Mission: Possible 007

By LivingStoneWriter

4.5K 90 56

A decorated MI6 agent, a crime-fighting cheerleader, a rogue IMF operative, and a platypus. They make an unli... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Four

327 6 8
By LivingStoneWriter

9297 Polly Parkway was the precise address for the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated building. It was located right in the center of Danville. Kim couldn't believe it actually had the word "evil" labeled in big letters on the side. What sort of guy advertises that kind of thing? Kim thought as she pulled up to the location with Perry, Luther, and Wade in Luther's van.

The van doubled as Wade and Luther's base of operations, keeping tabs on Kim and Perry while they were inside the Doofenshmirtz complex. "Doofenshmirtz's lab is located on the topmost floor of the building," Wade informed with the blueprints displayed on his computer. "That's where the ceremony is being held."

Luther in the meantime was getting Kim's mask prepared through the Latex Mask machine. She watched him work on the exact likeness of Heinz Doofenshmirtz himself, jittered by every hyper-realistic detail of the rather ugly-looking pharmacist. "You guys sure no one else was qualified for this?"

"Positive," Luther snickered as he proceeded to work on the voice modulation strip, which involved using an audio recording of Doofenshmirtz's voice (taken from his voicemail message).

"You've reached Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz," the recording said. "I can't come to the phone right now because I may be fighting my nemesis, Perry the Platypus, or on one of my daily errands. Just leave your name and number and I'll make sure to get back to you...unless I have been fighting my nemesis, then I'll get back once after I've gotten out of the hospital."

Kim cringed over the recording, not only from how long and winded it was but also from the screeching register of Doofenshmirtz's voice. "That's how I'm going to sound?!"

"Unfortunately...yes," Wade confirmed, sharing in her discomfort.

Luther handed the voice modulation strip to Kim, along with a card, and instructed, "Apply the strip on top of your neck and repeat the phrase on the card three times."

Kim followed his instruction, applying the strip where her larynx was and reading the card. "Rubber baby buggy bumpers... Rubber baby buggy bumpers... Rubber baby buggy bumpers." Each time she read the phrase, she felt her throat tingle as Luther synced the strip up with Doofenshmirtz's voice, until it replaced Kim's entirely. Speaking with that same screeching tone she heard on the voice message, Kim already hated the whole thing. "Oh, this is so not how I wanted to spend my evening!"

"Well, brace yourself, kiddo – because it's about to get a lot worse," Luther said, removing the Doofenshmirtz mask from the machine and handing it to Kim.

With a disgruntled sigh, Kim placed the mask on, making sure to tuck her long red locks into it, so that they weren't seeping out in the back. Not that anyone would've noticed with the collar of the lab coat she put on afterwards, which hid the seams along with that of the black turtleneck she wore underneath.

The transformation astonished Wade and even Perry.

No longer was it Kim Possible sitting there in the van with them; it was Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz.

"This is too weird," Wade uttered.

"You're telling me!" Kim screeched. "I'm just glad Ron isn't here to see me like this!" She then looked to Perry, who seemed like he was fighting the urge to punch her in the face. "How's your disguise coming along, Perry? I mean, I'm not sure how you're gonna pull off looking like Dr. Lloyd Wexler, judging from his I.D."

Nonetheless, Perry had his own disguise ready: a simple wig, fake mustache, glasses, and lab coat.

It was a flimsy excuse for a cover compared with Kim's more sophisticated, state-of-the-art costume, but if it could fool an entire room of evil scientists that went by the name of L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., then it was good enough.

"We'll keep in touch through radio," Luther noted.

"And we'll have eyes on you through the surveillance cameras inside," Wade added. "I managed to hack into them. This Doofenshmirtz guy has terrible security."

"That doesn't surprise me," Kim remarked, her sarcasm more noticeable through Doofenshmirtz's voice.

Kim and Perry proceeded onward through the front entrance, taking the elevator up to the topmost floor of the building. Arriving in Doofenshmirtz's lab, they were surprised to find how much he had already put together in the way of party decorations. The lab looked like a New Year's festivity ready to go, complete with streamers, balloons, lights, and a banner hung up above that read "15th Annual Unification of Evil Ceremony."

