Why Can't You Get Out of My H...

By Kawaii_Lumine

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After Kiyotaka completed his 3 years at ANHS as a student, he soon returned to the White Room after satisfyin... More

2. Not in a million years.
3. I'm totally from Class B
4. Lack of respect!
Non-canon: Lovely Night
6. Convincing the idiots, Chapter 1
7. Convincing the idiots, Conclusion?
Oneshot: Shoko's gap moe
8. Classroom of the Elite....
9. It's a fucking coincidence!
10. Proposal
11. Shoko's authority
12. Are you kidding me, Horikita?
13." Yeah...I've been taught...."
14. Shoko needs to train!
Random shit
15. Chabs is a bitch.
16. This is it.
Paimon messes with generator the sequel!
Vol 2 Prologue. Shoko will deal with it later.
Vol 2. 1. Trouble arises....much to Shoko's dismay.
Vol 2. 2. Scouting for the eye witness!
Continuation of Question or Dare!
Vol 2. 3. An alliance?
Vol 2. 4. Crazy lady
Vol 2. 5. Shoko is disappointed.
Vol 2. 6. Shoko's new nickname.
Vol 2. 7. DiscountKouji
Question or Dare! Long awaited

5. So it was you....

4.2K 249 274
By Kawaii_Lumine

Shoko PoV

I made it to my room and closed the door.

I released a sigh, " Finally.....I doubt any problems will happen in my safe space."

I placed my bags full of junk food on the dining table.

That's....quite unhealthy, don't you think?

So? I love junk food. Of course I'm not dumb enough to digest all of these in one day.

Well, then again. It's better than what your foster parents fed you, huh.

I stopped.

Don't you fucking mention them.

Ayanokoji didn't respond for a while.

Good. At least he knows when to shut up when he hits a nerve.

I proceeded to open the bag and sat on my bed.

I came to this school so I can escape that shitty life.

Besides, this school has a high rating for those who graduate here.

You can get into any university or job.

By graduating here, I wouldn't have to go back to that....house.

I can be free to do whatever I want without their ugly faces intervening.

I'm sorry.

I was a bit suprised that his apology sounded sincere.

I ate a few chips from the bag.

It's fine. I just don't want to talk about them while I'm here.

It was insensitive of me to do so. You sounded strong and uncaring, so I thought it wouldn't affect you this much.

Well, when shitty people come into mind, isn't it natural that I'd snap at you like that?

And what's with this tone of yours? You're weird when you apologize.

Seriously, it's making me feel awkward.

Right. Sorry.

Well, now that that's over with....

Time to turn on the tv!

Huh? Where's the remote?

I thought to myself as I checked the nearby table and my bed.

It's by the TV.


Come on! I just got comfortable on the bed!

It's literally a couple of meters away.


I got my lazy ass to stand up and lazily walked to the TV where the remote apparently was.

I lazily grabbed the remote and lazily walked back to the bed and lazily placed myself back into my comfortable position.

That's a lot of " Lazy" narrating.

I lazily ignored the voice in my head and turned on the TV

I spent the evening eating some snacks and watching many different channels.

Eventually, I fell asleep and lazily went to dream land.


What is this?

I can't open my eyes.

I can't feel....anything.

But suddenly, I began to hear a conversation.

" Subject Ayanokoji Kiyotaka has been enrolled into the Fourth Generation." A voice said

Subject? Wait, Ayanokoji?

Fourth Generation?

" I see. That's good. How about the other children?" Another voice responded.


" The other children have reached the proper age to begin their training." The voice confirmed.


What are they.....

" That's good. This generation will only focus on their individual skills. It will be a series of challenges to test who can endure the longest and come out on top." The voice said.

" Of course sir.....but.....are you really going to enroll......your-"

The voices cut off and suddenly I began regaining my other senses.

I opened my eyes.


( Setting: Shoko's mind. )

" What the hell?" I muttered to myself as I looked around me.

It was the same island I was on in my dream before going to school.

" Huh. Didn't expect to see you here..." A voice spoke.

It sounds familiar....

I turned around to see a boy with brown hair.

He wore a blank expression as he stared at me with his golden brown eyes.

" Ayanokoji?" I called.

" Hello, Kazumi." He responded.

