Tony's Precious Treasure [HP...

By Hime_chan10

54.4K 2.5K 308

Holly Maria Stark is an extraordinary young lady with a unique gift. She was born with the ability to use mag... More

The Main Cast
Ch. 1 The Preface
Ch. 2 Have you heard of Gramps yet?
Ch. 3 What did you see?
Ch. 5 This mission better be important
Ch. 6 Hey, Sweetheart
Ch. 7 I am so glad you are safe
Ch. 8 How did he survive!
Ch. 9 The Press Meeting
Ch. 10 Agent Prongsletta
Ch. 11 Do you know this woman's name?
Ch. 12 Thor's Coronation

Ch. 4 My son is a big fan of yours

4.6K 206 15
By Hime_chan10

Holly lets go of Luna. She then looked at her friends, excited to reunite with her father.

" We need to get going. I have to let Happy and Pepper know that Dad is coming home at last," Holly excitedly babbles.

" Your father would want you to eat breakfast first," Hermione glanced at the plates filled with food.

Holly opens her mouth to say something, but she gets cut off by her stomach.

" How dare you betray me!" Holly points at her stomach, causing Hermione to stare at her amusingly, and Luna giggled.

" Yes. Yes. We should eat. We cannot waste your precious cooking," Luna grabs a fork and the plate, and she begins to eat the delicious food that her dear friend made.

Holly's gaze softened, and she nodded her head in response. She grabs a fork and the plate and begins to eat her breakfast.

Hermione did the same thing, and the three females started to eat their breakfast and talk.

" So, who has been watching over your father's company when he was away?" Luna asked while taking a sip of her Pumpkin juice.

" Mr. O-ba-diah Stane has been watching over my father's company while he was away. You guys haven't met him. He is close friends with Dad and Grandpa. He lived in California when Dad was running the company here in New York. After Dad disappeared, Obie came to New York to speak to Pepper and me about the company," Holly responded while taking a sip of her Orange juice.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at Holly's response.

" I for sure thought that you would be the one to watch over your father's company since you are his daughter and all," Hermione questioned.

" You know Pepper wanted that too, saying that I should have watched over Dad's company so I can get that learning experience to take over said company someday. But, Obie insisted that he should be the one to look after the company because he knew Dad and Grandpa's work more," Holly explained.

Hermione opened her mouth to say something, but Holly continued to speak.

" Even though I agreed that Obie can look after the company until Dad returned. I also told Pepper that she should keep a close eye on him by being his assistant. I know I am not Una and cannot see into the future. But, something in my gut also told me not to trust that man with my Dad and Grandpa's work," Holly murmured.

" Am I paranoid to feel that way?" Holly asked.

" It's understandable to feel that way, Holly. Your Grandfather and Father work hard to make Stark Industries successful. And outside sources that aren't family can use your Grandfather and Father's work for immoral reasoning," Hermione reassures.

Holly nods her head. Her bright green eyes blinked when she heard her fork tap against the plate, letting her know that she had finished eating her breakfast.

" I am done eating. Are you ladies done eating?" Holly asked.

Luna and Hermione nod their heads in response since they figured that Holly is itching to reunite with her father.

Holly pulled out her wand, and she whispered an incantation, watching the dirty dishes and forks float to the sink.

" Holly," Luna calls out, seeing Holly use magic to have the dishes and forks get washed.

" Yeah?" Holly turns her gaze to Luna.

" Why are you using your wand? You do know that we can do wandless magic now, right?" Luna raised an eyebrow.

" Force of habit," Holly akwardly laughs while putting her wand away.

" Even though Wizarding folks use wands to control their magic. I honestly find it a hassle," Hermione speaks while watching Holly's bright green eyes glow when using her magic.

" I agree. We have to pour our thoughts into the wand to use our magic which can take time. Our enemies would already kill us then and there," Luna responded while watching Holly use hand motions as her magic washes the dirty dishes and forks.

" I agree with the two of you. When my Grandparents got killed during our 1st-year, my wand was a bit further from me. I couldn't use it because my seatbelt got stuck, and I couldn't unbuckle myself.

Their killer could have killed me then and there, but out of fright to save my Grandpa, who was nearly dying, my magic reacted, and I sent that assassin away.

I was eleven. I was angry that I couldn't save my grandparents because I wanted to use my wand. So, I am glad that Ilvermorny now offers Wandless magic as a required course after the Wizarding government heard what I went through that awful night," Holly speaks, and she puts the clean dishes and forks away.

Luna and Hermione sadly stared at Holly since they know their dear friend still blames themselves for what happened to their grandparents.

" Alright. Let's get going," Holly changes the subject, and she turns to her friends. Her bright green eyes went back to normal.

Luna and Hermione stood up from their seats and headed to the front door.

Holly grabbed her purse and put her wand away in her wand holster. She then meets up with her friends, opens the front door, and the three females step out of the apartment and onto the hallway.

" Hey, Mione! Luna! Holly!" A masculine male voice calls out.

The three females turned their gaze to the right, and they smiled when they saw their dear friend, twenty-nine-year-old Neville Longbottom, walking up to them. What took the three females by surprise was seeing a disguised legendary Super Soldier, twenty-seven-year-old Steve Rogers, following behind him.

