate. He bit and sucked at my neck trying to find my soft spot on that side. He bit everywhere until he finally found it making me moan out even louder as he bit and sucked on it. He started to go even deeper in me and I moaned out louder.

I flipped us and started riding him. He grabbed my hips to help me move up and down. I moaned louder as it made him hit a new place in me. I kept riding him and he kept bucking his hips into mine making him hit that place each time. The pleasure was amazing!

"Obito! I'm about to!" I screamed.

"Ah-ah! I am too!" He moaned back at me.

He hit that place on last time and we came together moaning each other's names loudly then I collapsed on top of him.

~End of Lemon~

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled the blanket over us.

"W-we need to g-go though..." I said weakly.

"They said we could stay the night if we wanted so don't worry..." Obito said into my hair.

He kissed the top of my head and I smiled. I kissed his cheek and rested my head on his chest as he held me. Perfect birthday, the best I've ever had. With that thought I slipped off into sleep in the arms of my lover.

So what did you guys think. If you didn't read the lemon, well oh well. What did you think about the other parts then? I think I'm going to do something with Deidara getting over his hangover next chapter. What do you guys think? Comment please. X3




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