He was a bit taller than me by a few inches.

He's suprisingly not bad looking....

He wore clothing that was fit for the beach.

" Wow. So this is what you were doing in my head? Relaxing and sipping martini or something?" I said.

" Well, I guess you could say that." He responded.

Subject Ayanokoji.....

Ah, whatever. Probably some sort of weird dream.

" Where are we?" I asked.

" We are in your mind. I was suprised to find out that I could summon things here. So I made an entire island to relax while I watch you live your life." He says as he summons a drink in one hand.

" Want some coconut shake? It's natural." He says while handing me the drink.

" You're awfully casual, aren't you?" I said before taking a sip.

" Aren't you the same?" He shot back.

He sighs, " Well, I only go here whenever you're doing something I have no interest of seeing. Besides that, I'd pay my full attention to the acts you pull during your day."

I finished the shake relatively quick.

Ah! Brain freeze!

God, it was so good though.

I kept my normal expression as I looked back at him once again.

" I see." I start walking towards him.

" What are you doing?" He asks.

" Nothing." I said.

Like I'll ever let you get away for all those embarassing comments you made in my head.

I threw a punch aimed right at his face.

He catches my fist and stares at me blankly.

" Seriously?" He says.

I used my other fist to throw another punch.

He grabs that one too and is now currently holding both of my fists in his tight grip.

" Ugh! Why do you know how to actually fight!" I whined.

I was by no means a martial artist, but I was certain that he caught my fists at a quick speed and with a bit of power.

" Your punches are just weak." He says without a care.

" YOU FUCKING SHIT." I yelled at him before preparing a kick aimed towards right where the sun doesn't shine.

" Huh?!" I was suddenly up in the air and landed on my back.

" PWAH!" I let out a pained scream as I barely moved and just layed there on the ground.

I see Ayanokoji's head peak through my vision as he stares at me.

" Sorry. I had to flip you because I saw that kick coming. " he says with no sincerity.

" Uggghhh...." I let out an annoyed sound as I refused to get up after being humiliated by him once again.

" Hey. What do you think about the school so far, Kazumi?" He asks as he helps me up.

" It's everything I ever wanted. 100k points per month, free tuition, awesome benefits and freedom." I replied.

If I had a choice to live here.

I wouldn't hesitate to do so.

" I see...." he says.

" What's with that answer? You sound like you were expecting something different. " I asked.

His eyes gaze towards me.

" You're right. I was actually expecting something different, sad to say, I was transported into the mind of a student who belongs in Class D." He said.

The hell? What is he implying?

" Are you trying to insult me? And why were you emphasizing ' belong '? " I asked with an irritated expression.

" I won't tell you about that. Anyway, I suggest you save points as much as possible, Kazumi." He says.

" Stop being vague! Can't you just be fucking straightforward with me? Seriously! It's confusing with you! " I raised my hands up as a gesture to show my exclamation at this guy's words.

He releases a sigh, " Fine. Remember when Chabashira-sensei said in homeroom? You can use points to buy anything within the school." He says.

I nodded.

" Tell me, what are the things you'd think of buying with those points?" He asked me.

Well....besides clothes and food...and all those normal girly stuff....

It'd probably be....

" Can I buy test answers or something? I suck at anything related to academics." I answered.

I didn't really think much about my answer. It was more of a selfish fantasy than anything.


Ayanokoji's eyes seemingly widened in suprise at my answer.

" What?" I asked him.

"....Nothing. I didn't expect that answer...is all." He said.

I released a sigh, " I know, I know. Pretty dumb, huh? "

" No. It isn't." He immediately replied.

I felt the aura between us beginning to change.

The hell? Why does he seem so...serious now?


I gulped at that thought.

I didn't understand.

Was I right? Can I actually buy test answers?

" You suprised me with your answer. I didn't expect it to come out of your mouth, are you really as dumb as you make yourself out to be?" He says as he narrows his eyes.

" Huh?! Wait, are you saying I'm right?!"  I gasped in shock.

" You......nevermind." he says and I felt the aura and atmosphere calm down.

That was weird....

" Yes. You're right. You CAN buy test answers as long as you can pay the specified amount of points." He confirms.

"WHAT?! DUDE, THAT'S OVERPOWERED! " I shared my unnecessary comment.