" Good morning, Ladies. I do hope we weren't intruding on your day. Neville wanted to hang out with his friends. And I decided to accompany him since I did not want to be home alone," Steve formally greets the three females.

Hermione walks up to Neville, grabs him by the arm, and the two walk away from the others. Steve silently watched the two walk away and raised an eyebrow, wondering if he had done something terrible.

" Morning, Rogers," Holly waves while closing and locking the door, causing Steve to look back at Holly and Luna.

" Neville. You do know that Director Fury said not to let the Captain out of your house since he is still new to our era," Hermione softly yet firmly speaks to Neville.

Neville raised his hands in surrender, still finding Hermione scary when angry.

" I couldn't let Steve die of boredom in the house while I'm away. And besides, I gave him a disguise," Neville turns his gaze to Steve and watches him interact with Holly and Luna.

" Really? A hat and glasses?" Hermione raised an eyebrow at Neville's choice of disguise for Steve.

" He looks like a Muggle College student, right?" Neville beamed.

Hermione didn't comment since she did recall people not distinguishing Clark Kent and Superman as the same person in the comics because one was wearing glasses and the latter didn't.

" Just keep a close eye on him," Hermione firmly speaks.

" Will do!" Neville nods his head in response.

" I have heard of what happened to your father. I hope he is okay," Steve looked at Holly with a concerned gaze since the young female's Grandfather was one of his dear friends.

" Thank you, Rogers. But, I do have good news," Holly brightly smiled.

" Was Luna able to find your father through her visions?" Neville asked while rejoining the others with Hermione.

" She did!" Holly beamed.

Steve glanced at Luna since he was still in awe that magic was real. Even though it has been a month since he got unfrozen, he still finds everything related to magic to be fascinating.

" We were heading to Stark Industries to let Pepper and Happy know that Dad is finally coming back home," Holly excitedly tells Neville and Steve.

" That's great! We can accompany you. You okay with that, Steve?" Neville turns his gaze to Steve.

" It has been so long since I last saw Stark Industries," Steve murmured. " Then again, Howard was only starting his company," He fondly smiled since he couldn't wait to see what his dear friend's company looks like now.

Holly's gaze softened when she heard Steve speak about her Grandfather. She still couldn't believe that Steve could do so many things that normal humans can't because her Grandfather gave him a Potion called the Super Soldier Serum.

Holly's bright green eyes blinked when she felt her cell phone vibrate in her pant pocket. She grabs her cell phone, and she brightly smiles when she sees that she has gotten a text from Sirius.

" Hey, Holly! We safely made it to the Zoo. Here's a picture for proof!" Sirius texted, and below the text is a picture of Sirius, Peter, and Aunt May standing in front of the Zoo. Holly figured that Uncle Ben was taking the photo for Sirius.

" Aww! Look at my baby!" Holly showed the picture to her friends.

" Peter is getting so big already!" Neville exclaimed while staring at the picture.

" I know! And he is only eight, about to be nine in three months from now," Holly's bright green eyes began to tear up.

Steve's bright blue eyes blinked when he saw Peter wearing a shirt with his shield.

" My son is a big fan of yours," Holly confessed when she saw Steve stare at her son's shirt.

Steve blushes, getting bashful since he didn't expect people to still know about him since he got frozen for almost sixty-four years.

"A lot of people admire you, Steve," Luna kindly smiles.

" Why?" Steve asked, looking and sounding confused.

" You helped alot during World War II, Steve. Your contribution became so well known that everyone remembered what you did to save the World from the Nazis," Neville explained.

Steve shyly stared at his feet.

" I only did what was right," Steve responded. " And yet, even though I saved so many people. I couldn't save my best friend in the midst of it," He mumbled.

Neville looked at Steve with a concerned gaze. He recalled Phil telling him that Steve's best friend, a man named Bucky Barnes, also contributed alot to World War II. However, Bucky sadly died in northwest Austria, and his body somehow disappeared after he fell off of a running train.

" You know. Your best friend wouldn't want you to blame yourself for what happened to him," Neville comforts Steve by lightly patting the taller male's back.

Steve turns his gaze to Neville. His bright blue eyes intently stared at Neville's forest-green eyes.

" Thank you," Steve whispers, feeling touched by Neville's reassurance.

" You don't have to thank me," Neville softly smiled.

" We should get going. Happy and Pepper should know that Dad is alive and would be coming home," Holly changes the subject, looking and feeling excited to get reunited with her father.

The young adults nod their heads in response as they begin to walk with Holly to the apartment complex's parking lot. The group then surrounds Holly's car, which is a minivan.

" I still find cars in this era to be fascinating even though they don't fly since Howard did promise that the future would have flying cars," Steve mumbled, feeling disappointed that flying cars don't exist.

Holly and the others looked at one another since they didn't know if they should let Steve know that flying cars exist in the Wizarding World, but they are illegal to use in the Muggle/No-Majes World.

" When the time is right, we can let Rogers know," Holly mouths out. Her friends nodded their heads in response as they got inside the minivan.

Holly turns on the minivan, and she begins to drive away from the apartment complex's parking lot and onto the busy streets. Her hands tightly grasped the steering wheel, feeling excited to see her father's friend's reaction to the news that her father was alive and would soon come back to them.

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