"You have got to be kidding me," Kim blurted in open-mouthed repulsion.

"Yeah, they really went all out on this," she heard Wade say over her earpiece.

The lab was relatively empty, save for two individuals: a young man who looked like he could've been the DJ and a teenaged brunette in all-black apparel. "Yo, yo, yo! Look who sho!" the DJ greeted with a noticeable British accent. "We got it all set for ya, bruv!"

Kim froze. "Uh...thanks, Mister...?" She dragged on long enough for Wade or Luther to get an ID on the DJ and the girl.

"The girl's Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, Heinz's daughter," Luther informed.

"As far as the DJ, he's a total mystery," Wade said.

It was a mystery that had been short-lived, as the DJ told Kim, "What's all this 'Mister' about? Name's 'DJ Eggsy,' bruv! You know that!"

"I can't believe you hired this guy, Dad," Vanessa told Kim. Not a second after did she look at Perry and say, "Wait...Why is Perry here? Isn't this supposed to be a convention for all your 'evil scientist' buddies?"

Vanessa saw right through the platypus's disguise. Regardless, Kim played dumb (which is how she figured Doofenshmirtz to normally act). "I don't know what you mean, Vanessa," she said. "This isn't Perry the Platypus. It's Dr. Lloyd Wexler."

"Whatever," Vanessa scoffed, quick to move on from the conspiracy.


The car ride to the Institute of Technology in San Francisco could not have been more awkward with just Bond and Ethan sitting up front together in Bond's Aston Martin DB5 – Bond being the one behind the wheel, of course. Neither man said a word since leaving North Dakota; nothing between them but stiff silence and tension thick enough to cut with a knife.

Hunt only broke the ice when he asked Bond, "So...MI6...you wouldn't happen to have worked with Ilsa Faust on the field?"

"She was once part of the '00' program until she was decommissioned," Bond answered. "I never had a proper chance to be assigned with her."

His answer surprised Hunt. "What was she decommissioned for?"

"Betraying MI6 to a rogue American agent." Bond momentarily took his eyes off the road to glance wittingly at Ethan. "Any guesses as to who that might've been?" His question was only met with silence from the IMF agent, much to 007's amusement.

A few minutes later, the men arrived at the Institute.

They were greeted by the dean, Professor Grace Granville, who believed Hunt and Bond were scientists there to survey the students' projects. "We have many who have developed the most brilliant projects you'll ever see here at the Institute," Granville praised. "They've been fine-tuned under the careful tutelage of our two consultants."

Those consultants were Dr. Sara Bellum – a tall, raven-haired white canary scientist in a lab coat – and Edna Mode – a short, brash half-Japanese/half-German woman who Bond recognized as a world-renowned fashion designer and auteur. Both ladies hovered around a group of young upstarts. Hunt and Bond learned their names as Granville brought them to each of their work stations: Go-Go Tomago, Honey Lemon, and Wasabi.

There was one young man who was not a student at the Institute but a self-proclaimed "major science enthusiast." His name was Fred Frederickson.

"Of the Frederickson Estate?" Bond recognized.

"That's the one," Fred confirmed. "You must've heard of my dad – Mister Frederickson."

"Who hasn't?" Hunt remarked. "He's one of the biggest tycoons in America, if not the entire world."

"Yep, that's him," Fred proudly verified. "The big ol' typhoon himself!"

Bond and Hunt were lastly brought to the one student they were there for: Hiro Hamada. He worked in his own private lab away from the other students. As it turned out, this lab once belonged to his late brother, Tadashi.

Thankfully, Hiro hadn't recognized either Bond or Hunt when Granville introduced him – not that he would have, as he didn't cross paths with Bond that night at the investors' convention and Hunt was disguised as Krei.

After Granville departed to tend to other matters, Bond and Hunt got to know a little more about Hamada. Hunt's particular interest was directed towards a red, high-tech steel crate situated along one corner of the lab. "What's that?" he asked Hiro.