" I'm genuinely impressed that you managed to think of buying test papers........so I'll tell you a few more important things. " he says.

Bitch, why don't you start telling me those things at the first day?!

I kept my calm and waited for him to speak.

" In this school, there are two types of points. Private points and Class points." He says.

" Class points? Chaba-something-sensei never said anything about Class points?" I asked.

Seriously....her last name is a mouthful.

He nods, " The teachers were never intended to inform their students until the next month. Class points are needed to give each student private points." He says.

" Huh?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

" 1 class point is equal to 100 private points. Currently, each class had been given 1000 Class points, and that is why all students start out with 100,000 private points." He says.

" Ohh..." I finally began to understand his words a bit more.

" But. Class points can be deducted." He said.

" Deducted?!" I said.

He nods, " Class points can be deducted if you're tardy, noisy, sleeping in class, and many more. If your class doesn't act like how students are expected to act in their current grade. Then it will deduct and deduct until eventually.....you'll reach zero. " he emphasized the last line.

" But.....Class D.....I mean....they'll act like proper students, right? I heard that this was a school of elites and I don't even know how I got accepted! But the rest of my classmates aside from the red headed baby would act like proper students,  right?" I asked.

They couldn't be possibly THAT bad to get us to zero class points....right?

Ayanokoji stayed silent.

Oh my god. They are actually that bad.


I planned to live a peaceful life here before eventually graduating....


" That's up to you, really." He shrugs.

" Is there a way to gain Class points then?!" I asked desperately.

He nods, " Naturally. The school provides certain methods for a class to gain class points." He says.

" Then what do I do!" I asked.

" You can first start by convincing your classmates about my words. And then it's all up to you from then." He said.

" W-Wait, how do I know you're not lying or something...." I asked suspiciously after thinking about all this.

" Why would I lie about specific details like these? In my timeline, Class D had lost 0 Class points after the first month. Not only that, most of my classmates were broke. " he said.

Shit. I don't want that to happen to me as well....

" But...wait! If you knew all this, why didn't you try to help them! " I asked.

He raises a brow, " I was just as clueless as them at the time. If I had known about this information earlier, then I would've told them." He says.

I have a feeling that's cap....

But I won't pry into it.

I'm more worried about my current situation and my future in this school.

" Fine. Is that all, then?" I asked to confirm if he'd given me all the details.

" No." He denied.


Is he seriously going to leave me in the dark about these things?!

" I only provided you the previous details due to your answer genuinely suprising me. I never said anything about telling you everything that will happen or providing you with all the details about the school. I'll leave pieces now and then, and it's your job to put it together. I'm now interested to see what you can do, Kazumi." He says.




The thought of that made me irritated and pissed.

" It seems like your body is waking up. Go on, make your move." He says before walking away.


He pauses and looked towards me.

" That...was the impression I had of you after hearing all your thought and seeing the way you act. Unfortunately,  I may have judged you too quickly. This talk of ours was equally beneficial to me as it was to you. So don't worry,  you're suprisingly not much of a " dumbass" as you describe yourself to be. Just use your head, Kazumi." He says.


That was sweet...

Wait! No!



( Real world)

I woke up.

The hell....

I looked at the time and saw that it was already 6 am.

I fell asleep through the evening and woke up to a new day....

" What am I supposed to do..." I muttered.

Ayanokoji, are you there?


I just want to say....


It depends on what you can do.


All right...

I'll worry about the rest of the details later.

I have to focus on what Ayanokoji had told me.

I won't end up broke like your Class D.

Make it happen then.

I'm not skilled in anything.

I'm just a dumb bitch with a very bad attitude.

But I can't whine about these things for too long.

Just you wait.

I'll wipe off that blank expression off your face.

For some reason, I felt like Ayanokoji was amused by my thoughts directed to him.

I hope that is the case.

I got up from my bed and stretched my limbs.

Oh wait. I needed to take a bath.


I know, I know.

Well, Ayanokoji is finally lending her a bit of a hand, yeah?

But still being vague, much to Shoko's dismay.

I wonder what she'll accomplish.

I know some of you wanted Class D and Shoko herself to feel the pain of being broke.

But for plot reasons,  I needed to do this.

Till next chappie,

SadisticPaimon, out~

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