Noticing Hunt's attention on the crate, Hiro became very excited. "Oh! Wait 'til you guys see this!" He went to his workbench to retrieve a roll of duct tape, tearing off a strip that he applied to his forearm and hastily ripped off, leaving a blistering mark. "Ow!" he purposefully yelped, and as soon as he did, the red crate automatically opened itself, allowing an inflatable, computerized white robot to rise out of it.

"Hello," it greeted them. "I am Baymax – your personal healthcare companion."

Bond smirked upon seeing the big, puffy white robot. "Fancy toy," he observed.

"I am not a toy," Baymax unthinkingly clarified. "I am a personal healthcare companion."

"You're gonna be a whole lot more than that soon, Baymax," Hiro stated before revealing to Bond and Hunt, "I've been reprogramming him to assist me in solving the murder of my brother, Tadashi."

Bond and Hunt tensed up. "That...sounds a little dangerous, don't you think?" the latter inquired of the boy genius.

Hiro shot a fiery gaze on Hunt. "My brother died because someone that night at the convention was there to hurt Alastair Krei...and they ended up hurting Tadashi...hurting me!" Hamada approached Baymax, placing a hand against his inflatable vinyl covering. "Baymax is all I have left of him...he was the last thing Tadashi created before he died."

Bond and Hunt sympathized with Hamada, so much so that Bond was willing to break cover just to tell him, "Hiro, we're not really—"


007's confession was cut off by the commotion resounding from the adjacent room where all the other Institute students worked. Through the frosted glass walls, they detected the silhouettes of assassins that dropped in from the ceiling and stormed the Institute. One of them had glowing green hands.

"The League?" Hunt consulted with Bond.

"Who else would it be?" Bond already had his gun drawn.

Seeing him with it, Hiro was taken aback. "Whoa! Why do you have that? What kind of scientists are you guys?"

"Stay here, Hiro!" Ethan ordered, drawing his own concealed hand cannon.

The IMF and MI6 agents burst out of Hiro's private lab, guns blazing, forcing Shego and the League assassins to take cover. Dr. Bellum and Edna ducked at the work stations, along with the terrified Institute students. Bond and Hunt managed to pop off a few assassins before being ambushed by two from behind.

Thrown against separate work stations, they struggled atop the projects specifically designed by Go-Go and Honey Lemon.

The resourceful instincts of both Bond and Hunt kicked in.

Bond grabbed one of Go-Go's electromagnetic wheels, using its unimaginable speed and velocity to generate enough momentum to heat its edges and slice through the throat of his opponent, decapitating him. Bond threw the assassin's headless body off himself, leaving it thudding to the floor. He heard someone hurling nearby and turned to see Wasabi losing his lunch from witnessing Bond's defensive act, while Go-Go just coolly looked on. "This certainly qualifies an A+," 007 told her.

Meanwhile, Hunt's struggle with his assassin came to its own violent conclusion when he used two of Honey Lemon's "chem-balls" to create an explosive reaction when he slammed them against opposite sides of the assassin's head. The reaction encased it in a blue-and-red foam material that instantly hardened, suffocating him to death.

Seeing the gratuitous nature of which her underlings were vanquished, Shego saw no point in sticking around and made for the exit. However, her escape was cut off by an object that rocketed past her, striking the space around the exit and sealing it off with piles of rubble. Shego herself was knocked out cold from the impact of the explosion.

Looking to see where the rocket had come from, Hunt and Bond found Hiro out of his brother's lab and accompanied by Baymax, who was adorned in a massive red battle suit from which he fired the rocket that thwarted Shego's escape. "Oh, shit!" Hunt uttered as he got an eyeful of the robot that looked like a marshmallow minutes earlier.

"Well, you boys certainly made a mess of things around here!" They heard Dr. Bellum suddenly address them. "We had this well under the control before you and these League fat-heads showed up!"

Listening to her ranting, it wasn't too hard for Bond and Hunt to figure it out: "You were sent in by the Team."

"Yes, dahling, we were," Edna confirmed. "Now, would one of you gentlemen be so kind as to tie this woman up?" She gestured to the unconscious Shego. "There are some questions that I need to ask her." By the sadistic tone of her voice, Bond and Hunt guessed the questioning Edna had in mind would be less than professional.

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